Showing Posts For Squirrelbane.2510:
Here’s my human guard, Sonja Ormancer
She’s wearing: Vigil Chestpiece, Human cultural T3 shoulders, Heavy Fiery God’s Vembraces, Orrian Leggaurds and Human cultural T3 boots. Dye is all midnight ice. All designed to complement Dusk
Hope you like it
Squirrel <3
I’m having a bug where random wind can hit any snowflake and blow you off, like the fall animation. I thought this was a new feature at first but having looked at other threads it became clear people weren’t experiencing the same thing.
JP is just impossible at this point for me. I’m not lagging at all and have low ping so don’t know what’s causing this issue.
Here’s a video from another thread showing exactly what’s happening.
And my post from that thread too:
I’m having the same issue with the wind bug. Found it beyond frustrating. It’s virtually impossible at this point. I did it easily last year, on like my second attempt. Then every day.
It happens continuously throughout the whole puzzle, is unavoidable and completely random on any of the snowflakes. I play from the UK on a US server but I never have latency issues as I have a 100mb fiber optic line. This isn’t about jumping at the right time or falling or lagging, it’s just a weird wind bug taht strikes when u hit a snowflake.
(edited by Squirrelbane.2510)
hah xD Oh I’d never jump on that train I’m uttely nuts for da Anet love
(confess……ya…ok..i was ready to shout “WORST CHANGE EVA!” until I saw your post lol)
I’ve got skype up too…not that it uses much bandwidth. I’ll try closing everything and see if that helps. Odd tho…doesn’t normally interfere with the game, especially with my beast of a line.
I’m having the same issue with the wind bug. Found it beyond frustrating. It’s virtually impossible at this point. I did it easily last year, on like my second attempt. Then every day.
It happens continuously throughout the whole puzzle, is unavoidable and completely random on any of the snowflakes. I play from the UK on a US server but I never have latency issues as I have a 100mb fiber optic line. This isn’t about jumping at the right time or falling or lagging, it’s just a weird wind bug taht strikes when u hit a snowflake.
It’s exactly as the video posted by Twiggy.2138 shows. Random and making it impossible. Shame, this was probably my fav JP
(edited by Squirrelbane.2510)
Props to FA last night on EB, who saw us manically trying to save SM from a DB invasion (ultimately losing SM), and took the strategic opportunity to push our third and take Langor, and almost Bravost. People who say you don’t have the numbers certainly didn’t see the masses of you I saw out there last night. I was the one manically building the treb in Bravost to take out not one, not two, but the FOUR trebs you guys had set up at Umber. I’m glad all those endless hours I’ve trebbed paid off, cos I was sweating there for a bit.
FA were awesome in EB today. Great numbers but even better strategy.
There was one point (bout 12 hrs ago now..) where we (TC) were heading back from ogres towards Umber and hit a FA zerg head on……..but no. They executed a perfect pincer and annihilated us. It was painfully beautiful.
If you guys get more numbers and can do the same kinds of things without becoming, ya know, zergy, it would be frightening.
Props to TC for the win. FA great teamwork. Now, lets go back to each server not double teaming the other.
This talk of double teaming needs to stop, it’s childish and disrespectful. And for the GL of a major WvW guild to say it…
The same was being said by TC players when DB first came into the tier. TC was getting pummeled that first week and people’s first resort was to blame double teaming. It wasn’t.
We were the no1 target so we got pummeled. FA jumped on the opportunity for some payback. Can’t blame em xD After coming into the tier so strongly naturally DB are getting a little focus. But TC and FA have been going at each other heavily this week too.
TC got a right royal thumping. But we regrouped and have come back.
DB, look to yourselves before blaming double teaming. It’s a discredit to your excellent players and won’t help you bounce back.
Also other players can see my character!!! Please remove this, they can see me!!!
Funny. It’s a real problem. Trying to make light of it just makes u look a lil silly tbh.
