Showing Posts For Soulus.4308:

wvw RoS VS FoW VS vabbi

in WvW

Posted by: Soulus.4308


Well from my perspective as a FoW WvWer, things are rather fun for me and the guild I am in [Claw]. Sure we may not be able to keep all our stuff from RoS but hey, its always fun taking them back.

Also, kitten those two mesmers in [Claw] for being so annoying ^^

Character Bios!

in Charr

Posted by: Soulus.4308


Name: Soulus Ironbrand

Approximate Age: 21

Affiliation: Iron Legion

Race: Charr

Profession: Engineer

One of the inventors for the Iron Legion he is always developing upgrades to weapons, although mostly with making explosives more explosive.

He is tall and rather large for someone who likes to tinker with objects and chemicals. He has light brown fur covering his body except for his hands, as the fur has been discoloured permanently due to handling various chemicals and explosives.

He is the child to a shaman and a soldier of the Blood Legion. He was born in the wilderness after his mother fought off several Flame Legion soldiers raiding an Iron Legion camp. After he was born, she took him to the camp and left him there to chase down the Flame Legion soldiers. His sire on the other hand, left to join the Flame Legion a few months after Soulus was conceived.

Early Life
He was supposed to join the Blood Legion after his mother due to his sire betraying his legion, yet it became clear soon after that Iron Legion was more suited for him. He showed a lack of interest when it came to swordfighting, which would often infuriate his Primus. Even at a young age he would always tinker with objects. One day, he made a makeshift bomb with just a few bits and pieces of scrap. It didn’t do much in the way of harming people, but it made a nice explosion which accidentaly scared a pack of dolyaks causing them to flee, and get a mouthful from some of the locals. His primus noticed this and decided it was for the best that he should be transferred to an Iron Legion primus. It was an unusual case, but it was accepted to be for the best.

Current Status
He has risen through the ranks to Centurion and is working on rebuilding his warband. He still like sto tinker with his explosives, always certain he can make a much bigger explosion.

He has banded together with other races to ward off invaders from attacking our nation, but will always remain loyal to Iron Legion.

Family and Friends
His mother went missing after she charged after Flame Legion soldiers, but his sire has been pardoned for betrayal by stopping the Flame Legion from assassinating the imperators.

He is rather outgoing and likes to talk, though sometimes seen as being eccentric when he is playing around with his inventions and explosives.

He has an unusual obsession with explosives, always trying to find the best way to make his opponent blow up, or in the most amusing way possible. At on etime, he stuffed a skale with so much explosives and sent it running into a seperatists camp as a surprise attack.

Stories and Art Involving This Character
N/A yet =D

N/A yet =D

Rune of AIR on glascannons shatter mesmers

in Mesmer

Posted by: Soulus.4308


The thieves ninja’d it just as they were finalizing updates XD

Gem Store purchase error thread [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Soulus.4308


I did a check like 10 minutes ago. We can get passed the previous error, but the transactions are not going through. I believe that it may be fixed when they set up the upcoming patch.

Mesmer PvE Omg :O why?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Soulus.4308


Them tier 2 traits are awesome XD

Mesmer PvE Omg :O why?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Soulus.4308


I thought that both Guardian and Ranger were more or less easier than mesmer when I played them, but in the long run I am sticking to mesmer as it is much more fun and is strong enough for me in PvE… Portal on the other hand just makes me and my guildies love this class more and more after doing the jumping puzzle in eternal battlegrounds.

Mesmer PvE Omg :O why?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Soulus.4308


Or to look at it another way: If you get upset easily by perceived shortcomings of PvE for mesmers, and you decide to quit, that’s your loss.

Hehe pretty much, this class is really fun and is a shame when people give up out of the leveling speed for those early levels, especially when they are comparing it to other classes (which is never a good idea on this game)

But as you said, it is their loss ^^

Mesmer PvE Omg :O why?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Soulus.4308


Haha sorry MrMacAndCheese I couldn’t resist using your title :P

Anyways, for those who are having troubles with leveling the mesmer it can be rather difficult to get used to the mesmer. For myself I was feeling rather weak, but that could have been from me being on a guardian for up to level 56. But please, if you are finding yourself struggling within the first 30-40 levels, stick with it as it does get better. I am only level 55 with my mesmer but it is much better than when I was leveling up to level 30.

I am not going to list builds or anything as there are many threads on here for those, so have a look through them and see what feels the best for you. There are a nice selection of builds as this class is quite versatile so I’m sure you people who are struggling will find something that suits them. Then again, the class might not be suitable for you but please don’t judge this class at those early levels as this class shines the more you level so stick to it and hopefully you will enjoy the class the more you play and level it ^^

Pairing a Weapon with a Staff

in Mesmer

Posted by: Soulus.4308


I think it really depends how you like to play. I personally use Staff / GS (sometimes Scepter/Focus). I think a common misconception with the greatsword is that many think it’s only a long range weapon. When you’re auto-attacking, then yes range is better with greatsword because of the scale in damage, but when you are wanting to burst with mirror blade, mid-close range is better (especially with illusionary elasticity for the extra bounce).

