Showing Posts For TactualRain.7109:

Progress Lost?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TactualRain.7109


Thanks, that’s excellent to know. I feel a bit of a moron for not realizing they are dailies, but that would explain what’s going on Thanks for your post, after this I was able to track down the remaining heart for map completion

Feedback: Guild Wars 2 Mac 64-Bit Client

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TactualRain.7109


This client is night and day.

Stable as a rock.
Performs okay (not amazing as compared to the same hardware in Boot Camp, but definitely not a slide show like it used to be).
Pretty much just works.

After some time playing, graphical distortion will occur (ghosting of previous scenes, as well as flickering of in-game objects).
Only 1440×900 and … uh, some Retina resolution are available. 1440 is pretty ugly, Retina res is asking a bit much of the hardware. What would be helpful? Something like 1080p, which is a nice compromise.
Some settings appear to have no effect, like sliders for lighting, textures, and so on. It appears to run at a fixed set of options which look okay, but nothing like the Windows client.

All in all, 2000x better than what we had, and amazing work so far As far as a “beta” client goes, this is great progress, and I can’t wait to see what the team comes up with next.

Progress Lost?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TactualRain.7109


Hi there;

I’ve opened a ticket for this, but figured someone might be able to help with anything obvious/stupid that I am doing wrong

The issue has happened twice now. I’m trying to progress the living story (yay for new expansion!) and am in Lake Doric. When I complete a renown heart (the ones I have noticed are “Aid the front line defence of Doric’s Landing,” “Help Restore Life to Saidra’s Landing,” “Help Nolan around the Harvest Cascades,” “Help Cin Fursarai Around the Lakeside Bazaar,” and “Disrupt White Mantle Forces Occupying Lake Evennia”), things seem fine. I can access the vendor, sell materials, and purchase items with karma.

Then I log out, go to bed, log on the next day, and … all renown progress is reset. The hearts on the map are empty, the vendors are no longer available, etc.

This is very frustrating All other aspects of the account seem fine – materials are bought and sold in the auction house etc. Renown progress is lost, and I’m getting tired of doing it over and over

Any ideas?

Traversal in PoF

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TactualRain.7109


so your first jump was always to the youtube platform to find out where the next platform was.

Actual LOL

Traversal in PoF

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TactualRain.7109


So instead of having these gimmicks in the landscape you now will have them traveling with you.

That actually sounds really neat Willing to give it a shot and see if it stops the amazing agony.

Traversal in PoF

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TactualRain.7109


Not sure why so many people don’t like HoT’s. I for one thought gliders were epic!

It wasn’t the gliders that were the problem, it was the may layout.

This. I loved the gliders, they were High Cool It was the layout that made me feel mostly stupid and frustrated.

Particularly maps like Verdant Brink and Tangled Depths, where paths were so twisted and convoluted that it made the map hard to navigate on foot.

Yes! I mean, the first taste of HoT is the Silverwastes that were really cool. I was like, “I’m in!” and then I get to the real starter zone, and I started to despise the map design.

From what I’ve seen in PoF though, it seems that this issue has been addressed with much flatter and less convoluted maps. I recommend watching WP’s post-show. He actually has some game play.

That was excellent, thanks. Yes, it looks like that map design is better; you just hop on your mount and off you go. Thanks for the link, pro job

Traversal in PoF

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TactualRain.7109

TactualRain.7109 is where I asked about this – got some very helpful replies at the time but ultimately still found it a hard game to love navigating. Which is sad, because the rest of it was great!

Traversal in PoF

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TactualRain.7109


Hey all.

Been a long-time GW2 player, haven’t played too much lately because HoT introduced a bunch of cool things, but also something I didn’t much enjoy – the map confusion, 28 levels of verticality per zone, traversal skills needed to not /headdesk, etc.

Looking at the PoF video, it looks to me like this is back to GW2 original edition’s view of the world – mostly flat, with mounts. Sounds like a win!

