Showing Posts For Spectorx.9762:

Dulfy has been banned.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Spectorx.9762


I LOL’d at this. I currently work for Visa, and the amount of charge backs is insane. I know some people have been threatening legal, and if it comes to that.. It will not be good news for Anet.

Rejoice! Mobile Authentication News!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Spectorx.9762


I want to add this, but I would like someone else to install it, then remove it.. and make sure you can login after it being removed…. I flash way too many ROMS to my rooted phone…

Lags - Help

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Spectorx.9762


Bots, bots and more bots are the problem. You’re more than likely in a zone that is infested with this abuse, and it ruins the game for everyone. Hopefully A-net will actually fulfill their statements that their working on this… If it doesn’t happen soon, I’m positive their client population will dramaticly reduce in size, as it has over the past 2 weeks.

Arcane Minor Trait "Attunement bonuses linger for 5 seconds"

in Elementalist

Posted by: Spectorx.9762


Or you can go… 10/0/30/0/30 and win….

Fire – “Internal Fire” + 10% dmg while attuned

Earth – Earths Embrace, Serrated Stones, Geomancers Alacrity

Arcana – Elemental Attunement, Arcane Mastery, Evasive Arcana

Use skills – Arcane Power, Arcane Wave, Glyph of elemental power, Glyph of elemental.

Gear – Go for berserkers, rune Vamporism, Accessories should be Valkyrie, and rings should be whatever the exotic Beryl are…

Run in, wreck s**t move on to the next victim. Simple as that. good luck!

Remote Play

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Spectorx.9762


There would be absoluetly no reason why you wouldn’t be able to do this. You paid for the application. How you access it is none of their concern as long as you’re not modifying the game. If you found a way to remote desktop from your playstation 3 to your computer and load the game.. They cannot say you are not allowed to do it… Nor would they EVER know.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Spectorx.9762


Incident: 120914-003281

On the 7 day. Still not resolved.

guild wars 2 website login and out problems

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Spectorx.9762


Answer #2: – I’m having this same issue and submitted 2 tickets to CS and they still haven’t provided anything other than a copy/paste response that is rediculous. I have a friend that is a decently high position in IGN that is tracking my issue also. Numerous times I’ve been trying to lock my account down asking for help to make sure I don’t get hacked and still they are unable to help with my security. We will see how long it takes.

Sigil of Superior Doom bugged?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Spectorx.9762


or maybe it’s because elementalists can’t swap weapons in battle? i’m sure it works fine :P

ele’s swapping attunements is considered “Weapon swap” I believe. I might be wrong on this, but from what I was reading this is the case.

Is forum moderation audited and does answer e-mails?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Spectorx.9762


Just laugh it off. I have a few posts that got infringed… It’s some kid going “infringement happy” at the customer service.

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Spectorx.9762


Over 30 posts in the past 16 hours.. 2 posts an hour, none suspected of hacking seems like an issue to me.

Killing 1c undercutting

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Spectorx.9762


Whats funny is I bet Max undercut the previous seller by 2c and got upset someone undercut him for 1c. Pretty funny actually.

Killing 1c undercutting

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Spectorx.9762


I’ll go to a gas station that is 2 cents lower to get cheaper gas.. I don’t hear Exxon complaining that Texaco is 2 cents lower and getting more customers..

Atrocious Service

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Spectorx.9762


I have a ticket opened to LOCK DOWN my account as the email authentication is not working on my account. I can login from multiple IP’s including servers my work hosts. I installed the game on a server in Houston and one in Washington state.. I have no issues logging in with my password and never get prompted to authorize the IP.. I made a thread and their not providing any solutions to fix this. So not only are they not caring who gets hacked.. They are not helping someone try to secure their account so they DO NOT get hacked..

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Spectorx.9762


On the 5 day.

Incident: 120914-003281

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Spectorx.9762


Incident: 120914-003281

Still needs fixing.

How to _enable_ email authentication?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Spectorx.9762


What about every other account that has this issue Gaile? I made a very detailed ticket and got an automated response and that is it. The ticket is closed and needs to be reopened until it is resolved. I will continue to make tickets until someone actually ACKNOWLEDGES my issue.

Incident: 120914-003281

Wanted: Full set Berserker's Exalted Armor - Light armor

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Spectorx.9762


Actually, you know what.. I think you’re correct. I guess I should be looking for Satchel of Berserker’s Masquerade. Foolish of me. Much obliged!

