Showing Posts For Styles.7469:
Thirst Slayer title first, then maybe this.
The book that has the name of the Elder Sea Dragon in it on the top floor after you open the secret passage to get to Ogden.
I think you’re making this up. I just checked out of curiosity and unless it’s on the cover of one of those books with writing in krytan so small that you can hardly read it, I don’t think this is there.
Stand back far enough (but not too far) from the books, and look at the colors. The darker books create a pattern that you follow which point to the only book with its unique color on the shelf. That book has the name.
/protip: work it out, it was fun for me since I noticed the floor on the upstairs library was actually a map, I thought it would be sneaky of Anet to make a similar pattern with the books. Haha!
“Powerful Potion of Slaying Mordremoth’s Minions”
Nourishment (1 h):
+10% damage damage vs. Mordrem
- 10% damage from Mordrem
+15 Experience from kills
Doubtful we’ll get them soon, if ever. Kind of a neat idea since they did something similar for Scarlet’s instances. But I can imagine they’ll release something similar to the Karka Slaying Sigils in the future too.
Or at least it would be better than potions, imo.
The book that has the name of the Elder Sea Dragon in it on the top floor after you open the secret passage to get to Ogden.
I think you have to choose one from the box you get initially (I got one, don’t remember when or for what), but yeah, all three weighs unlock after completion.
Or you could check out Wooden Potatoes for vids on it along with speculation and theory. He usually covers stuff like that
It’s a Skin (rare). Says so right in the description, to the right on the Wiki Page.
I looked around, checked multiple places, but cannot seem to find it. is it known? or are we all just waiting for someone to finish the achievement? I believe carapace is rare (seems odd to me unless luminescent is in fact exotic).
The only thing available right now is the Shoulderguards.
Then you have to upgrade them to the Luminescence version.
You didn’t look hard enough.
In a game that barely offer either without some investment in third party tools…
Tch. Ascended foods will give +10 to whatever they currently are and increase the duration of the food to an Hour.
(but seriously, it would be nice to have a new line of foods for things like Fractals, WvW, certain enemy types or even bosses, etc.)
Rytlock Dervish incoming. Sinister Stats, M’hm.
Starter tip: Take all traits off and equip a weapon and set of utilities that won’t apply boons.
How to Proceed:
Kill minion to get Red/Blue/Green
Apply “Fragility” to yourself and walk to the Vortex.
Destroy Vortex after it has absorbed your “Fragility”.
I can’t faceroll the new content and its not fair that my armor doesn’t make up for my lack of skill in PvE.
Yeah, a lot of people are missing the mark on noticing that this game is supposed to be centered around Guilds, which equates to more than one person.
Fully Ascended gear has about 4% overall stat improvement or something. It’s been a long time since PvE has killed a lot of players that wouldn’t normally die. Why? Because they were honestly expecting faceroll content, and were met with harder hitting, less telegraphic mobs and bosses. Content which requires cooperation, and god forbid, player interaction and communication.
Game Mode: Easy
Skill Level: l2doj
Achievement Unlock: PvE survivor.
Not that I agree with you, but SW is supposed to be more rewarding than WvW right now because of the influx of new players and the release of another LS chapter. If it weren’t, they will have potentially wasted a lot of man hours creating another instance people would use for a week then drop because it’s boring and stale.
WvW has needed an overhaul for a long time. It only makes sense that new releases that aren’t directly tied to WvW are going to experience better rewards, more frequently for the time being.
I explored twenty feet outside of the waypoint and saw three people opening one chest and I had to run back and go buy a shovel. I shouldn’t have to buy a shovel or need keys to open the chests.
Plus It was gone before I could open it. Nerf so other players can’t have rewards I don’t get for free please.
This is what he meant.
There are no other way points because Mordremoth, even with Taimi’s mechanism to change the calibration of WP magic frequencies, is able to “corrupt” and contest them. So close to Mordremoth’s corruption would inevitably lead to poor result trying to establish WP’s so soon. That and the map is newly established, so it stands to reason that there would be no waypoints now since the battlefront has only just been staged.
It also encourages exploration on map by foot, as well as encouraging people to cooperate with one another as an MMO usually does, instead of “Every player for themselves, but let’s zerg too!”
(edited by Styles.7469)
If ANET wants WvW to succeed, they need to get a balance back.
