Showing Posts For Stephen.1207:
I play a ranger its good condi with short bow and has nice CC immobilize and pet knock downs this is a build I made so u have to make 1. Meta builds will not help u in this area of play style
it says it all get on it A-net please
Many people I know playing the game will not do story because a-net took out the kill drops I think it is needed to bring back people to do story. they only do hat is needed to get to the new maps. then farm them.
no need for any dps meter there is a golem to test it on to see all that
I am being told there is a home node for the new map but it not showing up for me others on the map say it does not show up for them also.
ok the work around C:\Program Files\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe -assetsrv not working it let me down load the new file but not log in to play the game
they still working on it.
I finding out more camping the res pawn spot is happening please do something about it. It reminds of when I first tried WoW new people start and 5 people sat there to kill any one that just made a toon. that was the reason I don’t play WoW.
Just go into pvp and set the reward track to one of the new map in L.S.3 u get what u need that way to get them a lot faster then gathering if u not good at pvp u stil get it win or lose
just do it in those farm spot not the rest of the game
if I want to 2v2 all I have to do is go in a private arena so what a-net is doing here is usless
the engineer skill throw wrench does not work right please fix this. if you r to close it misses and on the way back it does not come all the way back so it misses. you r lucky to even get 1 hit from a 2 hit skill.
look I can get 1 key a week that’s 4 keys a month it take me 4 and half months to get 10 keys I save them and use them all in 1 month you get the item so you can say it will make you earn it look at it this way
Still no update I go play R.E.7 wile I wait
or yea necro’s 2rd health bar is not the same when they get low on health they go to shourd for a full health bar
then replace that skill with something els other wise make it so no body els can use there 3rd skill
I just send a minion in or on ranger my pet to set them off I think its funny when I do so to jump in and kill the DH
what good is down skill 3 if u never can use it u get stomped b4 it is charged on my warrior I know I could of won a lot 1 v 1 with it when the other is at low health
how u finish it I see no way of doing it all I needed was ro pass 1 more Div.
Don’t let 5 man teams in pvp have more then 2 of the same profession in them. That will change how many people complain that every one is playing the OP class and there no way to win. I want to play other classes not just the OP class for one season it will help with the yell nerf this and nerf that and make for a more balance team all together.
I que up then I hit accept when it ask but puts me back in que it seems to do this when I win about 3 games in a row then it does it then I get on a crapy team that loses and I cant win a match for who knows how many matches after that then it starts all over again.
Just give me a map with cap point in it no off the wall extra’s like trebs-lords-beast and so forth tired of losing do to the other team getting 1 boost or kill to put the game to a no win no matter what u do make it like courtyard but with points to cap only and make the map a bit bigger
I see it matching do to where you are in the div. high end sapphire get put agenst low end ruby
why is it I’m fighting people in ruby when I am in sapphire that’s unfair I am Queing solo
the thing is I was at a 50% winning lose record in rank b4 season even was now I am like 20 winning present why is this the matchmaking is not fair putting me with lower skilled players and I can not carry the intire team
The extra point u get from a wining streak u keep even after losing all other pips though the first 3 div. This will get past the low div and let ruby break the good players away from the rest and if you grind enuff you get what u need to get your leg. back pack made you still have to win 3 in a row. The extra pip does not count as a pip u get to keep after breaker losing streak.
How about when starting a season the MMR takes your ranked win lose record form way b4 season where there to place people. I was 50% win lose record now that season MMR are different my win lose record is 30% wins 70% loses because of the match making. and its going down more.
ok but anet said every one any skill can get the wings that’s seems to be turning out not to be true if I have to get past ruby to make a leg. back pack I will never get it done because I grind for hours a day when I get near ruby the season is over.
I am not spending another dime on GW2 they made PvP unplayable to the ok players that do not have team mates pre make a team I hope they change things more like they were b4 season 2 they nerfed my necro build to form a different OP necro build that I can not play because I am ok at PvP not great I have gone no where in the 2ed div. and I am retired lost count how many hours of play time I put in to get no where. so those who say just grind and u will get it is wrong.
I love Myth they help when you ask for it they don’t leave any one behind when doing guild missions funny and fun to talk to on team speak