Showing Posts For Seed.5714:
New job, sorry commander ^^.
@ Nemesys
Here the video " " of our 30+ raid fleeing away from you, Good watching ( can’t remember when this MU was though)
(edited by Seed.5714)
Looking forward to meet pikels guild again on my day off work, See ya on the battlefield
thank you all for the nice fights this week. We enjoyed the time exept of the hard lags this week -.-
Gandara got some good Guilds like WvW or Dius.
Augury… hm i dont know… not sure if we ever met a real guildzerg from auguryBut nvm.
Greetings from EoW
We had a nice Time
normal we don’t like this style of play.. zerging bUrk
Ohh I can see me death on your video O_o I thought I felt from the cliffside and got hit by the Kodash Bus, oh noh sorry truk,
A no sorry, I am stupid I see all red ^^ you are from gandara and you are 13 so is a mini van not a bus nor a truk. your recruting didn’t work ? ;p but you still look fatter
finito I didn’t understand what you were saying, but i can guess that you will tab me ? no matter what, we re outnumbered and will try to kill you on sight every time we see you guys :p
Hope to fin the Lag again though
anf for dius and yak sorry we can’t fight you gathered you are too much but hopefully we find you for some good fight splited ^^.
New work for me I can’t play prime time as much as before, but next week I ll have a few night off and with pikken and there roam guild is gonna be much better than vs Kodash. So i pray for some great RvR next week and some open air
I have a question for the dev,
Why do we have to redo all the rank 5 mastery (economy, politic, WvW) in guild?
cause we had them already… now we have to remake them and is 20 000 point already spent in the past for that…
just roam and scout omg is the best update with have for WvWvW so far don’t try to whine to touch it…
Not really fun night with 5-7 [Gnou] on Kodash, But one or two good fight against [Lag] from gandara shame it was shaded by the [XxX] Bus, but we believe you were never far from them anyway.
For when the absorbtion to swell they roster up and steam roll our 30+, and all the zerg format ? :p
what about ppl like me who have been micro rolled backed on good mf gamble outcome… I feel like kitten now really hopefully it wasn’t a precursor or i would have cry my tears out
code: 7:11:3:189:101 same… cost dc every 5-10 seconds I repeat it rollled back good outcome from mf….
I had same issue, and rolled back over good mf gamble outcome.. now I am in lost can you do a general roll back at least so we can get back our goods before everything happend.
I have noticed an increase in childish behaviour over the last few days. I am an average player at best, so when I die it’s no biggie :-P
But recently I have been killed by a player/players and had them jump up and down on my corpse/laugh/dance as if they had won the world cup or beaten Chuck Norris!
For the kiddies doing this… WoW is that way —-——>
I have seen a few people from kodash do that, specially a few thief.. I wonder if they are really proud..
I am also sad to see that this guild are still in activity on gandara side [TuAF] turkish air force, in this guild poeple are fly hacking in WvW, they were doing it last match up and still the same now, I don’t even want to know what else they are doing.
For us strange start of evening at 2 vs 2 war + mesmer against 2 elem D/D and the [XxX] who stand and watch wihtout adding^^ thanks for that. then few fight against [xXx] in front of tp with us 2 and [PrD] then [tohu]
Good evening for the rest of it in Kodash BL, when all of us poped. good fight against gandara side [CnTK] [OS]
Is always better to fight you guys than Kodash Zerg
we saw [XxX] once in Garnisson then no more on the map.
How many are you now ? 15 ? 20? you look different than last MU.
Will simple enough, kodash are hidding in their bunker, and just get out in massif zerg to take tower before the timer i guess, and baruch is 40+ solo or nothing, for a guild Like us with 12 actif, and no game mechanic to help us, it get boringl quiet quickly, hopefully we see some baruche in open, some time… At less then 40
And loseros i did´nt feli offenced, i just tought, are they happy to roll on people 4times less their size, or they are stupid, finally i remembrer ou were spanish ^^.
For my Pov i hope we go back in d4/5 more guild roaming at 10/15 less zerg clipping. Fight more fun
expect the mono bus and the few solo, this match up is unexciting..
is 40+ or nothing, and thanks to those guild who dance/laugh on our idl 10 body after rolling at 40+. we know why you skill lvl is so fat
Ps: I need to say that for my man Seed, you must know the sense of the word “sarcasm”.