Anyone know whether or not this is the case, or it’s going to be more of an orangutan simulator like HoT? The inability to enter a flow state with HoT really put me off (I get not everyone has this issue, but – small sample size, I agree – my friends who started HoT with me stopped playing for the same sort of confusion issue).

Can't access servers

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TactualRain.7109


Both Windows machine (Alienware Alpha R2) and Mac (MacBook Pro Retina). Clients will not connect, report that there’s a connectivity issue.

OS X Cider client reports this when asked to repair:
2017-04-24 12:42:09.524 cider[2769:1790046] SendRequestWithTimeout failed – no server response

Twitter says this is resolved, but appears to effect AU and NZ customers still. Please help?

nVidia GeForce Experience

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TactualRain.7109


It went away in my Geforce Experience as well, but I don’t use it to config settings for GW2 anwyays

Neither do I, now

Thanks for letting me know it’s not just me (also helps to confirm I’m not crazy).

nVidia GeForce Experience

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TactualRain.7109


I suspect it’s maybe something like having to run the game once to write the config to disk or something similar; some other games behave like that: can’t be found after install, until the first run “far enough” into the game that it saves config to disk.

Hm. I thought I’d fixed it by re-installing, but it only fixed it until the next reboot (on both machines, different GFX cards).

Have just updated my drivers to the ones released today (?), no change.

I think there’s got to be some kind of thumb print issue going on, but as I’m the only person with the problem in the whole world it’s got me stumped

nVidia GeForce Experience

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TactualRain.7109


Fun story: if I delete the client and re-install it, it appears back in the folder. The client .exes and folders look the same – new checksum maybe?

nVidia GeForce Experience

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TactualRain.7109


Possibly I’m going insane, or senile, or both, but I could have sworn that the GeForce Experience used to have a GW2 profile.

On both my desktop (960GTX) and notebook (750GT) it is gone, no optimisation profile at all. Searching for games doesn’t seem to fix it.

I know this isn’t technically a GW problem, but I’m wondering if fellow GW players have struck this and how they might have fixed it..?

I think I'm missing something

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: TactualRain.7109


Start out in Verdant Brink. If you’re there just when the day cycle starts (check the event timer by typing /wiki et ingame in your chat box), then head south and you’ll find the start of one of the event chains, the pale reaver outpost chain. Follow that chain all the way through to the end to get a tour through a large part of the southeast of VB, including unlocking the shrouded ruins waypoint.

This post was amazing, thank you so much. I’ve started doing this – still no real clue what I’m doing, but I’m now getting XP from doing events, meeting people, and kind of getting involved. It doesn’t feel so much like I’m missing out, although I still feel the gap in some of the traversal skills – but now they don’t feel so far away.

Yep, I’d say that the best Mastery unlock order for getting around is:

This was also awesome. This is just the kind of thing that’s not laid out, and it feels like it will really help me get places a little faster.

Thank you both

I think I'm missing something

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: TactualRain.7109


Thanks for the reply. I’m off to spend some time on YouTube I guess. I’d rather be playing the game, but..

I think I'm missing something

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: TactualRain.7109


Been tooling about in the expansion off and on for a while, and I feel … a little frustrated.

Love the enemies, love the new specializations. What I am not loving, not even a little bit, is the 27 levels each map has, and the byzatine structure defined towards getting around. I have a glider, and some masteries, but not all. Right now it feels really hard just to get places, I spend a lot of time feeling lost and confused, and trying to access content seems to be hidden behind this Mario-esque view of GW2 becoming a platformer.

So I figure I must be missing something, this can’t be the design – what’s the secret to getting around the jungle? I’m really missing the plain ol’ maps of Kryta or wherever, where you could see an objective and just walk there. Now you see an objective and spend the next 20 minutes trying to get there, to find out you haven’t unlocked whichever BS mastery lets you use mud wallows or speed mushrooms or other bouncy crud, and you’ve got to grind content in a confusing map.

