Showing Posts For Staffordshire.1752:
Do you think any of the 2 specs will see more play in high lvl fractals/raids? Or will they likely both still be dead weight
yeah but i heard griever has ferocity as a minor stat, will it see use then? power will lose out on a lot of damage then, no?
current bomb rotation still uses rifle 3 and 5
As it seems now and a power build would be viable/optimal for holosmith.
Would you expect it to use sword/pistol or would it use rifle?
Important things I miss if I dont buy hot
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Staffordshire.1752
and how about choosing fractal skins? i think you can buy them now? sorry for all the posts i shouldve bundled it all in 1
yeah i debated where to put this but since this is the minmax forum i thought it appropriate
Important things I miss if I dont buy hot
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Staffordshire.1752
how about legendary crafting? hot exclusive or will one expansion suffice
As it seems now and a power build would be viable/optimal for holosmith.
Would you expect it to use sword/pistol or would it use rifle?
not a single mention of holosmith/scrapper? :p scrapper has only been one of the most dominant builds in this meta but okay
Important things I miss if I dont buy hot
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Staffordshire.1752
Ok so Im thinking about buying POF, I dont have HOT though and I was wondering what important stuff I will miss out on if I don’t buy HOT..
-The elite specs from HOT
-Viper’s stat (is the new stat set comparable?)
Anything else?
any rewards/benefits for attaining a specific division?
I’m sure this has been asked and answered numerous times but I can’t seem to find the topics so ill just make a quick new topic.
Do i get a free character slot when i buy the base HOT version from a local retailer or do you only get it when you buy it online from arenanet themselves.
to be honest having to reset your look every 5 minutes seems like an enormous hassle :P but you could maybe limit this option to 10 tries?
10 tries for what? Forever? I don’t think that’d be good for anyone – Anet’s revenue or the player getting the look they desire.
If you’re going to put a gate on it you’ve seriously gotta give it a lot of thought.
i mean 10 times that you can run around with a chosen look for 5 minutes, after that it automatically becomes final. This means you can tweak around for a while and than test your 10 fav looks, or less of course.
Again, 10 times within how long? 10 times per kit? 10 times per day? 10 times per character? You’re not being specific enough.
Oh my bad it seemed fairly obvious to me that I meant per kit, so yea.. per kit Blame it on english not being my native language, it probably wasn’t as obvious as I thought it was.
to be honest having to reset your look every 5 minutes seems like an enormous hassle :P but you could maybe limit this option to 10 tries?
10 tries for what? Forever? I don’t think that’d be good for anyone – Anet’s revenue or the player getting the look they desire.
If you’re going to put a gate on it you’ve seriously gotta give it a lot of thought.
i mean 10 times that you can run around with a chosen look for 5 minutes, after that it automatically becomes final. This means you can tweak around for a while and than test your 10 fav looks, or less of course.
to be honest having to reset your look every 5 minutes seems like an enormous hassle :P but you could maybe limit this option to 10 tries?
Could it be implemented that you need to “okay” twice before it’s final.
The first being exactly like now, the second one comes after 5 minutes have passed during which you are free to run in the world.
This lets us get more of a feel of how the character will really look surrounded by live things instead of a generic background.
They aren’t. They are all old news/announcements. I am asking if there will be updates on the subjects listed on the HOT site
Announcements are cool, but I think a lot of us would very much like updates on some of the older ones?
Any new visuals/ content teasers on:
1) New armors/weapons, legendary or not?
2) Maybe some more specifics about the fractal update/ trailer on the higher levels?
3) Will certain classes be updated so they will see more play in the more competitive content? Both pvp and pve? For example I am scared for the druid since the Reaper didnt really adress many of the flaws of the necro, it definitely added nice looks but it didnt introduce much for the necro to become “wanted”. + The last 2 elite specs seem to get A LOT less BWE time than the others.
4) More frequent gameplay/balance updates?
5) Will SAB ever come back? An estimation?
6) Are there any other intresting and fun QOL updates?
While announcing things hypes people up, waiting for this long without updates kills a lot of the hype.
An informed gw2 player is a happy gw2 player.
i thought druid and staff was confirmed? so this pretty much means ranger for sure wont be getting staff?
The combination of several bunker traits such as the new bark skin+ the protection/weakness trait got me thinking.
