(edited by Shasha.2548)
Showing Posts For Shasha.2548:
I edit, but you have the point: isnt the place for this.
(edited by Shasha.2548)
Nearly all gemstore is P2W, stop try to deny it. Basicly, it is cause gemstore give you something for real money. Convert gold > gem didnt change anything, its only the fature for let us “play how we want”.
The point is : P2W is limited for no-direct advantage for exclusive content. The only question you have to ask is “If i do something in the game, this thing give me advantage or not ?” This pickaxe, the answer is yes. Then its over the limit.
The second main point its : Can we called this a vertical progression in permanent tools ? Its yes too.
Now, you can accept it or want to stop it.
(edited by Shasha.2548)
Maybe she come from the future, cause she never go away from her golem, she know my norn want to step in, for sure.
Not sure trader’s forum would have the most. You can travel to LA for free via heart of the mists from anywhere on the map. From inside LA map travel is free.
I’m sure only me count for 10player who use that.
Anyone tried squeezing an answer from them on Twitter?
I want to ask the same for reddit ? I dont have account and never use it personaly(only read some link), so…
I dont want to speak for everyone, so i link a related important topic about this new Infinite Gathering Tools.
As you can see here, lot of player are against that and considere its a very bad moove for some good reason, and that need some fix. Lot of discuss and proposal actualy on-going in the topic. (Basicly, a bonus we cant find out of gemstore isnt welcome at all. Same for a vertical progression in permanent gemstore tools.)
Its really a big issues if you read that and all related topic.
I dont actualy know where is the right place for this, here, or in this other topic, then sorry if i made a mistake for link that in the wrong place.
Sorry for my bad english.
(edited by Shasha.2548)
I argue this, yes, but if possible i dont want another thread only focused on this :/
Someone really care about this boost ? I think they can just delete it and let this pickaxe without.. Unlimited + skin…
I’m sure lot of people dont want that type of boost at all, in that way (gemstore) i main…
But i’m not sure some people care about some sprocket bonus at the start…
(edited by Shasha.2548)
I think “micro-CDI” can be good.
A more focused topic, for one (or 2 or 3, not realy the problem) question the dev have to respond in their actual process.
Actual CDI are good, but, maybe this can be good too, at dev initiative.
@Tobias Trueflight
Sorry for misunderstanding then.
For those who’s blind : in fact we have lot of “P2W” item in gemstore.
BUT, for someone who never open gemstore, its a bonus he cant find anywhere. Isnt cosmetic or convenience, its a direct effective bonus.
(edited by Shasha.2548)
I’m excited for the pick that gives me free ectos.
It’s obtained via the following:
- Waypoint to Blazeridge Steppes; Lowland Burns.
- Wait for the Shatterer.
- Stand to his right and autoattack.
- Collect your bonus chest for the day.
- Salvage the rare item inside with a Master Salvage Kit.
- Congratulations, free ecto in five minutes. Now on to SB, Fire Elemental, Golem, Flame Shaman, Svanir Chief, and Melandru.
So no problem if the axe give me precursor, cause boss can drop it ?
The question isnt if we can obtained sprocket in other way, or whataver you want. But a pickaxe with this bonus.
Lots of WB didnt drop loot at all.
(edited by Shasha.2548)
But then this would be the most optimal way to play the game, and people flock to the most optimal way to achieve money. The reason behind limiting it is so that you get the great reward but then repeating the same event during that 24 hour period does not reward the bonus chest. There has to be a near middle ground, and for that it is to limit the reward for each WB per day.
You have totaly right. But, you know, delete all reward isnt the only one way for balancing this.
Just give the basic chest, with less loot maybe, is possible.
Isnt about “buff of reward” (the first time) or something like this.
BUT, in fact it is : if we do some event/boss, like all WB for a second time, with the same character, we have NOTHING.Its the point.
If its how i want to play, then no, i’m not rewarded for how i want to play. You dont have to know why i dont care of the “character bound” chest but still, for exemple : when i do tequatl for the second time, if we need comander, i have to play my warrior, no choice. But if its the second time, totaly no reward. Just one example.
I’m ok for a part of reward in daily, acount bound or character bound, but not ALL the reward. If you think player start to farm this like a bot, then nerf the “all time reward”(and the champfarm in the same moove…), but dont delete it.
I know for some event reward isnt the main goal (Lot of time cause reward is unbalanced, beter run COF p1+p2 than fractal 49,beter farm little WB than tequatl/worm), but, totaly nothing the second time ? seriously ?
I dont wake up now, I know isnt new, but I’m bored… I dont like farm, to choose what I’m going to do, I ask myself : “what I want to do ?”, not “What i already did ?” or “Wich one have the best reward ?” so I’m complaining not because of less rewards, but because of ‘nothing’ Its crap…
Yes, specialy the 2 or 3 first week.
