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While the function gyro seems to behave correctly in dungeons/fractals, it is EXTREMELY buggy in large engagements such as world bosses. I have experienced about a 75% failure rate where the gyro will either do nothing after being summoned, or – and this has happened to me several times – it will move away from my target and revive a completely random player who I have never targeted.
Function gyro stomp provides no visual feedback that I’ve been able to see for the stomp progress. Combined with being slower than a normal stomp it’s very difficult to tell if it will survive long enough to finish the stomp while being attacked, or when to interrupt an enemy function gyro’s stomp on a teammate.
Also, using the function gyro to revive someone provides no experience.
Pact Commander mastery autoloot does not work in WvW, which is a major reason why I got that first.
I have discovered the cause of the Pact Commander autoloot crashes: Invisible bags. I am unsure if any other special type of inventory bag may cause crashes as well, but this is what was doing it for me.
I understand why they’re doing it – there’s too much gold in the economy and they want to cut back on income while they introduce more gold sinks to the game. That’s why the new Halloween shoulder skin Nightfury costs a ludicrous amount of gold to make rather than just being a collection-type item.
I still don’t like it though since it makes playing less fun when it doesn’t feel like I’m being properly rewarded for my time. Even though I made a good 100 gold on that pre-HoT invasion event, it did not feel rewarding since there were no exp reward or loot, just RNG boxes you could buy with the event currency. Fractals don’t feel remotely worthwhile without fractal mastery leveled up and even then I’m not so sure. I hadn’t heard about EoTM being nerfed but that makes me sad. Quick leveling and loot was the only reason to go there.
It’s not just the rewards nerf that’s upsetting though, it’s the seemingly random way it’s implemented. Some events with tons of mob spawns give loot, while others that only spawn a couple groups of 4 enemies give nothing.
I’m really surprised that the Halloween Labyrinth is still providing exp and loot this year.
I just worked out the problem with a guild member who hasn’t experienced any crashes. They are caused by having an invisible inventory bag equipped. Remove it and the crashes stop. Hopefully they fix it soon though, it would be nice to be able to keep using the invisible bags.
The crashes are caused by using an invisible inventory bag. You’ll have to remove it until they fix the bug in order to use autoloot.
These crashes are related to invisible inventory bags. Hopefully they fix it soon.
Updating to Windows 10 stopped the frequent WvW crashes I’d been having since the update storm in March, and made the game run smoother. I have not experienced any problems with the game since then.
Many events in the original maps no longer show up on the UI so it is impossible to see progress while participating.
Opening guild hall UI panels causes the game to freeze and stutter as well as when other UI panels are opened while a guild hall UI panel is already open. I have never had any UI-related issues in the past.
Function Gyro still occasionally fails to start reviving the targeted player for no apparent reason. I originally thought this was due to the new skill retargeting option, but even making sure to give the gyro enough time to start reviving before returning to combat it will occasionally fail.
This new icon is possibly the worst thing in the game. It looks like a children’s plastic toy mallet rather than a weapon. A wrench would be far more fitting to the class, and might actually look like something a scrapper would actually use.
Just unlocked the mastery today, crashes 100% of the time when it activates. I don’t understand how this made it through testing.
Pact Commander mastery’s autoloot ability crashes the game on activation 100% of the time. Luckily there’s an option to turn it off until it’s fixed.
While this has been a growing trend in the game, with the expansion release it seems like it’s starting to really get in the way. I’m mainly talking about mobs that don’t reward any exp or loot on death. Even when players receive good rewards at the end of events, it does not feel rewarding to play them when you earn absolutely nothing until the end. Case and point: Everybody heard the amount of complaining about the invasion event, and it felt like a soul-less grind to me as well even though I made a significant amount of gold at the end.
It started with Silverwastes, then the recent invasion event, and now just about any new event that spawns large numbers of mobs does this as well as many that only spawn a couple. Guild hall claiming missions cost 100 gold and reward zero exp or loot. Many fractal mobs are now this way as well, on top of no longer receiving any gold or exp rewards for completing fractals. Now all the significant rewards have been replaced with RNG loot boxes that require spending fractal relics and gold to open.
