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Elementalists and new spec system

in PvP

Posted by: Suprah.5076


Gonna bump it again and again until ANET answers.

Sizzling Hot Pressure / The Civilized Gentlemen

Elementalists and new spec system

in PvP

Posted by: Suprah.5076



/10 chars

Sizzling Hot Pressure / The Civilized Gentlemen

Elementalists and new spec system

in PvP

Posted by: Suprah.5076


In just 2 days, we have a lot of answer and more than 90% are going in favor of the idea of this thread.

Now if I remember the READY UP stream that showed up the new systems and all the changes I clearly heard someone from ANET saying something like “these changes are not 100%, keep posting your feedback on the forum we’ll listen to the community blablablabla”

I now would like to see you on that thread Mr Anet.


Sizzling Hot Pressure / The Civilized Gentlemen

Elementalists and new spec system

in PvP

Posted by: Suprah.5076


2/ The specializations patch

Now that you know what is the current state of the ele, let’s see what you are going to do with the others prof and the ele.

With this new patch, allowing us to have 3 trait line at max, you are buffing a lot of prof thief will be able to play panic strike and executionner, mutliples prof such as warrior are seing some traits being merged, by exemple
shout’s one, wich allow warriors to basically have 2 more bonus traits that they have now, for some profs you’re also putting some big importants traits as minor, such as Illusion of Persona for the mesmer (that’s only 1 exmple).
To be quick, almost all the profs are getting buffed (and that’s not bad for me) and none of them are getting nerfed exept for the ELE, first of all you’re putting elemental attunements as a GM trait, we will have to choose between
this trait and evasive arcana, wich is the biggest nerf you could do for the prof.
Now you will tell me something like ‘yes but the nerf of the arcana can be compasate by having 1 more compelte trait line such as the earth one’ and I will answer YES, but if I listen to the maths, you’re buffing us but also nerfing
us when you are just buffing and not nerfing other profs, and by this you just put the ele out of the meta one more time.

3/ What we’re asking for

So first of all, dear ANET, we’re asking you to not put ELEMENTAL ATTUNEMENTS as a GM trait or if you do so, put EVASIVE ARCANA as a master trait or minor. We highly insist on that point, if you do that simple change you’ll definitly
kill ele again.

Also, we highly recommend you to re-watch the assist part of the elementalist, by maybe buffing the radius of our heals or allowing us to have more condi cleanse. Putting aquatic benevolence as a minor trait is a good idea that you
have to keep on with. The full earth trait line will just allow us to have more sustain but that’s what we already have, what we want is being able to have more impact during our team fights.

Some CD’s reduction would be nice aswell, I maybe didn’t came to that point but again, the only big CD on warrior is fear me, 45 sec approx, exept crate ingi doesn’t even have a CD that reach 30 seconds exept slick shoes when we have
when we have at least 7 skills with a 40sec + cd’s, rest are smth like 30 seconds cd’s.

Once again, we’re not asking for a buff, what we are asking for is to bring our prof on the same logic of the others.


Sizzling Hot Pressure / The Civilized Gentlemen

Elementalists and new spec system

in PvP

Posted by: Suprah.5076


1/ Current state of the ele in the meta

Atm, the ele is a celestial prof along with the Warrior and the Ingeneer.

The War is currently more oriented on the team assistance with an insane ammount
of condi cleanse and proper heal for him and also his allies in 600 radius arround him, we’ll also consider that the heal coming from the shout are usable
even if the warrior is CC’ed and once again, with a really proper range/radius, add a real game-changing elite (battle stantard), add a proper dps over time via condi
and also some descent direct damage with the longbow3/sword3 and you get a prof who’s currently essential to have in any comps.

The ingeneer is kinda the opposite of the warrior, it’s less oriented on the team assistance but rely more on his dps who is full of big direct damage, a large pannel of CC’s
and also really dangerous condi damage, add to this great ammount of cleave the possibility to have a descent heal and condi cleanse with also a big radius/range of 480 and
the fact that it create a water field, accorded with a good coordination with your mates, can heal all your team for a big ammount. You basically obtain a prof with once again
crazy damages/cc and proper team assistance.

Now let’s jump to the elementalist with the parts we saw for the last 2 profs: damages, cc’s and team assistance.
Starting by the damages output, we have the possibility to go fire attunement wich is our real offensive part, allowing us to have a condi pressure over time with burn and also so direct damages with burning speed (3)
and fire grasp (5), besides it, other attunement has a nice auto attack in air wich represent an almost descent constant pressure and earth 2 ring of earth wich is also some slight damages, churching
earth (5) is a really situationnal attacks wich is easyly dodgable/avoidable.
Going to the CC’s part, we have real CC’s, updraft (air 5), seism (earth 4), both are on 40 seconds CD’s, compared to the 15/20secs cd’s of the 2 cc’s of the ingi. I’m not speaking of the fact that these cc’s are full melee
and sometimes hard to land, especially for seism with a stuck animation.
Now considering the team assist part of the ele, that’s maybe the more important part, let’s start with the simple fact that we can give a 6 seconds protection to us and our allies every 10 sec, wich is the main reason you
want an ele in your team tbh, note is that to be able to give that prot, you need the current ARCANE TRAIT 8 elemental attunement, another thing to keep in mind is that the radius of this prot is 240 (really less than all
assist you can get from a warrior or an ingi). Let’s now switch to the HEAL part, turning into the water attunement allow us to heal our allies in ONCE AGAIN a 240 radius for 1 600 hp approx, once we are in water, we usually use
cleansing wave 2 000 heal approx and 1 condition removed and sorry to be repetitive but 240 radius AGAIN, finally we do use or water dodge roll considering we have the arcane trait 11 evasive arcana and so we can perform a second
cleansing wave by dodge rolling, there is no problem to this if it’s only self healing, but in practice, managing to heal an ally by dodge rolling, when everybody is running arround, when you can get CC’ed and (one more time) with only
240 radius, it’s getting hard, not impossible but hard compared to the war who just need to press 1 button and be sure to heal his ally, we sometimes even have to use our lightning flash during our dodge to be 100% sure to perform
the heal.

