Showing Posts For Snaylor.2760:
No need to buy them, Gw2 will feature consistent free content updates and in-game events going forward. Our goal is to make it so you get more from Gw2 for free than you get from a game you pay a subscription for.
On top of a large amount of free bonus content, we will be expanding on offerings in the Black Lion Trading Company going forward, as well as be doing large-scale expansion content down the road.
We’ll cover a lot of the details on the kind of support and plans we have in place over the next month or so on the Gw2 blog and with our press partners.
We do appreciate that you’d like to buy lots of new content, but we’d prefer to give a lot of it to you for free, cause that’s what we think a responsible MMO company does!
Thats pretty much what ever modern MMO does though. It’s certainly not unique.
I’m sorry, but which ones? All the ones I know of make you pay a sub… and those that are F2P limit content until you start giving them money. (WoW, LOTR, SWTOR)
Same with this game in the form of yearly 40-60$ expansions. With Lotro I could have pretty much unlocked the entire game for 6 months with the 250 or so turbine points they give you for extra crap.
Anet is far from a saint, they have no sub fee because A) I highly doubt this game would be successful if it had one (I know I wouldn’t have bothered picking it up) and
There are many other MMOs that are just as good as this one.
Careful there, you’re threading into subjective territory now. Not everyone thinks those “many MMOs” that YOU play are as good as this one. Not even close.
Objectively speaking WoW, TOR and RIFT (and a few others) are all good quality games, what it comes down to is personal test.
The only reason I bought this game was because I was getting tired of TOR and WoW and didn’t want continue to sub to either one for the few months that I wasn’t going to play them, if it had a sub fee I promise you that not as many people would play it for years and years.
Down down we go.
Well dang, I shouldn’t have uninstalled XFire I guess then. Sorry, I just didn’t want it running in the background when it really didn’t have anything to offer me.
I accept the blame.
If Xfire can be used as proof of GW2’s decline, it can by extension be used as proof that more people play GW2 than WoW?
Sure but that won’t be the case with MOP launching and TOR going F2P mixed in with good old fashion father time.
GW2 (unless you’re a completionist) has very little end-game and by the time I got to 80 I was already burned out with nothing to currently look forward too. I really miss the carrot on a stick even as someone who spouted that he was tired of the whole thing.
No need to buy them, Gw2 will feature consistent free content updates and in-game events going forward. Our goal is to make it so you get more from Gw2 for free than you get from a game you pay a subscription for.
On top of a large amount of free bonus content, we will be expanding on offerings in the Black Lion Trading Company going forward, as well as be doing large-scale expansion content down the road.
We’ll cover a lot of the details on the kind of support and plans we have in place over the next month or so on the Gw2 blog and with our press partners.
We do appreciate that you’d like to buy lots of new content, but we’d prefer to give a lot of it to you for free, cause that’s what we think a responsible MMO company does!
Thats pretty much what ever modern MMO does though. It’s certainly not unique.
I’m sorry, but which ones? All the ones I know of make you pay a sub… and those that are F2P limit content until you start giving them money. (WoW, LOTR, SWTOR)
Same with this game in the form of yearly 40-60$ expansions. With Lotro I could have pretty much unlocked the entire game for 6 months with the 250 or so turbine points they give you for extra crap.
Anet is far from a saint, they have no sub fee because A) I highly doubt this game would be successful if it had one (I know I wouldn’t have bothered picking it up) and There are many other MMOs that are just as good as this one.
No need to buy them, Gw2 will feature consistent free content updates and in-game events going forward. Our goal is to make it so you get more from Gw2 for free than you get from a game you pay a subscription for.
On top of a large amount of free bonus content, we will be expanding on offerings in the Black Lion Trading Company going forward, as well as be doing large-scale expansion content down the road.
We’ll cover a lot of the details on the kind of support and plans we have in place over the next month or so on the Gw2 blog and with our press partners.