Fractals also brings up an interesting point. Because the exp rewards are so incredibly low now, the only place to feasibly level up fractal mastery is outside fractals which really can’t be intended.
(edited by Soupinator.6970)
Will Max "Streaming" download whole file?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Soupinator.6970
In my experience, neither option downloads any data at all in the background. I played for 3 hours on release with a 30 Mbit connection with the setting on max and it downloaded all of…nothing. It made me wait to download new areas several times and I still had over 50,000 files to download in the morning.
Since a skin was added for the feather wings, I thought the Spinal Blades would fit as a glider skin as well. The butterfly wings could too!
I am still experiencing randomly missing voiceovers during cinematics despite the patch notes saying it’s fixed. It happened when first entering Verdant Brink and watching the cinematic showing the crashed fleet.
I really liked the way the Scrapper plays, but I do have a few concerns about hammer skills.
- Electro-whirl’s animation blends poorly with the running animation, resulting in a glitchy double-half-spin rather than a full spin.
- Shock Shield’s visible shield only lasts about half as long as the skill, I can see this causing frustration for other players in PVP when it looks like the shield is down but actually isn’t.
- I was also concerned about Rocket Charge – it was mentioned in the reveal that this skill is an evade, but the listed evade only lasts 1 second which seems to cover just the first leap. This combined with the unpredictable nature of the leaps in close quarters makes it extremely difficult to use around enemies with AOE and knockback attacks. It also dislike how long it takes to be able to move again after the final leap.
- In general, I feel like a lot of the new skills take too long to cast, especially the auto-attack chain.
Is it intended that the function gyro is unusable on NPCs and dead players?
I have to agree the Daredevil’s staff animations are pretty poor, even the new dodges. The animations are very sudden and jarring, and don’t give you a good feel for where your character is at any given moment. The weapon skills don’t look like they’re being used by somebody who knows how to use the weapon.
This beta weekend I tried out the Scrapper and while it was very fun, I noticed some animation problems as well.
Hammer 2 Electrowhirl – This animation blends poorly with the running animation while moving, resulting in 2 awkward half-spins rather than one full spin.
Hammer 4 Shock Shield – The visible shield only lasts half as long as the skill does which I think is going to throw people off, especially in PvP.
Also being a charr jumping while holding a hammer and moving forward looks rather awkward, though that’s nothing new.
One additional note about Hammer 3 Rocket Charge – I was under the impression from the reveal that this skill would be an evade as well, but the evade only seems to cover the first leap, if that. The unpredictable nature of the movement of this skill makes it extremely difficult to use around enemies with AOE and knockback attacks.
So I understand that rewards will be given retroactively for people who were affected by the original rewards bug, but what about those that have been affected by the ongoing and un-addressed rewards bug? – specifically that if you get disconnected or crash in the middle of the event, log back in and complete it successfully with 5+ stacks, you get no rewards.
I just had that same bug with no reward and buff stacks remaining after the event. I didn’t realize it was still broken.
Thank you for fixing the Meeting the Asura challenge mote, I was beginning to lose hope.
There were three very substantial threads on this subject. We’ve merged into one and I’ll check to make sure it’s on the “bugs to be reviewed” or “bugs actively being investigated” list.
In the future, if you guys see threads on the same topic, and if you’re willing to help out, it would be great if you grabbed the permanent link to the multiple threads (the little chain image in the lower right, then “copy link”) and flag it so a moderator can review and potentially merge.
Thanks to Sina for making me aware of the merge-ability!
Thank you for the acknowledgement but there are two separate bugs being discussed in the same thread now. The original thread was about the challenge motes appearing unreliably. The new discussion is specifically about the Meeting The Asura challenge mote being completely removed/broken in the March 16th patch.
