Showing Posts For Sir Meta.3402:

Really love my Elem Now -Nerf coming ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Meta.3402

Sir Meta.3402

Running around in sw, I realized that My elem is a smooth ride.
So I wonder if the current state of burn stacking will stay or I someday will log in to
see it crippled to please the pvpers. ?

Anet looking for Multi-platform programmer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Meta.3402

Sir Meta.3402

Jubii.. Considering the blazing rate they release new content in , I hope not they start to port it to other platforms as I so love gw2 for not being a crappy console port as many new games these days. Dragon age 3 – i am looking at you. Luckily they used DirectX and that ports like kitten

Pre in the beta (Fun Thread)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Meta.3402

Sir Meta.3402

And to add insult to injury,
when you repeat this out of BETA you might never ever get it again as such is RNG.
So thinking back, using the “forge for fun” might not been a good idea overall. ?

Losing interest...for the third time

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Meta.3402

Sir Meta.3402

As long as it is not steam only. I hate steam.

Am I doing something wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Meta.3402

Sir Meta.3402

I love game for its hearts system . I hate pvp but i think the wvw here is not so bad.
(for pvp)
Also, find good guild, they will not mind beginners and makes run using team speak to teach how to do it. I was in AC at lvl 24 just for fun. Not that i could kill anything but did get tons of XP and at that time the 1 gold was a fortune

Shouldn't S2 be included in HoT Package?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sir Meta.3402

Sir Meta.3402

Hmm so not having played S2 WILL make the story less, i guess. So i wonder if I should pay extra 16 euro for S2 and if its worth that price. ?

Shouldn't S2 be included in HoT Package?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sir Meta.3402

Sir Meta.3402

well if its only gear i be missing, it should be fine. Im only gettings hots for more story and the new class (= more story). So would be sad if story was crippled as not knowing season 2.

64 bit client

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sir Meta.3402

Sir Meta.3402

Because 32 bit can run on 64 bit.
But 64 bit game cannot run at all on 32 bit windows.
So as long they do not need more than 2-4 GB memory, why choose the extra work of having to maintain two version of the same game.

Shouldn't S2 be included in HoT Package?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sir Meta.3402

Sir Meta.3402

I did not play Season 2. I am wondering if I will miss that link in Hots story or if the story is so generic anyway, that it will not really matter ?

Character slot needs to be included

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sir Meta.3402

Sir Meta.3402

Yep. They could even have made the price $55 – if it included a slot. Its not so much the price as its how it feels being asked to bender over..

Boycott HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sir Meta.3402

Sir Meta.3402

60$ is the real price for most if you want to try the new class…

ANet cares more about new players than...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sir Meta.3402

Sir Meta.3402

It is more like if I buy Hots on new account I get 5 slots with it, which is worth more than Hots it self. If I buy as loyal customer, i get just the overpriced hots and nothing else. Great deal. Shall i bend more over ?

Character Slot for Heart of Thorns? [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sir Meta.3402

Sir Meta.3402

Great deal…. Thank you. But no thanks.

left click macros/rebinds not working?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Meta.3402

Sir Meta.3402

where can i find information about the rules for such scripts?
Would I be allowed to map ctrl+1 to be F1+1 since its still 2 key presses ?

To anyone who's starting to hate the game...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Meta.3402

Sir Meta.3402

for me – the top reason that I love gw2 is that it has no sub.
It is free to play and not crippled by it.
And the area scaling is a brillant idea.
Also, so far the only wishes I had so far was to be able to use utility in elite spot and link items from tp to chat. And if I could link elem F1-F4+key to shift/alt/ctrl+1-4 i would just be happy. Compared to others mmos I have played, its surprising little i did wish different.

so sPVP dont have to suffer?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Meta.3402

Sir Meta.3402

Why cheat spvp for this lovely and fun prank ?
I mean all seems to agree that it is not extremely annoying and epic lame so why not
include all of gw2??

ANET please read

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Meta.3402

Sir Meta.3402

In the old days – no publisher of a game would ruin the game play for a whole day -and call it a joke.

ANET please read

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Meta.3402

Sir Meta.3402

they dont give a cat.

Please give us an option to turn events off

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Meta.3402

Sir Meta.3402

I hope next year they just turn off the servers. Would be more fun. or at least as much as this…

Stuck looking for prank-fix

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Meta.3402

Sir Meta.3402

have a look at
Same boat as you. 2 days off for first time in 6 months. Then have it spoiled with something this lame. Not even a bit fun. just lame.

