Showing Posts For Spathis.7540:

@Anet: Thief, community and devs

in PvP

Posted by: Spathis.7540


Solo queue, almost at diamond tier.
Partied with a friend for 5 matches at most. (none of which are related to the wins below).

Don’t believe the negative hype.

Backed this up with another, this time 9/10 wins. Ruby tier, getting close to diamond.
(All my matches again were solo queue).
Still copping flak prior, during and sometimes after matches.

The class is solid. Rotations (from you and your team) are what makes us look good or really really bad.

Only way a thief is an asset is if the thief’s team can carry them so to speak. You have to be able to hold points and allow the thief to do their job of roaming the map. If at any point in time you start to lose team fights before the thief can do his/her job that thief is a liability.

What this means is you didn’t carry those wins, and I highly doubt you were soloq’n those matches.

Please post the ENTIRE screen shot instead of the one with valuable info cut out of it.

The entire screenshots don’t show anything additional / important.
Attached regardless – I have no reason to lie to you. They were all solo queue wins.

Still doesn’t prove you were soloq

I find it very hard to believe btw

Literally no reason to lie. Will however take the disbelief as a compliment.
I rarely take SS’s end of matches but a few attached.

etc. etc. etc.


Veronica Black ~

@Anet: Thief, community and devs

in PvP

Posted by: Spathis.7540


Solo queue, almost at diamond tier.
Partied with a friend for 5 matches at most. (none of which are related to the wins below).

Don’t believe the negative hype.

Backed this up with another, this time 9/10 wins. Ruby tier, getting close to diamond.
(All my matches again were solo queue).
Still copping flak prior, during and sometimes after matches.

The class is solid. Rotations (from you and your team) are what makes us look good or really really bad.

Only way a thief is an asset is if the thief’s team can carry them so to speak. You have to be able to hold points and allow the thief to do their job of roaming the map. If at any point in time you start to lose team fights before the thief can do his/her job that thief is a liability.

What this means is you didn’t carry those wins, and I highly doubt you were soloq’n those matches.

Please post the ENTIRE screen shot instead of the one with valuable info cut out of it.

The entire screenshots don’t show anything additional / important.
Attached regardless – I have no reason to lie to you. They were all solo queue wins.

Still doesn’t prove you were soloq

I find it very hard to believe btw

Literally no reason to lie. Will however take the disbelief as a compliment.
I rarely take SS’s end of matches but a few attached.


Veronica Black ~

@Anet: Thief, community and devs

in PvP

Posted by: Spathis.7540


Solo queue, almost at diamond tier.
Partied with a friend for 5 matches at most. (none of which are related to the wins below).

Don’t believe the negative hype.

Backed this up with another, this time 9/10 wins. Ruby tier, getting close to diamond.
(All my matches again were solo queue).
Still copping flak prior, during and sometimes after matches.

The class is solid. Rotations (from you and your team) are what makes us look good or really really bad.

Only way a thief is an asset is if the thief’s team can carry them so to speak. You have to be able to hold points and allow the thief to do their job of roaming the map. If at any point in time you start to lose team fights before the thief can do his/her job that thief is a liability.

What this means is you didn’t carry those wins, and I highly doubt you were soloq’n those matches.

Please post the ENTIRE screen shot instead of the one with valuable info cut out of it.

The entire screenshots don’t show anything additional / important.
Attached regardless – I have no reason to lie to you. They were all solo queue wins.


Veronica Black ~

@Anet: Thief, community and devs

in PvP

Posted by: Spathis.7540


Solo queue, almost at diamond tier.
Partied with a friend for 5 matches at most. (none of which are related to the wins below).

Don’t believe the negative hype.

Backed this up with another, this time 9/10 wins. Ruby tier, getting close to diamond.
(All my matches again were solo queue).
Still copping flak prior, during and sometimes after matches.

The class is solid. Rotations (from you and your team) are what makes us look good or really really bad.


Veronica Black ~

@Anet: Thief, community and devs

in PvP

Posted by: Spathis.7540


Solo queue, almost at diamond tier.
Partied with a friend for 5 matches at most. (none of which are related to the wins below).

Don’t believe the negative hype.


Veronica Black ~

Pro Players and keybinds

in PvP

Posted by: Spathis.7540


I have fairly long fingers, my approach is;
- QWES for movement (Q/E being strafe)
- A = Look behind
- D = About face
- 1-5 = weapon skills
- Shift + 1-3 = Utilities
- Mouse 4 = Also = Utility 3 (depends on what class I am playing – normally twitch stunbreak where possible)
- Mouse 3 (middle button on the mouse) = Heal
- Mouse 5 = Elite
- F = Stomp
- V = Dodge

Veronica Black ~

[Teef] A Thief Forum Guild (Lock pls)

in Thief

Posted by: Spathis.7540


IGN: Veronica Black
Playstyle: sPvP – Rank 80. Very basic PvE experience
Server: Jade Quarry
Experience with thief: Main toon since launch. Recently back from a long break.