We do appreciate that you’d like to buy lots of new content, but we’d prefer to give a lot of it to you for free, cause that’s what we think a responsible MMO company does!
That business mentality will keep me as a loyal customer for years to come. Awesome post.
Why not wait and see how its actually put into practice?
I don’t believe it for one second with a cash shop in the game.
Down down we go.
Just wait until you hit end-game.
It goes from a 9/10 to an 7/10 really quick.
Bwahaha, what? Disappointed there’s no raidng?
Jeez, it’s not like we didn’t know what there was/wasn’t in this game when we started playing.
Game went from a 9/10 to a 9.5/10 for me when I hit 80 on my Guardian. Orr is a blast. Crafting got excitingly powerful. New goals formed.
Thats a first my entire guild is pretty much sitting around uncomplaining switching back to *.
Just wait until you hit end-game.
It goes from a 9/10 to an 7/10 really quick.
the day you can manage all your cooldown and profession skills and weapon swap in a fight to be optimal… youll be good.
untill then, dont say its shallow and easy…I’ll say what ever I want
And this game has the most shallow and simplistic combat design of any MMO I’ve ever played.
I would agree about the simplistic part but not the shallow.
Pong is two pixalated bars and a circle.
Pacman is a bunch of dots, a moving mouth, and a few alien things.
Mario is a dunk plumber that eats shrooms and jumps on things.
Zelda is an elven fairy that saves the world by playing musical instruments.Four of the most talked about gaming experiences ever created. My point: “that’s all it is” never matters in games. What matters is what you make of the experience.
When you start comparing the game to Pac Man, that’s when you know you’ve lost the debate ^^
It’s not a debate, and he isn’t comparing it to PacMan.
I don’t know if you are an incredibly skillful troll, or just incredibly dense.
Yes he was. He brought up Pac Man… as well as a few other ancient games as if they are somehow relevant as a comparative factor in this day and age.
And you are the one trying to get personal, so if you want to see a troll – may wanna go take a look in a mirror
When you have to resort to personal attacks as a means to defend your position, that’s when you have lost the argument.
LOL! Yo Sky, I guess “incredibly dense” is our final answer. LOLOLOLOL
I wasn’t COMPARING the games, fool, I was merely suggesting “that’s all it is” doesn’t define a game. The experience does. People still play pacman and none of them care it’s just dots with a mouth. Just like people will still play GW2 and not care that it’s just whatever the hell buddy said. Sorry you don’t get it. I can e-mail you a diagram if you want
Yes you were, and you just compared them again lol
You are basically saying Pac Man is shallow but you still have fun playing it just like Guild Wars 2 is shallow and you have fun playing that.
If you finethis kind of game play stimulating that’s fine. You can enjoy w/e games you like ^^ But jsut because you enjoy something that doesn’t make it mind blowingly complex.
I think they find it complex because its more action based than WoW, they confuse pace for complexity.
And geez Snaylor, why are you even here?
Because I enjoy the game and hope it attempts to cater to a broader base that enjoys PvE.
Overall this is a pretty shallow game though. A very simplistic combat system with a somewhat appealing map system where players run around looking at new things. And that’s basically it unless you enjoy the game’s PvP.
That’s pretty much it.
If you were to step into PVP you would realize just how complex the combat system is. It goes a lot deeper than one sees at first glance. That is the beauty of the combat system. It is easy to pick up, but difficult to master. When I first looked at the traits available on my elementalist, I was quite disappointed and felt that there was only a few worth getting. Now that I am learning more about the elementalist, I realize that there are builds that can implement each and every trait and utility and they are all very viable builds. It is mind blowing just how deep the combat can be and how much different one class can feel simply due to the build.
There is nothing “mind blowing” or deep about this game’s combat. And just the fact you suggest you have to step into PvP to see it proves it.
The game is basically auto attacking with a few “panic buttons” on the side you push when you get into trouble. And that’s it.
