Showing Posts For Sugram.3106:

e-Mail from "ArenaNet?" Please read! [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sugram.3106


upper part missing cause it bit long to fin in my screen, i got it after i logged in after uninstalling Vista & installing Win7, it shod be real


Shadow Behemoth doesn't always spawn [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sugram.3106


i play in Far Shiverpeaks server, when i play’d with my first char it spawned 1 time, new i play other char & it did not spawn, i w8 3h-4h

Necromancer feels... slow.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sugram.3106


if u think necro skills are slow then u shod try meany other MMO’S, my point is that i have seen much slower spell cast’s in MMO’S then necro has & that’s why i ton’t complain about it

Human/necromancer lvl 10

I know what you mean with the other MMO’s having slow cast times, but if you compare our skills to other classes, you will see that ours are quite slow.

Btw: Hope you enjoy Necro!

true, i wold like if life siphon is scepter skill & replaces feast of corruption, in some MMO’S i fall a sleep before cast ends LOL, in a figure of speech

What to u think of this build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sugram.3106


Now I have to be very careful here with my choice of words as I have already had one post removed for being too critical.

However, there are a couple of things I need to say

1) There are sufficient resources on this and others sites discussing viable builds – use them, its highly unlikely that your awesome build will be completely revolutionary
2) Experiment with your own build before blindly walking into these forums telling other people to critique your build – any individual with any necro experience can clearly see the original build you provided is very confused i.e. you don’t know what you want to do
3) I have provided you with a helpful post 2 times that outlines the consenus PvE/WvW builds
4) With regards to your last question what way is consume condition better from well of blood? You can answer this by a) running explorable mode dungeons or b) running WvW your call… the outcome should be very clear

No need to alter your build constantly, just do some research and find that build that achieves what your trying to do

i just ask opinions, & i try to be DPS sustained damage, but also DPS support, in GW2 we can play 2 roles & that’s why i have staff, but mostly i agree cause awry1 have different builds & different opinions but i take them under consideration

for some reason i think this build cowers what i’m trying to do if i want to be what i mentioned above

& this dose not seem to have support possibility in it, if i’m wrong then i have a lot to learn, well i ton’t caunt utility skills right new;ToAqmMNJay2krJZTLCGLsLYGA

(edited by Sugram.3106)

What to u think of this build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sugram.3106


this is my idea for my build, so What to u think of this build, i want to be sustain damage type, dose it need a bit change or is it good? & for what it is god for? PVE PVP WvW or for all 3?

Very similar to my build, with slightly different trait and skill choices:;ToAqmMNJay2krJZTLCGLsLYGA

I use Knights armor & Runes of the Undead. Its been a good all-around build for PVE, but I don’t PVP or WVW so I can’t speak to those.

it says bad link for some reason, maybe u can make new link
i will consider ur build & ur opinion when i see ur build

i have 1 thing in common with this guy whos video link is below, curses 30, he uses S/D in WvW & also switches to Staff in WvW when he feels its necessary, it shows his build & gameplay, he uses 10 points for Spite but i think its useless, well its useless if he did it to get power, even 30 points to spite is useless to spite if he just wanted to increase power, power is useless for DPS/CON/SUSTAIN DAM build, it gives so little to it, well that’s my opinion, maybe some people disagree

i’m not sure about my build & hes build but i can say for sure that this play stile he has works in PVE & also WvW as this video shows

You need to copy/paste the link text. For some dumb reason, ANet can’t handle semicolons in external URLs.

how about this builds;ToAqmMNJay2krJZTLCGLsLYGA

what way is consume condition better from well of blood?

