Showing Posts For SimmonsTheSpawn.4716:

Evacuate Lions Arch Citizens bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SimmonsTheSpawn.4716


same on gunnar’s hold even after update miasma lethality level is always full and no citizens number is shown

Suggestion: Swap Weapons out of Combat

in Elementalist

Posted by: SimmonsTheSpawn.4716


I personally think that having the ability to change the weapon out of combat is a good idea !
It’s not so confortable to have inventory/hero panel opened to change a weapon.
Often if you switch from one set focus to one scepter dagger dagger and you lose time having to right click on the second dagger to put it in off hand and in excited fighting stages you are likely to end up in aggro and staying with the wrong set, or even worse (as often happens if you do not hold the panel hero) with only a dagger and nothing in the other hand

As you can change your skill off combat i think that for ele could be a good idea being able to change weapon too

October 15th balance/skills updates preview.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SimmonsTheSpawn.4716


I think is a GREAT idea to rethink the support role of elementalist’s skills (water on top of the list as said almost everywhere in this thread ), but please do not sacrifice the DPS/condition-maker role of some of them (es fire or earth), because if i’m running alone in the world and a group of mob spots me..i need DPS skills not “support” because i’m alone .
In this optic i think that the ele’s weapons could have a specific role

staff: support
dagger: fast/hight dps
focus: defence
scepter: mixed dps/support (as it is i think)

Another thing that lacks in the elementalists is the possibility to switch weapon.
I know that ele’s skills change theirs weapon skills based on the attunament and having the possibility to switch the weapon in combat is a too big advantage, but add the possibility to switch when i’m OUT of the combat as it is now but WITHOUT

open the inventary→ search for the weapon- >double click on it→ close the inventary

will be FANTASTIC, often something hit you when you have just open the inventary

I think that add this way to fast change the weapon could help the players to switch more often between two or more weapons and encourage to use the ele as supporter when you see somene in difficulty

and only another thing…i’m asking too much if i suggest to reduce time in wich you are out of combat? Expecially in dungeons i’ve seen that players without condition and not under attack presists in a “combat state” for a long period making the defeated player unable to rezone.


No Conjured Weapon in Hand Bug NOT Fixed

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SimmonsTheSpawn.4716


sorry but no news about this bug?

No Conjured Weapon in Hand Bug NOT Fixed

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SimmonsTheSpawn.4716


happened to me today again (first time 3 weeks ago) i cast conjure firey greatword, the sword appears on the ground but NOT in my hands. I’ve noticed that happens only when i cast conjure fiery greatsword and i DO NOT have a staff, it happens always whe i’ve equipped with scepter focus or dagger dagger, but with staff never happens maybe because staff and greatsword are both two hands weapons?

[BUG] Crafting materials no more usable

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SimmonsTheSpawn.4716


yes, no recipe discovered, but even if you have discover or not a recipe, crafting materials MUST appear in the crafting forge list (i mean the material list on the left of the firt tab), but in this case the are never listed

i hope to be more clarifying with an image


[BUG] Crafting materials no more usable

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SimmonsTheSpawn.4716


yes, no recipe discovered, but even if you have discover or not a recipe, crafting materials MUST appear in the crafting forge list (i mean the material list on the left of the firt tab), but in this case the are never listed

i hope to be more clarifying with an image


[BUG] Crafting materials no more usable

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SimmonsTheSpawn.4716


little update i’ve tried also with beryl and emerald orbs which description does’t specify any profession but i can’t use them.

I’ve tried to craft the same orb with the recipe thet is present in “refinements” but is the same i can’t use them

[BUG] Crafting materials no more usable

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SimmonsTheSpawn.4716


hi , i’ve noted a bug that involves jeweler profession,
i was trying to craft Exquisite Sapphire Jewel using Sapphire Orb, but in the description it reports to be usable only by Artificer and it is not shown into usable materials and i’m not able to drag & drop it into crafting forge…

is a pretty annoing bug because i can’t not craft any cleric jewel set

here some screenshots.


Intimidate Subdirector Noll ......

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SimmonsTheSpawn.4716


i’m trying to get mail from Subdirector Noll , i’ve intimidate him at least 6/7 times, but i no mail arrives!!!

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: SimmonsTheSpawn.4716


… simply unbelievable , i think that this bug is something like a “candid camera” because a can not believe that is STILL bugged after a wait of about a month!!! i’ll be ever able to finish my personal story????