You are correct, they cannot contact you if they are blocked, but they still have access to all your information and can chose to find you and follow you around.
Yes, this happens.
I think it would be alot better if you just appeared offline to someone you block.
Exactly this. I’ve had someone follow me to 2 servers chasing me……just based off of information that they have no right to have.
Don’t think a lot of ppl realize just how visible you still are when you block someone. Or how easy the game’s mechanics make stalking.
Ppl can still see when u logon even if you’ve blocked them. That’s a major flaw in design.
We need:
- need to confirm friend requests.
- logon as offline
- blocked means u actually appear offline
- appearing offline doesn’t still show changes of location/character/achievements etc
- individualized status modes (appear online to certain people)
1) I loved the weapon type on my toon. GS was where the fun was as far as I was concerned.
me and my close friends all decided to go for one together so it spurred us on.#
2) I didn’t give up. I’m the happy owner of a Twilight.
3) hardest? huum. Well, personally the most frustrating part was the clovers. Many people say the precursor though just because it’s so expensive. I was lucky enough to have it drop for me though >.>
4) Ecstatic. But to be honest the playing with friends and working towards it was far more rewarding than the actually getting. I love having it, but yeah…years of gratification in other MMOs made me appreciate that it’s the chasing that’s where the real fun comes from.
6) YES – thinking about Bilfrost on my mesmer now xD
I 100% support this.
Recently I’ve had someone start stalking me. It’s a horrible experience.
I know Anet wants the game to be inclusive but sadly there are undesirable people in MMOs.
Due to the way the game works they can follow me wherever I go. They know when I logon. They know what character I’m on.
Even if I block them they can know when I logon to the game.
What I don’t understand is why Anet removed the option from the original BETA logon screen where you could logon as offline. That would solve so many problems.
Please do something about this because, despite that I know we want to think the best of gamers and people, there are rotten apples out there.
I use a Logitech G600 gaming mouse and it’s amazing.
It has nice ergonomic buttons on the side that fit the thumb perfectly. It’s just such a natural feel when you use it that getting the natural reflexes came very quickly. It’s a fantastic mouse.
Anet are renowned for the their lil easter eggs, GW1 was full of em. They’re a community of wonderful geeks xD
One I noticed the other day in Harathi Highlands while doing a DE at Nightguard Beach with a guy who was on patrol that was a clear reference to Jurassic Park.
At the end of the DE he talks about a spider cave, he goes through saying it’s strange there are no spiders. At the end of the tunnel he turns and realizes it’s a trap as a vet spider comes down and mutters……..“clever girl”.
Loved it.
I remember at one point Anet said, I’m sure it was in some video, that every NPC costume you see would be available.
Really hope they do this because there’s so many awesome ones out there I wanna see!
(edited by Squirrelbane.2510)
I want a black horse that can share in my adventures. I want to give it a name and be the bestest friends.
I want to be able to buy it different bridles and plait it’s tail if I want to.
This game is all about cosmetics. I don’t want a speed boost that would take me away from the beautiful world. I just want a beautiful horse.
Is it so much to ask? :’(
Wait 30 mins for a world boss to spawn.
Log back in on overflow.
Miss boss.
I really hope these overflows are a way to reduce lag and a means to test and gradually increase the capacity of home servers’ zones.
If this is a final solution it makes me a sad squirrel :’(
There’s no point babbling on about solutions and causes. I’m not an Anet developer and I don’t have a full picture of the situation. I know they’ll be working on a solution…I just hope we can see it soon because atm I can’t kill world bosses at peak times, which is something I love organizing my friends and guild to do.
(edited by Squirrelbane.2510)
I play at nights and am looking for a server to guest on that is active at night during the week, especially for events in Cursed Shore.
I’m on Maguuma and once it hits around 3am EST it’s, maybe aptly for Orr, basically dead.
Any US servers out there that remain active all night? Maybe with high Aussie populations or something?