(edited by Sugram.3106)

What to u think of this build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sugram.3106


Ignoring the complete and utter lack of grammar in this thread, the original build you had is not very good. It flip flops between condition and power with random utilities that don’t benefit you unless you pick either conditions w/ corruption utilities or power w/ well utilities. Also, throwing random ‘good’ traits and utilities together then calling it a ‘build’, is not how it works.

i ton’t flip flops between condition and power, do i have 10 points or more in Spotes? no i ton’t

What to u think of this build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sugram.3106


That build is marginally better, suggest you look at the post I provided

On another note

Swap deathly invigoration for ritual mastery, id grab well of darkness instead of spectral walk

Consume conditions is better for heal

Again you need to decide what you want to do then look at existing builds, like the post I provided

i changed my build more a bit

Stop Building Your Necros Wrong [Conditions]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sugram.3106


What to u think of this build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sugram.3106


Ok where to start…

If this is a PVE/WvW build it seems very confused

Without going into heavy critique mode the following utilities are suspect
1) Corrosive Poisen Cloud – there are better aoe/single target traits
2) Lich Form – you dont gain much from this if your investing into conditon damage opposed to power

The following traits are suspect
1) Focussed rituals – only well of suffering benefits, I would personally invest in two wells to justify this choice though that’s personal oppinion
2) Deathly Invigoration – very supporty trait, if your going support there are better trait setups, if your going dps there are better trait setups – you need to decide what you want to do
3) Path of Might and Master of Terror – are you support/dps, sustain dmg/burst/hybrid dmg/PVE PVP WvW – example if your running PVE sustain dps build then DS is only useful for stacking might/vulnerability to buff bleeds and for a ‘oh kitten’ moment

I would be wary about following youtube videos as they can become out of date quite quickly

Here are some possible builds you may want to try/rotations etc

Please note these are PVE/WvW builds – I assume thats what you were trying to create being that you mentioned rotations

i took soul reaping 20 cause some1 say’d life pool is important, is it not important to sustained dam build? i know u did not talk about that but i’m just asking

how about this build, i changet it a little

(edited by Sugram.3106)

Phrases you'll never hear in GW2:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sugram.3106


“It’s a necromancer! Quick, kill it!”

i bet this guy is pain in the XXX so i think u wold say It’s a necromancer! Quick when u se him, cause what i se on this video hes good in fights

Phrases you'll never hear in GW2:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sugram.3106


“Asura are sexy”

that’s good one LOL, but true cause i never hear that one in game, & the reason they are not Sexy

What to u think of this build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sugram.3106


what u see is not my fault, i did not make that big distance between TXT above & below, i guess forum has some kind of bug, 1 time my TXT was bit messed up like 2 words together & some letters missing & i had to restart my writing , this post is off the topic but i hope it wont get deleted like my other posts in other topic what were off the topic

(edited by Sugram.3106)

What to u think of this build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sugram.3106


this is my idea for my build, so What to u think of this build, i want to be sustain damage type, dose it need a bit change or is it good? & for what it is god for? PVE PVP WvW or for all 3?

Very similar to my build, with slightly different trait and skill choices:;ToAqmMNJay2krJZTLCGLsLYGA

I use Knights armor & Runes of the Undead. Its been a good all-around build for PVE, but I don’t PVP or WVW so I can’t speak to those.

it says bad link for some reason, maybe u can make new link
i will consider ur build & ur opinion when i see ur build

i have 1 thing in common with this guy whos video link is below, curses 30, he uses S/D in WvW & also switches to Staff in WvW when he feels its necessary, it shows his build & gameplay, he uses 10 points for Spite but i think its useless, well its useless if he did it to get power, even 30 points to spite is useless to spite if he just wanted to increase power, power is useless for DPS/CON/SUSTAIN DAM build, it gives so little to it, well that’s my opinion, maybe some people disagree

i’m not sure about my build & hes build but i can say for sure that this play stile he has works in PVE & also WvW as this video shows

(edited by Sugram.3106)

Necromancer feels... slow.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sugram.3106


if u think necro skills are slow then u shod try meany other MMO’S, my point is that i have seen much slower spell cast’s in MMO’S then necro has & that’s why i ton’t complain about it