Any advice on how to navigate the map and get around?

Mute GW2 when in the background bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: TactualRain.7109


Hi there … weird one. This was working fine until recently, then a patch hit (couldn’t say which one) and now whenever GW2 is started it has the “mute GW2 in background” option set.

Unsetting this changes it for the current session but it won’t remember the setting.

I’ve run a -repair on the game client, no change.

Any ideas?

Possible to Disable One Track?

in Audio

Posted by: TactualRain.7109


I’ll take that as a, “No,” then. Music off for all eternity it is!

Possible to Disable One Track?

in Audio

Posted by: TactualRain.7109


Is it possible to disable one music track?

Most of the audio in the game is great, but there’s one audio track that seems to get stuck on loop. I don’t know what it’s called, but it seems to play almost 100% of the time when I’m in Ascalon on my Charr, and at random other times on other characters.

I suspect it’s a combat music or other effect, but it lasts for ever, and ever, and ever, and ever, and ever. It is jarring, it is annoying, it does not enhance my inner calm when trying to play.

Quick fix: disable all music in game. This is sad, because the other music is good! Is it possible to remove an audio track in some way?

Add join function that bypasses spectator

in Suggestions

Posted by: TactualRain.7109


Original thread here:

Short version: since adding spectator mode, it’s harder to get into an actual game. You spin the wheel on joining a game, only to find you’re a spectator and can’t play.

This is not fun. If people have limited time, and WANT TO PLAY, giving them the option to play makes sense. Spectator seems to have removed this from the old way sPvP joins worked (?).

Play Now is not right; I seem to get put into empty matches with that (possibly due to 1. the frequency of people using PN being close to zero and/or 2. the lack of people in my skill/glory bracket).

sPvP search: player cap?

in PvP

Posted by: TactualRain.7109


So I’m guessing the answer is no?

Swell. That seems a bit shortsighted in terms of the new interface: it was the default behaviour of the old system. Add in spectating, and all of a sudden actually playing the game is harder than it was before.

That seems wrong to me.

Having an annoying time on Southsun Cove

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: TactualRain.7109


I might be reading too much into this, but I watched the first minute or so of this:

You’ve got the dude on the left (Ordin) and the chick on the right (Rivera). Both are game designers at ANet, but I’m going to go out on a limb and say Ordin was the guy who designed the Crab Toss (and Rivera is not, or playing at someone less familiar – “Anthony’s going to be teaching me how to play today.”).

Listen to the narrative going on.

“So basically what you’re gonna want to do is grab the crab.” Let’s not get into a game called Toss, not Grab, but…

“Aaaaaah I’m pushing 1 a lot…”

“Oh no!” as a giant Karka facerolls her and half her health goes…

“So your basic strategy here … is to plan ahead a little bit.” It’d probably suck to be on a higher latency connection.

“Grab the person who’s grabbing the crab” – if you’re clairvoyant…

At this point I kind of stopped watching, Ordin’s getting a little impatient watching Revera play, despite her obvious enthusiasm

That mini game is a good example of cheap. For a novice, it’s hard to know what’s going on. It’s also hard to know why you’re not successful at the game – did you miss the target? Did someone else get the crab? Did lag get in the way? Etc.

It’s a frustrating mini game that lacks a clear tutorial or matching with other skilled vs. noviciate players. I must say I felt much better after watching Rivera have a very similar experience to mine going in there the first time: WTF am I doing, what’s going wrong, and how did that giant karka steam roll me?

I almost get the feeling someone designed this for gimmicks and cheap tricks and forgot to add a salting of fun, that would make it enjoyable. The game should be fun for its own sake, not another grind to get a set of rewards.

Having an annoying time on Southsun Cove

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: TactualRain.7109


For want of a better term, it’s a list of cheap-shots.

+1, I wish I could +100.

My favourite so far has been using a WP to get insta-downed on spawn because of some mob there. I don’t really know what did it, but I certainly couldn’t avoid it because I was in the downed state by the time the client finished loading.