The abilities lack variety. The durations are too short. The cool downs are too long. And there is very very little strategy to any of it. It’s a combat system meant to players who just like to leap onto the pc for a couple of hours and enjoy mindless fun from time to time – which is fine if that’s your thing. But don’t pretend this game has mindblowing depth – because it so obviously does not ^^
You sir, are dead wrong.
I understand how you could come to this conclusion, because I did at first as well. Especially the short durations and long cooldowns bothered me.
But I kept playing, and reading, and getting better. I promise you there is quite a bit of depth there. At the risk of oversimplifying it:
“autoattack with a few panic buttons” – hmm, well… uh, no. auto-cast can be put on any skill, and yes most weapons have at least 1 with no cooldown or even a chain ability. I usually have to wait just to make sure the chain finishes (and applies whatever cool buff/debuff it does on the third swing) since there are SO MANY OTHER THINGS to do.
“short durations” – generally true. this means that timing matters, a lot
“long cooldowns” – generally true (compared to some other MMOs), this means that you need to make decisions during combat that really do matter… dont waste your cooldowns“and that’s it” – obviously you don’t know much about dodge timing… or combos (especially self-combos) and how they add an entirely new dynamic and synergy to things. obviously you don’t understand how some people could create entire builds without the ability to kill anyone, just designed to protect siege machines or support groups in combat. I won’t even get into the huge intricacies with traits and runes and sigils and such, or how weapons change entire playstyles even within a single profession
No, obviously… it’s just WoW with a dodge button.
Problem is setting up a fire wall for extra burning damage doesn’t really do much, I have just as easily won fight without setting up all of that crap.
Its just WoW with a dodge button.
It would add a much needed layer of strategy to a zerg.
Please god, no forced pve for those of us who love WvWvW. Let the pvers do dungeons to their hearts’ content but don’t ever force me to enter one.
Dark age of Camelot wrecked their game by listening to players like this guy. Ignore him, please.
If only there was some IDK, Booster system in place that could separate PvE and PvP…
You ignored my previous post, but I will mention it again here for you.
WvWvW uses PvE gear.
WvWvW uses a bolstering system for lower levels, doesn’t use PvE gear until it out stats the WvW system.
All they would need to do is have a system that ignores that gear you have while in wPvP.
This would 100% separate the PvE and PvP world (As much as that would suck) thus allowing Anet to cater to both ends, thus making most people happy.
I mean hurr durr this game is perfect GO BACK TO WOW!.
Okay Snaylor – all of your wants are important, nobody else should have any input. Screw what the developers think, screw what many (maybe most) players think… let’s make a game for Snaylor.
So yea, anyway, good luck to you in finding that perfect game. I won’t lie… I’m pretty stoked GW2 isn’t your game.
How dare I want plentiful and meaningful PvE right? Its players like you who make giving feedback on this game difficult.
Please god, no forced pve for those of us who love WvWvW. Let the pvers do dungeons to their hearts’ content but don’t ever force me to enter one.
Dark age of Camelot wrecked their game by listening to players like this guy. Ignore him, please.
If only there was some IDK, Booster system in place that could separate PvE and PvP…
I wonder if you can’t see content=! gear grind or just so incredibly stupid.
My problem with this game is that once you get to 80 thats pretty much it, their really nothing to do that you haven’t been doing for the last 79 levels. In previous games I had just as much and in the case of TOR and WoW, more fun leveling up only to have that be the tip of the ice berg in terms of playable content. A whole new game opened up to me on top of the game I was playing.
A little research about this game over the past few years would have made you aware that this game is about the journey to the level cap. It’s different from the last decades genre of MMO’s and that’s a good thing. You have to think outside the box you are used to for this game really to shine.
When you can see the game for what it is rather than what you want it to be then you will know whether or not it is the game for you.
I’d recommend reading this link, it helps explain the games concepts:
I hope you find a way to enjoy this game or I wish you the best in search of what it is you are seeking.