A lot of people bring up the point that guilds like to get a Commander with a collaborative effort. And if you made the manual require an obscene amount of Badges of Honor, that wouldn’t happen.
And that’s great for the guild in question and its members. My guild did that and we have great leaders in WvW.
But if it’s someone you don’t know personally there’s just no way of telling if they bought gold or have spent hours leading ppl in WvW.
At least this idea would give a better general indication.
Agreed. what does 100g have to do with showing you’re capable of leading others in WvW?
A system based on WvW related achievements (keeps taken, tokens, kills in WvW etc) instantly suggests someone at least knows what they’re doing in WvW.
The gold can remain as maybe the Anet feels the gold sink is needed, but WvW achievements really should be incorporated.
Hi Mkalafut, u old GW1 pro
Fully support this.
There was a deep sense of adventure, wonder and history with some of GW1s dungeons that gave them an engrossing, personal and memorable quality that is somewhat lacking in GW2s dungeons.
The storymodes are very good, but they lack the depth of those in GW1.
A return of some of those dungeons would be fantastic.
(edited by Squirrelbane.2510)
This would be frankly offensive, not to sound like a leetist kitten….
Someone getting by pure RNG luck what others have spent many many hours grinding and dreaming about?
It was bad enough that precursors dropped in such abundance during the Lost Shore closing event and ppl who’d never given a legandary a second thought were tripping over them….but a complete legandary would be a slap in the face, personally.
It’s also just hugely counter to the idea behind legendaries.
I wish the legandaries took on a more personalized, epic quest (aka scavenger hunt) theme to obtain…this would be monumentally worse than how it is now.
Dearest Toymaker Tixx,
Please send us a wonderful, joyous event where all the boys and girls can play together regardless of when they can play and what level they may be.
Please let these magical experiences happen more than just once so that they can be shared with all those we hold dear and no poor soul feels abandoned and alone.
Please create an occasion that embraces the spirit of giving, rewarding the simple joy of seeing others made happy through mutual generosity, not avarice, where activities are progressed by actively helping others, and everyone benefits equally.
And an elf costume. With bells.
Thank you.
So it has come to this…….
It’s sad that that’s honestly what you believe an MMO has to be.
Black Moa Chick v2 but with all GW2’s epicness would be so much freakin awesome.
A scavenger hunt that had a more quest-based theme and gathering very unique items would be ideal. A big grind is fine as well; maybe a moa-esque scavenger hunt mixed with what we have now would work perfectly.
Basically, atm the quest for a legendary just doesn’t feel like an epic quest. It lacks the wonderfully nerdy things like hatching the chick in the GW1 SF golem’s lava, and the unique items you had to gather. It’s a too full-on grind, without the singular epic feeling of wonder.
For me anyway :p
A week ago we have posts about how there’s nothing to do anymore.
Now it’s posts about how no-one’s doing old content anymore.
Ppl :/
Fractals is amazing imo. So many very diverse and unique dungeons. And bosses actually get a lot harder, with more unique mecahnics the higher you go. I was worried it would be a hp increase dps race. Awesome they’ve actually raised the skill bar via new mechanics.
I don’t see how GW2 has seen the franchise turn its back on the fans. For me it’s an evolution, not a jump to the side.
In so many regards it’s a continuation. Things like it having much of the same music, the huge shards in charr lands…
There’s things I miss. The roaming feel to dungeons for example. But that just has to be expected in an MMO.
And now we have one of the FOTMs dungeons as the Jade Sea as well. It’s amazing as an old GW1 player to see that.
GW2 promotes so much more interaction than GW1 ever did, and for me it’s a fantastic game. There will always be a sense of nostalgia though..
Always disliked this outline. It totally ruins the aesthetic and it can turn any fantastic armor ugly.
Would love an option to disable this.
Shocked and feel it’s frankly shameful that the OP was infracted for their post.
What’s wrong with it? It wasn’t inciting trouble nor bashing or flaming.
