Showing Posts For Slyk.1452:

6/28 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slyk.1452


band wagon kitten ding dongs , even before SOR exploited an an hacked as much as JQ and the dinglings guilds that follow as if they thought it was them the solo importance of one guilds that made difference,. besides all the zploits an hax ,. your all fights mean absolutely zero , nothing g worth mentioning ,.

6/28 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slyk.1452


t1 the most hacks win , you freaks stop with the garb age ,maybe people have a good fight

6/21 SOS/DB/Ebay

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slyk.1452


see above,.. wow a very intellect insight ,. signs of intelligent life forms , I must be Neanderthal , because I haven’t a clue what all them statements imply about anything that actually matters , lol ,. good day sirs

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slyk.1452



Tc dancing in the end zone ,. lol some great fights , but sincerely witness many occasion, if we fielded the same amount of armies youd be destroyed, as for camping so be it , that the way the world works , . SoS we had our reign of terror many times , an tolerated exploiters hax etc good luck to you TC in your Quest for T1,. well be back Muahahahha , some day lol

I’m guessing google translate…..?
sorry bud didn’t realize you were illiterate, .

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slyk.1452


Tc dancing in the end zone ,. lol some great fights , but sincerely witness many occasion, if we fielded the same amount of armies youd be destroyed, as for camping so be it , that the way the world works , . SoS we had our reign of terror many times , an tolerated exploiters hax etc good luck to you TC in your Quest for T1,. well be back Muahahahha , some day lol

dragon bashed

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Slyk.1452


why I play because its ftp , I would never ever buy anything like that , most of this game is designed on gambling and by chance , and endless grinding to get what you choose to create (legendarys) its an option , and I choose to be ftp, you don’t have to buy them tickets , lol

5/31: FA-TC-SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slyk.1452


Great fun TC and FA , seen many times , thru out the week TC could’ve steam rolled us anytime cept our primetime, toyed with us all week ,. we did put up some great fights in open field outmanned , have to admit , right? ,. , Tc and FA see you soon I imagine hopefully we can put up some numbers and compete in the future ,. good fortunes for the brave , win or lose in any fashion, just some great fun,. see ya on the battle field ,.

GvG idea

in WvW

Posted by: Slyk.1452


and yes also for pvp

GvG idea

in WvW

Posted by: Slyk.1452


true , and there are guilds trying theyre best to make it happen ,. need a communication channel with guild leaders to set these things up ,

New Server Matchups Was Worst Idea Ever

in WvW

Posted by: Slyk.1452


so many complaints of the so called same match up week after week ,. be carefull what you ask for ,. cant please everyone , and it was mentioned theyre would be tweaks in the future,. seems anet is trying hard to do what a majority of the community requests , certainly will test a lot of patience , and bring out the best of us , unless your a quitter ,. maybe the nex week you get to be the dominate server ,.)

GvG idea

in WvW

Posted by: Slyk.1452


or say add an extra map for GvG from separate servers ,.. 30 vs 30 ,.. on a smaller scale borderland , and holding key points get your server some enhancemenst , to ensure a small scale epic battle for extra weapons or cheaper siege, any kinda buff they can imagine worth fighting for

who else wants pve mobs out of wvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Slyk.1452


I love the pve mobs , and hopefully some day tie in some living stories with W3,. maybe a rampaging horde randomly selecting areas like bandits etc ,. maybe take down an epic boss and he drops a secretive weapon,. sticky bombs for walls an gates ,. that do massive damage , idk anything like that train of thought lol

SoR in a nutshell, thank you Indo!

in WvW

Posted by: Slyk.1452


well played I figured some day , SOR always played hard in defensive mode also , many servers all about the karma blitzing , have to settle down an learn presicion defense ,lol

WvW ranks take too much time

in WvW

Posted by: Slyk.1452


it is what it is ,, seems fine with me , ever play eve, and would take years to learn everything ,. mmos made to last an earn titles and ranks etc

WvW is unplayable thanks to skill lag

in WvW

Posted by: Slyk.1452


PRO TIP , might help you ,. start/ type in, msconfig/services/disable all, and /startup/disable all ,.. and don’t restart , enjoy the WvW much better closing out all unnessassary processes,, good luck and hope it works , pretty positive youl have a great experience after ward , enjoy