Veronica Black ~

Let's see some thief pics

in Thief

Posted by: Spathis.7540


Keep playing around with the look of my toon.
I simply want to look like a thief! Don’t think i’ll ever be content…

Love this look! What is it you are using?


Head: Determination Headband
Dye: Midnight Ice and Celestial White

Shoulders: Shoulder Scarf
Dye: Lead

Chest: Striders Tunic
Dye: Midnight Ice

Gloves: Heritage Armguards
Dye: Midnight Ice

Legs: Magitech Leggings
Dye: Midnight Ice

Boots: Carapace Boots
Dye: Midnight Ice and Shale

Still playing around with the look though, considering changing the carapace boots to assassin’s boots (Human T3)

Veronica Black ~

Let's see some thief pics

in Thief

Posted by: Spathis.7540


Keep playing around with the look of my toon.
I simply want to look like a thief! Don’t think i’ll ever be content…


Veronica Black ~

(edited by Spathis.7540)

Has thief been nerfed?

in Thief

Posted by: Spathis.7540


I think with pure DPS builds coming into favor (seeing it a lot in solo queue lately), we just need to be smarter with how we approach fights as thieves.

I’m finding the thief class (particularly D/P) to be in a good (probably strong) place at the moment.

Veronica Black ~

Thief Fashion

in Thief

Posted by: Spathis.7540


Here is something different for you.
I have the T3 cultural full set, but like you, I found it boring.


Veronica Black ~

Let's see some thief pics

in Thief

Posted by: Spathis.7540


This is my latest look for my thief.
Drew inspiration from a few pics here

Midnight Ice / Black / Black Cherry were the dye choices.


Veronica Black ~

Let's see some thief pics

in Thief

Posted by: Spathis.7540


I decided to change up my thief into something incredible (Phantom Hood)

Hehe this looks cool!

Veronica Black ~

[Video] Nightblade Outnumbered 5

in Thief

Posted by: Spathis.7540


Cool Video mate!

Veronica Black ~


in Thief

Posted by: Spathis.7540


Hmm am I the only one who still feels satisfied with the thief in tPvP?
I use D/P.

The only issue I have is HS feels very hit and miss lately (as in it literally wont hit in range),
so much so that I couple steal with shadowshot now.

Veronica Black ~

(edited by Spathis.7540)

[PvP] Keyboard setup

in Thief

Posted by: Spathis.7540



F1 – Steal
12345 – Weapon skills

Shift 1/2 – Utilities 1 and 2
Mouse 4 – Utility 3
Mouse 5 – Elite
Middle mouse button – Heal

V – Dodge
Strafe – Q/E
Forwards/Backwards – S/W

Veronica Black ~

Let's see some thief pics

in Thief

Posted by: Spathis.7540


Menzies The Heretic, he stole the look of Grenth. So its definitely a thief.

This looks really cool!
What leg piece is that?

Veronica Black ~

Long Range HS

in Thief

Posted by: Spathis.7540


Generally, i’ll Basilisk > Black powder > Heart seeker > Inflitrators signet > Steal > backstab as an opener in team fights.

Shadow step (Shadow step > Infiltrators > Steal) is used every now and then.
More of a shock tactic than anything.

Veronica Black ~

(edited by Spathis.7540)

Assassin's Creed Armor Skin

in Thief

Posted by: Spathis.7540


This looks cool!

Care to share the armour pieces (and dyes) Coloxeus?
(I can’t recognize the boots and the shoulders!)

Veronica Black ~

Time to nerf bird rune?

in PvP

Posted by: Spathis.7540


The bird is the word.

Veronica Black ~

Nerf Wish list

in Thief

Posted by: Spathis.7540


This is the greatest thread I have ever read. Truth.

What: Ninja outfit
Why: Because it makes thieves look good!

Veronica Black ~

[VIdeo] tPvP D/P thief - Veronica Black

in Thief

Posted by: Spathis.7540


I don’t enjoy thief videos. Never have.

I did enjoy your video. Keeping your battlefield awareness at a very high level was interesting to me. It was more than just a video of you killing people. Good job.

I’m glad you enjoyed it!
I’m interested in making a few more video’s – ranked solo/team queue matches again.
The only problem is I don’t know how to keep it interesting / different.
Would you or anyone else have some ideas?