Is there anyone with greater understanding of what a competitive team needs who sees merit in a very bunkerish ranger who focuses on aoe controll en dedicated rezzing? Aoe taunts/fears/immobilizes, firefield, waterfield? Very strong and fast rezzes while being very sturdy and evasive. Or is the lack of damage and stability such a build would provide too much of a setback
+ wont incendiary powder going to firearms hurt the celestial build pretty hard? the easy burns were accounting for a lot of damage no?
Im talking/asking about the upcoming trait changes, not the HOT expansion.
Concerning the new traits and incoming nerf to celestial stats, do you think cele rifle will remain meta for engineer or will a p/s condi build take over? Of course its speculation and all.
(edited by Staffordshire.1752)
@grandhaven ArmoUr is perfectly fine english by the way
Maybe we should just make a new one with a better title ( with heart of thorns in it) so its EVEN MORE obvious where this thread belongs.
And people please try to stay on point for once, read the question and discuss that question, whether or not conditions are PVE viable or not in your opinion and how it could be fixed is an entirely different question, save that talk for those threads. The purpose of this thread is to try and gather enough people that want clear answers on the matter.
And the thread of course got moved to a less relevant part of the forum.
This was a question about condition damage changes in heart of thornes, what is your incentive to move this to the regular forum… great work again with the surpression of questions and opinions mod i’m surprised it’s not closed because imagine people talking about this.. might cause a riot
how big is the damage difference between a zerk/assas engi and a celestial armor, rest zerks/assass engi? so the only difference is the armor
+ i HATE how engi walks with rifle. would a normal meta grenade dungeon build with pistol/shield instead of rifle be a huge damage loss?
but so yea, no word well thats a crying shame
i dont even see why we shouldnt talk about it, and please dont ruin the thread with naysaying or these superficial “solutions” like everyone is a game designer now, it only makes a thread cluttered, hard to read and tbh it turns the thread into “just another complain thread we can skip”. I only asked if they said anything about their plans to fix it, because it DOES need fixing since it is pretty flawed
Has there been any word about fixes in hot that would make condition damage in pve a viable option for group content in dungeons and fractals? my engi would very much like that
1 word; gorillas
you could also tweak the change, survival skills clear 2 condis, make traps clear 1
im not gonna go into the rest since its all personal opinion anyways
My suggestion to the problem is making 1 change in the condi survival route to make it more useful in teamfights.
The grandmaster trait survival of the fittest should apply to both traps and survival skills, this gives us more teamfight pressure while not having to give up our best condi clear option.
ive made a larger topic in the ranger section
the change i suggest:
Survival of the fittest : Remove conditions and gain fury when using a survival OR A TRAP skill.
optional : switch the longbow and trap traits, its absurd that you gain prec and ferocity for taking trap grand masters, power and cond would be way more appropriate
in my opinion the ranger buffs were a very good step in the right direction and i think we need 1 more to see more play in tpvp.
our damage is really decent but lacking in teamfights since we mainly have 1v1 pressure and using traps would be a solution to this except they pretty much deny us the ability to use the very beneficial survival tree and skills.
this would open up a build with a combination of traps and survival skills
(edited by Staffordshire.1752)
how would this turn out in a tpvp match, its a more balanced, celestial variant of a longbow build i made. Focused on quick longbow bursts+ might stacking and evasiveness while your pet crits hard with those loads of might stacks while stil having a lot of teamfight pressure with ur lb 5, an aoe fear, a fire field and overal more survivability
gorilla! they shouldnt only be in orr
“Eles can stack might just as good.”
“Thieves stack stealth.”
“Guards pass out heals/buffs/condi removal.”These are all very true, but I’ve never understood how any of this makes an Engineer not ideal to bring in a group. Wouldn’t you want all of this in one profession? An Ele with the most blast finishers possible cannot stack the amount of might to the party that an Engi can, but it’s close. Thieves are better at stealth, true, but I’ve never had a problem when my group needs stealth I can give them a solid 15-20s. We can also heal and remove conditions pretty well through the Healing Turret and water field, regen, and Super Elixir.
Sure the Engi isn’t #1 in group support, and it’s not #1 in damage. However it is #1 in fields and blast finishers, and if you need to name 3+ classes that can fill the role of 1 Engineer then isn’t that sort of silly?
this would have been silly if we had real solo content and if we were higher damage dealers, fact is they deal more damage AND they bring the utility that we bring.
well first of all you cant stack 20s of stealth, it has a cap. i believe 14s is the current max. Now this is great and very useful! but a thief can easily chain 3x 14s of stealth which in some instances like arah and dredge fractal is insanely useful.