You didn’t mention the rock worm wossits that move faster than a stallion’s sprinting pace and insta-gib you either. Those things plain suck.

Overall, I like the zone and what they’ve done more than SAB, but there’s an overall grindy feeling to this that makes it feel cheap. The jumping puzzle (I don’t think Anet are good at these, their controls and camera make them harder than they should be in the first place) is maddening, because the rocks don’t actually seem to stabilise when they appear stable (could be lag, hard to tell).

The tragedy here is a lot of the good work that’s gone into it from e.g. story teams is being shrouded by people who put in nasty mechanics.

All in all, I feel like I should like it a lot more than I do; I like the theme, I dislike the implementation. The one-shots alone are eye watering. Pro tip: the downed state is not a super-fun mini game!

Don’t get me wrong – I’ve managed to grind through it, get my Censer and Shell back pieces, and now I’m done with it. Which is a shame, because I think a lot of the art and story deserve more attention – I just can’t be bothered trying to play dodge-and-res for hours at a time.

sPvP search: player cap?

in PvP

Posted by: TactualRain.7109


Get a solid state drive.

Ah, the Sultan of Brunei is playing Guild Wars with the handle, “Punkins.” Good to meet you, sir. How’s the oil business?

sPvP search: player cap?

in PvP

Posted by: TactualRain.7109


Is it possible to make a PvP search filter that lets me get into an actual game?

Scenario: you look at the server list, and see a server with dudes in it, say 17/20. You join that, and find you must be a spectator until someone leaves because the match cap is 8/side.

No worries! So you find a match that has 3/20 in it, and join that. By the time your machine has finished loading into it, another 15 people joined before you, and you’re a spectator again.

I don’t care if people spectate, that sounds cool, but I want the button that lets me play, not watch. How do I create a search filter that puts me into the first game that has an empty player, not spectator, slot?

Play Now is not really it: it can put you into a completely empty match as it’s based on your glory amount.

What am I missing?

EDIT: Reason for post, I’ve spent just shy of 30 minutes trying to get a game up. Every time – every kitten time – the match ends up full by the time I load into it.

(edited by TactualRain.7109)

Zoose S/D Mini-Guide w/video!

in Elementalist

Posted by: TactualRain.7109


As soon as a couple of scrub thief player start to get killed by another fotm ele playing s/d burst, we’ll see the “QQ Ele burst too strong nerf it” bullkitten as it was prior to BW2 ( where the ele burst got nerfed).

I don’t think Arena Net balanced based on forum whining. They balanced based on actual hard data and stats from inside the game.

This means that builds like this – which show, in the video, that you can die – are probably fine. Someone out there is saying, “Crikey, I just got alpha striked into the ground! Nerf Eles!” but the thing they don’t see is the next slot where the guy gets ganked.

It’s not like bunker.

Rewarded Jugs of Karma not stacking

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: TactualRain.7109


This is not bugged, it’s by design. It’s a different type of liquid karma item that will give you an amount of karma appropriate to your level when used, which is why it doesn’t stack with the others.

Say what?

Maybe it would have been cool then to give them a different name. The fact that confusion exists (forum posts, people trying to log bugs, etc.) indicates that it’s a bit of a missed target.
To brutally stretch a tortured analogy, it’d be a bit like having a stop light where there were two red lights instead of a yellow in there. One’s a bit more red than the other, but you don’t know that until you get really confused after getting a ticket and going to court; the judge says, “Oh yeah. That’s by design, it saves on yellow bulbs.”

Bug thread link.

Items won't sometimes stack in bank

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: TactualRain.7109


That’s good to know (actual link).

Maybe it would have been cool then to give them a different name. The fact that confusion exists (forum posts, people trying to log bugs, etc.) indicates that it’s a bit of a missed target.