Now i’m not trying to say that ELE is in a bad position and need to be buffed, what i’m saying if that we take a look at the 3 points I mentionned, we basically have a warrior who has a bit less dps/cc than ELE but clearly MORE
cleanse and heal for himself and his mates, and on the other hand we have the ingi who has way more DPS and CC’s for a bit less team assist/cleanse. OFC ele has other strong points, indeed we have a better self sustain than the 2 others
in reason of our super high mobility with lightning flash and RTL and our self prot via aura. But our meta is taking the way of a real team fights meta, and having a really selfish sustain and mobility is worthless compared to an high
dps or team assist.

What we’re trying to point here is the fact that ELE is the most polyvalent prof, it does everything and that’s why he is meta, but in the end, doing a bit of everything might be worthless than dropping dps for heal or heal for dps.

Sizzling Hot Pressure / The Civilized Gentlemen

Elementalists and new spec system

in PvP

Posted by: Suprah.5076


Dear Arenanet.

I’m Eternya, currently member of the team The Civilized Gentlemen, past member of the team Sizzling Hot Pressure and Fifty Five Hp Monks, I participated to almost all ESL events since the ESL weekly #14 and the only Go4 Esl I didn’t participate was because I was stuck on my hospital bed.

At this day I have almost 13 000 game played in PvP and 5 000 on them are on ELEMENTALIST, now, why I’m saying this is not to try to show if I have a big D or not, i’m just pointing that I have a lot of experience in the game and the prof I want to talk about, plus, I’m redacting that post with others players who are far better and more intelligent than me, players from all differents Top Tier PvP Teams in EU and NA.

So, what i’m asking is that you ArenaNet, have to re-watch/re-think completly the changes that you are going to do for the elementalist
in your patch implementing the new system of specialisations simply because if you keep going on the changes you exposed us, you will definitly and again put the ele out the PvP meta.

We’re here going to tell you what’s the current state of the ele, to what it should be orientate, the changes that you should and shouldn’t make for this prof.

Sizzling Hot Pressure / The Civilized Gentlemen

Full Screen Frequent Freezes

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Suprah.5076


Yo Whaddup Yo !

I’m having an huge problems sinces weeks, whenever I’m playing the game in Full Screen Mode, frequently I’m getting some freezes spikes, like every minuts it’s like 2-3 sec during the ones my screen completly.
When that happens my m8 usually tell me that I rubberband, wich mean that is also affecting the game, not only me.
The thing is that happens only when i’m on fullscreen mode, in windowed or windowed fullscreen I don’t have this problem at all.

Any same experience or any help ?


Sizzling Hot Pressure / The Civilized Gentlemen

[EU] Eternya's killing his leaderboard

in Looking for...

Posted by: Suprah.5076


Yo Whaddup Yo !

Jumping and updating my little thread !

First, thanks to everybody, my friend list is twice her past size, I’m very proud and happy about it, I still don’t play the leaderboard so just don’t feel shy PM’ing me for every kind of team Q, my only restriction is : be nice, I play with everykind of player, not even watching the skill, but if you’re not calm enough, raging or qq’ing, I’ll prolly don’t play with ya anymore !

Some changes:

I play now for the team 55hp Monks, I’ll so give a priority to them and won’t be able to play ESL weekly as pug, I also give the priority to TQ with them so don’t hesitate to ask me for pug but I might be less free :S

I was playing before on the second part of the afternoon, on evening and ALL NIGHT LONG, I’m now not playing during the night anymore, instead I play during the morning, all afternoon and evening until 23h – 23h30, a bit later during week ends.

I noticed I miss some PM sometimes, if I’m ingame but not answering, just come on “”, find my channel on the PvP part (there is my name on the door :P) and just poke me !

Thanks again luv ya all <3<3<3

Sizzling Hot Pressure / The Civilized Gentlemen

gg pvp

in Necromancer

Posted by: Suprah.5076


Ofc we can make feedback , we can write what we want but after 2 years most of us should know 1 thing , no matter what kind of feedback u will give at the end its anet who make the changes and if i remember right they dont care about comunity to much.

That’s true, but I also remember in the past, before the 15april when they wanted to add Perplexity Runes in sPvP, Fraelina created a post and asked to all rankeds teams EU and NA to reply something about it and he then created a list of experienced teams/ppl who disagreed with this change, and MIRACLE anet listened and didn’t implemented the rune so if we can do the same when they announce a change on necro that we don’t agree maybe, I said MAYBE they will listen to us.

