Showing Posts For Specteral.9740:

Globs of Ecto

in Crafting

Posted by: Specteral.9740


It depends, if you have random mats then it’s cheaper to craft. If you have to buy ALL mats off TP, it’s cheaper to just buy the rare off TP.

Occasionally some of the craft mats may be cheap enough you can craft them for around 18s but the majority of the main mats are going for 1.50s+ each and you need 15 + other mats making it break even at best.

(edited by Specteral.9740)

R.I.P. Drop Rate

in Crafting

Posted by: Specteral.9740


I would love for the drop rates to be better on the rare crafting mats, but I can honestly say I am enjoying it at this time. Grinding is part of an MMO. We are only in what week 3? I am sure that Anet will adjust things that are a problem. MMO’s take a lot of tweaking to get just right.

My complaint is not “rare” crafting materials, it’s common crafting materials that are impossible to get since they have added them to gather spawns that are already overcrowded with mats.

When you only have a handful of spawns and they drop multiple items it makes it impossible to gather certain materials driving the cost for common low level materials up to level 80 prices.

R.I.P. Drop Rate

in Crafting

Posted by: Specteral.9740


Play Dungeon Fighter Online

Try to level enchanting


you’d rather level a craft in GW2 100 times over

I’m already level 400, but can’t craft anything but junk people don’t want because the rarity of simple materials that drive costs up to the point you can’t make any money but a few copper here and there.

R.I.P. Drop Rate

in Crafting

Posted by: Specteral.9740


I agree it has gotten ridiculous. Vanilla Bean which is used in everything and is a Chef(25) crafting mater is going for 75-100c (1s) each? That’s more then a lot of the level 300 – 400 ingredients?

I can understand why they would take items off karma and make them drop items but when the drops items don’t drop, how are we supposed to craft anything and make money other than grinding? (Not going to happen.)

The other major bone to pick I have is Vanilla Bean’s off of Herb Seedlings. I have been harvesting Herb Seedlings for the last couple days in several of the starting areas and have only gotten 4 vanilla beans 1 time.

Part of the problem is they have like 10 different materials dropping off Herb Seedlings. I get Garlic, Peppercorn, Thyme … everything under the sun except Vanilla Bean.

So I went from being able to make 35s in an hour to 10 copper. Thanks, but no thanks. -.-

They’ve basically tried to fix one mechanic and severely broken another. I am terribly disappointed. =(

Hopefully at some point the prices on the crafted goods will rise and we can actually make money again but demand will also drop so there will be less money to be made.

(edited by Specteral.9740)

Am I supposed to be able to solo Arah Bosses?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Specteral.9740


I think the later dungeons are easier, maybe they are just built that way, or maybe its because you have end game gear and all your trait points and elites unlocked etc.. which makes a huge difference.

I think a big reason for all the dungeon threads is the introduction to dungeons at level 30. AC was a horrible experience and have not been back.

The main complaint I see about dungeons is AC. I went there with some guildies for first time after reaching level 30. In story mode it took 2-3 hours just to get 50% of the way through the dungeon. After spending about 20s in repair costs and not getting anything of worth in the dungeon I really don’t see the point in returning.

Anti-farm code does exist for Fine Crafting Materials

in Crafting

Posted by: Specteral.9740


All Anti-farm code system would do is make ingredients more expensive at the auction house. If you want the farming to stop make the items more available otherwise the cost of ingredients to items are more than the item itself and makes crafting expensive and rewards people who can just spin off and farm other things and wait out the period of time, this just hurts crafters in the pocket book.

I disagree, I believe the purpose is deter botting etc. and make the materials more valuable as well as the results. I know a few events I would love to continually farm and use to level but don’t because of the drop in mats after the first run. =p

I think it has temporarily thrown things for a loop but I think things will even out over time. People became used to the extreme cheap prices because of the overabundance of crafting materials at launch. I mean really, 1.6s for an omnomberry bar is cheap! It’s the best magic find food in the game. Most level 80’s I know are making several gold per day. I would love to see the bars going for 3-4 silver each . =p

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Specteral.9740


I agree with Chewablesleeptablet. I have not had any issues raising my crafting. I have cooking to 400 which was super easy but I did need to buy some mats to raise the level since I am only level 60. I easily made more money back, not an hour after getting 400 I had already made 1g in profit buying mats in quantity and crafting items that are in demand.

I am almost 300 in Artificing andTailoring and also just started Weaponsmithing and Armorsmithing.

If you expect to be able to get to 400 without any effort or expense maybe crafting is not for you.

Effort * Expense = Growth Rate.

Either you need to put more effort into gathering / salvaging materials or expect to buy the materials on the TP at a great expense. If you lack effort then expect a high expense to get a decent growth rate.

Discovery is the key to maximizing the xp for leveling crafting. Vendor or TP the stuff to recoup some of any money spent on mats used to discover recipes.

Use an online database to find what recipes use an item you have a quantity of so you can maximize usage of drops you already have instead of buying all mats on TP.

I’ve found it’s much easier to level crafting as you level your character. I think they progress really well together although it does take a little extra effort to keep your crafting level on par with character level.

How Many Disciplines?

in Crafting

Posted by: Specteral.9740


Most karma crafting items are account bound. I use my main that has 10’s of thousands of karma to go buy supplies etc and then just bank them. I did not have to leave town at all to get to 400 on my alt.

Necro minions are bugged.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Specteral.9740


I solo pretty much everything in the game up to veterans with condition/minion build. They are undead minions, they aren’t supposed to regen health, lol.

In the original GW you had a minion heal skill but your minions also lost health at an increasing rate over time and had to be resummoned.

Minions have to be triggered. You can’t stand still and expect minions to do all the work. If that was the case then why would they need you? =p

You need to target, and attack to trigger the minions. Use your main attack to trigger the minions, I am not sure AoE skills will trigger them to the correct target. I have had 0 issues with minions not attacking targets. I will usually retarget minions to new target and finish off old targets myself with AoE skills. It works out pretty well.

Minion’s durability is not that bad. By the time they are dead the cooldown is usually nearing done and you can resummon. There are also trait skills which increase minion durability, health and attack.