I think they will once server population stops being a prime contributor to points generation.
EDIT: Ahh, I did not know you had some personal grievance that colors your view of T1 PPT play. In that case, never mind.
The personal grievance has nothing to do with the T1 PPT play. I find it boring, always have, and have recognized it as being an severe imbalance to WvW that’s needed an overhaul since the game’s release.
You can’t argue against the fact that you just have to have more numbers in your server to have higher PPT. More numbers equates to longer coverage, which means servers with low numbers won’t have the opportunity to move out of their standing without some sort of server exodus.
The answer is not, “lol move to a better server” when the method of play doesn’t even pan out.
They already have something similar to that in EotM and it’s already been declared a waste of time/resources if it were to be implemented in Normal WvW maps. Like many things Anet deals, the idea is neat, but the execution is likely going to be crap.
Anet has been known to attempt to force a specific style of play/mechanic on the wvw population without regard to what players actually want.
Yeah, that became very apparent when they went ahead with the “No White Swords” ordeal despite the majority populace saying, “Don’t!”
Hammer – Axe/WH (or s/wh) for organized groups is pretty typical. Stats will vary depending on guild requirements and from player to player. Remember WvW is about large team play; while individual player skill is still important, it’s better to focus on group composition rather than, “I can do more DPS than you.” in a given instance.
Pretty typical Hammer Warrior build
Sigils and Runes are subject to change. Rune of the Trooper and Runes of Hoelbrak seem to be the most popular at them moment.
Just depends on what you’re looking to do and what types of groups you run, for what purpose.
Depending of where you are attacking and how many defenders are in the place, it will be very time consuming and people that just want to K-train don’t find it worth it.
That’s what I like about the non-ppt aspect of WvW. It’s more exciting and engaging in most respects.
“No one likes Pepperoni Pizza anymore because they put cheese on it.”
- Xeeron 2015
WvW won’t die if if people don’t focus entirely on PPT. T2 and below have proven that too. WvW is better without as much focus on PPT, but then again, that’s my opinion and I’m not sure why you are trying to invalidate it.
We see things differently and I am expressing my opinion on behalf of the people who like WvW as competitive play rather than a points game.
But, like minded peoples have a tendency to stick together. That’s why you’re all mostly in T1 caring about that while the rest of us enjoy ourselves just as much by not making it our solemn duty to siege cap a series of towers and wait to farm enemy zergs of 40+ players, lol.
They already have something similar to that in EotM and it’s already been declared a waste of time/resources if it were to be implemented in Normal WvW maps. Like many things Anet deals, the idea is neat, but the execution is likely going to be crap.
It is your right to cheer for other players no longer being able to play their favorite game mode. Not the nicest of reactions though.
inb4 everyone thinks like me.
Yeah, not so much anything that you quoted, so much as WvW isn’t dead just because PPT is taking a punch to the stomach. It is more a reason why no one really cares as much about it as people like you, who put such a strong emphasis on it being great because of server/tier pride. Better match rotations are needed, a new system for points gain is needed, GvG’s and WvW in general need their screws tightened. T1 WvW just does not offer what others players are looking for, assuming a player isn’t just looking for a free win.
It’s time for change, and it’s necessary at this point. Otherwise, Yes, my favorite game mode (WvW) will die. While I don’t entirely agree with some of the changes being made, and in some cases abhor them altogether, a fresh system would benefit WvW if the sole focus of winning was not entirely up to PPT.
EDIT: Mind you, Xeeron, I’m not trying to pick on you, I just choose not to engage in any tact on matters like this and I don’t agree with you. I remember running with you on JQ quite a few times before I left your friend Eris to her own devices in a guild she single handedly killed, after almost a year of me keeping it alive by myself, leaving me in charge when she thought the game wasn’t good enough for her/us. I am aware of how you feel, I just choose not to consider how you will react to what I say.
-back pats-
(edited by Styles.7469)
Lol. Thanks, I needed a laugh like this for a while now. Much appreciated!
Moved out of JQ to find better WvW, to avoid the mess of PPT and blobbing. Found better WvW in a low tier server. When it collapsed, move to a third, and final, server.
WvW is much more enjoyable since we don’t have to focus on PPT to have fun. Our biggest fear is facing stacked and bunker servers like BG and YB. Why? not because of numbers, but because they’re boring and don’t offer anything in terms of enjoyable WvW play.