Human/necromancer lvl 10

Post Your Build Thread

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sugram.3106


this is my idea

i so a video, were guy had S/D & staff, he switched between S/D / staff in WvW, it was 2 teams of players who fight each other & take over locations, he had Curses 30 to, rest of the traits i don’t remember but rest i did as i think is good + i asked opinion form some1 in guild & then decided that build, this guy in the video was bad kitten with S/D+Staff in WvW, but i think it is also good in PVE

(edited by Sugram.3106)

What to u think of this build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sugram.3106


I think you might be going about it backwards.

first decide on the format: PvE, PvP, or WvWvW.

then decide on the role you’re trying to fill

that makes it easier to decide on what weapons/utilities/traits/runes/etc to use

i said sustain damage type/role

sustained dmg against who/what/where?

if you read the Post Your Build thread you’ll see that people explain the purpose of the build before giving the details. that way you can understand the build choices they made. throwing some tactics together and picking a pair of weapons, then asking “what will this work for?” is going about it backwards.

does that make sense?

well i have not taught of all details cause right new i’m only interested in build so i only picked a pair of weapons & traits, so i did not just picked a pair of weapons, i also picked also traits

Which trait is the worse?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sugram.3106


i’m not sure 100% what rtaits but i think there’s more then 1, i think Reaper’s Precision is the most useless – 33% chance to gain 1% life force on crit is one but i have not think about witch is the worse, i think what do i need & want & what i find useful, but 33% chance to gain 1% life force on crit seems useless

What to u think of this build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sugram.3106


Which amulet goes with this build?
You can try to build a Power/Conditions hybrid.

i think amulet with con, i try’d power con hybrid with ele, power gives ferry little so i’m not sure, i think it’s not that good

What to u think of this build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sugram.3106


I think you might be going about it backwards.

first decide on the format: PvE, PvP, or WvWvW.

then decide on the role you’re trying to fill

that makes it easier to decide on what weapons/utilities/traits/runes/etc to use

i said sustain damage type/role

i so some1 with similar build, used S/D & staff he was in WvW i think cause there was meany players like team of players VS another team of players, he used staff for AOE condition & then switched back to S/D,that guy had curses 30 that i remember but rest came from my head + i asked opinion from some1 in guild

(edited by Sugram.3106)

What to u think of this build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sugram.3106


this is my idea for my build, so What to u think of this build, i want to be sustain damage type, dose it need a bit change or is it good? & for what it is god for? PVE PVP WvW or for all 3?

How I became attracted to the Elementalist class:

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sugram.3106


eles close range die fast, mages in all games are weak in close range, ele is not warrior or guardian who are meant for close range combat, nay1 can avoid close range attacks, not all attacks but enough to beat D/D ele, i have seen videos

Sick of dying with one or two hits!!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sugram.3106


Arcane is in no way useless…

arcane is only useful to get Attunement duration down so i can switch between earth & water faster

So not true and if you think that you really should go look at the traits again. I never play without atleast 10 points in arcane and it’s not for the Attunement duration.

In sPvP I used to play 0/0/20/20/30 on my elementalist but it got boring after a while cuz’ my damaged kind of sucked. I barely died though and I could easily tank atleast 2-3 enemies and sometimes I tanked the entire enemy team wich probably is cuz’ they sucked but still.
Now I play 20/0/25/15/10 and I really love this build. I do decent damage and my surviability isn’t to bad.

weapon S/D
earth 30/3/4/7
water 30/3/5/11
arcane 10 /5

& thsi works rely good for me, good dam & i can switch to support as healer if i want & good surviability

i ton’t use arcane skills what do arcane dam cause they cool down is slow!!! i use wepon skills

i wont use more then 10 point to arcane

(edited by Sugram.3106)

I though staff ele's were not viable?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sugram.3106


Hm, I’ve only done Staff and Dagger/Dagger. Haven’t played around much with S/D but sounds like a cool build.