To brutally stretch a tortured analogy, it’d be a bit like having a stop light where there were two red lights instead of a yellow in there. One’s a bit more red than the other, but you don’t know that until you get really confused after getting a ticket and going to court; the judge says, “Oh yeah. That’s by design, it saves on yellow bulbs.”

Items won't sometimes stack in bank

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: TactualRain.7109


It is the jugs you got from the new dungeon. They don’t stack with the ones from daily.

That’s helpful, but WHAT A FEATURE, amirite?

What I find most useful is having two stacks of something that do the same thing. It helps my OCD to work out where I got them from – this stack for dailies, and this stack from a dungeon.

Email for F&F Ret First Char Only

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: TactualRain.7109

TactualRain.7109 says that when you log in, you’ll get an email telling you where to go.

•When you log in to Guild Wars 2, you’ll receive a mail updating you on the situation in the Shiverpeaks.

I’d logged in with an alt after the patch and then logged in with my main (didn’t check my alt’s mail). Couldn’t find the email on my main. Turns out, the alt got it; the first mailbox you log in with (even if that character hasn’t done any of the F&F storyline) gets the email and not the other(s).

This is at odds with the previous mails, where every character I have got a copy of the mails regarding the new living story. This time, only the first character to log in got the mail.

This is a bit confusing, and I’d recommend a note somewhere letting people know that. A patch is probably unrealistic considering the short time frame

You turned PvP dailys into a chore.

in PvP

Posted by: TactualRain.7109


If your not a pvp’er than the pvp tournament chest means nothing to you so why do you even care if you get a pvp chest.

I might have missed something: where did I say I wasn’t into PvP? I said my guild mates weren’t into PvP, which is what makes getting a premade up to do tPvP difficult.

I think I’ve said:
1. The new system is a grind, and
2. That the rewards don’t have equivalence.

It should be relatively clear that the people in this thread putting forward a recommendation to change back to the old system a) do play the PvP game and b) don’t like the structure of the daily reward system. It’s not about whether you like PvP or not; the rewards aren’t the same as compared between sPvP and tPvP. The chest provides dyes and weapon/armour skins, which are both significant.

You turned PvP dailys into a chore.

in PvP

Posted by: TactualRain.7109


You don’t even have to win any tourney games.

…unless you want equivalent rewards to the old system.

Old system: 3 tournament matches, pretty much win or lose, and you get the dailies and a chest.
New system: 4 matches as you suggest without a chest, or (RNG) matches to get two tournament wins and a chest (…assuming you get your other daily needs).

If you factor rewards, not just completion, it’s not on parity.

Alter Objectives/Rewards for New xPvP Dailies

in Suggestions

Posted by: TactualRain.7109


…and as a related suggestion, have some way of queuing for tournament play where PUGs match PUGs and premades match premades. This might be another mechanism to solve the problem.

You turned PvP dailys into a chore.

in PvP

Posted by: TactualRain.7109


If you have a limited amount of free time, the dailies are basically giving you a choice between playing to have fun or playing to get dailies, when instead it should be giving you an incentive to play and have fun.

In a nutshell, yes. This’d be the TLDR version

You turned PvP dailys into a chore.

in PvP

Posted by: TactualRain.7109


Now you completed your daily, if you want 1 more achievement go ahead and try tpvp, your in a guild right?

Actually this might be a challenge for me as well. I want to be as clear about this as possible so all parts of the discussion can be taken into account.

I’m in a small (5-person) guild of “just friends.” The problem with it isn’t that people don’t like xPvP (they kinda do and don’t depending) but rather that they’re on at different times and want different things.

So if the xPvP system is predicated on being in a guild to create a premade with, then it’d not going to work well for me (…unless I join a larger guild, something I agree is totally under my control).

