Showing Posts For Shadow.1059:

Please give us a way to talk to our enemies

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadow.1059


Agreed, with the OP.

I really do not see why people are so scared to communicate. Like many people have said before, if you are so scared of the words people might say to you, then the option to keep communication off would be suitable. Even if there was no option, you can very simply ignore the person messaging you.

Also, I must ask, why are you so scared?

Condition removal sigil

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadow.1059


Is there any hope for adding a sigil that removes a condition on weapon swap? I am surprised this doesn’t already exist.

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadow.1059


Agreed, the downed state seriously needs to be fixed.
What’s wrong with the downed state?
- It seriously limits higher skilled players from taking on multiple opponents at once, as all they have to do when you kill someone, is run up and press F.

- It gives a huge advantage to the players with a higher quantity of people.

- Makes zerg vs zergs even more dependent on pure numbers and not skill.

It doesn’t have to be removed, even a few changes would help fix it.
Some possible solutions:
- Limit the maximum amount of people able to revive a person to one.

- Make it so the revive is interrupted by damage.

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Shadow.1059


When you cast ride the lightning while you are immobilized, you will stay as the form of lightning for the entire cast time, in the same place, unable to cast any spells, even if the immobilization only had .1 seconds left, you will remain in a stunned state for the entire duration of ride the lightning, even worse than the immobilization state. This is a situation that causes your own spell to disable yourself. This is a very serious issue with ride the lightning.
But knowing Anet, this issue will probably never be fixed, or even addressed.

Additionally, there is still no word on the issue with cripples and slows affecting magnetic grasp and burning speed, even though Anet claimed to be working on a solution 2 months ago?

Could we get a reply to these issues?

Superior Sigil of Energy no longer working on attunement change…not sure when this started, but I’m guessing it was last patch because I just noticed it…not sure if this is the same for any other sigils that are “on weapon swap” based….but I was under the impression staff eles were supposed to be able to use them when changing attunements.

Superior Sigil of Energy is working for me with D/D.

(edited by Shadow.1059)

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Shadow.1059


When will you fix cripples affecting magnetic grasp and burning speed? You guys said this would be fixed soon 2 months ago.

More Elementalist bugs!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shadow.1059


Ride the lightening now also glitches backwards at the ending of the cast.

More Elementalist bugs!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shadow.1059


Ride the lightening, mist form and the tornado elite now removes all traits when you use them.

The water trait that reduces all cantrips cooldowns by 20% is still broken, as mist form is still unaffected by it. Even though you claimed to have fixed this last patch, months later, it is still not fixed.

I really hope it does not take you months to fix this new rtl, mist form and tornado problem, as it is a very serious bug.

Transform skills - health bug 3/12/12.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shadow.1059


I wonder how many months this will take to fix?

Glyph of elementals extremely bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shadow.1059


The cool-down on glyph of elementals gets reset once the element dies. Why has this not been mentioned before?
It cannot be intentional, because Summon Druid Spirit (the Sylvari passive) does not reset its cool-down once it dies.

Remove Fight to Survive from WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadow.1059


Well I think the worst downstate skill are :

Engineer, Necro and Ranger ( Ranger I just heard of, didn’t play them, but I know when I down a Ranger it will be easy to finish off)

Engineer : Pull skill, rarely useful. Single person interrupt. the 3 skill is nice, but it have the same effect then guardian instant #2, with a bit more damage. It’s not that it’s so bad, it’s that others have so much better.#1 does minimal damage, tho it has some nice debuf.

Necro : Only one interrupt, a 1 second fear (Btw if you take the AoE fear traits on downed stats, it sometime make #2 downtate fear goes on cooldown for no reason?(and sometime it doesnt work at all)) with casting time on a single person. #3 damage got buffed, but it still only poison people. You rarely get to use it, and when you do I would personnaly prefer something to cancel/dodge finisher. #1 is a fast hitting life leeching attack. It’s not that bad, but it won’t save you, except in pve. I have to say that #1 and #3 damage got buffed, but they are still subpar since we only have 1 interrupt.

Ranger : Pet can rez, but I don’t know much.

Elemental got buffed and got there #2 as mist form, a really annoying skill.

I thought Anet would nerf downstate skill, since I don’t think it should be as strong as Thief,Mesmer,Warrior and Guardian abilities. They should nerf it to necro/engineer/ranger level. But last patch, they chose to buff Elem/necro downed. Weird choice.

