Showing Posts For SilverRule.7426:
Perhaps I should rephrase essentially what I mean. Air attunement is AIR attunment. And I would really like to see more air than lightning in said attunement.
The point I’m trying to make is that, yes, lightning is based in air, but it’s also based in fire. Why should all our damaging abilities, and most of the other ones, rely solely on something that fits loosely into either?
- for any attunement.
Compensation Blast – 1200 range, 4000 base damage, 2 second stun, 400 AOE.
To compensate for all other elementalist abilities sucking, that is all.
Lightning is plasma, it fits into fire a lot more than it does air.
Lightning doesn’t belong in the air attunement, it belongs in fire. I really want to see air redesigned, not necessarily changing the damage values, but the visuals to be AIR. And for anyone who thinks you cant hurt anyone with direct air, just take it up with Kazuma from Kaze no Stigma.
Simply curious as to what people think of this. Which race best suits an elementalist? I see the Norn and Sylvari as being the prime candidates because the Norn are more shamanistic, and they can turn into animals which is friking cool, and the Sylvari because they are intimately linked with nature. Just wondering what others think.
As an Elementalist I’ve gotten pretty good with the D/D, but when I try to deviate I find I either have not enough survivability, or not enough damage. My D/D survivability comes from disables, good heals, and plain just running around like a chicken with its’ head cut off. The other weapons don’t have that feel for me. So when it comes to 1v1, is the dagger THE choice I’m pretty much gonna be stuck with. I get that the scepter can take out some classes, but with me D/D can take out any class, can the other weapons offer me the same thing?
I don’t really like the sheer size of the norns but I could live with it if their elites were really good and didn’t just look AMAZING. How good are they?
I am deciding between sylvari and human, and currently am having a really hard time deciding. I like the nature archetype but I don’t know if I want to be limited to it.
I am probably going to play an Elementalist and since I don’t use their elites much I am turning to racials to at least add a cool “wow” effect, if not use them effectively in combat.
So how effective are the racials of the Sylvari. I’m mostly wondering about the elites/seed turret.
Tornado has a CD of 180. Its damage is usually around 1000 per tick. You can make it blind, knock back, or damage foes. It has a radius of 340, is a whirl combo, and gives 15 seconds of stability.
Dagger storm has a CD of 90. It does damage about equal to the tornado between bleeding a direct damage. It reflects projectiles. It cripples. It has a radius of 900, and it gives 8 seconds of stability.
Which one of these elites would you rather pick? The answer is obvious. Tornado just doesn’t feel strong at all. If a man spinning like a dervish with two daggers can reflect projectiles then why can’t 500 mph winds at least destroy them? You can still run from the tornado but killing it with arrows doesn’t make a lick of sense. And if you’re going to keep the range so pitiful then at least make it hit hard. Dagger storm hits the same and has thrice the range, which isn’t right.
Tornado needs a serious buff because going into it right now is just a death sentence.
I personally don’t want a subscription to Guild Wars 2, but it sounds like a lot of people do.
If Guild Wars 2 doesn’t have a subscription, then they have to come up with ways for people to throw money into their system to receive money I.E, gems.
If Guild Wars 2 makes the costs for the weapons and the probability to receive them low, it’s because they need to make enough money to even continue making the game.
If you don’t want the obscenely low drop rates maybe you should ask them to add a subscription so they can increase the drop rates because they already have their money. I mean, look at WOW, they have a subscription and their drop rates are amazingly high for these sorts of things . Oh wait…. THEY AREN’T!
Don’t complain because Guild Wars 2 wants to make some money so they can continue to make the game better and have more content. You can still enjoy the event without all the weapon skins and if you get one, then woohoo! They aren’t mandatory, and if you really want them so bad, then you will pay the money, whether you rely on luck (keys), or don’t (buy with gold).
Just be good sports, Anet only does thing because they need to make money off of something. WOW sells special mounts for $10ish and players shouldn’t be raging because its not $5.
I want to know if the story continues after level 19 or if that is it.
And the having no parents, or having your parents die is cliche because just about every fantasy game uses it.
I play humans mostly and every time I choose the missing sister one because its not completely ridiculous (circus) and not completely cliche.
I chose the Missing Parents this time around because the sister story got a bit old.
Now that I have finished the final quest before the choosing of the three orders I can feel the immensity of the cliche weighing down on me. I feel myself collapsing into a singularity… lol.