Sizzling Hot Pressure / The Civilized Gentlemen

gg pvp

in Necromancer

Posted by: Suprah.5076


Honestly i’m saying the same thing all the time but nec is not bad, it’s just different, you play TQ with a nec so your team have to LEARN HOW TO PLAY with a nec and as a nec you have TO KNOW how to be different than other profs sustain prof like ele war .. Nec is mainly made to finish a team fight, I advice you to not use anyspeed just to contrain yourself to be the last coming in a fight just to notice how effective you are in this position, the chain condi/fear is still dealing more damage than a lot of thing in this game, the thing is most prof can clease a fear with a condi clease OR a stunbreak, so if you just come NOT FIRST in fight, after your opponent already use at least few CDs you just have to come faceroll kill 1 target, switch target use SoS and GG you did most pressure on 2 targets than a mes or whatever. EX: if I just know that a warrior already used his zerk stance when I come into a fight, I’m pretty sure that I’ll kill him in the next seconds.

Also most of nec’s are not paying attention to all non-damage skills/condi, we have one of the best acces to CHILL (my favourite condi tbo), if you try to play some other prof you just can notice a lot of times that you’re dying coz you can’t use your heal or whatever coz of the chill.
We have the best acces to WEAKNESS who is also cleary horrible almost everyting like war ele thief, since all thoses prof have ultra acces to MIGHT, well with patch of corruption we just turn their MIGHT to WEAKNESS, plus te weakness from dagger/ds/combo staff. Considering ranger not meta anymore we also have one of the best acces to poison.
All of this is not really something that you can FEEL directly since it’s not direct damage, but obviously if you theorycraft a bit on it, it’s clearly effective.

Also² DOOM is one of the best interupt in the game, ranged/instant with a real low cd’s, wich alow us to be also effective on this kind of situation you have to prevent smth like a rez spirit, rez banner, or any obvious animation like mesmer/necro’s heal or elite….

SO once again I wouldn’t say that necro is a bad prof it’s just COMPLETLY DIFFERENT, after now more than 1 year on nec I still change my mind on the way I should play it to be more effective, I recently came to ELE mainly but I now more feel like I just cheated on my wife before realising I loved her much

Sizzling Hot Pressure / The Civilized Gentlemen

gg pvp

in Necromancer

Posted by: Suprah.5076


Hello !

You welcome.

Amicaly yours.

Sizzling Hot Pressure / The Civilized Gentlemen

(edited by Suprah.5076)

Prince Vindagor fan club

in PvP

Posted by: Suprah.5076


hi prince here…

I would like to let everyone know that i’m against afk for no reason, if you queue for a rated game you should play it , it doesnt matter you don’t like the map or you don’t like the classes you playing against .

Yes its not a lie i afk , but i do have my reasons to afk.
I afk the same way you afk , you just notice me more cause i play more often, there is 3 reasons i afk:

1- if i get 4vs 5 most likely i will afk , yes at start i used to try to win those 4 vs 5 but after a few thousand of games i kinda gave up (losing for 500-100 or 500-490 its still a loss) whos to blame? yes thats right anet is too blame 2 years and this 4 vs 5 still happen it’s crazy .

2- if i get the same player 4 or 5 games in a row that i know hes soo bad that we just can’t win , i mean we start a game i say ok i get close rest mid fast cause they have a bunker so get there fast and skipp svanir, this guy goes svanir we lose mid and he gets robbed, i still keep playing , then he’s on point im 3 meters away fighting vs 2 , and i say come and help he says i’m defending the points and he doesn’t move AND he keeps dying every minute , if i get such player 4 games in a row on the 5th or so game i will afk most likely (i told him to try hot joins cause i see he has only 10 games and hes top 20 in lederboard) whos to blame? yes thats right anet again , please make so you need like 100 wins in rated games so u get into the in lederboard there should be also a rank requirement to avoid this situations.

3 reason i afk , well not all the time but often if i get skyhammer with eles and rangers on my team vs necros and engies most likely i will afk or play like 2 minutes and after we lose all points and losing 100-10 i will afk (the map its bad enough i don’t need eles or rangers gimping the teams ) same as spirit watch even tho i dont afk at spirit i also think it should be removed because its a guardian and warriors map , last week was playing vs ROM and a few top 100 players in that map but i had Sampo (a guardian ) in my team so we won easy 500-350m or so same if i get The Titanium (guardian) also easy win its anbance the game in that map even tho i dont afk in that map its still crap. so whos to blame again? yea thats right anet because SKYHAMMER shouldn’t be in solo q anyway and on top i get this eles and rangers vs top engies and necros , come on you guys know the map its crap some of you even afk for no reason at all in that map.

So i hope anets looks into this

-fix the 4vs 5

-make so you need at least 100 rated games to be in lederboard plus a rank requirement to join arenas(having 10 games and being top 20 its stupid , and make so if you don’t play for days your ranking drops and you don’t come to rank 1 in just 1 game thats also stupid , we get penalize for playing the game .(i was rank 68-69 before patch thank all rank 54 got to rank 80 and got even more chests than me )

-remove skyhammer and spirit watch from solo arena (make a vote system and you will se if players like this crap map .