Wanted: Full set Berserker's Exalted Armor - Light armor

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Spectorx.9762


Good morning/Evening everyone. Sorry if this is in the wrong thread but I couldn’t find another appropriate place. I am currently looking to get the full set of Berserker’s Exalted Armor. It appears the “Satchel of Berserker’s Exalted Armor” is not being crafted because it requires 11 insignia’s to make the Satchel when crafting each armor individually only cost 6? I guess this is a bug in the game the dev’s need to look at, but that’s getting off track.

Anyhow, I’m looking to see if anyone is willing to make a full set for a decent price. Looking at all the other “box’s of” and “Satchels” that are being created the price at the AH is roughly 5-6 gold for the box. Seems’ fair, but when looking at the Exalted piece’s I want individually their 3-4g a piece. (Makes no sense to me, but oh well)…. Needless to say, is there anyone out there that would be willing to craft a full set for x amount of gold. Please pm me or post here (I’ll look every few hours) and maybe we can come to a deal. Thanks for reading!

Materials – Link for Satchel(Click the “Contains” tab to see the items)

E-Mail Authentication Not Working?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Spectorx.9762


It’s not working and the mods are avoiding these posts as much as they possibly can.. Why?? I think everyone knows that answer.

Not getting prompted for Authorization.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Spectorx.9762


I have made several post’s about this, but of course the mods can’t answer the question so they let the forum die… Then you see them posting pictures on facebook and sending out mass emails to upgrade your account to DD.

Wanted Berserker's Exalted Armor

in Crafting

Posted by: Spectorx.9762


Good morning/Evening everyone. Sorry if this is in the wrong thread but I couldn’t find another appropriate place. I am currently looking to get the full set of Berserker’s Exalted Armor. It appears the “Satchel of Berserker’s Exalted Armor” is not being crafted because it requires 11 insignia’s to make the Satchel when crafting each armor individually only cost 6? I guess this is a bug in the game the dev’s need to look at, but that’s getting off track.

Anyhow, I’m looking to see if anyone is willing to make a full set for a decent price. Looking at all the other “box’s of” and “Satchels” that are being created the price at the AH is roughly 5-6 gold for the box. Seems’ fair, but when looking at the Exalted piece’s I want individually their 3-4g a piece. (Makes no sense to me, but oh well)…. Needless to say, is there anyone out there that would be willing to craft a full set for x amount of gold. Please pm me or post here (I’ll look every few hours) and maybe we can come to a deal. Thanks for reading!

Materials – Link for Satchel(Click the “Contains” tab to see the items)

so call me maybe...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Spectorx.9762


If a moderator can see my ticket from last night I wasn’t kidding about 3pm. I just left the clerks office.

^^^I Lol’d… Let me guess “Give me back my game or I’m going to follow with a law suit” GG for making me laugh.. Good luck with that buddy!

How to turn on e-mail authenticator?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Spectorx.9762


I just created another thread on this… I have screenshots also to provide support in case anything where to happen, I also have screenshots in game of my items, currency, and gems, as full re-imbursement will be demanded as this is THEIR issue.

Email authentication not working - Incident: 120914-003281

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Spectorx.9762


Their “Email Authentication” doesn’t work. You can download a 3rd party app called “Hide My IP” and change your IP address to whatever state/country you want. The application works. If you go to after enabling it, you can verify. If once again you want further confirmation you can change your IP to UK or China and go to and will get rerouted to Then log into your guildwars account, and BAM… you’re in with an IP never used. My email authentication IS enabled, but… just doesn’t work.

I want my account secured and if this is the best Anet offers… Please say so. If not, say so. Regardless, this is my confirmation that there is a flaw with my account and will need to be addressed.

-P.S. On a side note, I logged in on 2 family memebers houses on my account and never got prompted to accept the IP, hence why I further investigated.

Game Security.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Spectorx.9762


I think Gaile’s post in closing the other thread was legitimate. I think she said they’re working on security improvements or maybe I read that somewhere else?

We just have to try to be constructive and not abusive in these conversations.

And I agree, if you read the previous post, that was what was said in the opening conversation. There was no “abuse” and nothing NON-constructive, there was NO REASON to lock the post. The question is a legit question and really should not be brushed off. We are asking WHAT will be in place to remedy this. A generic “We have stuff in place” is not an answer.. Thats the equivillent of me asking you whats for dinner and you replying “Food”….