Same goes with might, its way more effective for an ele to stack might in a fight than for an engi, we can but are better at stacking might pre fight.see the point im making? so far the comments have been about me not " believing" in the class which is untrue, i love the class and i have no real problem with it. We do however have no spot in a good group comp, now that i think of it how many engineers have u seen in the past tournys? Not so much, so only true adepts to the class play it and while this could work out greatly it could also kitten the group.
We are a very versatile class and with a very nice and steep learning curve and we are very strong in lower to mid tier brackets but we dont have the extra edge that makes us viable in both higher end of PVE and PVP. Just like playing an elementalist is perfectly possible and viable in spvp right now, but try playing one decently vs a VERY good team, thats when you realize your strong all around class really has some very alarming weaknesses.You can stack 20s of stealth, subtracted only by how long it takes you to execute it. Blast finishers cap at 15s then you can Toss Elixir S for an additional 5s.
How can an Ele stack might better? I don’t understand this, we both have low cd fire fields, but Engineers have more blast finishers.
I don’t see the point you’re making, I think some of the things you’re saying are objectively wrong. It’s hard to take anything you say seriously when you say Engineers are “not viable in high end PVE and PVP”. That’s insane.
well thats why i made this thread, to see if the doubts i have about engi have a foundation of truth or not. And not viable is a big word but looking at the tourny picks it’s not a very popular class even though its quite fun to play.
I merely stated the way i see engi had higher end pve and pvp and i’ll gladly change my mind when i’m wrong about it.
about the blast finishers: true but you’re not a solo party. thief has blast finishers, ele has em, warrior has em, guardian has em. my point is that if a party works together engi looks a bit unnecessary to me. I made this thread because my next goal is ascended gear and im trying to figure out if the class has enough potential in later stages of the game because i like its mechanics.
People seem to not notice the fact that im talking about an EDGE, meaning the engi class is indeed very viable, fun and useful, but could use that tiny bit of something that would make it not such a niche pick. Instead they try to alienate me by saying im a noob because im not a huge fanboy that thinks his class is perfect? Suggestions keep games healthy.
Well, first of all: I have every class at level 80. They’re all in full exotics mixed in with ascended gear where it is reasonable. I’ve taken them all into dungeons, into PvP, into World vs. World. And regardless of how much time I spend with the other seven classes in this game, I always, eventually, gravitate back to the engineer. So please do keep in mind who you’re talking to when you throw around words like “fanboy” or “thinking [the engineer] is perfect.”
The engineer is my favorite class, and while the first and only legendary I acquired is equipped on my engineer, I do not think the engineer is perfect or above criticism. I just don’t see the point in complaining about the lack of “edge” when playing an engineer is all about versatility. And on top of all that versatility we’re the best class in the game at vulnerability stacking and condition removal: two very important things in top-tier PvE like Fractals. And if you really did want to make that argument, that engineer, despite its versatility, does have to have its niche: you can find that in crowd control.
I can’t tell you how many times I bring other classes to Tequatl, stroll up to Eastern Battery defense, and regret not being on my engineer. I can tie up entire crowds of vets/elites with Slick Shoes, and can single-handedly keep all the Abominations off the battery between Overcharged Shot, Big Ol’ Bomb, and Personal Battering Ram. It’s not entirely as useful in PvE as it is in WvW/PvP, but you can see that ArenaNet has made a deliberate effort over time to bring crowd control back into the game through Teq/Wurm, TA Aetherpath, and the Marionette.
i was not not talking about you phineas, i meant the poster above, i was merely explaining why my post seemed more negative than intended.
I also respect the fact that you chose engi above all your other classes and the fact you’re giving me reasonable arguments to work with.
Its also your builds that im using for dungeoning and why i haven’t given up on making him work.
(edited by Staffordshire.1752)
I don’t agree with you at all.
Engineer is the best “debuffer” in the game, also he has most combo fields with simple 3 kits.Let i show you sample build:
(you need to have skelk venom from event).So what that build can offer:
- permament 25 vulnerability on every enemy (note that bosses has only 50% vuln durration)
- pernament weakness and almost chill
- AoE pull (like guardian gs 5) from kit refinment
- cap 25 bleed, perma burning and poison
- 4 seconds AoE blind every 20 sec (very usefull versus strong trash mobs, non champion, helps alot in 49 fractals)
- 2 AoE condi clear every 20/15 sec and 5 condi removal every 12 sec from flumigate (noobs don’t know about it)
- pernament cripple (more dmg from traits, and usable with ranged kite bosses)
- Blast combos: 12 AoE might, 8 sec stealth, 8500 AoE heal
- Usefull regeneration from toolbelt and heal from Super ElixirSo don’t tell me kitten about that engineer can’t do nothing ^^
I’m out of here, newbie seriously need some better reading skills sigh, i’ve never even tried to say engineer can’t do anything so instead of making an effort and replying to you and keep a healthy discussion up i’ll do it your way : laterz fanboy.