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: SimmonsTheSpawn.4716


My husband’s story previously stalled because no cutscene played when he talked to Trahearne. Now we get to the “Defend the front gate” portion but the giants never show up.
Please hotfix this. It’s really gotten a little silly by now.

Sorry but this happens after the new update???

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: SimmonsTheSpawn.4716


hope per 10/8

[BUG] Monthly experience target

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SimmonsTheSpawn.4716


In monthly tab experience is not working.

attached screenshot


[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: SimmonsTheSpawn.4716


stuck at same point .. WHAT?!?!? … i’ve thought that you had found the bug!!…after about 2/3 weeks and an upgrade of 100MB …i’ve REALLY hoped for a bug fix…but…but….maybe i’m a stupid italian guy that can’t read english so… my fault!

I’m still stucked in front of thaearne and if i speak to him he simply reply and i can only click understood if i click .. nothing happens …as always…

this is my screen, last three story steps were all made with a friend.

Sorry for my tone but…as you can understand i’m a little bit nervous….


[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: SimmonsTheSpawn.4716


some news about this update?

[BUG] Loreclaw jumping puzzle blocked

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SimmonsTheSpawn.4716


I’ve reached the room which contains the chest, according to wiki i was supposed to open chest to start an event where the Shadow Skelk Matriarch must be killed, but the chest was already opened and no event starts even if i read the jornal that is on the floor of the room


Annoying Sound Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SimmonsTheSpawn.4716


happens a lot recently, two times when fighting claw of jormag and two/three times in WvWvW, happens often when there are a lot of players in the same place

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: SimmonsTheSpawn.4716


ok (thanks to wiki :p ) i understood what fears are As i said i’m stucked at the beginning of “Battle of fort Trinity”, I’ve choosen “Fear of forcing someone to suffer” and when i’ve done it i was playing the instance with another player but the instance was referred to my personal storyline .
If can help the other player, when he helped me to complete “Fear of forcing someone to suffer” quest, had already made a different choice, if i remember correctly his choice was “Fear of being dishonored”

P.S. link to wiki where is explained what fears are

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: SimmonsTheSpawn.4716


my story stop at beginning, the quest right before was about recovering the krait orb and free Apathia (quest start with mi PG in a krait jail), i’ve done the quest with a frind but was my personal story.

PG: Simmons The Spawn
Race: Human
Lvl: 80 (but when i’ve done the apatha quest i was around 69)
Profession: elementalis
Order: whispers

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SimmonsTheSpawn.4716


nope…after today update (about 140MB ) still blocked at same point…attach a screen to show where quest blocks


Annoying Sound Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SimmonsTheSpawn.4716


happaned again during an event in caledon forest with a newly created character.

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SimmonsTheSpawn.4716


sorry but how can you die? Some quests stucks on “Talk to Trahearne” no mob appears so no way to die.

also tried with some guilds members that do not has the bg, but my user story still stuck at the same point.

(edited by SimmonsTheSpawn.4716)

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SimmonsTheSpawn.4716


tried again but i’ve already discovered the POI and the quest is still bugged and quest stop at same point

Name: Simmons The Spawn
Race: Human
Class: Elementalis
Order: Whispers

(edited by SimmonsTheSpawn.4716)

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SimmonsTheSpawn.4716


so if i understand correctly the current workaround is to kill the subjugator, this will “fix” and the quest procede correctly?


[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SimmonsTheSpawn.4716


tried with others giuld mates, some of thme already finished their personal story but quest stops at the same point, so bug seems to be connected with some particular instances

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SimmonsTheSpawn.4716


tried after upgrade but still bugged!

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SimmonsTheSpawn.4716


Sorry for double posting, but i’ve tried battle for fort tronity after tonight bugfix but is still bugged , bug is the same reported here:

Quest stops as soon as you report to Trahearne. Object is marked as done but nothing happens

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SimmonsTheSpawn.4716


reported multiple times also here, but no signs for a solution ….

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SimmonsTheSpawn.4716


tried again?? still bugged?

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SimmonsTheSpawn.4716


Me too, tried the quest about 10 times but it stops as soon as i report to trahearne!

Battle of Fort Trinity - Cinematic without sound

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SimmonsTheSpawn.4716


mine stops at first dialog, mine Trahearne never sais “get those cannons firing”

Battle of Fort Trinity - Cinematic without sound

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SimmonsTheSpawn.4716


sorry but how did yuo complete it? i’ve started it twice but after report to trahearne event stop and i can not proceed further