weapon S/D
earth 30/3/4/7
water 30/3/5/11
arcane 10 /5

well it worked for me when i try’d it in heart of mists, in case u ton’t know what it is i say this, its PVP area were u can reset traits & try different builds on mobs, well this explanation is not 100% correct but partly correct

Sick of dying with one or two hits!!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sugram.3106


Arcane is in no way useless…

well this is better

i try’d air & others in heart of mists, & this has best dam & Survivability, fast kill, i did not get good dam wit S/D air ele no matter what my secondary was

air is not condition & it has low dam, even crit did not save me, i died a lot when i did quests, but this is good in PVE & PVP to cause i so video form some1 with 99% same build

arcane is only useful to get Attunement duration down so i can switch between earth & water faster

(edited by Sugram.3106)

I though staff ele's were not viable?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sugram.3106


Bunker Staffs are most viable in sPVP, but it’s hard to kill stuff and 1v1’s can go on forever.

I play a condition damage based staff ele traiting into earth, water, and arcana. So far, I still have good survival because of the high toughness and decent hp (19k) and I don’t get bursted down by thieves and I can kill better than my bunker build.

The key to playing ele is to never ever stand still. Move move move. Circle strafe, jump, move backwards, dodge. But don’t stand still. Avoid using Fire 5 unless no one is targetting you and you’re firing away at a group of enemies from far away (this is really fun and you do a lot of damage).

Oh and don’t burn through your stunbreakers unless you’re getting bursted down. You need the stunbreakers when you’re getting HBed or getting hit by a thief’s burst.

my Sylvari ele future build, i say future cause i’m not lvl 80
weapon S/D
earth 30/3/4/7
water 30/3/5/11
arcane 10 /5
good build if u want to survive long battles & do a lot of dam, i tested it in are were u can reset & try meany builds but u will be back to normal when u return to game, it also kills fast & u can switch to water sometimes to support ur group, to get erth & fire both 30 dose not give much earth water is better, i try’d it in Heart Of Mists, it kills faster then then other ele builds, not good DPS with staff, Staff is not bad but my opinion is that S/D is better, with staff gameplay is a bit harder, & with staff fire is better, it has useful skills like example 1, what makes u jump backward & u leave trail of fire on the ground what dam ur enemy as long as he runs on that trail of fire, good in PVE

S/D is good too. But imo, a bunker staff ele is a good support class for controlling points. High AoE Heals with good CD and awesome AoE condition removal is sweet.

I’m rolling a condition based staff ele right now. The high toughness and 19k hp adds for good survivability and I can stack decent burns and bleeds. I can actually kill stuff unlike the bunker build where 1v1’s took ages.

well its not bad but bit harder i with my earth water build can be support to, not as good as with staff but i can

then try this build, i just came up with it

Recommended race for Ele?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sugram.3106


ton’t know about Asura but Sylvari is pretty good, better then human ele, 4 more elite skills the human, human has 3 & add 4 to that, so Sylvari has 7 elite skills, Sylvari is different a bit, human is worse choice for ele, u can play but its not as good

The more you post the more I’m convinced you’re really just a troll trying very hard. Everything you post is so random and utterly wrong.

how am i wrong? i speak truth, Sylvari has more elite skills then human, it also my experience from the game, i talk from my experiences

Moving Forward with Elementalist Balance

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sugram.3106


my suggestion for build, good DPS kills fast & can attune to water to heal others if in group, so i can be support, S/D earth water build

i gonna use this build, a little bit arcane is good, then i can switch between earth & water faster

(edited by Sugram.3106)

Recommended race for Ele?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sugram.3106


ton’t know about Asura but Sylvari is pretty good, better then human ele, 4 more elite skills the human, human has 3 & add 4 to that, so Sylvari has 7 elite skills, Sylvari is different a bit, human is worse choice for ele, u can play but its not as good

Sick of dying with one or two hits!!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sugram.3106


Maybe I should just video a fight and then you’ll see what I mean.