take your own advice and dont be like this.
apologies and fixed
should be a build issue because an elementalist with a correct build is about as much damage as you can get. you’ll still be extremely squishie though
In the beginning, Engineers were the go-to class for conditions/healing/CC We could build a well rounded build or a specialized build and it didn’t matter. Over time however things changed that totally destroyed these roles, and the engineer being so specialized felt the biggest brunt of it. Instead of improving the burst damage the devs chose for whatever reason to leave out key bonuses that we originally thought were to be in key patches to improve the engineer’s burst output to solve the problem of grouping.
So let’s review:
- condition damage in PVE has never recovered from the early series of nerfs that started in Sept 2012 in their efforts to balance PVP before their balance team learned to separate the PVE PVP numbers/behaviors.
- CC was totally nerfed to oblivion with skills that made the mob not resistant but immune entirely to their effects.
- healing has never had it’s day in this title and should have been more than a side note imo.
Basically all of the things that engineers excel at in any build are taken away and we’re left with the leftovers of combat. Right after the final nail in our coffin we began to see people telling engineers that they’d prefer a different class. We also started seeing people being booted from groups with the LFG tool when that began for the same reasons.
The builds people offer above this will most likely show you ways of extending your debuffs and dots however there’s a problem with their theories. They forget that all of the other classes are all doing the same things with their skills even in burst builds so you can’t personally stack anything because most of your damage will be nullified by other people in the party who are playing burst builds no doubt but who’s skills will both be doing debuffing and doting everything you are. It’s a flaw in the overall design of the games combat and it won’t be fixed easily. Meanwhile engineers will remain on the back burner for many a month until they find a solution.
exactly my point, i use the build above and while it does have its perks, it barely provides anything a damage/burst group with key classes can’t have, even with little to no effort. You are a tad more negative about the class than i am and i still think a zerk grenade/bomb build can pull out some serious damage but you understand the point i’m trying to make and it’s why we could use an edge
(edited by Staffordshire.1752)
+ while engi can stack might and stealth he can’t do it as consistently as an ele and a thief. While he can provide some small projectile def, a pull, .. he doesnt bring very useful group utility traits like spotter,…
I dislike assuming that just because there’s an elementalist in the group that might stacking is covered, or because there’s a thief in the group that stealth is covered. Not every thief runs 15 points in Shadow Arts, and not every elementalist is running the S/D build especially with how popular Lava Font is.
Having an engineer in the group actually alleviates a lot of pressure on elementalists and thieves, and allows them to take other weapons or utilities rather than running what they’re expected to run when they’re the sole provider of their boon or buff.
Engineers also succeed in two areas you haven’t mentioned: condition removal and vulnerability stacking, both of which are very important in high level fractals. Mai Trin is absolutely trivialized by Fumigate, and vulnerability stacking is the single-most important damage modifier for groups. An engineer maintaining 25 vulnerability on top of Frost Spirit and Banner of Discipline results in the fastest clear times.
The only reason engineers aren’t meta for dungeons is ignorance compounded by lack of trust. The average player (1) doesn’t understand what engineers bring to the table and (2) don’t trust the average engineer to actually do it.
i have mentioned vuln stacking and since having a ranger/thief in the party is meta atm they both have traits wich give adequate vuln stacking, especially when combined with an ele. + not only an ele can help with might stacking, thief sb, warrior banners, …. and every ele weap combo has a fire field so its really not that hard to stack as you know.
the point of freeing up utilities and even weapons is very true though but not always necessary.
Condi removal is indeed something very important that we are good at, but since everyone and their mother wants 1-2 guardians in their party this should be covered, even with a good damage build. also the healing spring of a ranger is another big kitten water field that can be blasted into oblivion for more group healing
The thread maybe turned out a bit more negative than i originally intended but when people won’t even acknowledge certain lacks in the engineer class it’s hard not to focus on the negative things. People seem to not notice the fact that im talking about an EDGE, meaning the engi class is indeed very viable, fun and useful, but could use that tiny bit of something that would make it not such a niche pick. Instead they try to alienate me by saying im a noob because im not a huge fanboy that thinks his class is perfect? Suggestions keep games healthy.