As a side comment, staff is a mid-close ranged weapon. Mid-ranged until you drop a chaos storm, then I jump right in close range (usually barely out of melee range from my foe) to gain the benefits of all the boons that thing tosses out. Plus with illusionary elasticity, you’re getting an extra bounce on your winds of chaos.

I agree with this, when I find myself using staff I pair it up with sword/focus or pistol (depends on how I feel :P) as when you are dropping chaos storm you are fairly close to the enemy/ies if you are getting the boons so I switch to sword and attack at melee. The #2 skill Blurred Frenzy is really nice ^^

Need honest answer about mesmer class

in Mesmer

Posted by: Soulus.4308


@ Skar Hand: Can’t argue there. For me I found it easier to play at level 35-40. Any class feels slow compared to ranger in solo PvE, I had to try one up to level 25 and things were going really smoothly compared to mesmer and my guardian.

Need honest answer about mesmer class

in Mesmer

Posted by: Soulus.4308


It’s still a fun class though but yes I agree that the illusions do die rather quickly however I use them for shatters (phantasms after the first attack) so that doesn’t bother me. Hehe thinking on it now, my guildies loved me at the mystery jumping puzzle in the eternal battlegrounds. Whenever someone would fall and need to head back, I can portal them back up or when they were feeling lazy or some enemies were catching up and I was further ahead I could pop up a portal so they are further along the puzzle and relatively safer. PvP though is where a mesmer feels strongest but it still does fairly well in PvE, then again though peoples opinions with mesmer’s PvE capabilities can change but it is more or less agreed on that they do much better after 30+

Need honest answer about mesmer class

in Mesmer

Posted by: Soulus.4308


It is rather weak at the early levels, I myself was wondering if to carry on or roll another class as I wasn’t sure if it was going to stay like that, yet it does get better as you level up more.

As it has been mentioned a lot, it isn’t great at solo PvE like other classes but it is still fairly good and does survive quite nicely. I am only lvl 55 with my mesmer yet it is really enjoyable, you do have to get through the early levels of feeling really weak compared to others though, but imo it is worth it.

What profession for Sylvari?

in Sylvari

Posted by: Soulus.4308


Well…if you don’t want to make sense, go engineer. I love how my nature-loving flowery sylvari prances around in her distinctive child-like animations and clothes, and then upon meeting a random animal suddenly pulls out a flame thrower and burns everything on sight.

While smiling.

Haha that made me smile ^^

But yeah, mesmers are nice with sylvari imo, but really just go with whatever you want I think the sylvari are nice with all of the classes.

Why all the plant names

in Sylvari

Posted by: Soulus.4308


Hehe guess I was weird and didn’t go with a plant based name, I went with Saya Of The Dusk :P

Greatsword Symbol/Retaliation Change 7/10/12.

in Guardian

Posted by: Soulus.4308


Hey all, I am yet to experience the nerf to GS as my power pack went kaboom after a week of using (rather amusing as the one it was replacing was weaker and was in the computer when I first bought it hehe) but from all the comments I am seeing, it is going to affect me as my build was pretty much GS/Justice orientated with larger symbols.

It is an even greater shame that Anet aren’t responding to this when there are plenty of people finding this to be a really big problem, not helping that it was aimed for pretty much perma ret builds which I think can still get that without much effect from this. Have to say, the same is more or less happening with the error 7******* thread in tech support.

I do hope though that they respond to this thread and get this nerf sorted as it seems to have affected every GS build and nothing really towards the retaliation side. Again, this is just based on everyones comments I have read.

error code 7:11:3:189:101

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Soulus.4308


This is a reply from the ticket I sent earlier, maybe it could help them fix it better:

There is a free trial program called PingPlotter Standard which may be of some use to us in determining the health of your active Internet connection. We ask that if you are using a router, hub, or switch, to first disconnect this device and connect directly to your modem before running this utility. You may have to reboot your modem and/or computer to reestablish your Internet connection.

This program is not supported by NCsoft. You can find the program and information on how to use it at

1. Please download and install the Standard version of PingPlotter.

2. Run the program and in the upper left corner you will see an “Address to Trace:” section.

3. Type in the server IP you find in game by typing in the command /IP while playing on your server.

4. Click the “Trace” button. Please allow the tool to run for at least 30 minutes even if you are unable to play, or you get disconnected during this time.

5. Click on the “Stop” button. Then, click on File → “Save Sample Set” and save the file to your computer in a location that will be easy to find, such as your Desktop.

Please update your incident at the provided link and attach the report. If you encounter a problem such as excessive lag or Code=007, please tell us what time the problem occurred so that we can investigate that section of the report.

error code 7:11:3:189:101

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Soulus.4308


Sent them a ticket about this error, and asking them to pop in here and give us something, even a little bit of a hint, so we can be reassured that they are doing smething about this and not feel ignored ^^

error code 7:11:3:189:101

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Soulus.4308


Dunno about anyone else but today has been rather unplayable with this error pretty much popping up all day. Usually I get this error around 7pm-12am where It then gets unplayable for me, although I have been playing since tuesday so not really much to go on but meh =)

error code 7:11:3:189:101

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Soulus.4308


It does seem to me that when it reaches a certain time (usually around 8 – 12, depending on when it peaks or w/e on Fissure of Woe or w/e) is when I start to experience this error. Hehe not best thing to have to deal with when coming on at 1am for first time haha.