Did you use any sarcasme ? So you thought the opposite of what you wrote in all your post ? I am glad, you like me finally :p
Really good to fight all of you from Gandara, even XxX ^^.
About my little taunt, don’t get mad guys.
I hope to catch you next time, as we say in french “c’est de bonne guerre”
Is a shame we didn’t met Dius though, it would be for next time guys.
Ps: I need to say that for Naero coz I feel the need to educate:
You must know the sense of the word “allegory”.
So now, you know how I can use “Steroid” as someone who want to get bigger for a guild who want to recruit to be bigger. and is not very difficult. hope you understand this time cause is not fun if I have to explain all my taunt..
Sur ce, bon vent.
Just wanted to add CNTK had max number of 17 online yesterday. A very smallish bus I believe.
no idea how many, but I reckon few PU with them ^^
I do my game, I enjoy it, but it seem few people need some steroid to keep going
This doesn’t even make sense to me. But nice try, keep going dude.
@for the others
I can see that my pull taunt works ^^,
so many angry manwe know why
Lol, you’ve clearly never seen an angry italian
You’re just annoying, but you know, you don’t get “angry” with mosquitos, you just slap them when they’re aroundNice forum skills anyway mate!
we know why…
you need to answer..
I can’t see any question here. What should i answer?
Passive-aggressive much dude?
Ok cause you seem of bad faith too, I ll be a little bit generous and I point you what you seem to don’t understand.
You need to think out of the box, when I use steroid it doesn’t make sense for you.
People who takes steroid need to be bigger, You see where I am going ? I let you think
Bigger Better.. read the answer of your GM to help you
“Seed.5714” just a question…did you enjoy the fight yesterday?
Did you enjoy your face in the mud? good man…good.
Didn’t see this ^^,
well I didn’t have time to enjoyed it was to short, I saw you once, and you jumped with you 13 man (lol ok 12 angry man to be fare) in our seven man squad.
I hope you didn’t trash this video.. you can be proud
I do my game, I enjoy it, but it seem few people need some steroid to keep going
This doesn’t even make sense to me. But nice try, keep going dude.
@for the others
I can see that my pull taunt works ^^,
so many angry manwe know why
Lol, you’ve clearly never seen an angry italian
You’re just annoying, but you know, you don’t get “angry” with mosquitos, you just slap them when they’re aroundNice forum skills anyway mate!
we know why…
you need to answer..
you started recruiting ? ah no I forgot you roam always with 10-13 man ^^.
i think u have really some problem, we have tons of video look all of them and count how many we are from blacktide,gandara,augury rock,and far shiverpeack,2 day ago a guild of friend merged with us,now yes we are a bit more,and why we are a bit more?we are bored to be zerged from 40 man guild zerg always,10 man CANT kill a guild group so big but 20 can.Now pls do your game and shut up,now stop post useless thing on a match up post.
I do my game, I enjoy it, but it seem few people need some steroid to keep going, and btw I ll keep speaking (who are you to tell me to shut up)I didn’t ask you permission, and you post is very useful and fuel of wisdom btw…
and I don’t need to check your video, I know exactly how you play.
(edited by Seed.5714)
The [SN] I think you were afk when we found you, your 5-6 man against our 6-7 of us.
That was you? I think we were stood between Garrison and Arah, we were just chattin in /say and havin a bit of fun whilst waiting for folks to get to us and well…. BAM hit by a truck from behind. :P Was SN and a couple of Smug
it hurt big style although I suppose it was pay back for moments earlier
yes I saw lol you didn’t move when we came till the impact but at this point I saw only 5-6 SN the smug was bit before or later cannot remember now and just when we finished with you we got zerged by the CnTK bus.. was fun but not too long O_o
@for the others
I can see that my pull taunt works ^^,
so many angry man
we know why
(edited by Seed.5714)
Not a really good evening for us yesterday, small group vs good team on Gandara, I reckon one [CntK], but there were a lot ^^. finally with had a small revenge with the PU in front of garrison on RA.