Other than playing through the matches with a different class, or maybe just showing a full match instead of broken snippets, I can’t really think of anything.

Veronica Black ~

Thief LF Team

in Looking for...

Posted by: Spathis.7540


Would you describe your cosmetics as:
A) Sexy
B) Rustic
C) Evil
D) All of the above.

This answer will be the deciding factor in you being recruited into teams, I am sure of it.

Veronica Black ~

[VIdeo] tPvP D/P thief - Veronica Black

in Thief

Posted by: Spathis.7540


Fellow Aussie here! I actually didn’t mind the music, as it made the duels seem more epic! I personally, barely touch PvP, but you make it seem like fun

Glad you enjoyed it
PvP is definitely worth a venture into, it can be a bit competitive sometimes though – particularly the solo/team queue matches. People love their ratings for some reason!

No they don’t
I’m not even ranked, I just want to get my god kitten Dragon finisher and see QQ in team and map chats. So worth it xD
Guess D/P needs more training, gotta start now

Oh yeah, that dragon finisher is pretty smexy legs hey?
Personally Shark comes a close second for me. My current bear is lame-o sauce.

Veronica Black ~

[VIdeo] tPvP D/P thief - Veronica Black

in Thief

Posted by: Spathis.7540


Fellow Aussie here! I actually didn’t mind the music, as it made the duels seem more epic! I personally, barely touch PvP, but you make it seem like fun

Glad you enjoyed it
PvP is definitely worth a venture into, it can be a bit competitive sometimes though – particularly the solo/team queue matches. People love their ratings for some reason!

Veronica Black ~

Should I give up on Thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Spathis.7540


D/D and D/P is still viable in WvW.

Okay but that not all. sPvP nowadays it’s either S/D or GTFO. At least this is was I’ve seen in the lastest games I’ve done when trying condi P/D there (I saw some Thief with this, one was quite good).

Before D/P was already the most difficult from the 3 available (D/P, S/P and S/D), now doesn«t seem even worth with the recent changes …

D/P is 100% worthwhile, it’s quite fun too!
Check the video in my signature. The spike in team fights or general 1v1s gives this set-up, for me anyway, a strong impact feel.

Veronica Black ~

Let's see some thief pics

in Thief

Posted by: Spathis.7540


This is my Thief


Veronica Black ~

[VIdeo] tPvP D/P thief - Veronica Black

in Thief

Posted by: Spathis.7540


Hi thieving community,

I’m a thief enthusiast (99% on the classed played pie chart!) who’s looking to start making some tPvP videos. I’m not too highly ranked (currently 54) and my rating isn’t the best (currently 430 on solo queue and 947 on the old team queue – been much lower and much higher) but I love my PvP.

The build I use is quite typical.
2/6/0/0/6. Ogre runes. Fire/Air on the D/P weapon set. Fire/Generosity on the SB.

As my fellow Aussies will understand, lag is the most difficult class to contend with when pvp’ing but below is my attempt at it!

Please leave some feedback, things that I can improve on, what you liked/disliked etc. It’s all appreciated.

Enjoy the video (excuse the workout music, it gets me fired up…)

PS. Excuse the little brothers crude review videos, he is still learning the meaning of humor! I thought i’d upload my video to his youtube account for support!

Veronica Black ~

(edited by Spathis.7540)

What has happened to the thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Spathis.7540


I found that using the AoE weapon set S/D (CnD > tactical strike from behind) coupled with shadow arts VI (cloaked in shadow) really helps in surviving PvE (and PvP/WvW).

Permanently daze your single target and every time you are stealthing, you are blinding nearby targets whilst AoE’ing with auto attack.

Also carrying some good utilities (I carry shadow refuge, blinding powder and shadowstep/shadow return – these all compliment my build which focuses on critical strikes and shadow arts – 0/30/30/10/0) helps immensely!

Veronica Black ~

Funny comments regarding HS

in Thief

Posted by: Spathis.7540


Most skills that are complained about are quite easily countered.
If you can’t counter skills like HS or the old 2-3 shot back stab thief you are simply doing it wrong (here come the accusations of the old troll maneuver – I am being serious).

If you can’t work out counters, look around on youtube or ask for constructive criticism on the way you play. The be all end all is most complaints should be directed at the one mindedness of players and their inability to adapt.

Right or wrong? Think on it.

Veronica Black ~

Let's see some thief pics

in Thief

Posted by: Spathis.7540


The time for diplomacy has ended.


Veronica Black ~

WvW 8 players vs 1 stealth thief

in Thief

Posted by: Spathis.7540


The zerg does not always conquer… interesting.

Veronica Black ~