(edited by Styles.7469)
If use of siege is the idea behind saying, “Oh, PvE has WvW mechanics now.” then…uhhh….
The use of siege in PvE isn’t as uncommon as people are making it out to believe. It happens throughout the personal story instances and is even a forced part on some of them (using a treb to destroy a ship in “Battle for Claw Island.”)
I don’t get to spike enemies, I’m not fighting other players, objectives being captured/defended have always been a part of the evolution of a players’ experience (Centaurs raiding and taking over Seraph holds), and you cannot effectively blob one objective to another without facing dire consequences that ultimately set back the entire schematic laid out for us. WvW mechanics? Not quite I’d say.
But…the idea behind the map is pretty interesting. I do like the motivation to travel afoot for a majority of the map (smart move with good reason), I do like that there’s a sense of urgency to complete and stay at an objective rather than just grind it out for a small bundle of disappointing rewards. Amongst many other things, this is a decently balanced map that DOES have potential for open world PvP, GvG area, new WvW maps, community development, and also a richness into the lore of parts Tyria have long since forgotten.
(edited by Styles.7469)
Maybe Anet really needs to figure out how to balance matches…
Why stop there? How about adding some SPvP too!
Skyhammer seige weapons that deal mass AOE non-evadable lazer beams that instakill! Could have one mass hammer in the middle that hits the entire map for extra fun!
They patched that. You can dodge it now, so I don’t think it will fit very well.
Sounds good. We should probably implement mining nodes to load catapults also. Dependent on what type of ore you put into the catapult is equable to the amount of damage you deal.
OH!!!! I KNOW!!!!
Bring back all the water with the Krait and Quaggan, and throw in some Twisted Nightmares at the Ruins to defend for 50g!!!!
This is not new or convenient. It’s also a scrubby way to get stacks. Earning them is a lot better than snatching them up from ambients.
Also, when you run out of Maize Balm. -shrug-
Camelot Unchained has no specific release date for a reason. It’s also where the idea for the WvWvW system comes from for GW2. I’ve played DAoC, and can say it’s got some sick elements to it that this game won’t be able to touch without overhauling the game entirely. By this point, it’s too late to make the transition without losing a majority of the population that is comfortable with how this game plays
So we’ve got some neat ideas flowing. How about we add in more PoI’s and Vistas while we’re at it, and more Skill Point locations so we have to do the event instead of commune/consume something.
Would be nice to see a Legendary Oakheart, Champion Boar, and Legendary Cave Troll floating around SMC, since they nerfed the Queensdale train.
Need more yellow mobs and Raptors.
While we’re at it, could we discuss taking away the legendary defenders and the Invulnerable buff from spawn locations through the borderlands? I feel they’re an unnecessary presence and imbalance the game severely.
My name is Styles, and I support this Thread.
Yeah it was stupid. People do stupid things. By the looks of your posts, you should be familiar with those kinds of mistakes.
Hmmm…Nope. I checked. Pretty legit over here.
I’d actually like to know if anyone on this thread has tried the trapper runes as well. They seem to be pretty underrated as far as a set goes, but to be totally honest I think they have amazing 1v1 or even 2v1 potential. I’d like to see them in sPvP, but you know, “balance”.
EDIT: I tend to focus on cripples and keeping the target poisoned. By design the traps for Thief help you kite pretty well, if you’re into doing that sort of thing; I was dueling ranger on point in sPvP the other night, he eventually won because I got blasted by the treb (stupid siege), but he had 39 or so seconds of cripple on him that he couldn’t shake. Cripple, Chill, Poison, and Immobilize are frustrating to deal with in short bursts, I can only imagine what half a minute’s worth is like, lol.
Living by your own standards without the influence of others is how serial killers are born. Which is what you’re doing by setting yourself on such a high pedestal. Being completely insufferable doesn’t help your cause either but that’s a different matter.
And yes, I have been using trapper runes since they were released on my melee trapper Ranger. They are very good for WvW roaming in particular. They aren’t underrated there are just a heaping pile of bad Rangers who roll full glass LB and never experiment with anything else.
Hmm…Swing and a miss. Don’t swing too hard with the pseudo-psychoanalytical approach, might end up hitting yourself.