I think now tequatl is not that bad, cause we can beat him with less difficult/time consuming, but still, my world for a token system.
(edited by Shasha.2548)
After our second kill I took screenies to demonstrate the difference between Wurm and Tequatl Loot. I think the picture is self explanatory. Basic differences:
1. 2 champ bags vs 4 champ bags
2. No karma pots from wurm.
3. A lot less items from wurm “physical” chest
4. 20 item pool vs nearly 50 item pool
5. 3 rare items from both (or one mini or ascended chest if you’re lucky)Comments?
Bad balancing :/
I think if in 2 week we cant do Wurm like we do Tequatl that need some fix. (I say that cause maybe with debug and some pratice that become easiest… We will see.)
I hardly participe for first try tequatl in my own server sometime at cmd ( 4 or 5day for down him if i remember right) and the next 3week + many many many time, and never got something particular, i know it can be frustrating xD
But yes, isnt the goal. At start…
Some cmd suggest a token system in fr forum but never get any answer… Some of us do Tequatl 4 or 5 time per day the 2 first week for “teach the pug” or “help other fr server”, and at the last new we dont loot anything from him >.<
But GJ.
I hope i can down that event too soon but i’m not verry involved for now, lets hope some fix soon :P
EDIT : Tequatl have unique ascended skin too.
(edited by Shasha.2548)
Exactly, they want you play with other player( welcome to MMO world), and if they are beter, hope your learn something.
But, you know, after this maybe the nextnewcomer in that type of event follow you.
And… What is bad in that ? You can do the event, casual or not, help other in the same moove, maybe involontary incrase your skill, and maybe the next casual learn something from you. Totaly worth it.
Ho, and, we have free guesting for that type of event, server isnt a valid excuse. If you want to do something, you can.
But yes, like in gw1 and many other game, new event need lot of time at the start.
(But now, actualy, if you want marrionette in EU srv just guest server like Vizunah or Desolation, you can do it easly now… Down almost all try except night… I’m sure some other server do this too and/or its the same for some NA srv. Same for tequatl…)
(edited by Shasha.2548)
If we dont spend money on gemstore we cant have this additional effect. Its all about this.
And… Its the same for the new gemstore consumable too, but not so obvious so… :/
If they use the already economic advantage from gemstore that already exist for justify that, i’m totaly ok for extend my complain to ALL economic adventage in a P2W way.
Maybe for some i’m obstinate, but i dont care actualy. I’m, cause i really think is a bad way. (But isnt the only thing in the game, all "Unlimited * " is already in the bad way, but here, its over the red line cause they do something you cant do without.)
(edited by Shasha.2548)
I think most of us already know this pickaxe is useless.
And all of us is forced to admit at release we have to deal with a little economic adventage P2W related.
But, isnt the point here.
The ingame item from gemstore is more powerfull than the ingame item out of gemstore. He have additional effect, you cant contest that.
THAT is the point.
(edited by Shasha.2548)
Yes, so spend 12.5$.
Ho wait…
The amount of money to buy the pick is more than you will ever generate by using it. Thus making it “pay to lose” no?
If its the only way to get that with home instance in 8mouth, then its more than worth it.
Just try to imagine the same issus, 8 mouth ago with Azurite.
But actualy who care about worth it or not here. It is more powerfull, and only on gemstore, its all.
I edit at the same time you post, TChalla.
Its P2W cause you dont have to spend money in other pickaxe, not cause you dont have to worry about that.
But you gain the same amount for the same nod, so its acceptable. Efficience is the same.
They try to expend the P2W content, and here we say no, its all. Convenience and cosmetic is the limit, Efficience is baned cause you can include to much thing in that, no open door.
(edited by Shasha.2548)
No, its convenience : you dont have to worry about that.
You have the same amount for the same nod, that is efficience.
Unlimited axe is P2W too.
Its accepted only cause they have no adventage with the efficience.
It’s not P2W since you can buy with Gold – yes with TOO MUCH gold but you still can.
Isnt acceptable cause its an open door for all they can imagine P2W related for force us to pay with real money cause totaly stupid price in gold and no content related way.
(edited by Shasha.2548)
A comparison of Guild Wars Prophecies Explorable Zones vs. Guild Wars 2
B-but Guild Wars Prophecies sucked R-r-r-right?
Skyrim have only one zone.
But yes… Time to get a new map>.>
Or a BIG rework, and the option for travel in the “old-age Tyria”
(edited by Shasha.2548)
I cant stop dream about a WB spawn in the middle of a zerg vs zerg fight. Something who can kitten the 2zerg with one finger if we just all-in, like tequatl, but with Marionette design “Superior Siege Marionette MKII”
(edited by Shasha.2548)
Scarlet has some of the new picks and funds her armies by selling off used sprockets!