This would really help. Also, in my opinion, your trait spread is extremely unoptimized. I don’t mean to be condescending; all the points in Fire are more or less wasted, as Fire simply doesn’t have that many good traits to begin with and you’ll get more power from gear anyways. Your water ones are slightly better, but you’re missing the mark on truly great ones, in addition to ignoring some of the great Arcana traits.

This is the build I use in just about any situation short of sPvP:


This is for dagger/dagger, but it also works decently with staff. Comes with Glyph of Elemental Harmony, Mist Form, Arcane Wave, and an optional utility of your choice. Use your auras (Water 4, Air 3) liberally for constant Fury, regularly Arcane Wave and dodge into your own fire fields for might, swap attunements like a madman.

i agree about the part were u talk about the fire, but u for got to mention that power dose not give much to S/D earth ele, its useless for S/D earth ele

i find arcane useless that’s why its gonna be 10, water is more useful, that’s my opinion & that’s how i felt when i try’d different build in heart of mists

Sick of dying with one or two hits!!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sugram.3106


i suggest this build

gear shod be with con, cause power gives ferry little to earth ele, con gives more, so u can be support to sometimes with heal & do a lot of dam, it works fine for me

(edited by Sugram.3106)

Elementalist elites are the worst ones!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sugram.3106


The Fire sword is awsome. Go dual dagger and you’ll do fine. You only need to pop the elite when you’re in trouble

D/D u are close at close range, & what happens with ele’s at close range? u know? they die fast!!! mage’s are weak at close range in all games & ele is same, ele is nor warrior or guardian who are meant for close range!!!

Sick of dying with one or two hits!!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sugram.3106


& if u use my build then u need armor with con, at first u ton’t get stuff with con but when u find replace ur stuff what has power with con, armor with con is good with S/D earth & fire, cause both do con dam with S/D, but earth is better at con dam

Sick of dying with one or two hits!!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sugram.3106


i have not done PVP or WvW jet but my suggestion, i got it from video, but i changed 1 or 2 things only, but this build is only part of it utility skills & elite skilled count to, & also depends on what u use & how & also on gear, necromancer with S/D has good bleed/DPS to, really good in PVE, fast kill & also i can be support when attuned to water, earth is my mane
my Sylvari ele future build, i say future cause i’m not lvl 80
weapon S/D
earth 30/3/4/7
water 30/3/5/11
arcane 10 /5
good build if u want to survive long battles & do a lot of dam, i tested it in are were u can reset & try meany builds but u will be back to normal when u return to game, it also kills fast & u can switch to water sometimes to support ur group, to get erth & fire both 30 dose not give much earth water is better, i try’d it in Heart Of Mists, it kills faster then then other ele builds

I though staff ele's were not viable?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sugram.3106


Bunker Staffs are most viable in sPVP, but it’s hard to kill stuff and 1v1’s can go on forever.

I play a condition damage based staff ele traiting into earth, water, and arcana. So far, I still have good survival because of the high toughness and decent hp (19k) and I don’t get bursted down by thieves and I can kill better than my bunker build.

The key to playing ele is to never ever stand still. Move move move. Circle strafe, jump, move backwards, dodge. But don’t stand still. Avoid using Fire 5 unless no one is targetting you and you’re firing away at a group of enemies from far away (this is really fun and you do a lot of damage).

Oh and don’t burn through your stunbreakers unless you’re getting bursted down. You need the stunbreakers when you’re getting HBed or getting hit by a thief’s burst.

my Sylvari ele future build, i say future cause i’m not lvl 80
weapon S/D
earth 30/3/4/7
water 30/3/5/11
arcane 10 /5
good build if u want to survive long battles & do a lot of dam, i tested it in are were u can reset & try meany builds but u will be back to normal when u return to game, it also kills fast & u can switch to water sometimes to support ur group, to get erth & fire both 30 dose not give much earth water is better, i try’d it in Heart Of Mists, it kills faster then then other ele builds, not good DPS with staff, Staff is not bad but my opinion is that S/D is better, with staff gameplay is a bit harder, & with staff fire is better, it has useful skills like example 1, what makes u jump backward & u leave trail of fire on the ground what dam ur enemy as long as he runs on that trail of fire, good in PVE

New Ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sugram.3106


human has 3 elite skills what remain same with all classes but other classes have some extra elite skills, Sylvari has 4 extra elite skills, 3 what human has + 4 his own, so it means human has only ele/class elite skill, human dose not have his own elite skills, so human race dose not have elite skills & other races have race elite skills, at lest Sylvari has tont know all races, maybe this are not race elite skills but nature elite skills what Sylvari has but Sylvari has 4 more then human & this 4 remain no matter what class u chose

DPS/crit elem - which sigil(s)?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sugram.3106


Staff is for AOE & heal both are support but S/D is better & u can even heal when u have S/D, with my build even when i’m attuned to water i’m support, 1 example of 1 effect, when i’m attuned to water it heals me & ally’s, earth good DPS with S/D, kills fast, critical dose not work with DPS, DPS wont do crit only ur hits do crit so if ur S/D DPS with earth then boosting crit is pointless, in other words, burn & bleed wont do crit
my Sylvari ele future build, i say future cause i’m not lvl 80
weapon S/D
earth 30/3/4/7
water 30/3/5/11
arcane 10 /5
good build if u want to survive long battles & do a lot of dam, i tested it in are were u can reset & try meany builds but u will be back to normal when u return to game, it also kills fast & u can switch to water sometimes to support ur group, to get erth & fire both 30 dose not give much earth water is better, i try’d it in Heart Of Mists, it kills faster then then other ele builds

(edited by Sugram.3106)

People starting to complain about D/D?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sugram.3106


i’m not surprised that people complain about D/D, ele is weak at close range & die fats & cause of that S/D is better, with D/D u are close at close range, & what happens with ele’s at close range? u know? they die fast!!! mage’s are weak at close range in all games & ele is same, ele is nor warrior or guardian!!!

my Sylvari ele future build, i say future cause i’m not lvl 80
weapon S/D
earth 30/3/4/7
water 30/3/5/11
arcane 10 /5
good build if u want to survive long battles & do a lot of dam, i tested it in are were u can reset & try meany builds but u will be back to normal when u return to game, it also kills fast & u can switch to water sometimes to support ur group, to get erth & fire both 30 dose not give much earth water is better, i try’d it in Heart Of Mists, it kills faster then then other ele builds

(edited by Sugram.3106)

D/D Condition/Tank/Heal build WvWvW/Spvp vids

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sugram.3106


my Sylvari ele future build, i say future cause i’m not lvl 80
weapon S/D
earth 30/3/4/7
water 30/3/5/11
arcane 10 /5
good build if u want to survive long battles & do a lot of dam, i tested it in are were u can reset & try meany builds but u will be back to normal when u return to game, it also kills fast & u can switch to water sometimes to support ur group, to get erth & fire both 30 dose not give much earth water is better, i try’d it in Heart Of Mists, it kills faster then then other ele builds

Armor & Build?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sugram.3106


Well I have been spending a lot of time watching videos and learning how to play the ele. From the best players I have seen that they do the elemental jive (attunements dance) beautifully so focusing on one or two elements will get you killed. I found that my survivability shot way up when i put my trait points into at least 20 water 20 earth. I’m a tank like build, but if your dead you cant deal any damage. Basically to sum it up put some in water and learn to air and water because those will save your bacon.

my earth ele has water as secondary, in 1 video a guy showed that it is quite good but build was part of my question

I though staff ele's were not viable?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sugram.3106


S/D earth water build is good in my book, earth with S/D dose a lot of dam, range 900, S/D 900 & S 1.200 is not much difference, i try’d with staff to, DPS just kills fast, & faster then staff skills, staff is good for WvW or PVE support as AOE ele or healer, but i’m not saying that it is impossible to play with staff, no it is possible, but harder

Elementalist elites are the worst ones!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sugram.3106


ele elite skills are not the worse, human ele elite skills are the worse, well worse if ur not in PVP, useless in PVE, like that transform in to tornado (i have not done PVP jet so i’m not sure about the PVP part but i’m sure about PVE part), i do better with out it, so i say 1 thing to u, try other races!!! all races have different elite skills, only 3 skills remain same, this same 3 what u have with human ele, i have Sylvari ele & i have 4 new elite skills what i have not seen yet

(edited by Sugram.3106)

why is there an elementalist???