But now to my question. I don’t know if I want to go through the whole game with the ultimate cliche hanging over my personal story. Does the missing parents/sister/circus storyline end after the first quests up to level 20 or so? Or does the story continue because if it does I will stick out with the sister story just to see how the less cliche one ends.
I’ve heard of weapon skins and weapons being permanent but what about “costumes”. Are they just a fun transform, or is there some holiday themed armor too?
Also, can I do the events on one character, then send the aesthetic stuff to another, or is it all soulbound?
I play the Elementalist currently, and do quite well at it. But now that Halloween is here I have the insatiable urge to play the necromancer. Anyone else feel like this?
A lot of people say that elementalists have to work extremely hard to be on par the other classes, and frankly, that doesn’t surprise me that much as I have played an Elementalist for a bit.
I don’t have a problem with more difficult gameplay that is less forgiving if you make an error, but even if you execute your combos and abilities flawlessly, are you even on par with the other classes?
I want to like the elementalist, but I want to know if they are even cabable of being as good as say, a warrior. Perhaps my sights are too high as the warrior is considered to be OP at the moment, but I still would like to know their capabilities.
So costumes are likely going to be town clothing, not able to be used as aesthetics in combat?
This post is for players of Guild Wars 1 who may be able to tell me some stuff about Halloween. Right now I’m playing a mesmer, but I’m also considering a necromancer, more and more as Halloween drawns near. The costumes you can get would seem more appropriate for a Necromancer I would think, but I’m not quite ready to devote to such a buggy class, so for Halloween I’ll probably be rolling a mesmer.
So to my questions. The post today mentions various costumes you can get from Halloween. Are these costumes only going to last for as long as the event does? Or are they going to be a fun new way to customize your gear pallet?
I’m wondering mostly If I get these things on my mesmer and decide later I want to play a Necromancer, will I be able to send these cool costumes to my necro or will they be soulbound or deteriorated long ago.
And also, will most of the Halloween event be limited to level 80’s? Because my mesmer is only level 32 right now and I don’t want to be left out.
I go to buy a sword, and it shows a price, then I can say how many I want. I can’t friking hit the buy button though. WTF is up with the trade post, and why don’t they have a tutorial?
Very interesting story. I love how you made it interesting to read your build.
So you’re saying that although a thief may use a generic build, utilities and how to use various weapon skill ultimately define the good thieves from the bad thieves?
I’ve played a thief in sPvP and tried out all their various weapon types. It seems like the only weapons that actually work well together are sword-pistol, dagger-dagger, and shortbow.
Having only these weapons to really chose from is annoying to say the least, but no matter how you play with them in the end you’re spamming heartseeker, Leaping blossom, pistol whip, and cluster bomb. The other abilities have utility, but as a thief you don’t really play to outlast your opponents, so you have to play to do damage.
All in all, this makes me feel extremely generic. I really want to play the thief because I love the archetype, but it’s so generic I want to cry.
Are there any viable builds that don’t go down the path of every other thief in this game? (namely backstab and pistol whip builds)
I think that necromancers should get more minions. Not more skills that summon specific minions, but more minions from the skills.
If you are thinking of a traditional necromancer, I.E, summoning the dead, then Necromancers always are summoning vast armies of minions to overwhelm their foes. The minions aren’t very strong, and their only strength lies in their massive numbers. Balancing it may take some work as the individual minions couldn’t be too strong or durable, but I really don’t feel like a necromancer without being able to summon an undead horde.
Even if it was only a elite that did it, I would feel immensely powerful and godly (even if the skill sucked) if I could summon an army of skeletons to combat a WvW zerg.
If I sacrifice a baby to the lords of the underworld to save a town of people, it doesn’t matter how good my intentions are, that magic is evil. I just think necromancer spells should reflect their nature more. If we can agree that Necromancy is “Black Magic”, then shouldn’t the spells themselves be more black?
Ok maybe I should rephrase that. A person could use Necromancy and still be a hero, but it is Black Magic. By nature we look at that magic being used for evil and grotesque things, such as corpse reanimation.
While necromancers themselves may not be inherently evil, their magic is. They summon dark and twisted magic into the world to accomplish their goals and their magic should be just that in game, dark and twisted, not green and flashy.
If I go onto the battlefield as a hero, it doesn’t mean I have to fight with a spatula or a rainbow-colored flail just because the sword is seen as a weapon of violence.
I really like good/evil themes, so its natural I’m deciding between a necro and a guardian. Guardians are like shining beacons of goodness ( I mean, their magic is BLUE! ), and Necromancers SHOULD be masters of darkness, evil, and terror.