Have been following the game since around 09’ maybe 08’ I had no illusions that this game was a PvP based game. My problem stems from that fact that the “journey”, as you put it , in this game isn’t as enjoyable as I had hoped and because the game (From what I have read) doesn’t get much better like literally every other MMO has, I feel little enjoyment as I am playing the game.
I want a mixture of both PvE and PvP. I want this game to be my next swtor or WoW (An MMO that I play for longer than 5 months), If Anet doesn’t throw me a bone then I’ll be pretty sad.
If GW2 relies on anything except the quality and enjoyment of gameplay to keep people entertained, it has failed. Gear treadmills and all associated mechanics that use a skinner box aren’t inherently bad, but they are consistently used to cover up shoddy gameplay. If playing the game for the sake of enjoyment isn’t enough to keep people coming back, Anet screwed up.
This would be nice if the gameplay/quality in GW2 was so much more enjoyable than WoW or to a much much lesser degree TOR.
People act like this gameplay is vastly different than that of WoW’s when you’re still pressing the same 10 buttons you were 10 years ago.
It IS vastly different. I won’t even bother going through a list. If you can’t see how much different it is, then I think you aren’t doing it right.
Lemme guess you’re going to lecture me about dodging weapon swapping and lack of needing to stand still during casting?
Sorry but that’s not a huge thing to me.
Anet went on about how innovative and different their combat was but gave us WoW with a dodge button instead.
The game is innovative. Not everyone is capable of seeing innovation though. I am sorry that you are not one of us. I played WoW from the day it launched until a few months after Cata released. WoW was a great game and it provided me with years of fun. However, that doesn’t change the fact that GW2 is a vastly different game with very different play mechanics than WoW.
This is why I enjoy GW2 when all the other recent MMOs released bored me to tears. I had already played years of WoW and didn’t want to pick up another MMO that felts just like it. I have been waiting for the release of GW2 for literally years because I could see the innovation even during early development.
As for endgame, I consider WvW to be the ultimate raiding environment and that is probably why I don’t see any issues with endgame. I purchased the game with the intent of making WvW my endgame. I will be playing WvW in GW2 years from now and still enjoying it. I am sorry if you don’t see it as enjoyable like I do, and it looks like you were hoping for a PVE game. GW2 definitely has PVE, but I honestly believe that the game was built around PVP.
Its not innovative, if by innovation you mean has never been done in some form before which is my definition of the word. Story? SWTOR crushes it, Dodge based gameplay? Vindictus, Dynamic Events? Rift and WAR had Rifts and public quest for years, WvW? DAOC was much better than this.
I guess my problem is that I expected too much and played too many MMOs that did what Anet tried to do.
Do you realize how many events are in each zone? How many can fire monthly or weekly or daily? Some won’t even fire if certain situations are not in place.
Do you know that almost all events are chained? and when it finishes you will most likely unlock a vendor that is normally not there?
Simply sprinting through zones are break neck speed looking on the map to plot the most efficient route to the next Poi or waypoint, not fighting mobs if you don’t have to is such a waste of all the time the devs put into this game.
It almost seems like you are racing to end so you can experience end game content now that all the mundane zones are done. Like “ok, done with all the chores! Show me the awesome stuff now and lets have some fun!” the fun IS 1-80, that is the end game – if you rushed through and wasted that away all I can say is you missed out.
There seems to be a lot of people feeling that way around here – and if that is your thoughts as well, I feel like maybe you wasted your cash. That is FAR from what this game is about imo.
Think Skyrim instead of WoW. Just sit back, chill and enjoy the game.
Levels mean nothing here other than restricting your movements on the world map.
Gear means nothing because of scaling so there is no progression.
Dungeons are not mandatory or necessary or to be done after 80.It’s all about the trip, not the destination.
The problem with you’r Skyrim analogy is that Skyrim’s combat was much more enjoyable, it’s world far more funner to explore and its story much much more engaging.