The Sky *IS* the Limit

in Suggestions

Posted by: Slyk.1452


hmmm I think one for starters , no flying mounts ,. although , just various type of odd s tyrian horses, with different types of mounts which can be crafted an colored , different design features and or stat enhance ments, nothing extravagant , just nice features for Tyrian horses different shapes n sizes and rares ,. anet is always working dillingently it seems , on various aspects , im sure theres a lot on the table an just keepin up with tyria as it stands atm and adding content first, wow I checked all the content they’ve have created in gw1 and it seems amazing , I wish I would’ve had time to play it ,. I definably would pay for an expac , keep up the great work , definably no flying mounts , would destroy this game , lol

The Sky *IS* the Limit

in Suggestions

Posted by: Slyk.1452


hmmm I think one for starters , no flying mounts ,. although , just various type of odd s tyrian horses, with different types of mounts which can be crafted an colored , different design features and or stat enhance ments, nothing extravagant , just nice features for Tyrian horses different shapes n sizes and rares ,. anet is always working dillingently it seems , on various aspects , im sure theres a lot on the table an just keepin up with tyria as it stands atm and adding content first, wow I checked all the content they’ve have created in gw1 and it seems amazing , I wish I would’ve had time to play it ,. I definably would pay for an expac , keep up the great work ,

still waiting

in Suggestions

Posted by: Slyk.1452


would love to see a six slot ui slot to be able to use with w/e we need at any opportune moment , without having to yank the inventory up , for siege , or foods or minis , etc, . id prioritize this ,.lol


in Suggestions

Posted by: Slyk.1452


love gw2 in all its glory , just seems theres one thing missing , seen all the content in gw1, even though never played . I think would be a great idea for rp also and add a social aspect , , 1. personal bios page , with w/e you like , poems , rp purposes , your story of your characters life etc , like a right click someone in world and read there bios ,,… now ,2 idea , and make , 3 grand ball rooms , divintys reach, hoelbrok, black citadel etc ,. where people can dance together ,and Anet can make money selling awesome clothes , meaning tuxedos ,. . only problem would be deciphering whos actually a rl lady or man , lol ,. anyways just thought id throw a social twist on it , since theres not any mmos that offer that , unless its secondlife ,.

T4: SoS/CD/SBI (5/17/13)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slyk.1452


I personally think that CD and/or SBI would welcome the idea of YB dropping down.

Don’t get me wrong, it would be far from PvDoor; but their beleaguered OCX/SEA population would finally get a breather; and your victories would be much more meaningful because you are fighting them at their strongest when (most of) you are on.

I’m sure EB, CD/SBI, and YB would mean that they would be in the middle of a NA pain sandwich; but at least you won’t be losing simply because you require sleep.

The worst that can happen is that EB is stronger than either of you and we are stronger than KN and YB, resulting in one of you always being green and red, and one of you permastuck as Blue in T5 for no fault of your own.

pheww ! man got lost on that , amazing imformation ,. I don’t understand one bit of it , lol , gj though ,. lol

How am I supposed to counter stealth?

in WvW

Posted by: Slyk.1452


not all thieves are good at using them techniques , it actually takes some accordination, to escape lol , engi can handle thieves pretty well except for the good ones , usally about 50/50 , is good presumption lol

stormbuff isle wvw scene

in WvW

Posted by: Slyk.1452


oh you misunderstood and haven’t read the terrible accusations well above , against SOS , this sticky should stay on topic, instead SBI has negative issues with SOS , jus sayin ,.

stormbuff isle wvw scene

in WvW

Posted by: Slyk.1452


wow this was a post for SBI , and so much negative talk of SOS ,. who would wanna move to a place with blatant excuses ,. SOS does this , they do that blah blah , haven’t seen much from you guys , you park in your keeps and never attack main objectives , and most the time im roaming it takes 2 3 4 to bring me down , if it not working your running away , you always been super zerg and always will be , when you don’t have that you break down, so enough of the negative posts, its war my friend,.