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sugram.3106


earth is good to use + what the guy’s say’d before use active defense what uses fatigue, i have ele & i can survive, yes sometimes i die, u cant expected to be immortal, & yes it not the strongest, well depends who plays ele, fire is also good at the beginning but earth dose better DPS & kills faster, & when u get lvl 11 & start to take traits & know how to build then u will be good with it, if it sucks to u & its hard for u then u ton’t know how to play ele, i mean the flaw is with u not with ele

my Sylvari ele future build, i say future cause i’m not lvl 80
earth 30/3/4/7
water 30/3/5/11
arcane 10 /5
good build if u want to survive long battles, i tested it in are were u can reset & try meany builds but u will be back to normal when u return to game, it also kills fast & u can switch to water sometimes to support ur group, heal, but its also useful to u2

(edited by Sugram.3106)

People starting to complain about D/D?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sugram.3106


my human ele has fire + earth build, & my plant race ele has earth + water & this seem to work fine, u cant expected to be so strong that u wont die ever, i do die time to time, fire & earth work good together, fore power + con dur, earth toughness + con dam, 1 makes the other better, if u play fire earth gives u def & con dam what makes u more powerful & kill ur target faster if u play with earth & fire secondary then fire gives u power/dam + con dur so ur target bleeds longer, earth + water build u sacrifice a bit dam but easier to survive, that all is my opinion & maybe there is better build out there to not sure, & what means D/D???

Re-design the trait system

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sugram.3106


Elementalists are really hard to define in that they have been given the ability to fill in different roles during combat. I guess you can say they are a versatile class. That being said however, I believe it’s there biggest downfall. They are the “jack of all trades but master of none”.
This issue can go on for ages but I want to focus on one aspect in particular that could actually help an elementalist define their role a bit more easily.

…and that is — to re-design the trait system.

At the moment, the trait system is fairly restrictive. You only have access to a certain amount of traits in a line depending on which trait slot you are assigning a trait to.
Now as far as I’m aware, traits are there to compliment your gameplay or help define your role a little better. Now that’s all good until you meet Mr Elementalist. Their versatility is countered by the restrictions within the trait system.

My suggestion is simple…

Enable ALL traits within a line to be available in all 3 trait slots

This in turn may call for changes in the power/utility a trait provides in its current state, but it will make it a heck of a lot easier to define and build your elementalist.
This could be a system unique to Elementalist due to their complex makeup or a system that could be adapted to all other classes.

One other thing I would like to mention is to have a secondary weapon slot for the Elementalist. ONLY this time, it is disabled during fights so you are unable to swap but at least if you feel the need to change outside of battle, it is only one click away. The convenience of it would be nice.

What do you guys think?

u just ton’t know how to play ele & how to pick ele traits, well thats how i see it, cause i have seen meany ho are good & strong & not jack of all trades but master of none, u can be jack of all trades but master of none if u chose, its ur, choice but u can be master at something if u chose to!!! so my point is that trait system is OK

but there is 1 problem, like with some classes u ton’t need precision u need con dam, then precision goes to waste, like with necromancer, he has precision & con kittenogether so u cant build it as u want, at least not 100% as u want, that’s why i find necromancer hardest to build, i have 5 chars, 2 are lvl 20+, lvl 28 ele & lvl 30 ranger, my highest lvl’s

(edited by Sugram.3106)

Armor & Build?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sugram.3106


i have ele, i wonder do i need armor with con or? power, fire ele & my other ele is earth, do i need armor with con for both of them? & what u guy’s? think of fire + earth build, its useful for both fire ele & earth ele, or is fire + earth build weaker then some other build? bi fire + earth build i mean fire 30 & earth 30, i like to be damage dealer with DPS cause ele is god at it, what to u think?