I just have a hard time seeing it. I’m no fan of horror games or movies, but I know that one thing that makes a good horror game/movie is that you don’t know exactly what is attacking/chasing/… you.
Not that Guild Wars 2 should be a horror game, but I feel that the “Evil” class should feel a bit more evil. The minions made of flesh and bone makes me think someone had a horrible kitchen accident rather than conjured them from the grave. I mean, what corpse actually looks like that?
The shadow fiend is kindof appealing, but it still doesn’t feel evil. If it looked a bit more dark, or was shaped a bit more hideously, then that would feel better in my opinion. Which is more intimidating to your enemies? A giant, hunk of meat charges at you in the forest and you think, “Oh god, I’ll never get that smell off my armor.” Or you’re in a dark forest alone, when suddenly tendrils of shadow shoot up from the ground and choke the life out of you.
And the lich form might look cool, but it doesn’t feel intimidating either. You’re basically a giant glowstick that shoots hands at your enemies. It could instead swath you in dark robes, making you look more like a reaper, or shadows could partially envelop you, making you look like you were possessed by spirits from another realm clawing their way into our own.
The necromancers need a graphical overhaul, or at least a color overhaul. Green doesn’t feel very evil, black does.
When it comes to ranged power, I realize that Guardians are probably the weakest of all classes. I think that the Guardian should get some more ranged options, but honestly, the scepter isn’t all that bad.
Its auto attack is slow, its two has to be chained with its three to hit at all, but its damage isn’t that bad. I made a build that focused on crit damage with a sword and a scepter. The sword did some nice damage, and the scepter wasn’t that bad either. Smite did quite a bit of damage, and shredded with the added immobilize. And the auto attacks weren’t the hardest hitters, but there are far worse ranged weapons out there.
I guess the point I’m trying to make is to encourage new players who want to play the guardian, or even veteran ones.
The Guardian is probably the weakest ranged class, but they aren’t hopeless. You will never go toe to toe with a ranger, or a warrior, but you’re not limited to throwing sticks at people. Just hang in there until we get some more weapons and in the mean while, the scepter is a fairly decent weapon.
lol, i just used 5 to get them by me and used 3. Kids these days, with their fancy combo fields and witchcraft…… lol
Ok, I have a huge problem with the air attunement. Lightning is energy, it is a charge that is discharged from the sky. In this way its almost closer to fire than air.
Even if my logic isn’t correct, is it really so hard to give us some more AIR attacks? The staffs autoattack could easily be a bouncing blade of air, but instead it is lightning. MY problem with this is that I don’t feel like a master of the elements, I feel like a master of fire, water, earth, and a novice in air.
They already have some air moves and for petes sake an elite is a tornado. Elementalists should get more AIR abilities.
Very well thought out. I would love to see a class that is like this, but I don’t think that a Samurai is very oriented around the lore. Other than that, this looks like a really fun class and rather unique and I hope the devs pay look at this and consider it.
In Lord of the Rings Online they had a class called a minstrel, who used musical instruments as their main weapons.
But every class could use musical instruments, but not for combat, just for playing them.
When you right clicked the instrument in your equip spot, you would start holding it. Then you could press the number keys for notes and use control and shift for sharps and flats.
Perhaps not a practical idea, but filling Tiria with player made music would be very cool in my opinion.
If you have a long, but weak condition on you then you can’t heal either.
Committing sudoku? Lol, I don’t particularly like that game. The term you’re looking for is “Seppuku”, if indeed you were trying to describe the method of samurais committing suicide. Glad to be of help .
The scholar classes should get a new “weapon”. This is having no weapon and just blasting away your enemies with the epicness of your fingers. Obviously there wouldn’t be any “rare” kinds of these weapons because it would just be your hands but I think this is something that feels right.
I mean, lots of wizards, mages, and sorcerers don’t use any weapons as a focus for their spells, and I think its an option that should at least be partly explored.
A class that focused on time would be cool, but I hate comparing it to the mesmer. The mesmer has one ability that is said to actually control time, and that is time warp. One move doesn’t immediately make mesmers masters over time and space, it just makes them mages who minored in time magic at college.
I hear lots of people saying that the Dervish and Ritualist should be added, and eventually they probably will. I didn’t play Guild Wars 1 but most, if not all of the professions in GW2 were taken from GW1. Seeing this, I think its reasonable to assume that new professions will actually be revamped “old” classes.