Well view, maybe Molten alliance also give here an exclusive Azurite pickaxe too, she farm that as hell and its why we cant find it anymore.
If i remember right they say something like LW s1 isnt about personal story, like… Well your personal story. But the world story. (cause, in RP, your character worry about dragon in first, scarlet is pretty secondary, you just help in some case.) But.. They say that way later …
And, they say (yes, they say lot of thing.) s2 is more about your personal story. And some point you say appears in CDI thread, we will see…
(I dont disagree at all, i just try to get some perspectiv before better RP-related content… Cause its all we can do.)
(edited by Shasha.2548)
They ruined the tools I paid for previously, so I hate the new ones.
Unless they give the old tools a bonus of some kind as well.
They did not ruin the ones you bought. You’re spreading a falsehood with this statement. The functionality of what you bought did not change at all.
I think is like ascended debate. In fact is true, but is false too.
If you buy that cause you want the “better stuff”, then they ruin it.
“Let them add content for this type of player” and “Dont add something i cant do, or without any specific reward cause i cant have it” isnt the same, i think.
Like other thread say, in this actual form is P2W (Dont matter of the price or impact), so its “dislike”, for me.
(edited by Shasha.2548)
She save money for COF p1, Soulthourn farm, and champtrain. (And maybe she spend her grant from asuran academy in gems) She dont have legendary or ascended, so its easy.
(edited by Shasha.2548)
In GW2, server(Deso, Vizu, Sfr, Dr) = WvW.
PvE server = NA, EU. Only 2, with some subserver, but you can choose 2per day + your WvW.
Accept this and all become easiest.
IS selfish.
In ideal perspective, all content have this own reward, like gw1, like ascended skin tequatl and wurm. Its selfish to stat “i cant do this, so you dont have to get that and not me”. In fact, you’are worng, i do this content so i have reward of this content, its all. ALL game have this, is just normal. And we dont speak about anything better here, only cosmetic.
For your stat about casual : i log at 16h50 today, go lornar pass, and we kill the boss without any lan fail, witout any specific organization, and without the overflow issue. I wait 10min.
What your point about that ?
Its the same for tequatl, except early after release, you can easly join an overflow/server with a serious try at the last moment. Just ask people or searsh for know where and when.
Or, like me and many player, just join a big “fake-guild” with a lot of player who regulary do that event, look who is in the area for easy join.
And, for your last point : the game need difficult content. Player get bored, many ppl leave cause of this : everthing is too easy, its boring if we dont have something other than just “zerg” or “zerk”. Its one the most annoying issues from the game since the release.
Just let them try to fix this, they dont delete all existing content, you lost nothing.
(edited by Shasha.2548)
I don’t believe it is random – it reminds me strongly of a tic-tac-toe cypher. See this for an example of how to do tic tac toe code:
I’ve gotten a screenshot – but haven’t had time to work on it. I have noticed it’s two columns, and each starts repeating partway down.I took a closer look at this picture, and it turns out that the code doesn’t repeat exactly. On the right side, I marked the parts that are the same with red and the ones that are different with green; on the left side I marked the section that is not repeating with green… It’s really weird, I feel that this almost deserves a thread of its own :P
Green/blue/red is the same, but yellow isnt in all part, only 2/4.
(edited by Shasha.2548)
1. “Hardcore” content cannot have better/unique rewards.
Selfish. They have to get uniqe reward. Only comestic, yes, but still. Like color skin un SAB.
And.. Actualy the ONLY real hardcore content i see in this game is tribulation in SAB, and many casual do it with tutorial.
(As i say fractal HL isnt hardcore, some is pretty hard, but isnt hardcore at all.)
In my guild i see for sure 5 casual who are done Tequatl many time and run fractal 30+.
And i’m sure in some time its the same for Wurm.
Hardcore, for now, dont run content in normal way and isnt the “masse” of tequatl/wurm first down. Maybe some organize, but isnt the 100player.
Say “casual cant do all content” is false : they can. They just have to searsh for it, like all other player, “normal” or “hardcore”.
Lack of difficult is totaly obvious when you look all content in the game.
The only disadventage for casual is time consuming actualy. (Like.. Get 55 AR…)
But is for all, not only casual. I dont think any hardcore player is happy to grind for 55AR before start fractal 40+.
But i’m ok for one point : no hard/hardcore story content, only “optional”.
(edited by Shasha.2548)
“Casual” content have so much better reward… Just look dj, and look fractal.
Look tequatl, and look how many WB you can do during this time.
