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Ascalonian Catacombs is too hard now I think

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Spekingur.1062


If you think the spiders are hard, wait until you get to ghost eater in path 2. Crazy frustrating.

I found that one to be easier than the spiders :/

AC - The old The new, from a new player

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Spekingur.1062


Howling King. (Path 1 Boss) It is lacking the fun factor. Also, why is fire involved?

Because the narrative of the entire path revolves around Hodgins rebuilding magical flaming scepters because they might be useful in handling what he deems as the most pressing threat to the Priory expedition. And now they are useful (he’s the one creating those fires), and the events preceding the final boss actually have relevance and appropriate context.

Your suggestion basically changes it back to being too similar to Colossus Rumblus.

Ah, that explains it. Thank you. My suggestion was just based on the name of the boss and imagining what a creature with powerful howling could do.

@CryxTryx You automatically go to that, don’t you? Accusing people of wanting everything easier. You complained about a lack of suggestions and I gave some. You then complain about those suggestions. There is obviously some amount of dislike to the changes of AC within the community and all you are doing is calling those who don’t like the changes crybabies without providing any compromising suggestions for them. I have already said that I liked most of the changes in AC and only saw a few faults. But because you are so intent on being a brickwall you have it in your mind that I want it all easypie. Forums are for discussing things which I thought we were doing but you basically answer each suggestion with “nuh-huh, that’s just because you want easy mode” rather than actually discussing it. You seem to be seeking confirmation of your own “genius” and try to shoot everyone else down that has a different opinion from yours.

@Kanako Because it is not obvious what to do. We found out what to do by accident on our first try, if we had not we would have wiped more often. It is very easy to wipe in that room if you don’t know what to do. I don’t know if Hodgins ever mentions what he is going to do (creating fire, killing adds) – perhaps that’s something he should do. If he communicated such it wouldn’t be as confusing.
The Spider Queen herself isn’t much of a challenge. It’s the hatchlings that are in the same room. You basically have three things going on in that room. Gargoyles, hatchlings and Spider Queen. The fight with the Spider Queen alone just isn’t that challenging or fun. Her venom bites harder now, she seems to throw it out more often and over a wider area. As I said before, maybe it’s okay she’s like that since she is the first boss. IMO it’s the hatchlings that might need a closer look.

AC - The old The new, from a new player

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Spekingur.1062


@CryxTryx Sheesh. So if my opinion isn’t the same as yours my opinion is invalid? I don’t want easier content. I want fun challenging content. Some battles in AC are lacking that fun factor. That was what I was saying. Do I think they should change AC back to what it was? No.
Want suggestions? Okay then.
AC paths. Each path start the same. Make them start differently (not always the same first boss for example).
Spider Queen room. Hatchlings are too powerful or too many. Lower the power or lower the amount of them.
Spider Queen. She is not that difficult (unless you get really unlucky with poison). The fight just isn’t fun. Maybe that’s okay because she is the first boss.
Howling King. (Path 1 Boss) It is lacking the fun factor. Also, why is fire involved? Lower the amount of adds he calls upon. Make his super howls shake the room and rocks fall down. If rocks fall on adds they die otherwise players have to kill them. If they fall on players they are knocked down and stunned.
Other. Make it so that skills that (champion) mobs have are on a longer timer till they can be used again.

@Kanako Spider Queen wasn’t much fun to fight in my opinion. After the first try we understood the Path 1 Boss mechanics just fine.

I would like to iterate, we just did AC Path 1 and 2 and I enjoyed most of it. The Ghostbuster fight was pretty sweet – it was fun and interesting. The above I mentioned are things I think should be fixed to some extent.

(edited by Spekingur.1062)

AC - The old The new, from a new player

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Spekingur.1062


They added more adds to bosses and made some of them harder. They added in more champion beasts and changed what skills they used. AC is a level 35 dungeon and it feels more difficult than higher level ones due to the changes in the mobs. The dungeon should be “easier” than those that come after it.
People I play GW2 with have little raiding experience. The changes that were made DID make AC harder but also made some bosses less fun (Spider Queen and Boss path 1) – and made it feel like WoW raids. I have no qualms about more difficult/challenging content but it needs to be done right – meaning, fun. Boss in Path 2 was super fun.