So instead of asking for entirely new ideas for professions, we should be giving ideas on how to morph GW1 professions into GW2 professions that we want to play.
And so as such, I suggest the Ritualist ( if added ) should be a scholar with a higher emphasis on melee fighting and toughness.
They would be tough, like the necromancer, but have the potential for burst outside of their utilities. They should have a variety of melee weapons that focus on moving fast in combat, being fluid, and attacking really fast.
Of course they would be using spirits as well ( as I’m pretty sure that’s what they did in GW1 ), so I propose they use them like a hunters pet.
It would float beside they and could be changed to suit a persons preferred playstyle, but they shouldn’t be directly involved in damage. They could apply various boons on you that improve combat toughness and speed, and also apply non-damaging conditions on enemies, like chill or immobilize.
Of course you should also have access to spirits that do damage enemies, providing tangible damage, but those would be utilities and more like spirit weapons rather than the necros pets that last until they die.
I think this would make for an interesting style of combat and a relatively unique profession. Something like the Soul Weavers from Dragonfable to whoever has played that game.
So you’re saying that I can only sell things deemed sell-able by Guild Wars 2? I can’t go and put a dry toothpick on on the Trading Post? Only a regular toothpick because it has crafting importance?
If they added a addition that you had to buy with real money that allowed you to change the color of your visual effects…….. They would be rich, and I would be happy.
Let me recount an epic tale of woe and loss.
One day the mighty Pink Lightning Man killed a bandit. The bandit carried on him a dye color that had yet to be discovered by Pink Lightning Man. With childish and homicidal glee, Pink Lightning Man revealed what color the dye was. It was a yellow, corn color. Outraged and ashamed, Pink Lightning Man went to the Black Lion Trading Co. to sell this object which had shattered all his childhood hopes and dreams. When he tried to sell this dye, though, he couldn’t find how to. He tried for days, begging the merchant to tell him how to sell it. With no answer he hung his head and walked away, but not before he used his magical pink lightning to vaporize the smug merchants tent/house/temporary living space.
I can’t find out how to use this trading post, which I thought to be a veritable Auction House. I searched for “tutorial” in the search bar and nothing came up so can anyone give me a rundown of how this works?
This has been really well thought out and you should save it somewhere to put up a little later, cause I think its a bit too soon to be talking about expansion packs.
Agreed, Death shroud does mainly seem to be a mechanic mainly for power builds. Right now If you’re condition based you can really only use it for another health bar which you can’t do much in.
but yes, mainly the Necromancer needs more ranged options that aren’t purely condition based.
Agreed, the Scythe is definitely a weapon that should be put in the game. But I don’t see them adding a new weapon, so I’d just be content with a few new weapons.
I have to agree, someone could get the mystic clovers in 75ish tries by being extremely lucky, and then someone else could do it 10,000 times. Giving the person making a legendary more options than just dumb luck would be beneficial.
It would be very nice if there was a board where they told us what we could expect in the next update or fix. They don’t have to say everything, but it would provide some peace of mind.
Necromancers have extremely low weapon variety. Their only range option is condition based and they really could use some more melee power as well. I dunno what could fix this…. Maybe give them a greatsword that functions similarly to a Mesmer? Or maybe just keep the greatsword melee with a bigger emphasis on actual damage?
All I know is that even if all the necromancer bugs were fixed, they need some more weapon variety because right now its on par with a elementalist, and that sucks so hard.
Why would you want a shapeshifting class? How would you be epic to show off your gear? Imagine taking the time to get a legendary, then transforming into a cat that looks like everyone else?
I would be ready to kill someone….. good thing i bought this game then .
Are you kidding me???? The only legendary weapons that actually do look epic are the greatswords?!!?!?!?!?!?! AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ah well, ty for the link.
I realize that this is a long way off because the professions were have right now are very buggy and need fixing, but when the new profession (probably soldier) comes out I think an awesome theme would be time.
A person who slows, speeds up time to benefit allies and hinder enemies. Also with an emphasis on sand, because that seems to go hand in hand with time (don’t ask).
What are your thoughts on this archetype?
So far the only legendary weapons I’ve seen are the two greatswords: Sunrise and Twilight.
When I saw Twilight, I just about died from an ecstasy overload, I mean…. kitten !!!!!! Since its the only one I’ve seen my next though was, I have to play a profession with the greatsword so I can get that!
I am aware of how much work a legendary is, but I still would like to know how other legendary weapons look to see if they are even worth it.
So, where can I find me some pictures?