Guild Wars 2 April fools 2015 [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Meta.3402

Sir Meta.3402

He still has arm out ?
but thx for the tips.

Please give us an option to turn events off

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Meta.3402

Sir Meta.3402

I found the cure. ALT+F4.
Thank you for ruining my persoanl story. fighting a boss looking like a hill bill was just what it needed. Perfect. Normally a good joke, is one that is actully fun. This feels far more like Harassment. You can build virtual worlds and this lame idea was the best you could dream up??

Streaming necro lvl 6 atm

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sir Meta.3402

Sir Meta.3402

Give my best wishes to your minions. If they see mine,please tell them to come back and fight with me…

Is Minion master ok by now?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sir Meta.3402

Sir Meta.3402

I dont hate MM in gw2. or gw2. Its simply just not the type I expected it to be. Maybe at lvl 30 it feels more like “home”. Stacking condtions is just not me.
And Mr. Spirit. I did read your ideas and yes – that would absolutely help

Is Minion master ok by now?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sir Meta.3402

Sir Meta.3402

Well after google(ing) the topic on many sites,
I have come to conclusion that MM in gw2 is simply so far off
my idea of a mionion master.

Bascally the minion part is two skills and some traits.
Those two skill cannot be wastly more worth (dps etc) than for other classes.
Also the 4 slots comes from weapon,
so its already impossible to have minions skills first etc.
Unless you could find a true necro weapon. (that gives new minions).
So within the game design, it can never be.

Unlike (some) other games, the necro is a mixed class
and since Con/Power build seems far/somewhat better,
its clear to me that the designers never intended to build
a real M.Master as having like 16 good minions and power to
keep them alive would be a small army
and would simply not work with pvp.

So I might never see a true master in any MMO
and it stikes me that “my necro” could only be
allowed in SP game. (as I want him to be)

Anyway, at least the community is friendly and the games look so nice in 1920×1600.
If it was like Amalur with skills (100% freedom) I would love it to death.

Best Regards

Is Minion master ok by now?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sir Meta.3402

Sir Meta.3402

Thank you all for your input. I think I will try it to lvl 30 to see if I might manage.
Seems that MM can be ok if you are a good player. Maybe I just need pratice as currently I get my kitten handed to me if monsters are just +2 lvl.
If I can just do the story line with a MM I will be happy.

Mr. Spirit. It says Bad link. ?
Really want to see your build.
ps. It replaces name for part you sit on with kitten (LOL)

(edited by Sir Meta.3402)

how you think whot Minion Master should be?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sir Meta.3402

Sir Meta.3402

5 different minions. Uses life force to spawn. Not timer based.
Grow in level if you keep them alive long enough. Aka becoming veterans.
Basic commands as wait, attack. Hold Ground.
At least 12 minions max. Better healing.
More than 1 golem.

Phrases you'll never hear in GW2:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Meta.3402

Sir Meta.3402

“This sux, lets play d3 instead” …

Is Minion master ok by now?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sir Meta.3402

Sir Meta.3402

So you are saying it is possible to use minions at higher level even they seems so weak ?
> Vitality , toughness and healing power.
Can you provide more details?
You are the only one I saw that thinks MM is good at all so you either just like it as is or
found a way that works.

Is Minion master ok by now?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sir Meta.3402

Sir Meta.3402

oh, kinda feared that answer. Since I wanted to be minion master and not condition with epidemic build type, I guess the short answer is
“Forget it, still sux.”
Maybe mesmer could be fun even not really a mm.
Funny, they got it ok right GW1. Was fun to play. Minions were not that weak and
Well, thank you for the answer.

Is Minion master ok by now?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sir Meta.3402

Sir Meta.3402

Hi, just started this game (lvl 10) as a Necro with minions.

For some reason they attack spiders along the road even they are just standing there.
Killed me a few times. Will be fixed I guess.

So my question is:
Will minions be ok in pve or should I drop this build and try another class.
I will not do wvwor pvp at all. Only pve.
So I wonder if minions can be ok at later levels as right now they are weak and frankly not much fun.

Difficulty Player Movement. I got a Suggestion.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sir Meta.3402

Sir Meta.3402

Well, Im male but I want click & move too. Using wasd all the time is annoying.
Why cant we have both?
I dont ask for complex path finding or anything. Simply Click on Ground and it moves there.