The only thing these game seems to be better in WoW at is PvP.
Nothing and apparently people are ok with that since there is no subs fee :P
Yeah, i figured that GW2 is not the holy grail i was looking for
Make that three
If GW2 relies on anything except the quality and enjoyment of gameplay to keep people entertained, it has failed. Gear treadmills and all associated mechanics that use a skinner box aren’t inherently bad, but they are consistently used to cover up shoddy gameplay. If playing the game for the sake of enjoyment isn’t enough to keep people coming back, Anet screwed up.
This would be nice if the gameplay/quality in GW2 was so much more enjoyable than WoW or to a much much lesser degree TOR.
People act like this gameplay is vastly different than that of WoW’s when you’re still pressing the same 10 buttons you were 10 years ago.
It IS vastly different. I won’t even bother going through a list. If you can’t see how much different it is, then I think you aren’t doing it right.
Lemme guess you’re going to lecture me about dodging weapon swapping and lack of needing to stand still during casting?
Sorry but that’s not a huge thing to me.
Anet went on about how innovative and different their combat was but gave us WoW with a dodge button instead.
Nope, I’m not going to lecture you at all. I PvP’d in WoW for many years, and I have PvP’d in GW2 since BWE1. They are vastly different animals.
You don’t like the game. Nothing I or anyone else says is going to change your mind. That’s cool, I probably don’t like most of the games you would enjoy either.
If you’re going to post on the forums and seek understanding, then try to listen. If you want to post to complain and try to be a downer… then just quit playing and go back to the games that you enjoy so much more.
It’s your time buddy… and your money.
First off if I didn’t enjoy the game I would have gotten a refund (And not the DDE), simple as that.
I’m on these forums because I am bored already sitting at level 70 and knowing that next to nothing awaits me at 80. what I don’t get is how this is such a huge deal for the PVPers, PvP and PvE are separate games. Why does it matter if there is a carrot on a stick for one side?
I wonder if you can’t see content=! gear grind or just so incredibly stupid.
My problem with this game is that once you get to 80 thats pretty much it, their really nothing to do that you haven’t been doing for the last 79 levels. In previous games I had just as much and in the case of TOR and WoW, more fun leveling up only to have that be the tip of the ice berg in terms of playable content. A whole new game opened up to me on top of the game I was playing.
If GW2 relies on anything except the quality and enjoyment of gameplay to keep people entertained, it has failed. Gear treadmills and all associated mechanics that use a skinner box aren’t inherently bad, but they are consistently used to cover up shoddy gameplay. If playing the game for the sake of enjoyment isn’t enough to keep people coming back, Anet screwed up.
This would be nice if the gameplay/quality in GW2 was so much more enjoyable than WoW or to a much much lesser degree TOR.
People act like this gameplay is vastly different than that of WoW’s when you’re still pressing the same 10 buttons you were 10 years ago.
It IS vastly different. I won’t even bother going through a list. If you can’t see how much different it is, then I think you aren’t doing it right.
Lemme guess you’re going to lecture me about dodging weapon swapping and lack of needing to stand still during casting?
Sorry but that’s not a huge thing to me.
Anet went on about how innovative and different their combat was but gave us WoW with a dodge button instead.
If GW2 relies on anything except the quality and enjoyment of gameplay to keep people entertained, it has failed. Gear treadmills and all associated mechanics that use a skinner box aren’t inherently bad, but they are consistently used to cover up shoddy gameplay. If playing the game for the sake of enjoyment isn’t enough to keep people coming back, Anet screwed up.
This would be nice if the gameplay/quality in GW2 was so much more enjoyable than WoW or to a much much lesser degree TOR.
People act like this gameplay is vastly different than that of WoW’s when you’re still pressing the same 10 buttons you were 10 years ago.
Lots of people require a carrot on a stick to continue playing, something to work for. Why should I go on playing this the get cool armor (Lets face it all the coolest looking armor is going to be from the shop.) when I can get meaningful and cool looking armor in WoW, SWTOR or a plethora of other MMOs?