(edited by Sugram.3106)

To GM'S :) Elementalist swap weapon

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sugram.3106


Funny, there are a LOT of players that like the elementalist as is and use it as their main. Being able to switch from a mobile artillery platform into a support beacon, also able to support your allies by creating fields for what buffs they need most. Perhaps the problem is you just want to be a mage and sit back and blow things up rather than be a far more valuable cog in the group by being a supporter.

A well played elementalist makes a group just chug along strong.

i like to be stronger a bit so i cold survive mane quest its hard if i have fire water build or air water build, i cant depend on others all the time, & dam & dps is useful in groups

Then kite! Everything about the elementalist is a kite class. If you aren’t moving you are a sitting duck. Solo builds are best if they are 10/10/10/10/30. No real specialization so you can easily make use of every element to a real benefit (I personaly find it hilarious to hit enemies with a water skill and cause burning).

well i think fire 30 earth 30 build is good, this 2 make each other stronger, fire gives power + con dur, earth gives toughness + con dam

i ton’t switch between fire water air earth, i use only 1 & it is fire, cause switching has duration its annoying to switch to get 1 or 2 buffs from water, dose swap weapon has duration? no it dose not!!! so why switch between fire water air earth has duration?, my mane is fire & when i switch to earth or water for buffs i cant switch back fast enough & it can cost me my life, specially in PVE

(edited by Sugram.3106)


in Suggestions

Posted by: Sugram.3106


not bad idea, but there is 1 problem with that, players will start to sell them that way & some scam others that way, it also unbalances game, it is good for F2P game but not B2P game like GW2

To GM'S :) Elementalist swap weapon

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sugram.3106


I’ve already said this somewhere, but I don’t know where that post has managed to go and I’m honestly too lazy to look.

I could see a weapon swap for eles/engies working so long as its out of combat. Swapping in combat is unnecessary .

i think i wold like it even if they do weapon swap out of combat for ele, it wold be more
comfortable then bush H & swap weapon manually like right new

To GM'S :) Elementalist swap weapon

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sugram.3106


The fact is that they’re not going to be more popular until people really sit down to learn all their little tricks. I’m not claiming to know them, I’m just saying straight up that eles are not an easy class to do really well with.

Sure, people can play however they want, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to do well. When people don’t do well, especially after playing some of the other classes, they don’t think ‘I just need to practice’ they think ‘Man this class sucks’ and they leave it alone. 

A really good ele is hard to find, I think I’ve found like.. two streamers who do really well, and a handful of youtube videos showing them off.

The game has been out three months, if people haven’t learned these ‘little tricks’ you claim are there, they are never going to. And I don’t blame them, they have no reason to, from a mechanical design perspective there is nothing special about this class that makes them engaging enough to put that much effort in to.

If the class doesn’t fit the players, it’s the class that needs changing, not the playerbase. You design a game for the people that play it, not the players for the game.

u got a point there, i meat that part (You design a game for the people that play it, not the players for the game)

(edited by Sugram.3106)

To GM'S :) Elementalist swap weapon

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sugram.3106


Funny, there are a LOT of players that like the elementalist as is and use it as their main. Being able to switch from a mobile artillery platform into a support beacon, also able to support your allies by creating fields for what buffs they need most. Perhaps the problem is you just want to be a mage and sit back and blow things up rather than be a far more valuable cog in the group by being a supporter.

A well played elementalist makes a group just chug along strong.

i like to be stronger a bit so i cold survive mane quest its hard if i have fire water build or air water build, i cant depend on others all the time, & dam & dps is useful in groups

also i have more then 1 char so i can be more of support with other char like ranger

(edited by Sugram.3106)