I’m looking for fun in the games I play along with challenges. Not something that just gets irritating with time. I feel like some players actually want WoW like content in GW2 which is something I was trying to escape from by going into GW2. Guild Missions showed us that WoW like content is already starting to spill over and I feel even more so with the recent changes to AC.

AC - The old The new, from a new player

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Spekingur.1062


I think parts of it are harder and remind me of WoW raiding. If I want that feeling I would play WoW.
I’ve just finished going through Path 1 and 2. The way they make it “harder” is the formula of ‘more adds’ almost to the point of overwhelming. While it does make it harder it does not make it fun.

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spekingur.1062


After reading through this thread once again all I get from it is that the commentors in large guilds also seem to be rather large kittens. This makes me even less likely to join a large guild.

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spekingur.1062


I think people saying “just join a larger guild” are still not getting it. They must already be in a large guild or just completely blind to the situation.

There has already been a great analysis of this new content to which none of the join-large-guild-sayers have responded to.

My thoughts on the matter is that I think Guild Missions should have had their own guild upgrade category with the first tiers easily unlockable while the higher tiers needing a lot more – with possibly needing unlocks in other guild upgrade categories. This would allow low tiers to be accessible for all while the higher tiers would be more easily accessible for larger guilds. Whether or not your guild is able to do the content isn’t an issue since you can do it with other guilds (even if it really defeats the purpose of calling it a guild mission). I understand ANet wanting to expand their existing guild upgrade categories further but in my bones I feel this was the wrong road to take with Guild Missions.

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spekingur.1062


(1) Small guilds should have been able to get access just as easily as larger guilds.
(2) Larger guilds are able to go through upgrades quicker than smaller guilds.
(3) Larger guilds have an easier time completing guild mission content.
(4) Larger guilds are technically the only ones able to access the high tiered guild missions.
Having Guild Missions as their own Guild Upgrade tab would have allowed the above to happen within a more sensible frame.

What is there to do for large PvE guilds? Not much that doesn’t get boring pretty fast. The problem stems from large PvE guilds in other MMOs where you have raid content for large raid groups. This mindset transfers with people from MMO to MMO.
Large group raiding, in my opinion, always been a problem with MMOs. To get anything cool you had to be a part of a large guild that most of the time required you to take part in raids – and the only way to get the cool stuff was to take part in raids. And then you had to roll for loot. This to me is the most boring part of an MMO (although loot rolling can be fun with friends). This is why I have enjoyed GW2 and this update is creating disparity. It is geared towards large PvE guilds and I fear that ANet is going to be catering to that type of playstyle in the future.

(Guild Wars is also missing a large part of what makes it name – Guild vs Guild.)

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spekingur.1062


People are saying “just help other guilds doing their guild missions”. I ask them, does this not defeat the purpose of calling something Guild Missions?

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spekingur.1062


I always expected this to have it’s own influence track. I have not seen any mention as to why it has to be part of other influence track. Having its own influence track seems to make the most sense. It could even be linked to other influence tracks (needing unlocks there to be able to unlock in the guild mission specific one). Blending or fusion influence tracks together like this seems confusing – especially if that’s how it will be done in future additions to influence tracks. Having it’s own influence track will also make every guild feel like they can take part.

So a simple question, why do guild missions and their related items not have their own influence track?

(edited by Spekingur.1062)

Map completion statistics not correct

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Spekingur.1062


There are quite a few threads about map completion bugs. Mine is a bit different.

I have got 95% map completion. The areas I have left to complete are two WvW maps. All other areas are 100% completed. When I open up the map the map completion statistics are not correct.

The areas I have left WvW do not account for all the missing POI, Skillspoints or Vistas. Revisiting areas does not change anything in that list.

Along with this one of my Explorer achievement seems to be bugged, possibly related to this.
Ascalon Explorer is at 150/176 while all others are 1 or 2 areas from being achieved. This tells me that the server possibly didn’t count at least one map for the statistics and the areas.

Trolls End (broken)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Spekingur.1062


Technically that is not the first jump. You need to go up and fall down a hole.