Bring back Orbs as server specific relics

in Suggestions

Posted by: Slyk.1452


one of he main issues why orbs were taken away is because to many people were using teleport hacks , that’s why theyre not here

Double Teamed

in WvW

Posted by: Slyk.1452


What? ,can you repeat that please ,. lol

new WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Slyk.1452


would love to see a new grand epic scale map with moats an more weather patterns , and an ocean atmosphere , with ship building an cannons , one giant castle in center like SM , small islands with wood materials and metals, needed for the shipbuilding . and castle in short need to be more intricate with winding passages an booby traps etc. . just havin fun thinking about it , any suggestions , that can actually be achieved ,.

Superior rune

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Slyk.1452


superior rune of the mad king still not triggering the ravens when elite #9 is cast as intended , no damage or animations, and that is only using the supply crate on the engineer,. location= sea of sorrows character= Shane Bloodmoon ,. the rune works on all other characters and had been testing it over and over and it is only when using the supply crate,.

UI model

in Suggestions

Posted by: Slyk.1452


would be nice to include a 4 box extra space for extras at any given moment , without having to pull out the inventory , say for food or minis, or the extra in world fun items , other wise the inventory box clogs up a lot of space and have to keep it empty to be accessible instantly

More Skimpy Armor Please? [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Slyk.1452


late post but , hilarious , envisioning a sexy charr with bikini , , go figure , lol

lag spikes

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Slyk.1452


wow some serious lag spikes in orr since patch usually play WvW and never had this problem, and runs smoothly , and everywhere else is fine , just get dced after some spiking only in orr mostly in pentinet etc and only a few of us around , sea of sorrows, anyone else having this issue , I know the others ive been around reported it

From War Machine [WM]

in WvW

Posted by: Slyk.1452


I hate guilds that sincerely beleive theyre the reason , one thing happens on a server is all about them , lawl get over yourselfs , I seen many come and go , always the same trash , they make big hoopla on forums , and in reality they never mattered , . and they always seem to run away when the going gets tough ,,.. Rolling stones gather no moss,.. unless you are the rolling stones , lol

WvW chests Once per account?

in WvW

Posted by: Slyk.1452


MAn up , its time to fight , Rofl , Cheers ,.. it really isn’t that bad , be done in no time a lot less time than grinding 77 clovers , or 250 of every t6 item or map completion , 500 badges is a lot quicker , one month tops you be done ,

WvW chests Once per account?

in WvW

Posted by: Slyk.1452


strange,.. this can go many directions negative and less positive im sure , one positive is people that don’t want to WvW will actually have to bide some time to their server and actually help out lol,. as much as WvW players have to choke down them awfull dungeons , (admitting, fun and its more like a treat.) I think best thing to do now is add more siege , most times people will donate to their favorite commanders, or whom ever set the stage for portals. watch and see how it plays out possibly more strategic ways to place siege, Anet can gain more monies by selling more gems for gold to our heavy golem crafters, point being , its tightening the screws on WvW players,. I personally will not purchase gems for gold to buy tons of siege , so best to allow ample siege in the bl puzzles,.,, Also lately seen quite a few people that only come in to WvW just for the badges via puzzle, and trying to sell their siege, once they have enough stockpiled. them people just need to donate that stuff ,.

Hellion Forest - blocking world completion

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Slyk.1452


yep sea of sorrows also ,. nealry died laughing seeing them charrs hangin in the tree , I had to look closely I thought they were meant to be hanging dead , lol forgot to take a screen shot just hoping to come back an finish when its fixed , there is only two other spirits around to complete the heart an very long spawn time

superior rune of the mad king

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Slyk.1452


when I use my elite skill supply crate, the rune of the mad king will not trigger the ravens , and nor post damage or the visual effects , however it does work using the other elite skill,. and it triggers perfectly fine on other characters ranger and theif, elite skills, it just wont trigger on the supply crate , on the engineer

Rat-Tastrophe: Balancing?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Slyk.1452


hmm idk I just done that portion and sailed through it just fine , but I always have my gear set at the proper level and always rares , and had no problem at all ,

This should make you laugh :p

in WvW

Posted by: Slyk.1452


you dork , rofl ,..