The [SN] I think you were afk when we found you, your 5-6 man against our 6-7 of us.
Map looking very empty.
too bad ldf prefer zergs and inc us always instead of play(and they are more than us without other guild) or inc us when we are fighting other 40 enemy,but dont worry we come back again and kill u all as usual.
you started recruiting ? ah no I forgot you roam always with 10-13 man ^^.
Comedia del arte. we know why
(edited by Seed.5714)
Thanks Seed, we are improving a lot lately!
The tonic is barely used by our guild and i honestly don’t see the need to hide the reason for using it either. So i’ll explain why WE us it. It’s simply to make it easyer for the group to follow the leader/frontline. Sure, the red mark works but this makes it even easyer. That’s all!
There is another small reason, but that only applies when you face enemy groups that know your guild (and armor skins) very well. They will try to kill your leader to heavily disorganise your group. So using the potions on all your frontline makes it harder for them to do this. But it’s really not needed in this tier.
Culling, a special skill or anything like that is not and has never been the reason for using this potion. There is nothing unfair about using it. I just wanna make that clear.
Thanks for you answer, It was my first thought: using as a beacon because of the poor Group/UI system, and the blop of all the game particle effect, who make it very difficult to see ^^
Before I thought it was generating an heavy clipping when using it a lot. because dying from nowhere and seeing 5-10 guys appearing around me as ghost ^^.
anyway thanks for the answer.
Our raid is bit off finally this week, (irl, car broken, Sickness,..) but you ll see a few of us still on to fight in group size ^^
well I don’t know the utility, i guess I ll try out if there is a speed buff or an auto rez or something wierd like that -_-
so what is it for ? this potion with no skill bar..
you re falling dawn in my esteem
edit just read that this one “Potion? Of Ascalonian Mages” keep the skill bar, but still don’t why is use for apart of a beacon in the blop..
(edited by Seed.5714)
Awesome video mate, you guys really rocks ^^, finally a real10-15 man guild capable of something wihtout abusing the system.. clipping..
And you are not using wierd tactic like some( I would not point anyone) with PvE potion in WvWvW..
Respect Again
already copy past the video link to share it to my guildies ^^
really respect again.. more should take you as example ^^
congratz finish, I hope we met you before the end of the match up ^^
HS: BtW apparently there is a TAG [TE] something turkish elite using speed hacking in gandara playing thief.. someone just tell me that>> Bane them Anet ^^
(edited by Seed.5714)
@Seed: its easy to understand what ur typing and i think its pretty cute lol
^^ <3 ^^ I am cute I know ^^
Nice video Luranni,
I didn’t know the doylak had a queen ^^ or a goddess I might say ^^
We do not play during the day, you know work, wife, irl thing,etc
We “gnou” are A kind of marginal casu in AR, we just play for fun roaming and specially not Zerging with our 12 man squad ( i said 14 before, cause we got some papy ultra casu in the guild^^) and our prime usually start very late, Like 21h30 22h till midnight 1 in the morning.
But i hope we ll get thé chance to fight you ^^ before the ens of thé match up.
Ps: sry for thé syntax of all my post.. I m not as good as my Roux for writing..
(edited by Seed.5714)
A big Hello to BLAK and BH from Augury Rock. Dius had great fun fighting you guys with our meager 20 people! (Meager in comparison to what you guys were throwing at us! ;P)
Might be a wash out, but fun smashing faces for the week!
We d love to see you in open this week catch you on thé field
i would like to see that video, cause i see SN here, SN there and i dont remember any of this…. im getting old i think
Lol, i Like you Man. ^^
u ll see son enough :p, i m not sûre about thé 2sn but i trust my roux commander ^^ and definitly a few CA. I don’t know Who they are tough but they were à few taged CA
And i have report That the clipping is gone, what a great news, finally we will see our ennemies and ultimatly what we hit^^
No rvr for us tonight coz of thé patch, we ll see you on thé field tomorow
(edited by Seed.5714)
i dont said we dont enjoyed it,i only said how ppl can enjoy kill 12/13 ppl with 30+
now u can continue talk how much u want i prefer play in game not on a forum,bye.