I really don’t play Ranger a lot. It’s just not my cup of tea to be honest, but that could just be from exposure to terribad players and seeing the same build left and right. I did meet ONE ranger I was really impressed with. I wasn’t expecting what he brought to the table and ended up getting rekt (along with watching him pwn four other people at once after I was downed. If memory serves me correctly, he was using Sword/Axe as his primary tool of engagement, and Spider/Wolf for CC’s. Itd’ be nice to see more rangers like that since the class has such a strong foundation for melee.
If ever there was a class besides Ele that I would have to choose for my top three, it would probably be Engineer; I’ve been playing that a little more recently, after farming the kitten out of the Mad King’s Labyrinth for levels and finally getting him to 80. It’s pretty fun, when I’m bored enough, to go to EotM and watch people bounce around and get knocked off cliffs, lol.
So I think my top three would be categorized differently depending on my mood. Like before, these don’t fall into any particular order. I like playing them all equally, it just depends on how I feel like engaging at that time.
If I’m going out to be serious and try to get skilled 1v1’s
1.) Elementalist – Cantrip build, non-celestial
2.) Guardian – Meditation/Burn hybrid
3.) Thief – S/D – P/D Trap build
If I’m going out to roam just for fun or to cause trouble
1.) Warrior – GS – Hammer
2.) Necromancer – Typical Powermancer build
3.) Engineer – P/P Hybrid build
I’m not too keen on playing Mesmer or Ranger yet. Mesmer I just don’t like to play in general even with how versatile it is, and I’ve only very recently gotten my first Ranger to level 80, so I never really took the time to see what it has to offer.
EDIT: And I don’t really live by this whole “Condi is life” mentality. I think Condition damage is unbalanced and needs to be pulled down in scale a little bit to better match it with melee damage. It would be different if there were a hard counter to Conditions like there is for Melee (retaliation), but it takes no skill at all to spam conditions on someone from 900+ units without ever truly engaging.
(edited by Styles.7469)
You say Guard is bad for Roaming because It lacks Mobility.
It has swiftness at it’s disposal from utilities and weapons plus easy accesibility to Vigor. God forbid you swap anything out to get to where you need to.
You say Guard lacks CCs.
It has plenty of CC’s from utilities and like what…five weapons? Enough said.
You say it can’t disengage fast enough because point-and-click is too hard.
LOL! Learn how to use the targeting system which allows you to scroll targets. Have better map awareness, learn when and how to disengage, since you put so much emphasis on that being the root of what makes a good roamer.
I mean seriously, you’re stupid or something and your efforts to retort make it worse. It really comes down to one thing; obviously, you as a player are very poor in judgement about a class you claim to run “all the time.” Just because you’re a very poor roamer on a class, or probably altogether, that’s just as good at roaming as other classes doesn’t mean the class is bad for it. Suck it up, buttercup! It’s roaming, you’re going to get killed. Real roamers expect to die in WvW, and it’s not something that bothers them.
They deal with it, and you’re showing that you can’t, or won’t, and that’s a dead give away that you don’t know what you’re talking about. I mean keep trying though…I hear Angry Birds is pretty fun, you should check it out. Might be more your speed.
Have to admit, it was fun. It’s not often I get a punching bag as soft as you.
Not worth reading.
“I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can!”
I can already tell the only thing you’re going to do is spin-doctor the kitten out of anything I’ve said that’s already proven you wrong so you can make another weary attempt to “Stand Your Ground.” (hehehe). Everything you’ve said is your own opinion while what I’ve said are verifiable facts. There’s no need for you to continue on with trying to “Save Yourself!” (hahaha!)
Hook, line, and sinker. Scrub is as scrub does. Any decent player can tell you Guard is good for roaming. Being a good player gets rid of whatever excuses you’re trying to make up for yourself to try and justify what is obviously wrong. I.E. you suck and you can’t handle it.
So about dem Trapper Runes, before Julie Yann QQ’s moar.
Your “I’m rubber, you’re glue!” approach has been giving myself and guildies laughs since this started. We’ve been giggling over it on TS, so I don’t actually want you to stop until it’s not funny anymore.
Omfg, you changed your signature twice! Didn’t realize I was getting under your skin so badly, Ahahahahahahahaha!!!!