You can hardly think of the elementalist downed state change as a buff. Elementalist easily has the worst downed state. They can turn into mist for one second, it has a 20 second cooldown, which basically means that it can only be used once. It is simply like a teleport that is slower and tells people where you are going.

Remove Fight to Survive from WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadow.1059


I would be okay with removing downed state if some classes had their damage output severely reduced. Going from full health to downed in under 3 seconds is ludicrous if you can’t revive a teammate.

Are you playing WvW as a level one? Either that, or you are severely lacking skill to be dying in under 3 seconds from one person. Even if you are getting one shot, do you really think fight to survive is going to save you from this?

so what is it then?? fight to survive help or not?? make up your mind

btw thief can kill someone pretty quickly especially with the current rendering/culling issue.

just be more clever about who you attack and more savvy when choosing the moment to do so.

You seem confused. It appears as though you have trouble comprehending a perfectly coherent sentence. Just for you, I will elaborate a bit more; if you dying in under 3 seconds from someone, you are now in fight to survive mode with severely limited spells and movement, if any at all, depending on which class you are; how will fight to survive save you from dying in under 3 seconds? It won’t. With or without fight to survive, you will still die in the same amount of time, and fight to survive will not save you; unless you are with an overcrowded group of people, in which you should not have died from one person in the first place.

Asking a question and stating facts is completely different from attacking someone.

(edited by Shadow.1059)

Remove Fight to Survive from WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadow.1059


Downed state does nothing for the “team” game, all it does is heavily favour numbers over skill.

The side with the greater numbers always wins in an open-field standoff, simply through greater capacity for rezzing.

It sucks.

Rezzing ought to break on any form of damage in PVP zones. That would fix it without being overly punitive.

I agree,

Downed state is incredibly frustrating and imo game-breaking in WvW. It changes the entire dynamic of combat and further favors zerging over anything else.

While I generally dislike the mechanic in PvP having the healing break on damage would fix most of the issues I have with it.

Something needs to be done about it. Having the healing break on damage would also be good.

Remove Fight to Survive from WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadow.1059


I would be okay with removing downed state if some classes had their damage output severely reduced. Going from full health to downed in under 3 seconds is ludicrous if you can’t revive a teammate.

Are you playing WvW as a level one? Either that, or you are severely lacking skill to be dying in under 3 seconds from one person. Even if you are getting one shot, do you really think fight to survive is going to save you from this?

Remove Fight to Survive from WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadow.1059


cant you just lower the revive rate and cap revivers at 1

Yes, this is another possible solution; only allow one person to be reviving at a time, and significantly reduce healing while in combat.

Remove Fight to Survive from WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadow.1059


If you can’t deal with it then I don’t think you’re exactly higher skilled. Really skilled players would be able to adapt and learn how to deal with the problem.

Who said I can’t deal with it? It is not about dealing with it, it is about balancing it. You clearly can’t read.

Remove Fight to Survive from WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadow.1059


uhm… it’s a team game? Also, do you really want a thief bursting you down in 3 secs just after you finally got to that supply camp you all the way across the map you wanted to take? You can interrupt the revive just as easily as the stomp. Anet built this game so that burst can happen VERY quickly. As a result, the “fight to survive” is necessary so battles wont seem too one-sided when the numbers start adding up.

That is the most illogical argument I have ever read in my entire life. If a thief bursts you down in 3 seconds, do you really think fight to survive will save you? No, unless you are with a big group of people, then it will only delay you running back to the supply camp; and if you are with big group of people and you still die in 3 seconds from one person, then it is obviously a user error. I do not believe Anet input fight to survive because they “built this game so that burst can happen VERY quickly.” If you are getting one shot by someone, what makes you think fight to survive is going to save you? The only thing this is going to do is limit higher skilled players from defeating multiple opponents at once.
“so battles wont seem too one-sided when the numbers start adding up.”
This makes absolutely no sense at all. This makes balance worse. The higher quantity of people have an even greater advantage against the lower quantity, simply because it is more easy for them to revive players. I have no idea what you were thinking when you wrote this.

(edited by Shadow.1059)

Remove Fight to Survive from WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadow.1059


The Fight to Survive mechanism seems good for PvE; however, this should not be available in WvW.

It nearly eliminates the possibility of higher skilled players taking on multiple opponents at once. You have finally defeated one of them, and now the allies of this player can oh so simply run up press F, and wow, now they are back alive! It is quite easy to interrupt the “finishing” mechanic of a player, especially when you are outnumbered.

A mechanism like this should not be allowed in a PvP environment like WvW.