-don’t put players with 10 games even tho there are top 20 together with players with thousands of games ) fix the lederbaod and matchmaking

- don’t stack classes, make so its equal to both sides like 1 warriors for each team a thief for each team etc etc

- remove hard counters and cheesy proc (diamond skin, IP, lich AA, nightmare runes and reapers protections (getting 5 k damage just for touching a necro its not fun) berserker stance (hard counter should be only 2-3 seconds) automated response was a good nerf well done , turret engies , MM etc etc etc

- fix all this bugs getting stuck and needing to type /dance its really crap, dropping down in skyhammer for no reason ,getting stuck in the walls, not being able to rez or stomp , lagg on servers etc etc .

I know its easier to blame some 1 than to blame ourselves or even see that anet its the one to blame actually , but anyway gl to all and see you in game (or maybe not )

can i get an invite also?

I didn’t read but … is it true that you are french ?

Sizzling Hot Pressure / The Civilized Gentlemen

[EU] Eternya's killing his leaderboard

in Looking for...

Posted by: Suprah.5076


Up !

You’re a lot pm’ing me every days and I realy appreciate it.

I wanted to say that I’m now maining staff elem, I can go D/D but won’t be so effective I guess.
I still can play necromancer but I didn’t train it for more than 3 months now so keep in mind that’s probably worth to have me ele.

Thanks again !

Bobyee !

Sizzling Hot Pressure / The Civilized Gentlemen

Necro's becoming too op

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Suprah.5076


I agree and disagree at the same time.
There is a lot of true in what you’re saying but also a lot of things who’re not.

Nec can win almost everything 1v1 outnode.
It’s ultra powerfull in great team fights 3v3 +, but it’s far from being the best class for 2v2 exept with some other prof like staff elem who can provide the sustain the nec doesn’t have, but some duo like nec/thief or nec/guard are just absolutly not good.

I think you’re just mad about the fear proc from the nightmare rune and reaper’s protection and so your post is far from being senseless but you’re also complaining about things who are not true, by exemple one of the main problem of the nec is to not be able to be outnumber, even if you can sustain longer with plague when your m8 will be there you will have lost an amount of hp/cd that you can’t get back and so you’ll have great trouble for you 2v2, ele is by far more op in that situation coz able to sustain clearly better.

But to speak about the fear’s proc I completly agree with you, reaper’s protection is actually fine coz it’s only on cc and in aoe on the nec so you can prepare a stab or just cc with distance to avoid it (impossible on war ok).
The nightmare rune is just completly kittened coz you don’t know when it will proc if it’s on cd or whatever, 50% is just like auto proc on the firsts second of the fight and the duration is just clearly TOO MUCH.
It’s actually “op” because it’s passive, the nec doesn’t even need brain, it’s exactly why ppl are also qq’ing about Signet of Spite, it’s actually “op” for the same reason, you just press 1 button, if it works you’re almost sure to win.

Sizzling Hot Pressure / The Civilized Gentlemen

Rly? Do u even play necro??!!

in PvP

Posted by: Suprah.5076


@Djooce : I’m sorry my boy I should have say “perfect”

@Blackmoa : Obviously yeah but it’s still a bit stupid to see that you are dying and not pressing DS coz even if the trait pop after the DS end you’ll have 1~2k hp and prolly die instant, If I activate it while having around 2k hp I can have smth like 3-4k hp after the end of the DS :P

Anyways no needs to argue on a trait that is not going to be meta if not buffed.
I’m trying 0 4 6 0 4 with settler, my sustain is up, my damage are clearly not that good even with SoS, I’m not fast enough coz I have to go on dps runes and not traveler, I’m just half an elementalist with a corrupt tbo

Sizzling Hot Pressure / The Civilized Gentlemen

Rly? Do u even play necro??!!

in PvP

Posted by: Suprah.5076


Btw the changes on Unholy Sanctuary are pretty funny, if I’m actually a good necro and if my DS is not on CD I’ll use it prolly at the same time as the trait proc and so cancel my own DS ! Tested and approved

Sizzling Hot Pressure / The Civilized Gentlemen

Rly? Do u even play necro??!!

in PvP

Posted by: Suprah.5076


I don’t really understand why there is so much rage, they didn’t nerf signet of spite right ? So nec is still viable

I actually want / wanted them to “change” the nec to a class who is more like others, more sustain, less pressure, they didn’t. But it doesn’t mean that nec is in bad position considering we got no nerf.

Nec still have proper 1v1 match up against almost everything exept staff ele I think, it’s still good in team fights, it’s still good to outnumber some situations or to finish some fights.

I wouldn’t say that the nec is in bad position, it is just a different gameplay than others profs, I mean let’s say the meta is actually guard / war / ele / thief / X , all those prof have a sustain clearly above the nec. So as nec you’ll be focus more coz more dangerous and have to play differently (positioning, team assist , blabla …)

Or once again, stop rage about SoS, play and learn to play PROPERLY with SoS and … enjoy

Sizzling Hot Pressure / The Civilized Gentlemen

(edited by Suprah.5076)

[EU] Eternya's killing his leaderboard

in Looking for...