If that’s what you need, that’s where you need to go.
Anet made it very, very clear during the development phase that this game was not designed around heavy stat-gear progression at endgame. It’s designed like GW1 was, with stat capped gear being relatively easily obtained, and cool looking gear being harder to obtain. This worked in GW1, and it will work in GW2, but it will not work with people who need the carrot to keep playing. That’s fine — game wasn’t designed for you.
Oh no I just want some end game PvE. This game is lacking in that too.
To those that don’t like the gear treadmill endgame….okay….then why do them? MMOs are such a perfect microcosm of how real society works. Every action we take we take for a reason. If you don’t provide some incentive for doing something, why do it? And don’t tell me ‘so I can say I did it’. There aren’t enough people who will be satisfied with just that to warrant its inclusion in a game. There has to be some type of reward for partaking in these difficult end game trials. The problem I think GW2 may fall into is there adherence to the notion that they don’t want to allow anyone to be any better than anyone else gear wise. That leaves them with only the option of ‘good looking’ gear for end game. The problem with that is that is pretty subjective and not everyone is going to agree on that.
Now I am no where near 80, so I don’t need to concern myself with it yet, but right now it’s sound as though it could be a bit lacking in terms of rewards. It sounds like a lot of grinding for rewards that aren’t very functional in game. Again leaving the developers to ask themselves what reason does a player have to partake in this event if they feel the reward for doing so has no value?
You say “value”… let’s think about this for a second.
In a gear treadmill, you grind or whatever and you get rewarded with cool-looking gear that has better stats on it that before. The better stats is only in relation to everyone who hasn’t got this gear, since the next PvE challenge will be tuned according to these inflated stats.
In GW2, you grind or whatever and you get rewarded with cool-looking gear that has basically the same stats as before. Your stats are still about the same in relation to everyone who hasn’t got this gear, and to the next PvE challenge as it is tuned for the “maximum” power a character could have.
So the only real difference between these models is the ability to inflate your stats so far above other players who haven’t dedicated the time you have.
Therefore, we can reduce this to a simple statement – Players who insist that they need a gear progression system to enjoy a game are simply trying to create a sense of superiority and elitism in themselves, and those they play with.
The ONLY thing you lose in this system is your artificial sense of power and exclusivity.
Lots of people require a carrot on a stick to continue playing, something to work for. Why should I go on playing this the get cool armor (Lets face it all the coolest looking armor is going to be from the shop.) when I can get meaningful and cool looking armor in WoW, SWTOR or a plethora of other MMOs?
For me this is where the game has failed me (Among other things) as someone who really doesn’t care about wPvP (And since sPvP doesn’t give Exp…) this game wasn’t worth the 90$ I paid for it.
lol — I dunno if I would call SWTOR a successful launch…
Yes SWTOR’s launch was successful, the game itself isn’t. The launch was successful because of the popular IP and the hype, the game itself isn’t successful because of the garbage pvp and lack of multiplayer content (it’s an ok single player game).
See the difference.
This game has garbage PvE.
I’ve been level 80 for about a week and a half now and I can say honestly that there’s an endgame. the endgame is simply what you’ve been doing all along and loving since lvl 1, WvW, dungeons which in explorable mode can be very challenging. I will admit the fact that there’s no desirable loot in dungeons is not great, but what I would like to see is dungeons like in gw1 where each had a rare wep skin ( because that is in fact what gw gear is about, SKINS), for example there was the frog scepter, the obby edge, crystalline, draconic shield, things like these would really take the endgame further beyond.
This game is good but if what I have been playing for the last 60 or so hours is it than I don’t think I’ll be staying like I hoped.
I think the OP was right, call it what you will but not only do people enjoy hitting max level they also enjoy playing more difficult PvE content and progressing. This game has thus far lacked in both of those things.