Isnt worth it.
And remember… At start, ALL the game is for casual. Nothing hard, nothing for hardcore. Totaly lack of difficulty.
Then yes, they add some content harder than the release content… But, well, actualy i dont think anything in this game is really “hard”. Tequatl isnt… Just really try to do it, and you do it. (Look where ppl do it and come, just have to listen/follow, fight itself is easy in “individual perspectiv”, only organization need some effort, like Wurm.)
Fractal 50 its the same.. Seriously i do regular 49 i cant say is hard… Just need AR and little knowledge. You think is difficult but you try ? Isnt really. But yes, isnt too easy like all other dj.(Only some part is pretty hard, but… Its just cause of stupid amount of damage and random agro. In fact you just try some time and its fine.)
Casual can do ALL content if they look for it. Only fractal need some time now for hit lvl 50 and get AR.
But if you go alone and just wait, dont ask other for know where and how, then yes, isnt so easy.
Actualy for me we have “easy content”, “normal content”, “hard organized WB”, but no real hard content at all.
And.. Well, i dont think i’m so good. Really. xD
I dont think hardcore do something in “normal way” for now except Wurm… Or not for the chalenge.
Speedrun, solo, or something like that, but not normal way, cause its easy.
(edited by Shasha.2548)
The problem is: if in the event one place cant fail the event and/or dont need any skill, 80% of pug is here. That is the reality. And you cant raise average skill if you dont punish for that.
Just look at jormag, many many many time you can see a big useless zerg wait at the right in p2, just cause is too difficult to learn what to do, and you can afk and just go burst for the chest.
Frustating, but needed in that way. And i’m sure if, for exemple, lan 4 & 5 cant fail and/or you can zerg those, then its totaly impossible to get more than 10guy in 1 2 & 3. So the whole event fail…
(edited by Shasha.2548)
If they fix camera zoom i’m ok x)
Honestly i dont understand that. I know many people have a hard time with Karma, but not me :/
I do many WB when i dont know what to do or wait for something, some fractal, some event, and i’m more than ok…
I think regular WB can be a great way for that, with timer is pretty fast.
Its just some advice if it can help you… But one of my guild member join me for finish legendary, for karma, and say me he get Karma faster with the WB…and buff work good for that. Maybe look at it.
Gannon Bow Freak have a good point : if you can enter only 15min before you dont have do deal with so much afker. With server selection like pvp arena, can be an awesome alternat i think.
In Desolation we finish Marionette with maybe 70 ppl at 5am… Lan 1 go 4, then 2 go 5, 3 go 1, 4(and all without the debuff) come 2.
We fail 3 and 5 and we won. So it is possible, harder, but possible.
And maybe 50% is guesting. (Me include.)
I really hope we can discuss for upscaling difficulty / elite content forma in CDI one day, should be interesting and personaly i have some idea. (like this : https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/livingworld/lwd/Next-Elder-Dragons-fights-same-as-Marionette/first#post3559344 )
I totaly agree with “Josh Foreman”’s philosophy here. (And i have a strong critic spirit, i think…)
For those who talk about server advantage, i finish this event many time (5success i think, and many time close), and never in my main server… All time in overflow or guesting, just saying.
One of the best way i can imagine is something like that :
A story mode of the fight against Elder Dragon, solo or 5-man group. Something little complexe where you help some group of npc and help them for the tactict. (Then direct phase fight, like “burst phase” of WB.) In fact, this fight is just a “tutorial”, but count for your story.
After, a “explorable mode”, the WB, with timer like all other but in a closed zone where you can enter with systeme like pvp arena. We can imagine some server like eng 1, eng 2, fr 1, fr 2, inter 1, etc, you can see how many ppl on it before. And you can “create” dedicated serveur and edit title/add password for closed try.
Basicaly the fight is the same, but way harder and no more npc : its all player, you have to do the same tactict yourself (or find a better.) And maybe a nightmare version : this tactic dont work x)
Sorry for my english.
(edited by Shasha.2548)
Or just a little area with only this where you can tp. With timer too but you know all are here for that, and maybe option for “create” an overflow if you have 150ppl ready behind you.
For restrict player and dont see 165764567456487 overflow and crash srv, we easly can imagine some way for unlock that option, same as guild mission for exemple (without limit, but only 1 at the same time)
(edited by Shasha.2548)
True, maybe one of alternative is to “stealth” all of us(maybe with fractal and/or portal technology) like Mursaat does (if i remember right), but that need lot of thing and cant be prepared peacefully. (Including right timing, then forced armaggedon)
Then world is pretty destroyed, but not us… (And she can use that for beat modremoth and get her freedome from him =P Or just fight him during this time with portal)
(edited by Shasha.2548)