I don’t agree with you at all.
Engineer is the best “debuffer” in the game, also he has most combo fields with simple 3 kits.Let i show you sample build:
(you need to have skelk venom from event).So what that build can offer:
- permament 25 vulnerability on every enemy (note that bosses has only 50% vuln durration)
- pernament weakness and almost chill
- AoE pull (like guardian gs 5) from kit refinment
- cap 25 bleed, perma burning and poison
- 4 seconds AoE blind every 20 sec (very usefull versus strong trash mobs, non champion, helps alot in 49 fractals)
- 2 AoE condi clear every 20/15 sec and 5 condi removal every 12 sec from flumigate (noobs don’t know about it)
- pernament cripple (more dmg from traits, and usable with ranged kite bosses)
- Blast combos: 12 AoE might, 8 sec stealth, 8500 AoE heal
- Usefull regeneration from toolbelt and heal from Super ElixirSo don’t tell me kitten about that engineer can’t do nothing ^^
I’m out of here, newbie alert.
you seriously need some better reading skills sigh, i’ve never even tried to say engineer can’t do anything. edit : so what you described is awesome! it truly is, but a more optimal comp could also achieve this aswell just on seperate classes which are in the party anyways. So while it all seems very great it’s actually not all that useful because you cant achieve their high damage. So while you are very useful you are not optimal, and we miss something that makes us stand out in a crowd.
im not trying to say engi is a bad class, im an engi myself and i love it, im just saying we could use something that no other class could provide so people have a very good reason to want us in a party. Banners, spotter/spirit, timewarp, shadowrefuge+more stealth, aegis blocks and party stability uptime are all examples of this on classes that can still debuff mobs.
(edited by Staffordshire.1752)
I have never had a single complaint from anyone in all of my time with dungeons/fractals etc. Most of the time, even in the case of fractals, the group will know what needs to be done, and understand the limitations imposed on them by the group’s composition. The one thing I have heard more than anything, among all the groups I have run with, is that their impression of a (well played) engi is one of realizing that the class can do anything. I am a four kit engineer, and I bring combo fields, finishers, conditions, support, and decent damage to the table. I can switch from single target ranged attacks, to AOE, to melee with the press of a button. We’re versatile, maneuverable, and (in the case of most engi’s), resourceful. If a team rejects you based on your class, they obviously aren’t worth running with anyway. People tend to take this to heart (especially rangers), but if a group doesn’t want you because you are of a certain class, that isn’t on you, it’s them being short-sighted.
while this is true! it only touches 1 aspect of my whole post, pugs and i already said we are a good pug class, this isn’t solely about pugs. My point is if you make your own team of 5 players to go to a fractal, why would you bring your engineer? He can do what all of the core classes can do, to a lesser extent and thus he isnt needed because they probably will be there anyways. We lack something unique we are good at, an example could be if only 3 classes could stack vuln with us being the very best at it => we have a purpose to be there. ( 3 classes can do stealth but thief is the very best at it, stacking might can be done by i believe 3 classes aswell, but ele is the easiest to do it on without throwing away important utilities and doing very high damage.)
so as i said before we HAVE a niche, being able to do alot that other classes can on 1 single character but we don’t have an identity in dungeons or fractals.
“Eles can stack might just as good.”
“Thieves stack stealth.”
“Guards pass out heals/buffs/condi removal.”These are all very true, but I’ve never understood how any of this makes an Engineer not ideal to bring in a group. Wouldn’t you want all of this in one profession? An Ele with the most blast finishers possible cannot stack the amount of might to the party that an Engi can, but it’s close. Thieves are better at stealth, true, but I’ve never had a problem when my group needs stealth I can give them a solid 15-20s. We can also heal and remove conditions pretty well through the Healing Turret and water field, regen, and Super Elixir.
Sure the Engi isn’t #1 in group support, and it’s not #1 in damage. However it is #1 in fields and blast finishers, and if you need to name 3+ classes that can fill the role of 1 Engineer then isn’t that sort of silly?
this would have been silly if we had real solo content and if we were higher damage dealers, fact is they deal more damage AND they bring the utility that we bring.
well first of all you cant stack 20s of stealth, it has a cap. i believe 14s is the current max. Now this is great and very useful! but a thief can easily chain 3x 14s of stealth which in some instances like arah and dredge fractal is insanely useful.