Funny Story about the nerf

in Elementalist

Posted by: TactualRain.7109


FWIW, the current build I’m playing with is this one:

I’m not 100% convinced that the traits in Fire are giving me the DPS edge I want. I’m going to play around with a bit more Earth today:

(Ignore the armour for the moment, focus on the traits)

'You select the least useless fire trait'

in Elementalist

Posted by: TactualRain.7109



…since this must be at least 15 characters…

Post your Ele wishlist

in Elementalist

Posted by: TactualRain.7109


Guise, I’ve found a good use for Dragon’s Tooth. When you’re at the Keep, and some monkey is shooting from up on the ledge, drop it up there.

1. Fire Sceptre rework: ground target for 2 (DT) and faster 3 (Phoenix).
2. Water Sceptre auto-attack to be worth something.
3. Out of combat weapon swaps (we all do it, it’s just painful in a first-world-problems kind of way at the moment).
4. Conjures to suck a bit less, overall.
5. Trait lines that make a bit more sense: esp. considering attunement-specific features when Eles are suppose to attunement swap constantly. I kind of get why, but at the same time it’s kind of annoying; there’s got to be a better way.
6. non-Cantrip stunbreaks.

You turned PvP dailys into a chore.

in PvP

Posted by: TactualRain.7109


Alter Objectives/Rewards for New xPvP Dailies

in Suggestions

Posted by: TactualRain.7109


I can’t take credit for this, it’s here:

The new daily system has significantly altered the enjoyment/time investment/grind/reward level ratios of the PvP game (…for me). I’d recommend reconsidering how rewards are factored, and/or the time requirement needed to complete a daily.

Previously Daily PvP was shorter than Daily PvE (…all things being equal), but the rewards were also lower. Now the time investment is similar, but the rewards for PvP have remained constant.

Further, there’s a disparity of rewards to investment based on Tournament wins vs. structured wins (T gets a chest, structured gets a “gg” in map chat). You need 2 Tournament wins OR 4 map rotations (probably about the same time investment) for a Daily.

My recommendation would be to find some way of balancing these rewards so that new players do not find the system daunting to achieve within, and established players still have stretch goals. I think that some combination of lower daily requirements and higher (…relatively; the current metrics may be fine – the take-home is the current daily requirements are not) monthly requirements might meet this goal, allowing both levels of play to continue within the game.

In this way, new players get a cookie for doing a daily, and get acclimated to the practice of structured/tournament PvP. Advanced players get a reward for being awesome and doing it regularly throughout the month.


in Mesmer

Posted by: TactualRain.7109


Warden/illusionary leap->swap/blurred frenzy
nasty combo

Yeah it is

Maybe the trick here is that the offhands all have a good place – depending on the situation. I suspect, on reflection, I make more use of S/S in sPvP where fights tend to be smaller. That has a natural carry-over to smaller objective skirmishes in W3, but it’s probably situational.

You turned PvP dailys into a chore.

in PvP

Posted by: TactualRain.7109


You utterly ruined the Daily by adding 2 tournament wins.


I know there’s one of the daily requirements you don’t have to meet, but it’s essentially “2 wins” or “map rotation.”

If 4 unique maps are needed, you’ve got about a 7-13 minute game per map, which is 1/2 an hour to just a shade under an hour. It can easily be that with Tournament, or more – having queued in the tournament system solo last night, I can attest that sometimes you just don’t win. The bell curve of distribution means that some people are just going to not be that good.

I guess the confusing thing for me is that the devs have mentioned they’re trying to find ways to make PvP more accessible to lower rank players / new people. Rewards are a good incentive (sure, playing the game is an incentive as well, but let’s say people want their shinies… because they do).

The rewards in Tournament are better than standard structured (wins give a chest). If we assume that the time investment is comparable (about an hour for a 4 unique maps, or about an hour for 2 wins) for a new player, that’s a lot of time. The previous system seemed to work better to me for newer players; it’s not scary, and you can kind of muddle your way through. The monthly had a win component, which is probably a nice stretch goal; now there’s a stretch goal in each daily, which doesn’t feel right. It’s not new-user-friendly.