I agree that there is a lot of zerg but I am not part of it ^^
and the lolilol crap is just because I was so lol, after the answer of nemesys that I didn’t know how to express it.
and fufu is fufu m8 is the technic of invisibility..
and btw my first post is not aggressive at all , is call an easy taunt.. and I said we enjoyed the fight, hope was the same on the opposite side but apparently not..
(edited by Seed.5714)
well for me 30+ gnou = over 30 gnou lolilol and + pug mean + pug
so is even more insane lol you said that we were 30+ I don’t know AR i guess, our 10 gnou ( cause we were 10 last night) +PUG who should be include into the 30 ???
and I never said same number.. I said you outnumber us at begining.. and we killed your pug CA, SN don’t now the rest.. I ll send you the video by PM when My master Frapyvegas has done it.. so you can see by yourself the difference in video arbitration…
cause you seem to forgot quickly whatever you don’t roll steam on
and where is the fun to zerg 13 of us with 30+ gnou+pug?
Hahaha, Is the first time Someone is accusing Gnou of zerging LoL.. so for you we were 30+ GNou+ some PU. LoL
I reckon we had some PU who were following us in this fight, but is more like 4-5 max and we do not play we Commandant token.. to avoid that..
I will say “Go back to school for math lesson, or buy some glasses m8.
You seem to see triple.”
And shame on you to have trashed the video..(wanted to see your POV) hopefully for us we have the record COMING SOON lol.. 30 gnou lol we are max 14 but usually 7-12..
I had a good laugh there but it wasn’t the first when reading your post.
i tryed many time to inc u without all the pug but always u all fled and i repeat we roam with 10man always and sometimes we are bit more,
LOOOL, You really of bad faith m8… you come and try a INC in fufu, clipping..
it didn’t work with us.. you fled and try again.. And i stopped counting after 5 times you tried that..
lol we fled.. xD you think we gonna wait quietly packed that you inc us to have you 2 second of fame.. with you fufu technic.. lolilol xD
After month of game i really dont undertand why many BIG guild continue say “yeah was fun fight” and they were 30 40,the fun thing is kill 30 40 ppl with 10 not otherwise.
First of all, we are not a big guild, as I said before.. we only 14 max..
and yeah It was a fun fight trying to chase you after all you push and fled back and try to inc us again in FUFU… I hoped you had enjoyed it.. and I wanted to see in video your perspective of the combat.. but you trashed it.. shame on you
You said you were 13.. so bad faith m8 proof in video.. ( I am waiting for it) but I can remember 2 SN + the CA.. you clearly outnumber us at the beginning.. but with you corrida and you back fufu you loosed all you PU support until it was only your team standing ready for extinction>> on the bridge.
Is lame to use pve potion (with nô skill bar) in wvwvw.. Specially to generate clipping Like rg, to have à shaDow inc….
you didn’t even bother to answer that lol..
Anyway.. there is still a few days for this match up.. and we are going to chase you
see you on the field tonight
Anyway.. there is still a few days for this match up.. and we are going to chase you
see you on the field tonight
Ahh XxX was good for me to wait 2h30 in queue to enter wvwvw and fight you or i may need to use chase you ^^. Was fun and we finaly got you.
If you were recording, it would be awsome to share this fight.
Week is just starting for us, i hope we catch you again on the open
Just one thing.. Is lame to use pve potion (with nô skill bar) in wvwvw.. Specially to generate clipping Like rg, to have à shaDow inc….
Was pretty impressive. Poorly played by the other side though :| Letting you guys choke point them instead of an ‘all-in’ push.
People are scare of culling lol if they rush they are not sure they have 50 more ennemies hidding by the clipping
Hi everyone,
I have a few question for community and Dev
The first one is about the recent increase in WvWvW of guild using metaphoric potion like those one, Fiery tonic, Ghostly Tonic.
Does it has any use in WvWvW ?
The only one I can think is:
Because at the moment there is no real assist tools, group tools (see last ¶) in the game and with all the particle effect storming everywhere in a fight, It becomes very confusing to see anything and find someone.
So I guess is used as an anchor for the group. Isn’t it ?
Ps: I may be wrong but I use in my thread
-Culling: for Gathering of players
-Clipping: for the effect not to see other players
But I Think it also generate a greater clipping with the rendering effect of those potion, I may be wrong, but I like the point of view of Gw2 Developer.