The fact of the matter is, regardless that this is happening in pvp, it is griefing. This is very much against Anet’s perscribed mandate and as players we are legitimately allowed to ask why this is allowed to continue.
Anet need to ensure they don’t develop the haughty attitude of other game developers in their dealings with players. So far they’ve been exemplary, in GW1 (which I played extensively) and now in GW2. But players have their voice and you can’t infract people for asking legitimate questions.
Frankly disappointed.
All I’m asking for is a fighting change.
I fully understand it’s a pvp zone.
I want to know how I can counter a bunch of players raining arrows down onto me when the only way to get up to them is doing the jumping puzzle, which I cannot complete because they’re keeping me in combat. It just seems like griefing to me.
Exactly. I really enjoy WvW. It’s like being in a warzone and so much fun. The pvp in it is awesome.
But this is not just a keep that is hard to take. It is setup so you actually cannot beat them. You simply can’t reach them coz ur in combat. That is not pvp. Where’s the fight? Where’s the pitting skill against skill? They just sit there with their arrow carts.
Get me 1 on 1 and we’ll have a good ol’l party But this is just kinda pthetic of them to be honest.
This isn’t just a matter of……it’s pvp deal with it……..they are actively griefing the area. It is impossible to get them out of there.
It is designed as a jumping puzzle, not a castle. The normal methods of taking over an area therefore don’t apply. U cannot get to the area where they have setup their grief spot because they’ve covered the final area where the chest is with arrowcarts.
I don’t expect a white flag in pvp and everone just to let ppl finish the puzzle…but this is exploiting the jumping puzzle mechanics to grief other players.
it is simply against Anet’s anti-griefing mantra. Players have found a way to grief other players and they’re exploiting it. Egro, griefing.
Please do something about this Anet.
Having played an ele…i’d advise against it. While the versatility is indeed fun…soloing areas like Orr is a nightmare no matter how u look at it.
Having seen a mesmer used very very well….go with mesmer. High damage and good survivability when ur clones are used well.
I’m sure Anet would have had this in the pipeline but just didn’t have time to do it. They’re pretty awesome with things like this normally.
I hear the same thing about warrior and thief atm.
And ranger….
Then there’s those that say guardian is way OP.
It’s prob just ppl playing them well.
I know a certain mesmer that is totally amazing. They really know how to play the profession to its fullest. But i’ve seen terrible mesmers too.
I think it’s just about ppl knowing how to play.
Agreed 100% on cooking crafted ingredients. There’s a huge number of them….but it feels like you’re almost forced to buy bank space for them.
The only solution I came up with was mailing them to a friend and them returning them right back to me. I’ve got like 5 mails of crafted cooking mats in my inbox :/
That’s clearly a problem that should be addressed.
More choice would be nice……………but maddening at the same time lol. Gonna take me forever as it is to get 1……..and my guardian wants Sunrise and The Flameseeker Prophecies.
Though being spoiled for choice is always nice xD I’m sure they’ll add more legendaries in time. The number available at release is pretty impressive tbh.
Interesting post.
imo rewards are the cause of the problem in the first place as you say.
You mention farming Orr. People do that because they’re chasing something…normally a legendary…and farm easier events quickly to reach that goal through karma and gold.
The problem is that it would be substituting one form of grinding for another. People wouldn’t be doing these temple events because they were fun, it would still be about the rewards, with just the obsession those who farm like this have with getting their rewards asap being tranferred. I don’t think they’d enjoy it any more than the DEs they repeat ad infanatum now.
But maybe this would be an acceptable solution. Anet might not like it….because they want ppl to reach their ultimate goals indirectly, as a byproduct of having a lot of fun doing different things…not through any form of grind, which this would just turn in to.
Would love to see more people doing the more complex events……but with ppl still chasing their carrots in this game and ofc following the easiest path of least resistance this wouldn’t change the fundamental problem: their attitude.