Posted by: Suprah.5076


Hi ppl !

I’m Eternya from the team Erotic Solitude Legends [ESL], you might know us since we were active a few months ago for the ToL 1 in the one we got the 3rd place and usually top ~15 leaderboards (and I have a cute girlfriend stil)

I’m now back in the game after some month of social lifing and some other games I’ll shut the name.

I’m playing atm with my past team ESL but not as much competitive as we used to be.

This is why actually I just want to play team q for fun and with a lot of different ppl.

SO i’m completly up for team q, if you need a necromancer or a staff elementalist I would be happy to play with anyone if you are looking for a last member you can just add me friend and ask me if i’m online !

I would be pleased to play with YOU who is watching this thread and not trolling me for being a kitten or a french :P

See ya !

Sizzling Hot Pressure / The Civilized Gentlemen

Ready Up 29/08

in PvP

Posted by: Suprah.5076


I think I miss-understood it then, they are putting a 0.5 cast time on corrupt boon, actually instant cast , in what it is a buff ?

Sizzling Hot Pressure / The Civilized Gentlemen

Ready Up 29/08

in PvP

Posted by: Suprah.5076


Sup !

Was wondering if I come back to GW2 when I saw something like " we gonna buff necro’s sustain on the 9 sept patch".

So my question is : are the following changes the only changes for the necro with the next patch ?

Last Gasp in the Soul Reaping Line – now categorized as a spectral skill and affected by spectral traits. Additionally, recharge reduced from 60s to 50s.
Unholy Sanctuary in the Death Magic Line – In addition to healing, this trait will now activate Death Shroud if you have enough Life Force when you take a lethal blow (i..e an attack that would kill you). This trait has 30s internal CD and even if your Death Shroud is on cooldown it will circumvent that cooldown.
Death Shroud – can now interact with things while in Death Shroud form. You can now rez allies or finish downed enemies.
Corrupt Boon – Cast time increased 0.25s, bringing the skill to 0.5s cast time. This change also reduces the aftercast of Corrupted Boon by 0.25s.
Signet of Vampirism – The active time of this ability has been increased from 5s to 6s.
Spectral Armor – Recharged reduced from 60s to 50s
Rending Claws – Aftercast of this ability has been reduced by 0.25s
Ghastly Claws – Damage increased by 10%
Necrotic Slash – Stab and Bite have all of their targets increased from 1 to 2. This means you will have a slight cleaving effect on your dagger abilities. The positive effect of these abilities can only occur once per swing.
Locus Swarm – Duration of swiftness increased from 10s to 15s
Lich Form – Transformation reduced from 30s to 20s. Reduced its power scale to the player’s normal power scale. To compensate for this, we have increased the damage multipliers of the Lich abilities to be about what it was before. This change ensures your Lich Form damage remains as high as before but Signal of Fire/Air and other outside activations don’t deal exponential damage.

Coz it is absolutly not going to change anything about necro’s sustain, Unholy Sanctuary is the trait you have to focus on, by buffing the amount of heal, so we can play rabbid amulet and have a good healing, actually it’s almost fine on settler but the damages are not good enough so …
The actual coming change for this trait gonna be smth like sadly useless.

Sizzling Hot Pressure / The Civilized Gentlemen

[tpvp]Condimancer Guide

in Necromancer

Posted by: Suprah.5076


Glad to see an interesting post in the necro’s forum but I do have a lot of things to contest on this build, in general it’s not like you take something “bad” but you just could take something “better”

Traits :
-Hemophilia < Enfeeble , but still can be viable
-Lingery Curse < Path of Corruption , with this last grandmaster trait if you go 30 in curses it’s clearly to take it coz way more viable than LC.
-Greater Marks, as you said you can switch it to reaper’s protection, I think both are 50/50, but I would also spend those points to take signet’s mastery in spites for the SoS
-Soul Marks, I also tested this trait sometimes ago and I have to say that I like it but master of terror is simply Above and undispensable. Also if you want to focus more on your life force I would pick Vital Persistence and not Path of Midnight, I tryed it and I can feel the difference for just 15 seconds cd (who’s still fine ofc)

Gear :
-I don’t really like the sigil of earth, it’s not proc’ing enough for the damage it does, another geomancy or something else would be more usefull

Skills Rotation :
-Starting with a scepter is an huge mistake I have to say, like if you start with it then swap to staff then do your rotation with staff you’ll be like 5-6 seconds during you’ll have to spam 1 with staff, wich is just useless on condi.
A proper opening on nec is more being with staff at max range , applying chill , removing some eventually aegis with 2, or simply making your opponent using some dodge to prevent a fear, then swap to S/D or DS to just port melee and then swap on S/D with geomancy, at this time you can do your rotation with S/D and then spam 1 ( a good one) waiting for your cd’s.

Sizzling Hot Pressure / The Civilized Gentlemen

ToL Rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Suprah.5076


If we don’t receive emails from the last few teams we’re waiting on by tomorrow (Pacific Time), we will proceed with sending out awards to everybody else. Members of the remaining teams will have to wait until their prize choices are submitted before they receive prizes.