Something’s just not right about the stacking now. After reading the thread I sort of get the normalisation between PvP and PvE daily time investments, but if you want your full stack of rewards (not just the laurel, but PvP: your booster and shard, PvE: your chest/karma/coin), you’ll be doing both.

Maybe this is by design; maybe the devs want a time sink in their game. That’s a shame, because it’s one of the things that people get tired of in MMOs. Some people love it, sure, but some people really don’t. It’s polarising; I’d suggest the game had enough time wasting potential without another grind.

You turned PvP dailys into a chore.

in PvP

Posted by: TactualRain.7109


Quit tagging kills and being selfish and rez someone.

Seriously, QFT. Each game I’ve needed a top stat, I res one guy. Daily top stats.

Which probably says something about us all

Are mesmers weak in PvE?

in Mesmer

Posted by: TactualRain.7109


1-40 weak. 40-80 strong, high end easy find party,one of the best utility skill in game for group suport. very strong solo, a lot of group event champions can kill alone

+1 – this sums it up.

Levelling is hard work, but about level 70 the game changed around me and I was like, “Wow, all this stuff in Orr is just exploding.”

It’s a strong class with a lot of versatility. There are classes with better strengths – Eles have better AoE, Warriors higher DPS, etc. – but you’re never going to feel weak or unwanted. You will be hard to kill and can complete a lot of content other classes might find hard.

No increase to Staff and Sceptre viability?

in Elementalist

Posted by: TactualRain.7109


I’ve been checking out MadSpin’s stuff recently:

Granted, his stuff is all W3 which might not be your thing, but there’s no denying the effectiveness of his build/weapons/teamwork. I’m hoping to learn some new tricks from this.

Funny Story about the nerf

in Elementalist

Posted by: TactualRain.7109


I’m not sure Baladir; I think there might be two specific instances.
1. RTL previously provided a useful oh-heck button; if you got in over your head you could escape easily with it.
2. Water 30 provided unprecedented levels of condition removal and healing. Combined with Mist and healing, you could survive deep spikes and heal back to full.

My suspicion is that RTL wasn’t designed to be a speed buff or an escape card, and D/D was supposed to be a high damage high risk build (which RTL made high damage lower risk).

I’m not sure though; I can’t really say I’m amazing at playing an Elementalist, so the deeper aspects of the metagame are lost on me. I figure I’m barely at the clicking-buttons phase of combat

Funny Story about the nerf

in Elementalist

Posted by: TactualRain.7109


I tried elemental power (the one that gives you conditions to your opponent based on attunment) but I found that it didnt proc that much. What glyphs do you run?

Power is a bit hit and miss, but with Quick Glyphs the cooldown is short enough that you can spam it for a bit of extra love. However, I love Storms: it gives an almost Staff-like component to your S/D Elementalist on a fairly short cooldown.

The Elite is very useful as well.

Funny Story about the nerf

in Elementalist

Posted by: TactualRain.7109


I’ve been playing with MadSpin’s Nutcrackerfor a little while now, and it’s been a blast. The patch made me shuffle a cantrip around, and then back into full cycle.

At the moment, not many people in sPvP seem to know what Glyphs do, long may it last.


in Mesmer

Posted by: TactualRain.7109


I’m not sure I agree that the Mesmer’s viable weapon selection is slim. About the only thing I think is covered in cheese sauce is the sceptre, which really seems to not know WTF it is.

Each to their own though – we all have a different affinity for the game. E.g., despite people thinking the previous Elementalist D/D bunker was OP, I couldn’t make it work for me and hated it.

You turned PvP dailys into a chore.

in PvP

Posted by: TactualRain.7109


It’s time consuming. Time that could be better spent elsewhere in or out of the game.

+1 here too – it’s a time grind.

Having played it through today, it takes quite a bit longer than it used to. It’s time I could run a dungeon path with, or something. If they stack too much filler into the experience without enough meat, you don’t get quite as satisfied.

I’m not sure if I mangled that analogy enough, I’ll try more next time.