Showing Posts For Sigleaf.1207:

Random Respawns in Winter Wonderland puzzle

in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: Sigleaf.1207


Same thing happened to me a bunch of times and I posted this yesterday morning and got flamed for it…. Glad to see the community here is full of ignorant elitists. Anyways, it’s clear the Anet team has no effing idea how to run or patch a game as evident by their many blunders. I’m about ready to quit the game over this.

Wind bug wintersday jp

in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: Sigleaf.1207


Ive been hit by this wind bug several tiems. yesterday I completed the puzzle 6 times no problem over 3-4 hours. I tried today for 30 minutes and I warped/glitched back to start without falling at least 15 times in those 30 minutes before I said kitten this. It’s kitten like this that will make me quit this game.

Warping/Glitching jumping puzzle

in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: Sigleaf.1207


Seriously ANET if youre going to put a kittened thing such as completing the wintersday jumping puzzle achievement in where you have to do it 20 TIMES DO NOT HAVE THE BUGGIEST GARBAGE INSTANCE I HAVE EVER SEEN IN A GAME

I have been to the boxes and warped back to the entrance several times, including numerous other times when jumping between platforms. Randomly dieing for no reason, and half the time my life doesn’t reset or it doesn’t drain at all…..

Did you fire the entire team from GW1 and replace them with homeless interns? kitten

Improved difficulty for trivial content?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sigleaf.1207


As the title says, did they ever implement improved drops and difficulty for lower lvl areas, and if so did it turn out well? The one thing keeping me from coming back was at 80, all the <75 content seemed trivial with little to no purpose in playing.

Clock Tower Reward

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Sigleaf.1207


I finished it twice, got the boots the firs time, and 7 tot bags the second, i doubt ill do it a third so I would assume no.