Sizzling Hot Pressure / The Civilized Gentlemen

state of the ranger?!

in PvP

Posted by: Suprah.5076


also just because i play this profession since beta.

“i played since beta” is the most ridiculous statement ever.

“The most ridiculous statement ever” is more the guy who think he is a “PvP” player because he spent 1 year in WvW hitting doors or players even more bad than the doors :P

Each post you do we just can see that you know nothing about the PvP, so can you just please stop replying and let experienced ppl having a proper conversation ?

Sizzling Hot Pressure / The Civilized Gentlemen

state of the ranger?!

in PvP

Posted by: Suprah.5076


Top teams seemed to favor a Ranger over Engineer or Mesmer. Not a great position, but to say its the worst… Some people who play at a high level seem to clearly disagree with you.

In EU at least , top team are not playing soo much anymore but they would favor 1 elem to 1 ranger now.

Mobility : Elem > Ranger
AOE Dps : Elem > Ranger
Sustain : Elem > Ranger
Group assist : Elem > Ranger
1v1 match up’s : Elem > Ranger

As it said above, the only good reason to take a ranger now is the rezz spirit, but you can clearly deal without it so …

Edit : Wanted to say aswell that ranger is not like the elementalist before 15ap, completly useless. A team can still play with ranger without being almost sure to loose the match but if this same team want to be 100% competitive she will have to replace the ranger.

since WHEN did a ele EVER beat rangers in a 1v1 ??? Or sustain for that matter.
Yes they can burst heal ridiculously well now, but even that doesn’t save them.

Since 15april.

You welcome.

Sizzling Hot Pressure / The Civilized Gentlemen

state of the ranger?!

in PvP

Posted by: Suprah.5076


Top teams seemed to favor a Ranger over Engineer or Mesmer. Not a great position, but to say its the worst… Some people who play at a high level seem to clearly disagree with you.

In EU at least , top team are not playing soo much anymore but they would favor 1 elem to 1 ranger now.

Mobility : Elem > Ranger
AOE Dps : Elem > Ranger
Sustain : Elem > Ranger
Group assist : Elem > Ranger
1v1 match up’s : Elem > Ranger

As it said above, the only good reason to take a ranger now is the rezz spirit, but you can clearly deal without it so …

Edit : Wanted to say aswell that ranger is not like the elementalist before 15ap, completly useless. A team can still play with ranger without being almost sure to loose the match but if this same team want to be 100% competitive she will have to replace the ranger.

Sizzling Hot Pressure / The Civilized Gentlemen

(edited by Suprah.5076)

ToL Rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Suprah.5076


Complaining about getting free stuff? Not in good form friends.

We fought for so it’s not free …

We received a few days ago an e-mail to choose our rewards (I mean for the teams who have to choose between leg/prec/gift) so I don’t think that is going to be long.

Sizzling Hot Pressure / The Civilized Gentlemen

state of the ranger?!

in PvP

Posted by: Suprah.5076


As long as anet is considering this actual feedback I doubt that they will buff/change anything tbh.

That’s exactly the problem , there is a lot of ppl speaking about sPvP stuffs and all but most of them are not pure pvp players and so there is A LOT of craps in the forum and the worst is that Anet are reading all reply :P

I remember that in the past there was the “State of the Game” from Guru I think, developpers were able to speak with Top Players and on some points they made the game better.

Maybe it’s time to do this again ?

Sizzling Hot Pressure / The Civilized Gentlemen


in PvP

Posted by: Suprah.5076


Full Zerk is not the answer.

Lich Form is.

Sizzling Hot Pressure / The Civilized Gentlemen

One necromancer in semifinals; zero in finals

in PvP

Posted by: Suprah.5076


As the best Necromancer MULTIverse MULTImmo MULTIprof i’ll give my perfect and incontestable point of view :

1st / I want you to remove Duumfire completly and replace it by a lower tier trait : “Incendiary Powder”

2nd/ It’s absolutly not logic that I don’t have confusion, torment, chill, fear and burn on my signet of spite.


Actually I also agree that necro is not really a bad profession but that’s also true that the sustain we have is far from being good. Even after the DF nerf , especially with the new trait in curses the damage are still nice , the fear didn’t really change, corrupt boon is still a perfect skill …

You can’t really make a build with a good sustain , it’s stupid to go on a full sustain spec coz the class was clearly not made for this.
The thing you can do is to work on what you can do to stay alive longer without really using your class mechanic , you have to play really defensive and passive , good positioning , keep a good distance with all your foe’s , kyting perfectly, not being the first in team fight. If you just don’t go too much offensive, keep your cd’s up and wait for the good moment you can attack you will just finish all team fights.

I actually rather a nec who is not dealing an insane and constant pressure but who will die at least 5 times in a match than a necro who will play more defensive and die something like 2 times in a match.

It’s of course depending of your team aswell, playing with nec mean also for your mates to learn to play with a nec.

I also really like the duo staff ele (celestial) because basically the water heal + the earth protection is the sustain you miss on necro, for team fighting or 2v2 it’s pretty strong.

I can understand that ppl are not really happy with the actual nec , after all our dps got nerfed , our sustain is the same after 15april but i’m still pretty confident that it can still be meta.

