Showing Posts For Stoneflesh.8634:
hmm, interesting.
Atleast it’s good to know that both ways work ^^
well we managed the oozes with swirling winds, thieves and guards. But it was really annoying ^^
According to the leaked patch notes for oct 1. Stack-size for boons and conditions will be limited to 5,
so when to do this?Answer:
Before Tomorrow 18h
only for conditions and boons that stack in duration, not in amount.
Might will not be affected, fury will be for instance
It took us 4 hours and alot of wipes, but now that it’s over I guess it was pretty fun actually.
Except for the ooze gate. That part was just annoying.
We wiped like 3 times by killing sparki first. The amount of pools would just overwhelm us.
We got it the first time by killing Slick, since all you get from sparki is burning when you stand still, much easier to deal with :p
Dodge his big attacks.
Remove his armor by exploding an holo on him. If you fail to do so, have invulnerability ready at 30 stacks.
You should be able to pull them in small groups
Save it for dps.
Cooldowns are too long to use it before the fight imo.
All I’m seeing is a guy who should get punished for calling somebody “a kittening kitten” out of nothing, because he is standing somewhere they don’t dont want him to stand.
Then a bunch of people acting like 12 year old boys being all childish towards him.
Imo, he handled it pretty well and walked away soon after.
And he does have a point. You are contribution absolutely nothing to your server in WvW. It’s totally not what it’s meant for.
That you want to GvG is fine with me. But your reaction toward the dev was unasked for. And making a reddit post and this forum thread just to QQ is pathetic imo.
The saddest thing is that Arenanet had to make an official apology while, in fact, the guy didn’t do anything wrong.
Well tbh this is not a lot of information for us to work with :p
Maybe try another profession? Maybe you will find those more fun.
Maybe try different zones?
Try playing together with other people? Get in a guild?
I found exploring to be a lot of fun when you’re new to the game. Personally I loved finding new jumping puzzles
really needs to be fixed for offhand.
Funniest thing to me is that they want to nerf RTL, because they dont want eles to escape from dire situations (I assume).
But they are looking at ways to make thiefs even more mobile (steal shadowstep), so they can escape from even more situations…
Basicly, it feels to me that arenanet thinks eles should just die and thiefs should be able to escape even more (and also have more survivability, while dishing out more damage in the future (higher multipliers)).
I don’t think I will roam with my ele anymore in WvW.
Just a friendly tip on your rotation;
It’s better to cast dragon’s tooth first, then cast RoF → phoenix → earthquake → churning earth. And throw in arcane blast somewhere in between.
That way you can get all combo finishers in your fire field.
Imo, making the tank more tanky and adding healers would NOT fit in the current system. The whole point about the current system is that there are no dedicated tanks or healers…
‘Tanks’ are already pretty tanky. Get a Guardian, stack up on power/vit/toughness, get AH build and you can take ridiculous amounts of damage.
As for healing: you cannot really heal in numbers all that much. You can prevent an ally from dying with some heal skills (atleast with ele) though, but you just cannot keep refilling somebody’s healthbar.
Also, you can run a support role.
Kholer the first couple of times. Love that boss. Clear animation of his special attack. Dodge it and you will be fine, don’t dodge and you will go down. You can always distuingish the good from the bad at Kholer
Downside is that a guardian can render him completely useless with ‘Retreat’.
Lupi is a fun boss, can be quite an exciting fight.
In general the fractals bosses are pretty well designed. (grawl shaman, dredge/ice ele, Captain Ashym)
Gw2 is breaking the trinity, because Arenet thought it was a bad thing.
Having to wait for tank/healers to join. Also the whole party depending on the tank to soak up the damage. If something goes wrong with the tank/healer everything goes haywire. Meanwhile the dps can just roll their face on their keyboards, because they don’t have to be very active, just do some damage.
Instead they made a system where every player has a somewhat more equal role. Where you need actively dodge to avoid damage. And where every class can heal itself.
This makes the playerr more responsible and also makes combat more active.
Which is better is subjective and for you to decide.
But no, they will not go back to holy trinity.
Would be a cool idea for fractals
According to wiki, dueling is on their list;
Incinerator can use an update aswell.
The design itself is rather small and.. boring..
The footsteps are the only reason i would get it, right now.
It should be given an aura, just like most other legendary weapons
+1. Yes please.
Bring back the master of damage
Arenanet doesn’t like eles, why don’t you just understand that :P
But seriously, we need an ooc weapon swap..
How exactly is this ‘overpowered’?
Aren’t unhittable siege weapons a little overpowered too?
It’s the only way a scepter ele can even hit stuff up on a wall.
Or should nobody be able to hit stuff up on a wall? Then nerf all ground-targeted-AoE too.
Players shouldnt get hit by this spell anyways, it takes ages to drop…
And if your siege is getting hit by any attack, you’ve placed it in the wrong spot.
yeah sure, why not nerf ele even more…
How about Grawl shaman in 25+ fractals?
Asura build the central transfer chamber, because of the ‘bleeding magic’ there. I think you could also primordus in the cutscene after A Time for Heroes.
And you could see Kralkatorrik in Gw;Eotn in Grothmar Wardowns (link)
But let me rephrase my question a bit.