An interesting problem that I hope Anet can find a good solution to
+1 for interesting OP
The whole point of Spvp in gw2 is that it’s on an equal footing. It makes it about skill and not gear. This is exactly how pvp should be and Anet got it bang on by removing gear and stats from the equation.
This would utterly ruin spvp.
It’s not a core stat, so no.
They’d have to put condition damage etc in their too. Too many numbers and too confusing.
Howdy there my lovely people
I would love to see a feature where open windows are automatically highlighted and “brought on top” when you are dragging an item from one window to another (i.e. from a bag to your bank) and hover over an open window for a short amount time.
When you have several windows open at once the lack of this feature can be a small inconvenience as you sometimes have to stop dragging and move the desired destination window.
Agreed on the multiple guild chats. Not many ppl logging on these days and it gets lonely sometimes
I would chat more in map chat……but most ppl in there are………..well…….ya know.
GW2 has imo the best combat experience of any mmo by far.
TERA’s supposed action style combat flirts around some diabolically tedious cross-hair FPS half-breed.
How on earth GW2’s combat can be considered boring is just beyond me. The combat is incredibly engaging. Well, actually it’s not beyond me…ur doing it wrong on some level.
Paint dry? Seriously?
Yh I’m sure I’ve read several times that something like this is in the pipeline. You will be able to chat with guildies too so it will be great
I’m sure many ppl know the scavenger hunts from GW1…aka moa mini. That was so much fun and I’d love to see scavenger hunts in GW2 in some way shape or form….
And not just massively complicated legendary ones……just things that take you all over the world into different scenarios like the moa chick mini did.
A lil suggestion for a handy edition to be able to withdraw all gold in your bank. Transferring gold across characters is all I use this for currently and a withdraw all gold button would be a nice touch.
(edited by Squirrelbane.2510)
A list of changes that I've thought of to improve the game...
in Suggestions
Posted by: Squirrelbane.2510
OP was talking about difficult content tiers to some extent. To show skill.
Atm they feel GW2 is all grind, no skill.
They mention wow…….so I will too. Wow is just a different grind, and a frankly dishonest one in my view. I’d much rather chase after something cosmetic than some item that’s supposed to show my level of skill. That is just an illusion tbh. And sadly wow still does it very well.
It’s just funny how the OP equates skill to gear. It’s a sadly prevalent idea.
The idea of fun doesn’t even enter into any their OP. It’s all grinding out gear…sigh.
A list of changes that I've thought of to improve the game...
in Suggestions
Posted by: Squirrelbane.2510
A real LFG feature: It’s just so impersonal and I always hated it in mmos. Ppl just end up being jerks most of the time.
A character inspect feature: Everyone would be running around with the same builds. And any1 who wants to play differently will be ridiculed and kicked.
Armor sets and Trait saving: Agree
Reward skill, not only time: One of the main points of Anet’s design was to remove this. It just creates elitism. The playerbase would be segregated.
Incentives for crafting skills: The exotics are great and I’ve made a fortune from selling stuff.
Revamp the TP: No idea where this can possibly be coming from…aside from maybe the sorting. It’s the best market I’ve seen in a game. The scale of it is incredible and it works on an economic level…it’s brilliant.
Consistent/clear wording of tooltips: Some could be clearly, aye.
More hotfixes: Like, they do hotfixes all the time. This is just entitlement gone crazy frankly. They’re doing an incredible job with hotfixes.
Remove free server transfers: Agreed
Depends if I would have to harvest spiderwebs for gossamer threads…
I do not like spiders.
Squeezing silk worms could be interesting too.
Fun idea
It’s not an FPS and don’t think this is needed at all.
I feel the controls work great the way they are with the fluid combat. There already is good directional control with targets…way better than other mmos I’ve played.
Yh I loved this in Rift too. This would be a cool feature
There’s so much history in Tyria it could be made much better than Rift’s anyway. It would also be a window into lore for players not so familiar with GW lore.