It’s actually a much larger problem than just with the rocket boots, though it seems to happen most often after using rocket boots. It can also occur rarely any time you start moving after stopping, especially if you do so to perform an action like harvesting. It even breaks autorun, often requiring you to hit the key 3 times before you’ll start moving again. If I remember right it appeared in a patch about a year and a half ago and my attempts to report it fell on deaf ears. It drove me absolutely insane trying to play Super Adventure Box world 2-2 because it kept happening when trying to jump forward so it would jump up and then start moving forward, instead of jumping forward like I was trying to so I’d go half as far as normal and fall into a pit.
Another related bug: Entering first person mode as an engineer with a kit equipped will leave it visible on the screen. Switching kits while already in first person mode makes it disappear.
I ran into this today as well too. It got me pretty frustrated going in and out of the instance 20 times trying different things to try to make it show up… It’s been known to be buggy for months but it looks like it’s completely broken now. It’s a fairly important fix too since it also prevents us from completing the luminescent armor set.
[PC] PSU fan very loud during Guild Wars 2
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Soupinator.6970
I have the same problem with a Seasonic S12II 520W. It seems to be a design flaw in an otherwise good power supply unfortunately. I monitor power usage with my UPS and it always gets noisy when my power usage reaches around 250W. It happens to me much more often since I have a 144 Hz monitor and more powerful hardware.
Most of the mobs in there hit so hard and have so much hp it’s just a waste of time to stop and try to kill them, especially if you’re alone.
Tequatl is a nice fight, it’s a refreshing change from most PVE. My only concern is, once this is no longer new in a couple weeks, how hard is it going to be to actually get a large and coordinated enough group together to kill him? That’s already near impossible for a lot of servers, putting even more load on the servers who are doing it regularly through guesting.
And please don’t compare this to Liadri. That fight was poorly designed in every way, from the poor visibility floor, being in the same area as large farming groups causing framerate issues, the cramped arena affecting the camera, and the reliance on nothing but cheap one-shot kills for difficulty. Tequatl is something that actually takes skill and coordination, rather than just spamming dodge and block nonstop.
I have been having trouble with skill queuing not working properly for about 2 months. I play a grenade engineer so I am hitting the 1-5 skills a lot. Occasionally (sometimes every couple skill activations, sometimes a minute or more between) when hitting my next skill near the end of the activation bar of the previous skill, the game simply ignores my key press. The skill icon on the screen flashes indicating that the game registered the key press, but the skill doesn’t get used and my character just stands there looking like an idiot. It completely throws off my combat rhythm and I have taken to hitting each skill key several times every time I use it to make sure it actually works.
It seems to come down to timing. If I hit the skills slightly earlier it cancels my previous skill and if I hit it later my character is sitting idle for a split second between skills. Hitting the skill at the right time no longer works 100% of the time.
This has been an ongoing issue for about 2 months along with some apparently related skill queuing issues that appeared at the same time and have verified it with several guild members.
Basically what happens, is my character will get stuck at random for no apparent reason. I’ll be standing still then hit W to move forward and my character takes a half step then just freezes. I have to let go of W and hit something else so he can move again. This also happens in jumping puzzles and SAB where I will be jumping across a series of small platforms, then at a random jump along the path, this happens and I fall because my jump started out vertical even though I attempted to move forward first.
This also affects the autorun function. Under similar circumstances (just trying to move after standing still) the autorun will behave the same way and I have to hit my autorun key exactly 3 times to get my character to move after this happens. The freeze will also occur occasionally after using Rocket Boots while autorunning.
I am running at 60 fps most of the time and I have a very stable internet connection with a good ping. I just ran the repair function on my GW2 install and all files verified. This did not occur prior to about 2 months ago and also did not occur on my old computer that had some trouble with this game.
babies second super adventure still bugy
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Soupinator.6970
I ran into the same problem today after I got around to doing 2-3 in infantile mode (I did the first two levels last week.) After replaying all the levels, this achievement triggered when I reached the teleporter section at the end of 2-2 so that may be the bugged location. Hopefully that helps you guys.
Thank you this worked perfectly, even with berserker gear and a few junk trinkets. My health was a pretty low at the end but I didn’t go down once. Now to figure out how to beat Liadri…