Maybe anet can react and modify the prof a bit. I was really confident about Unholy Sanctuary (new grand master in death magic) but the amount of HP is clearly not good enough , it’s the same as backpack regenerator of the ingi who can have it permanently , us nec are just trading lf for some hp. I’m not good at thinking about new traits or something but if anet can use the model of this skill to implement something who can allow us to have a better BUT SMART sustain it could be great.

SORRY for my bad english.
Byouh !

Sizzling Hot Pressure / The Civilized Gentlemen

Tournament Of Legends: Signups and Dates

in PvP

Posted by: Suprah.5076


  • Destructive Influence: Consisting of previous members of Cheese Mode, who for a time was arguably one of the bests teams on EU, we were confident in this team’s ability to do well in this tournament.

Destructive Influence =

Giuleta Del Leon (Erotic Solitude Legends)
Sylwina Darnus (Erotic Solitude Legends)
Eternya (Erotic Solitude Legends)
Fraelina (Cheese Mode)

Zapdos the first day (Cheese Mode)
Alashya Eledwen the second day (Erotic Solitude Legends)

So yeah it’s more ESL than CM :P

Sizzling Hot Pressure / The Civilized Gentlemen

Perplexity Runes in PvP, PLEASE NO

in PvP

Posted by: Suprah.5076


Amazing news , I think it’s really good for all sPvP.

But bb necs btw :P

Sizzling Hot Pressure / The Civilized Gentlemen

Perplexity Runes in PvP, PLEASE NO

in PvP

Posted by: Suprah.5076


necros are going to be so strong

They nerf Duumfire so no.

Sizzling Hot Pressure / The Civilized Gentlemen

Perplexity Runes in PvP, PLEASE NO

in PvP

Posted by: Suprah.5076


Dear Arena Net.

If you really implement this rune in PvP , I will kill 10 kittens and 10 puppys , I will make a video this genocide and I will send it to you.

Amically yours.

What a terrible thing to joke about.

This is why i’m not joking.

Sizzling Hot Pressure / The Civilized Gentlemen

Perplexity Runes in PvP, PLEASE NO

in PvP

Posted by: Suprah.5076


Dear Arena Net.

Don’t do it.

Amically yours.

Sizzling Hot Pressure / The Civilized Gentlemen

(edited by Suprah.5076)

Dev livestream: Ready Up: Mar 21 @ 12pm – New Traits & Map

in PvP

Posted by: Suprah.5076


Darrin is a map-making genius!

Is he the one who created skyhammer ?

Sizzling Hot Pressure / The Civilized Gentlemen

Sorry but I just need to do it

in PvP

Posted by: Suprah.5076


It’s a troll thread , please delete it when you see it.

Structured Player vs. Player
•Rank-up rewards have been changed. •Removed the PvP armor/weapon chests.

•Glory boosters have been removed, and the ability to gain glory has been turned off.
•Removed the chest rewards given at the end of competitive game modes (Solo and Team Arena).

Structured Player vs. Player
•Rank-up rewards have been changed. •Removed the PvP armor/weapon chests.

•Glory boosters have been removed, and the ability to gain glory has been turned off.
•Removed the chest rewards given at the end of competitive game modes (Solo and Team Arena).



Sizzling Hot Pressure / The Civilized Gentlemen

Diamond Skin Change needed so hard!!

in PvP

Posted by: Suprah.5076


Totally false against ingi if u keep some cd’s up u do a condi burst + ds fear and u have a chance to beat. It’s a small chance but you are physically able to kill him.

I didn’t quite understand what you’re trying to tell me (#tired)

MTC (aka Ventari i guess) is whining about every single specc which is countering his necromancer. I know, pistolwhip as well as the traits mentioned above is really stupid, but honestly…i doubt it’s a good idea to see necromancers without any counters.

So it’s not necessary to blame them.

1 / Basically i’m saying that u have a chance to beat 1 bunker ingi coz before the condi imun u can do smth but for the diamond skin u can’t , it’s OVER 90% life this is why.

2 / Maybe because Ventari is playing a class who is not overpowered but not weak , also u need some skills and hard work to master necromancer, u have to know your cd’s pretty well , how to use some skills , when to use it or not etc … So I understand him when he see 1 kittening newb thief spamming 3 or 1 kittening newb hambow litterally facerolling his keyboard to nearly win or 1 kittening newb diamond skin ele also able to faceroll coz of perma imun I won’t blame him for whining a bit :S

3/ I don’t blame them , as I said this is ANET who created this type of unbalanced traits they are the first to blames , not the players who use it. I’m blaming this guy because he think he is good coz he is able to beat teams who are clearly above him when it’s just a total counter.

Sizzling Hot Pressure / The Civilized Gentlemen

Diamond Skin Change needed so hard!!

in PvP

Posted by: Suprah.5076


U don’t agree with that ? Let’s try some match without DS ele , I know u can play war , let’s see if u even reach 100 pts :P

Today Ele carries 400 Points in a Game and yesterday we was out of meta, did i miss a patch?