(edited by Styles.7469)
See, the thing is I came back to the original point, the arguement that started it, which you have yet to disprove, and I’ve successfully shown why not only you are wrong, but also don’t know what you’re talking about. Easy bait is easy -shrug-
I’ve demonstrated understanding of the class, as have other people on this thread, merely by showing you that you lack knowledge of the class as a whole. You made a claim it couldn’t do something, I disproved it. You made another claim, trying to change your argument, I disproved that too. It doesn’t get any simpler than that. But please, keep trying to make yourself feel better while I still get giggles from it.
“I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can!”
Guardian didn’t make it to my top three list because I no longer have the gear to play Guardian as a roamer, and that’s basically the only reason at the moment. My Warrior, Necro, and Ele are geared for that, however. Not because someone else thinks Guardian is ill-suited for roaming, or because anything you have said is true (which it’s not, sorry).
-Holds out some straws-
Figured you needed more to grasp at.
See, that’s actually funny. I’m laughing at it not because you are dumb, but because I detect a sense of humor in there. It wasn’t clever though. Keep trying!
I have never encountered a member of the “Trollus intellectuallis” before. I wasn’t sure if your kind could actually understand “clever”.
@OP sorry for participating in the complete derailment of your thread.
Then you don’t know what a troll is, just like you don’t know the class of Guardian like you wanted it to seem like you did. Full circle, right back around to the same point. See how easy that was?
Yeah it was stupid. People do stupid things. By the looks of your posts, you should be familiar with those kinds of mistakes.
Hmmm…Nope. I checked. Pretty legit over here.
I’d actually like to know if anyone on this thread has tried the trapper runes as well. They seem to be pretty underrated as far as a set goes, but to be totally honest I think they have amazing 1v1 or even 2v1 potential. I’d like to see them in sPvP, but you know, “balance”.
EDIT: I tend to focus on cripples and keeping the target poisoned. By design the traps for Thief help you kite pretty well, if you’re into doing that sort of thing; I was dueling ranger on point in sPvP the other night, he eventually won because I got blasted by the treb (stupid siege), but he had 39 or so seconds of cripple on him that he couldn’t shake. Cripple, Chill, Poison, and Immobilize are frustrating to deal with in short bursts, I can only imagine what half a minute’s worth is like, lol.
(edited by Styles.7469)
Still couldn’t let it go, eh? Must be hard not to feed a troll.
Yes it is. I find them so cute. I can’t help but go “Ohhh look at it, poor thing. It’s so hungry for attention. I can’t just let the starve to death. We should help it grow big and strong so that it can spawn itty bitty little trolls of it’s own”
See, that’s actually funny. I’m laughing at it not because you are dumb, but because I detect a sense of humor in there. It wasn’t clever though. Keep trying!
Yet another reason WvW is the worst mode in the game, and always will be.
Seriously, dude. You’ve already stated in other threads that you don’t WvW. Why the fk are you even here? xD
Gtfo and go back to Angry Birds, scrub.
And yet you persist. Interesting. Perhaps the proper thing to do is stop posting to me.
Could it be? Is that the true way?
Well, it would be if I were actually trolling. You don’t know what that is either, but are quick to chalk it up to trolling because…oh…you poor thing. You were wrong.
It’s too bad I’ve already been banned twice or I would have a field day getting you all up tight and buttmad. Just a warning for your future encounters but you are a trolls wetdream.
And to stay on topic to avoid having my post removed; All professions are viable roamers, it depends on the driver behind the wheel. However, assuming the driver is “average” and does not possess any innate awareness of his/her surroundings, Guardian would be very low on the ladder. That is not to say it is an ineffective roamer, but that it requires a more skilled hand to be an effective roamer.
LOL! Omfg, I didn’t think you One-upper scrubs still existed. Priding yourself on getting banned for something stupid, no doubt. That doesn’t make you a troll, or good at what you do, it makes you an idiot, plain and simple. xD
And yet you persist. Interesting. Perhaps the proper thing to do is stop posting to me.
Could it be? Is that the true way?
Well, it would be if I were actually trolling. You don’t know what that is either, but are quick to chalk it up to trolling because…oh…you poor thing. You were wrong.
Typical troll answer.
Still couldn’t let it go, eh? Must be hard not to feed a troll. Of course I’d have to actually be one for you to stop, so please, by all means, continue with your try-hard.
I think, besides the three classes I listed, Thief is still one of my most favorite roaming classes. Meta’s aside, it’s got a lot of versatility at its disposal. I’ve been running a S/D – P/D Trap thief with trapper runes for 1v1 action and I have to say it’s pretty fun. Took a little while to get used to, but once you find a natural rhythm it’s a hard build to beat.