SAB Zoom Exploit in WvW

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Slyk.1452


watched a video on you tube some person in T1 showin off usin his arrow cart hitting through cavern walls

SAB Zoom Exploit in WvW

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Slyk.1452


its not zoom , its actually just an exploit that some places ac can hit through walls and caverns etc , seen many using this , tactic ,theyre just by chance discoverys , I guess. I think some of or most of the walls aren’t solids

Cant get map completion due to WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Slyk.1452


funny posts,.. and what will you do about the 500 combatant tokens ,? I think best bet is to just WvW for awhile,and learn to enjoy it and eventually them towers will turn , it really isn’t that bad ,. daily jump puzzle = around 8 to 12 badges right daily , ,still a lot of time , and you can cut that dramatically to less than half the time , so man up and join the fray, help your server , good day!

spy seige

in WvW

Posted by: Slyk.1452


Lol hints of sarcasm , . ty for the imfo about golems , apparently they didn’t know either , hey friend if you see the mess we have youd understand , so politely , move along ,. go be rude elsewhere , I know you just a weird troll , with a million posts , enjoying yourself in happy forum land,..

spy seige

in WvW

Posted by: Slyk.1452


we placed out a golem to kill it off to open room for siege , and strange how when crystal desert came across it they hesitated to destroy it , and took off, mean while sbi took it down without hesitation ,, and we placed siege in supply camps and same thing happened , crystal desrt hesitated and moved along , but soon after sbi took it down , ,. and them aren’t the only two times , seems theyres some internal knowledge about wwether or not to destroy our siege , which is by no means implying cd is completely responsiblem but it seems pretty obvious , to take orders not to take down a golem ,, hmmmmm

spy seige

in WvW

Posted by: Slyk.1452


getting pretty ridiculous in CD/SOS/ WvW some clever scrupulous characters on SoS capping out our siege limit and gets worse and worse since several weeks ago, many times we cant place simple rams, or carts or anything to place defensive siege anywhere , theres bazillion arrow carts everywhere, , I don’t think is an intended feature, Anet can you elaborate if this is a legitimate tactic,? ,. . if so can you design place holder names on the siege when its dropped, to verify whos responsib;le, , were pretty sure we know the culprits, but if its an open sandbox tactic allowable than let us have names on the siege, so we can deal with it ourselves, its way out of control , and Crystal desert , or SBi is responsible ,

Siege and Siege builders

in WvW

Posted by: Slyk.1452


past few days in sos we had someone place siege everywhere and been in gridlock , and wasn’t able to place out simple rams or anything else to defend stonemist,. and they knew it ,so kept pushing , but we became resilient and stomped them simple, haha on the baddie cheaters ,.

New Siege in World V World?

in WvW

Posted by: Slyk.1452


would like to see a more dynamic maps with waterways and ship building , to attack keeps n garrisons via water with cannons etc

obtaining firey sword

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Slyk.1452


am currently attempting to craft the rodgort flame torch , an I noticed a firey sword that would complete and match , how much time invested to gw1 for the hall of monument treasure to be accounted to gw2 so I could get this sword alos for a matching set

WvW Suggestion - Trait System

in WvW

Posted by: Slyk.1452


hey excellent idea ,.actually a trait tree for WvW doesn’t have to be so extravagant , just enough so when you choose a certain path , it makes us unique , defenders , offense ,, ,would seem impossible to manage to be able to gain credit for all who participate , a lot like to stay back an place siege and wait for defending keeps and towers , while massive zergs go cap stuff,. so theyres no incentive, but just the will to want to win and use actual strategy , . and gain nothing from it,. so all in all its just a midless zerg like everything else in the game,. dragons always die , etc WvW players want an need remedys now asap , to keep our hopes and competitive spirits high, and drop the price of transfers in half and close the top 6 servers for tansfers , let other servers grow and advance,.

In my opinion, portal is ruining the game

in WvW

Posted by: Slyk.1452


its just another dimension for game play, the more options an tools available seems great for the whole of the community ,