Totally made my day.^^

BTT: I really like the fact you’re whining about eles which you can’t get below 90% hp (i totally agree those traits are stupid tho, should be hotfixed instantly) but a engineer is literally in the same position towards necromancers. If you’re not running any stupid-kittened-broken kitten, a decent necromancer will roll over your face within seconds. But that’s fine, right? (Same goes for condition war tho)

Totally false against ingi if u keep some cd’s up u do a condi burst + ds fear and u have a chance to beat. It’s a small chance but you are physically able to kill him.
Against DS ele U HAVE ABSOLUTELY 0.00 % chance to win in 1v1 as necro or ranger.

Sizzling Hot Pressure / The Civilized Gentlemen

Diamond Skin Change needed so hard!!

in PvP

Posted by: Suprah.5076


I like this thread.

So much ppl flaming about ele … its a weak class actually.

I play ele in the great team which beaten MTC aka Ventari, empa, oidmetala
everyone is whining about the cond meta so what to do???
Yea play an ele with diamond skin.

Btw: their mesmer do easily 6k+ dmg on me

And the post from ventari is wrong because we faced them with a dps guard/war/ele/necro … vs … necro/mesmer/war/ranger

So we dont play meta (we never did)

So far.

Qouve from I Love Lunch [BoX]

Exept 55hp and CM there is 2 teams playing with necro and most of the time ranger , BooN and us ESL and u are proud to beat that team only because you are playing a total counter for necros and rangers even if ele is bad.

Without your ele or without at least necro u are no chance coz u only can win becoz of this hard counter and u know it ?

U don’t agree with that ? Let’s try some match without DS ele , I know u can play war , let’s see if u even reach 100 pts :P

Let me remind you of that match where you rerolled Warrior and Qouve was on his usual Ele build without Diamond Skin. If you can’t: We won.

You guys REALLY need to get off your high horse.

EDIT: I’m not saying we would be better than you or anything but this arrogance is pretty annoying and we definetly showed that we CAN beat you without Diamond Skin Ele.

Maybe coz when I play war my team is like 4v5 ?

Don’t even say the word “arrogance” when your ele is trying to show how is d—k is big with this outplay because once again , without it , u can’t win :P

I mean I don’t care if u play with DS ele , it’s your right it’s just show how this game is unbalanced and it’s only the fault of ANET , but when we see Qeve starting to think that he is good only because of this I just want to say LOL


Sizzling Hot Pressure / The Civilized Gentlemen

(edited by Suprah.5076)

Diamond Skin Change needed so hard!!

in PvP

Posted by: Suprah.5076


I like this thread.

So much ppl flaming about ele … its a weak class actually.

I play ele in the great team which beaten MTC aka Ventari, empa, oidmetala
everyone is whining about the cond meta so what to do???
Yea play an ele with diamond skin.

Btw: their mesmer do easily 6k+ dmg on me

And the post from ventari is wrong because we faced them with a dps guard/war/ele/necro … vs … necro/mesmer/war/ranger

So we dont play meta (we never did)

So far.

Qouve from I Love Lunch [BoX]

Exept 55hp and CM there is 2 teams playing with necro and most of the time ranger , BooN and us ESL and u are proud to beat that team only because you are playing a total counter for necros and rangers even if ele is bad.

Without your ele or without at least necro u are no chance coz u only can win becoz of this hard counter and u know it ?

U don’t agree with that ? Let’s try some match without DS ele , I know u can play war , let’s see if u even reach 100 pts :P

Sizzling Hot Pressure / The Civilized Gentlemen

Teams in SPVP - Details here Pls - Active

in PvP

Posted by: Suprah.5076


Team Name and [TAG]: Erotic Solitude Legends [ESL]
Main Contact: Suprah.5076 (coz i’m a rich nerd and IG nearly 24/24- 7/7)
EU or NA server: EU
Complete roster?: Yesh

Sizzling Hot Pressure / The Civilized Gentlemen

(edited by Suprah.5076)

amazing upcoming patch

in PvP

Posted by: Suprah.5076


Sizzling Hot Pressure / The Civilized Gentlemen

amazing upcoming patch

in PvP

Posted by: Suprah.5076



2 Words : Teso / Wildstar

Amically yours.

Eterna <3

Sizzling Hot Pressure / The Civilized Gentlemen

Streaming sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Suprah.5076


Thanks for this link I never saw it before !

Sizzling Hot Pressure / The Civilized Gentlemen

Streaming sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Suprah.5076


Hi !

Here a link to join my stream :

Elem / Guard / Ranger R44 + in sPvP (hotjoin / Tn solo Q and Premade)

Some info on my builds …
And also informations and links about my guild : Hexode , in TN

Please follow us.

Thanks for your watching

Sizzling Hot Pressure / The Civilized Gentlemen

Ride the lightning resetting attunements CD?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Suprah.5076


Now the question is :

Is it a bug ? Will it be fix ?

Sizzling Hot Pressure / The Civilized Gentlemen

Guild Wars 2 Dance and Area !

in Community Creations

Posted by: Suprah.5076


Hi everybody !

I post here a little video of some beautiful place in GW2 , we explore some of these area with my friend.

All is in the description of the video.

If you want to help us to find a lot other places you can send me a message or contact me in game and share with us your most beautiful places , so maybe we will be able to do an other video (with a better quality :S)

Thanks !

And sorry for my bad English :S

Sizzling Hot Pressure / The Civilized Gentlemen