Right…it’s clear to me you’re either a troll or a hypocrite. I’m done feeding you.
People like you are why WvW is the worst mode in the entire game, and always will be.
You don’t know what a troll is and you don’t know what hypocrisy is either.
You’re a whiny PvE brat. You are a scrub player that wants everything spoon fed to him on an easy game that’s already been nerfed hard enough to make it as casual as kittening angry birds.
Here’s some advice: Deal with it. Take your kitten complaint to the PvE forums and stay the kitten out of the WvW forums, fk boi.
Yeah, our whole team on Frostreach just experienced a whole bunch of hackers from the guild Hammer Kult [HK]. Not cool. Completely ruins my EOTM experience as well as others.
Funny you should say that; I ran into at least four Hammer Kult people using hacks last night! A Guard, Warr, Mesmer, and Thief.
I’ve wanted a continuous reward track for WvW and EOTM since sPvP got one. Seriously, WvW rewards haven’t been updated for ages – with the exception of those hero weapons from the tournament – but that doesn’t really count cause it’s temporary and it depends on how well your server does (which is out of your control) – not how well YOU do.
That’s what WvW is…it’s server performance, not individual player performance (why do people keep kittening wanting everything to be solo content?). PvE has achievements on there that you cannot otherwise accomplish without multiple players, but the majority is already individually acquired. PvP revolves around having a small team of players, so it only makes sense that WvW rewards be based around your current server.
The complaints have no validity. It’s crying and whining because you can’t faceroll the game more. It’s the same problem people that don’t do WvW always kitten about. So next time, since you’re so awesome, maybe take people from your guild to the grub.
Omfg, or maybe use the LFG system to put together a group! kitten …two ideas right out of the gate that offer a solution and put an end to your need to QQ more.
Now then about the “a portion”
It’s guild wars, idiot. Not Solo Wars. Enough said. You’re stupid for suggesting major parts of the game that provide character development should be done solo in an MMO. So no, there’s no problem when the other option you have is to buy the traits; the trait purchase option was actually put into effect for people like the hardcore WvWers who don’t set foot into PvE land. Not there for some scrubby kid to cry about it being the “only other way and that’s a problem!” Go throw a temper tantrum elsewhere.
So being fired? No, you’re stupid, that’s stupid, and the basis behind your complaint is stupid. Seeing a pattern?
Do I agree with the new trait unlock system? Not necessarily, if only because players that had accounts created before the change should have been grandfathered in, but that’s a different complaint altogether.
The Living Story is not a pressing matter. Obviously you don’t read the update notes, watch the streams for the updates, or read the other forums, so you decided to come here and cry about something and expected not to get flamed. Jumping into the fire will set you alight, you’re not special…well…maybe you are
Your idea of pressing matters are still very far off. Perhaps read other forum threads on what WvWers consider more pressing matters, because the Grub is not one of them, and Anet hasn’t got the time to continue catering to you crybaby PvEers that constantly want your game changed to suit every little need you have while they continuously ignore the remainder of the game.
Dungeons are supposed to be run for the rewards. That’s the kittening point of dungeons, LOL! There’s not a whole lot wrong with the dungeons, it’s just that they’ve been ut for so long and we’ve hardly seen any noticable changes made to them that they’ve become stale.
So your idea of potential, wasted or otherwise, is entirely PvE centric, which already receives enough attention.
Next time, post this stupid bullkitten in the PvE forums where other fk bois like you can keep crying to make yourselves feel better.
How about no? I don’t even like WvW and I can see that this idea is utterly stupid. Why remove/restrict the only semi-decent map among the WvW maps?
You think EotM is the only semi-decent map. Any arguement you make here is invalid.
(edited by Styles.7469)
People complain about having to come to WvW to unlock traits. People from WvW complain about having to go to PvE to unlock traits. Heaven forbid you interact with other people to help you unlock a trait against a boss that requires a fair number of people to kill. LOL.
So because a portion of content on the game isn’t able to be completed solo, someone should lose their job so you can sleep better at night. If this isn’t the epitome of QQ from not being able to faceroll and already easymode game, I don’t know what is.
I.E. Deal with it, because there are far more pressing matters that need attention.
(edited by Styles.7469)