By once again… This is not to belittle Anet or anyone for that matter, but to have their customer base be aware of WHAT is going to happen.

Game Security.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Spectorx.9762


First off Gaile closed the previous thread for no reason. It is a legimate post, and needs to be discussed. The security that IS IN place.. DOES NOT work. It is enabled on my account but I can still login from any location without confirming. Please see below.

I never received a confirmation email to accept, and it is enabled.

This means it’s not enabled on your account.

It IS enabled on my account. I have the emails to prove it is enabled. See below. I got this once.. And allowed it. Ever since then.. I can login from anywhere without getting another confirmation. The “Security” is junk.


Sep 3 (9 days ago) to me

A login attempt from the following location is currently awaiting your authorization.

Region: FL

Game Security.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Spectorx.9762


The e-mail Authorization is junk, Read the last 20 posts where people switched emails, and changed passwords and still getting hacked. It is not a security measure.. And it doesn’t work. Yesterday I went to my brothers house.. First time since launch and logged in with my account. I never received a confirmation email to accept, and it is enabled. It’s not a security measure, it’s a fools way to believe they are “trying”. The amount of posts people are creating daily about getting hacked is reason enough to say it’s useless and a waste of resources. Next!

Game Security.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Spectorx.9762


It is blatantly obvious to the world that GW2 has severe security issues. I know you guys are back logged in fixing hacked accounts, resetting emails, ect ect.. But what is being put into place CURRENTLY to prevent FURTHER accounts getting compromised? If there is no advanced security procedure in place this 5-10 day back log will ALWAYS continue to be there. What are the dev’s doing to prevent further destruction? Any and all posts welcome, but keep it polite as I want a mod/dev/admin to actually answer this legit question. Thank you.

Is this email legit?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Spectorx.9762


Peeps be busy over in China.. Every single one of these posts is from someone in China.. Wish they would just block all of China’s IP’s from connecting to US servers.

If they blocked IP ranges, those in China would just use proxies to change their IP addresses. Then they’d still be able to connect to US servers.

Easy fix. They already have a tracert going in on login. Ban the proxies IP address also. It’s pretty apparent that they have no problem banning people, people who just bought the game at that.. Might as well be ban happy with proxy servers and CN Ip’s. It’s not hard.

Is this email legit?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Spectorx.9762


Peeps be busy over in China.. Every single one of these posts is from someone in China.. Wish they would just block all of China’s IP’s from connecting to US servers.

Getting login authorisation e-mails

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Spectorx.9762


This is exactly why I have a new email address, never used on anything else, and a 17 digit password mixed with letters, numbers, uppercase. If my account gets this.. We will know its a problem on Arena’s side, and not this “Compilation of emails used on forums, other games, ect ect”.

Removing Saved Card?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Spectorx.9762


You can’t. Sorry. They will be, or should be addressing this… Soon.. hopefully.

Saved Credit Card Info [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Spectorx.9762


CV numbers are not required to be saved to purchase – if you have an iTunes or Amazon account you will know that you face exactly the same risk there. If someone knows your login AND your password they can make purchases with your credit card.

I don’t disagree that Anet should fix the unsave function but people harping on about how no other business does this are wrong. Many internet businesses give you the option to save your details, and it is considered your responsibility to make sure the account is secured to the best of your ability. The only time it becomes Anet’s fault is if their own servers are compromised.

You’re missing the point.. No one cares that the option is there to have it saved.. all though, there really shouldn’t be an option as they don’t have a monthly fee or purchase.. but the exact issue is.. You CANNOT remove it.. So using Amazon, Ebay, Paypal or anything of the sort is not valid.

71 hours; I don't agree with Naming Policy

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Spectorx.9762


I agree with Gaile.

71 hours; I don't agree with Naming Policy

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Spectorx.9762


Either way, he knew he was wrong.. He got what was coming. I dont feel bad for him.

Saved Credit Card Info [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Spectorx.9762


It is a very common ongoing billing process used for subscriptions and recurring charges.

And this is exactly why Anet should NOT be holding any CVC numbers, or full credit card numbers in general. It’s a quick fix.. to turn off the “Remember this card”. There should be NO reason to keep the credit card on file, hence why having that option was a very.. very… bad idea.

E-mail auth disabled, should I change my e-mail ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Spectorx.9762


I haven’t been hacked, but am looking to re-enable this feature but I do not see the option anywhere to do so.