Same goes with might, its way more effective for an ele to stack might in a fight than for an engi, we can but are better at stacking might pre fight.
see the point im making? so far the comments have been about me not " believing" in the class which is untrue, i love the class and i have no real problem with it. We do however have no spot in a good group comp, now that i think of it how many engineers have u seen in the past tournys? Not so much, so only true adepts to the class play it and while this could work out greatly it could also kitten the group.
We are a very versatile class and with a very nice and steep learning curve and we are very strong in lower to mid tier brackets but we dont have the extra edge that makes us viable in both higher end of PVE and PVP. Just like playing an elementalist is perfectly possible and viable in spvp right now, but try playing one decently vs a VERY good team, thats when you realize your strong all around class really has some very alarming weaknesses.
i completely agree with you but engi isnt the only jack of trades kind of class and while he does exactly what you said ( and i aswell by the way), it shouldnt make him lackluster in higher end pve just because he can carry pug groups, a good ele, warrior or guardian can do the same thing. Especially because now that the game isnt as new anymore, people start to realize what their respective classes can do, its not uncommon for me to have a pug dungeon with 18+ might stacks and 15+ vuln stacks without me lifting a finger so why am i, as an engineer there. We do have a niche but we lack identity and now that we have finally grown out of the “everybody warrior phase” access to might, vuln, fury, stealth,.. will be easier accomplished than ever without an engineer in your party.
so becoming better at pve actually makes the engineer a worse choice to roll, is this a healthy mechanic? Im not saying a bad, useless, gtfo choice, just a worse one and people will punish you for it ( look at the whole ranger stigma ).
(edited by Staffordshire.1752)
hello gw2 community,
this is my first post on these forums and i’d like to begin with apologizing for the fact that i’m not a native english speaker and thus i will write a lot of things the wrong way while making this post.
I’d like to address some key notes that i miss when playing and maining an engineer.
I in no case think i’m pro or even above average but this does not mean i’m not entitled to try and discuss with the big boys so feel free to correct me where i’m wrong but you don’t have to be rude about me being ignorant about certain things, i have no problem listening to arguments that can teach me something however.
1. PVE, while we are certainly not weak and we do have decent damage and some nice tricks under our sleeve, engineer is quite…. unnecessary in dungeons and fractals. Our damage output is decent to high and i understand that a high utility class like ours should have slightly lower dps than top damage dealers like an ele. But even as a utility class we do miss the “edge” that would bring us on par with other dungeon/fractal utility classes like mesmer guardian and thief,..
-warriors got their banners, other offensive party buffs and high damage.
-ele has got very good might stacking ability/ very high damage/ conjures/ acces to vuln and projectile defense
-ranger has spotter/frost spirit, an aoe reflect and pull and some other aoe buffs that groups like.
-thief has stealth stacking, vuln stacking, blind stacking, projectile defense, very high single target dps and high cleave dps
-guardian needs no explaining, a lot of party buffs combined with very high damage (none of that altruistic crap of course)
-mesmer has strong projectile defense, time warp, portal,…. and pretty high damage but a bit less than the others
- necro isnt loved in dungeons and fractals and i know nothing about the class so cant comment on it
they all have mechanics which are very much appreciated/needed in more difficult pve content AND they combine this with a higher damage output than an engi.
+ while engi can stack might and stealth he can’t do it as consistently as an ele and a thief. While he can provide some small projectile def, a pull, .. he doesnt bring very useful group utility traits like spotter,…
He is however an excellent combo field provider and aoe healer.
So while i dont mind playing a jack of all trades class we do need a mechanic that puts us in a more wanted position for dungeons and fractals, heightening our damage output would of course also address this problem but that would mess with the current position engi is in when roaming in wvw since he’s already quite strong there.
2. I would have wanted to start here about the numerous problems with bugs, legendaries, ascended stats, refreshment of how the backpacks look,… but they have already been so extensively discussed ill just add a final question which you could reply to in your responses:
if you would do 40+ fractals or arah, would you accept an engi in your party, given the fact that he knows what he’s doing, and would you be happy to have one in your party.
Thanks for reading and i hope you understood this was not a “engi UP give me godlike buffs so i can kill everything by sneezing at it” kind of topic but merely a vent of what i think that could make the engi class more enjoyable and popular.
PS : a second question : when running a 4 man roam party focusing on direct dps, per example : 2 support guards, a thief and a mesmer: how viable do you think it would be to swap one of those damage dealers out and replace it with a power rifle engi. sd, or regular.