Showing Posts For Swordplay.8392:

Skyhammer Design Discussion

in PvP

Posted by: Swordplay.8392


1 overall change to Skyhammer to increase players liking it, put up “guard rails” on anywhere where another player can pull / push an enemy off the edge and fall to his death. Any mechanic that can insta-kill another player should not be encouraged, especially in PVP (This could includes Skyhammer platform).

Pushing / pulling off a ledge to take “normal” falling damage is still ok.

1. Add second layer under hole, a “sub basement”. Sub basement could have “navmesh” disconnection from the main capture point floor (E.g. Jump pads) so teleport users cannot quick travel back up, or that might be a valid tactic.

2. If there is a “sub basement”, anything breaking the panels is still a valid strategy and tactic.

3. With sub basements, alternate portal entrances from these basements can be an alternative (Players can also use these to fast travel to the Skyhammer then use another portal to travel somewhere else, making the Skyhammer a weapon, as well as a quick transition point)

Awesome thread so far everyone! I really appreciate everyone taking the time to write up their feedback and keep it constructive. Let’s do a quick recap:

  • Remove/adjust the breakable panels at A and C point or Add second layer under the hole so players dont die, but still lose time for falling into them
    • Which do you like better?
  • Glass Panels only break from cannon fire
    • What do we think about this suggestion?
  • Enlarge the Skyhammer Platform, Add line of sight props
  • Add multiple portals to get to and from the skyhammer platform
    • Does this have to be in both places: in center of map and skyhammer platform or just the skyhammer platform?
  • Adjust the jump pads
  • Take away the ability to die from falling damage
    • Do we want to completely remove the ability to die from falling damage or make it only in very specific places?
  • Adjust middle point high ground
    • Do we want to completely remove this because of gameplay/camera problems or adjust it as it creates good gameplay but messes with camera
  • Secondary Mechanic Adjustment
    • Reduce Damage
    • Increase Cooldown
    • Reduce the turn speed
  • Remove Skyhammer from Unranked
    • Do we think the map simply can’t be altered to stay in Unranked?

Just to clarify, this is just a discussion and we are not specifically committing to any or all of the suggestions, but it does help us to understand how you (the pvp community) sees the map and determine what can be improved.

Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update

in PvP

Posted by: Swordplay.8392


Question about quickness and slow no longer affecting stomp or res, after the balance, will we still be able to use quickness to channel faster?

For example Stillness in conquest or Hero summon channel in Stronghold.

Action Camera: Further Information

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Swordplay.8392


Hello Joel! Loved the action camera stream.

I have a question regarding snap ground targetting and targets that are above you.

For example, if I am aiming at enemies standing on their walls in a tower / keep in action camera with snap ground targetting on, will my AOE get cast on them?

Or will it use the obstructed LOS rule you mentioned that is related to structures to place the AOE where the LOS failed?

Match History would be nice

in PvP

Posted by: Swordplay.8392


Sneak peek for core game owners please?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Swordplay.8392


Just wondering if this was planned for any of the future BWE events if there were still any left before launch, to allow people who didn’t pre-order yet but own the core game to get a BWE sneak peek at what they are missing so that it might push them over the edge and pre-order.

This is basically how I got the GW2 core game myself. I did not pre-order GW2, but managed to get into the 2nd last or last beta before the game launched and enjoyed myself so much I immediately pre-ordered the game before launch.

Yes, I read all the previews and watch the videos, but there’s always something different about reading it and playing it.

It’ll be a great push to all us people still on the fence!

Queue is taking too long recently

in PvP

Posted by: Swordplay.8392


I hope they add a “random arena” type game mode.

As little queue as possible, it just takes you and the next 9 people who “queued” and throws you in a structured game.

The most irritating thing currently is queue pop, and one or more people click “Cancel” causing the queue to unpop and you to queue again…

Receive the light cannot use underwater

in Guardian

Posted by: Swordplay.8392


In today’s patch, Feel My Wrath shout was modified to be usable underwater.

Receive the Light shout still can’t use underwater, is it because of the long channel cast time and the mechanics of it being similar to healing breeze before it was made into a shout?

Trying to find out whether it is intended or a bug.

New guardian shouts cannot use underwater

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Swordplay.8392


All the old guardian shouts can be used underwater:
Save yourselves
Hold the line
Stand your ground

The 2 new guardian shouts cannot be used underwater:
Feel my wrath
Receive the light

Not sure whether bug or intended, and if intended, why some shouts work while others don’t.

"Feel my wrath" - 1st impressions

in Guardian

Posted by: Swordplay.8392


You cannot use it underwater.


Shouts underwater

in Guardian

Posted by: Swordplay.8392


Tried looking for a similar topic but can’t find any

Not sure if it’s a bug / oversight because of how some skills got converted to shout.

A guardian can use these shouts underwater:
Hold the line
Stand your ground
Save yourselves

A guardian cannot use these new shouts underwater:
Receive the light
Feel my wrath

Same mechanics, shouting, guardians should be able to use Receive the light and Feel my wrath underwater as well.

Tome Change ideas

in Guardian

Posted by: Swordplay.8392


My shout guardian build really loves the idea of Feel My Wrath, as well as Healing Breeze becoming a shout too.

April Fools 2016

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Swordplay.8392


Not sure whether 2016’s April Fools gag is planned yet.

If not…please please please consider replacing all weapon attack sound effects with bad foley.

Like so:

Probably a bad idea because it will probably inflate the size of the update download, but one can dream.

[Request] Random arena

in PvP

Posted by: Swordplay.8392


Is it possible to have an arena mode with no matchmaking? It just takes the next 10 people and lump them together for a game.

With unranked and ranked arena, it seems that 1/4 to 1/3 of the time is spent waiting to play a game than playing.

Which is sometimes made worst when after waiting so long, you get a 50 / 500 match, a match with leavers or even a match with AFKers.

With a random arena, mini-matchmaking can probably take place between the 10 people picked (Team distribution if not in a party). Bonus if it’s like GW1 random arena with the winner stay / loser out mechanic and the bonus rewards if you win 10 times in a row.

I want to spend more of my time actually playing PvP, not waiting to play.

What do you guys think?

[Suggestion] Down level loot option

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Swordplay.8392


A long time ago in Guild Wars 2, level 80s could only get level 80 loot from maps around level 60 and higher. A while ago, that was patched such that the change of level 80 loot would increased for down levelled 80s even in lower level maps.

The problem that has caused, as we all know, is a huge surge in price for mid level tier crafting materials because the population of 80s (And the consumption of materials by them) outnumber the lower level players, who themselves do not remain low level for long because everyone levels so fast.

If an option could be added to the game, in the hero panel or something, for players to choose to only get loot for their down levelled levels, that could potentially be a solution to players wanting to get mid level crafting materials easily.

With that option, any player could go to a map like Sparkfly or Genderran and have a 100% chance of armor / weapons of the lower level drop rather than a mix of level 80 gear and the lower level gear drop.

What do you guys think?

May the Six

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Swordplay.8392


Not sure if this is the right place to post this or if it should go in suggestions.

May 6th is coming, should something special happen on this day? All the human NPCs in game seem to talk about it…a lot…

They could even make it punny by having a 1 day Gem Store item that when you activate, creates a watch over your head (Like the Halo / Horns). Then you’ll have the May the Six watch over me / you.

(Can also be a player created event if nothing’s happening.)

Star War people have May the Fourth, we should have May the Six.