Also, Little or minimum config RAM makes the rendering of the character insane for the clipping, it takes longer as “normal” clipping to appear on the screen…
One other thing, with the culling, people can be down in the flash of a second.
Is it intended by ANET ?
I know there is no bodyblock but it may be a solution against culling/gathering of 50-100 people on 2 squares meters.
I think it was a mistake to make the effect of AOE and Healing have a threshold of 5 while other like share of Boon, Invisibility are unlimited.
I also suspect the Invisibility to generate a longer clipping. Can you confirm this ?
Is even more difficult, nearly impossible for little group of player 5-15 to fight in WvWvW against larger gathering(culling)of people 30-40 and over.
I said to fight no to win and by fight, I mean the condition of fighting.
I am not sure about the following but if you scale down the limit of AOE why not also scale down the limit of hit/s to 5. I think it would make it more balanced and even.
Because at the moment my life expectancy in a WvWvW fight is 1s/2s due to Culling, clipping and being hit sometimes at most 44 times in a seconde…
I would like to share some video for the dev and ask them if they are planning to leave it untouched or they thinking of something.
Those video come from youtube and free to view from different people and guild.
This one is for the Clipping ( I know you are working on this one, but I put it just for fact and reference)
Ghostly/fiery Tonic + culling
Turtle Aka mega culling/clipping
Edit: I was looking for this one(they re like pillar they don’t even use dodge, w,a,s,d)
In my opinion, the lack of group tool is a subject to BE PRIORITIZE in the developer Agenda.
Why: The way the group tools (Describe next)are dispatched make people gather in short space. It is call culling and the culling generate the clipping.
Heal/buff: Atm there are completely random in a short area and limited to 5 >> cause culling to be able to give/share healing/buff
If you can make it group only in a larger area lets says 600 it would be easier to share those and lesser culling may be( but in fact player always abuse the easy way I know, aka culling possible solution BODY BLOCK)
If you have watched the video.
GW2 is becoming " who has the bigger". 30+ peoples gather/stack on each other to be able to receive healing, buff in permanence.
They only use 2 skills per weapon because the 1 is spam able(no CD)and does more damage than the other skills. and all the tools because (the tools are the + of GW2
Finally the only option you have for 10/15 player en less in RvR is to avoid those gathering of player or is back Warcamp. But this style of game is becoming popular and find mostly( not only) group like those one in Open WvWvW nowadays and it becomes difficult to find attractive fight
Hs: Btw would it be possible in a near future to have more spell/action per weapon customizable.
Is good to want to add more weapon, but the fact that the weapon has its own 5 spells unmovable and unchangeable make it a bit boring after some time. If you add like 3 spell/action adjustable per slot 1(1,2,3)2(1,2,3)3(1,2,3), etc etc We will see a variety of people using the same weapon but different skill and may be the all 5 bouton ( I know is a lot for certain ppl)
(edited by Seed.5714)
Should I cut this thread in two ? One for suggestion and one for the question I ask for WvWvW ?
Hi everyone,
I have a few question for community and Dev
The first one is about the recent increase in WvWvW of guild using metaphoric potion like those one, Fiery tonic, Ghostly Tonic.
Does it has any use in WvWvW ?
The only one I can think is:
Because at the moment there is no real assist tools, group tools (see last ¶) in the game and with all the particle effect storming everywhere in a fight, It becomes very confusing to see anything and find someone.
So I guess is used as an anchor for the group. Isn’t it ?
Ps: I may be wrong but I use in my thread
-Culling: for Gathering of players
-Clipping: for the effect not to see other players
But I Think it also generate a greater clipping with the rendering effect of those potion, I may be wrong, but I like the point of view of Gw2 Developer.
Also, Little or minimum config RAM makes the rendering of the character insane for the clipping, it takes longer as “normal” clipping to appear on the screen…
One other thing, with the culling, people can be down in the flash of a second.
Is it intended by ANET ?
I know there is no bodyblock but it may be a solution against culling/gathering of 50-100 people on 2 squares meters.