It seems like all the action is going on in Tyria, while the world is much larger. All the elder dragons seem to be in the area of Tyria. Now ofcourse this makes sense game-wise. But from a ‘lore perspective’ this kind of bothers me, if there is no reason for this whatsoever.
Im wondering if there is a reason, perhaps bloodstones or something?
I always use Ice Bows at world bosses (or cof p2), I always place the second one at someone’s feet for them to pick it up.
I actually prefer people to pick it up (insane damage, why not), but most people don’t…
Kinda bothers me actually (especially in cof), when lower damage classes people don’t pick up the free high damage :P
But fiery greatsword might be a different story, because of it’s long cooldown. Personally I don’t mind people picking it up (either I do the damage, or he does; no difference for me…), but I have to admit I like to have 2 swords instead of 1 (much more than with ice bows)
I hope they will implement more of the mini games they’ve talked about. Including the exclusive cosmetic rewards
I was kind of dissappointed I couldn’t try them in Beta, only to find out they weren’t there at launch either.
But we got keg brawl, and bar brawl coming soon probably. So we’re slowly getting there
There is a downed penalty tho’.
And you cannot ress people while standing in a boss’ red circle, or get downed yourself.
You do get punished for downing. But it is forgiving yes, which imo isn’t a bad thing.
AFAIK, the whole blog page is gone, not just the manifesto.
As we can see here Tyria, Elona & Cantha only make up for (not even) half of the world’s landmass.
Do we know what the rest of the world is like? For instance, do we know what creatures live there? (do the ingame people even know?)
Also, the elder dragon all seem to reside around tyria (continent). (primordus; central transfer chamber. kralkatorrik; charr homelands. jormag; far shiverpeaks. zhaitan; orr)
Is there a reason why, from lore perspective?
The only reason gw2 is losing players is because whatever they do, people are just never satisfied…
They had to let go on alot things because people were complaining and now the other half of the players are complaining that it’s not there. Or the other way around.
People complain about ‘nothing to do’, so they add fractals with level progression & Ascended gear which takes time to get. So then people start complaining that it takes too long to get Ascended gear (when they dont even need it).
They’ve put legendaries in the game, for people who are willing to work for months to obtain one. Then people start complaining it’s too hard for them to get one…
People complain that content is ‘too hard’, so Arenanet makes it easier. Then the other half of the people start complaining that the game is too easy..
Now don’t get me wrong; I know that this is human nature and you can never satisfy everyone.
It’s just that the playerbase makes it really hard for Arenanet to do it right.
I wish Arenanet had just stuck to their guts. Kept the game as hard as it was in Beta. Kept the game about being fun, about exploring and enjoying the things you were doing, instead of powerleveling to 80 and getting to endgame.
It’s because they DO listen to the people here on the forums that they have changed so many things. They started out with the intention to change how MMO’s work, but it turned out they couldn’t, because people weren’t willing to adapt to it.
I like this game, and although it isn’t perfect, I think Arenanet did a good job. And it’s still a big step in the right direction for MMO’s. My compliments.
(I also hope arenanet realizes that while the unhappy people are complaining on the forums, a large proportion of the players are just ingame, enjoying themselves)
Please bring it back, I loved it.
IDK if it works, but you might give it a try.
Ok, ppl might laugh at me but i`ll post it anyway. I`ve been having terrible luck with ectos for a very long time. Some might unearth the screenshots I posted (3 ecto out of 10 salvaged 80 rares, etc), I had at most 0,7 rate of salvage. Usually it was around 0.5. I blamed DR-cursed account. I tried to amass at least 40 rares and salvage them at once to even out RNG distribution. Nothing helped.
Then my roomie comes over and seeing as I bang my head on my keyboard suggests to do my salvages for me. Like, click instead of me
so I can stop blaming my luck for once and blame him, for instance.
Well, darn. His salvage rates (on my computer, my account, my mouse – he basically just clicked) are over 1.0. Sometimes up to 1.2-1.3.
I now just blatantly use him to do the clicking. It works all the time. I have no idea how that is happening really. Just thought I`d share.
confirmation bias
I seems just fine. I thought there was something going on aswell, because I had some really ‘bad days’ in a row.
But last couple of days are just fine.
got 29 ecto out of 25 rares with Master salvage kit, but also had 19 ecto out of 25 salvages.
Had days were I got 3 ecto out of 10+ salvages, also had days where I got 1 ecto minimal each salvage.
So yeah, just RNG and some bad luck.
Agreed. A guildie of mine posted a screenshot of someone with 25.000 achievement point. 18.000 of which were from salvages.
I’d rather have them reduce the cooldown.
solution to your problem though: cast it right before engaging.
I don’t see the problem tbh
Wasn’t really a fan of the old one either, but the new one is worse imo. The crawling doesn’t fit an air elemental..
If you’re looking for damage you should make a warrior and faceroll.
Elementalist has decent to high damage, but what makes it fun is the attunement swapping and mobility.
It requires more effort to play to get good damage output, because you will need to switch attunements when your spells hit cooldown. Something that I find to be fun, but you may not like it..
I’d say: if you only want this class for damage then don’t do it. Otherwise, just give it a shot you may like it’s playstyle.
I don’t think it’s a bug.
The breastplate and head armor make a mouth when combined, the red part at the neck is part of this mouth.
You can see this very clearly on asuras.