I think it was a mistake to make the effect of AOE and Healing have a threshold of 5 while other like share of Boon, Invisibility are unlimited.
I also suspect the Invisibility to generate a longer clipping. Can you confirm this ?
Is even more difficult, nearly impossible for little group of player 5-15 to fight in WvWvW against larger gathering(culling)of people 30-40 and over.
I said to fight no to win and by fight, I mean the condition of fighting.
I am not sure about the following but if you scale down the limit of AOE why not also scale down the limit of hit/s to 5. I think it would make it more balanced and even.
Because at the moment my life expectancy in a WvWvW fight is 1s/2s due to Culling, clipping and being hit sometimes at most 44 times in a seconde…
I would like to share some video for the dev and ask them if they are planning to leave it untouched or they thinking of something.
Those video come from youtube and free to view from different people and guild.
This one is for the Clipping ( I know you are working on this one, but I put it just for fact and reference)
Ghostly/fiery Tonic + culling
Turtle Aka mega culling/clipping
Edit: I was looking for this one(they re like pillar they don’t even use dodge, w,a,s,d)
In my opinion, the lack of group tool is a subject to BE PRIORITIZE in the developer Agenda.
Why: The way the group tools (Describe next)are dispatched make people gather in short space. It is call culling and the culling generate the clipping.
Heal/buff: Atm there are completely random in a short area and limited to 5 >> cause culling to be able to give/share healing/buff
If you can make it group only in a larger area lets says 600 it would be easier to share those and lesser culling may be( but in fact player always abuse the easy way I know, aka culling possible solution BODY BLOCK)
If you have watched the video.
GW2 is becoming " who has the bigger". 30+ peoples gather/stack on each other to be able to receive healing, buff in permanence.
They only use 2 skills per weapon because the 1 is spam able(no CD)and does more damage than the other skills. and all the tools because (the tools are the + of GW2
Finally the only option you have for 10/15 player en less in RvR is to avoid those gathering of player or is back Warcamp. But this style of game is becoming popular and find mostly( not only) group like those one in Open WvWvW nowadays and it becomes difficult to find attractive fight
Hs: Btw would it be possible in a near future to have more spell/action per weapon customizable.
Is good to want to add more weapon, but the fact that the weapon has its own 5 spells unmovable and unchangeable make it a bit boring after some time. If you add like 3 spell/action adjustable per slot 1(1,2,3)2(1,2,3)3(1,2,3), etc etc We will see a variety of people using the same weapon but different skill and may be the all 5 bouton ( I know is a lot for certain ppl)
(edited by Seed.5714)
is the sigil of rage the only one with 45s, I may have heard that and confuse a internal GCD of 45s for all
Ok I understand know only one sigil can be activated at a time with a specific GCD.
Thanks for the help even if my question were a mess in my confusing mind over this topic.
(edited by Seed.5714)
Yeah, I can see how is confusing lol..
Thanks for the info anyway
So when the critic one is activated, during the 10s CD the battle cannot be activated and gain the boon of attunement swap.
We have 10s for the CD, is the GCD the same or longer ?
For the life stealing on critic the CD is 2s.
Is it working at 2s CD before the a weapon swap can be activated ? or there is the same 10sGCD or there is a longer GCD?
No Idea anyone ?
about the point is not like that
is 21(21,16) precision at lvl 80 gives 1% critic
Hi all,
Is a general question about the GCD of the sigil, is not specific only to elem but I want to ask the elem
I have heard that the sigil whom are activated on weapon swap share the same GCD with the sigil whom proc on critic(10s CD). ( steal live 2s CD) and something like 40s intern GCD
So if one proc on critic the other can not give the boon on attenument swap before the end of the GCD
Anyone can confirm ? and what are the Intern GCD of those sigil.
Weapon swap
Proc % critique
So is presumably the first explanation who is correct cause we can gain the other via combo. it makes sense
You see significant results at 23/41/70/92 %
how do you know that ?
is not 25% 33% 50%.. ?
You need 6 Superior Rune[s] of the Earth and to be at -20 health, loose 40%boon duration from the set monk/water don’t think s worth it
you are probably right.
anyone has tried applying with over 100% boon duration, if yes what are the result but firstly can we go over 100% or is the limit ?