Showing Posts For Taigen Raine.8752:
An interesting article on gaming companies communication with fans. How timely communication can head off an issue before it becomes so massive that it becomes an embarrassment. When issues are met only with silence, then the message sent is either the company doesn’t care, or that the believe the fans somehow can’t handle the answer. Either way it is a disservice to the fans and only makes problems worse.
My thoughts: No visual effects slider yet, so still can’t stand to play my elementalist.
Gliding: Yay!
Shatterer: Yay!
Massive nerfs everywhere: More of the same we’ve come to expect in the name of pvp balancing. Gonna be horrible in every other aspect of the game. At least the effects of our powers are starting to match the horrible looking new visuals.
Final Thoughts: Best way to balance the game for pvp is just make the gate not open at the beginning of the match. Perfect balance for everyone!
Aww ‘snap’, ‘Krakl’ needs ’pop’ped. But really, Shattererer got an upgrade, so makes sense that the story could be going that direction. Plus, Old Icy is only bothering the Norn, and does anyone really care about them? Also, spoilery reasons point towards Kralky, won’t say more on that.
(edited by Taigen Raine.8752)
Someone mentioned that gold buyers are as much or more to blame then sellers. So, target them. Make that mail filter that secretly flags an account when it recieves a message containing gold seller keywords. Then, if they recieve mail later containing gold, it sends information on both accounts to an anet investigator. This person then reviews the message sent between the accounts, looking for any reason for this gift of gold other then gold selling, and if it’s determined to be a gold seller transaction, it results in a ban for both the seller and the buyer.
This is still a very frustrating point for me. I read about gliding and shatterer, and I am partly excited, but the blanding of graphics for (as many have said in this thread) pretty much no reason as it is not effective at what it was supposed to do has put a pall over my entire impression of the game. I keep getting into new games and playing them a while hoping that if I ignore GW2 for long enough it will be fixed and I can come back excited and renewed again, but the longer this drags on, the less I find myself even caring about the game at all. It is a matter of trust for me, if they are willing to destroy some of the beauty of the game, then I have a hard time falling in love with any of my characters because I feel at any time they could be ruined just like my elementalist was. I don’t want to invest time into a character only to have some dev decide that they are too flashy and need to be toned down so much it’s painful to even watch their attacks.
So, if the devs are actually reading this, put this problem on priority, fix the root issues with visual clarity or just leave it alone and let it be another challenge to playing the game. Reverse the changes or add a slider, but whatever you do, do it fast before those who have made their opinions here apparent and many more who have silently walked away in disgust permanantly forget about this game and stop caring about it’s future.
I still do not understand how this can have gone on so long, with such a large portion of the players saying they absolutely do not want it, without some sort of option or a full revert until they can put in an option. Anet team supposedly is proud of listening to their players… why is it only when one whines about some other classes feature they don’t like. Oh also, when you DO manage to make a VFX slider, make sure you put all the particle effect shoulders, legendaries (and while your suppressing legendaries lets add the whinnying to that too) and other distracting accessories on there too. For the rare times when I would actually turn it on, it may as well do its job of improving visibility.
At least read what Colin says before venting. He says it is not being driven by esports.
Of COURSE it isn’t .. it’s entirely coincidental all this nerfing happened as ANet’s e-sports antic got underway.
Blaming non-existent PVE QQ about visual effects is laughable but just another example of the contempt in which they hold most players these days.
Non-existent? Perhaps, you missed the countless threads lamenting the inability to see anything because of the over-abundance of visual effects. Many with screenshots.
You are quite right, I can’t see much when 80 people are all attacking the same thing. Of course, that is still true, and additionally when 80 people are all attacking the same thing, I just stand there and auto-attack and occasionally throw a cooldown at it. I never get hit, even if I am in melee, and in the rare circumstance I do get hit and downed, I get brought back up in a couple seconds. So, why do I need to see the boss? With 80 character models around it sipping tea I still couldn’t see well enough to dodge, and even if I could I wouldn’t bother because I am in no actual danger. So, devastating fix for a non-existent problem. I also went looking for these elusive threads that were so common in the forums. I had no luck, though lack of any search function make up for it. Still, a few people complaining about something over and over again doesn’t quite equal up to the massive flood of ire the change has triggered, as evidenced by many new forum accounts just to address this issue. Oh and the one single thread I found supporting visual changes (back before Nov 17) was asking for a graphic option to be able to toggle it as necessary. What a good idea….
Colin on Reddit:
Thanks folks, I passed this discussion along to the folks driving the project on combat visibility.
Combat visibility in general isn’t driven by any sort of “esports” stuff though I realize that’s the easy out that’s cool thing to blame things on this week. Despite some of the insane assumptions I’ve seen lately, the PvP pro league is pretty much entirely a marketing team thing and has almost no impact on the dev team. Though we all think it’s really cool, and seriously some of those games monday were awesome!
As we double down on exciting and challenging content like raids, PvP leagues, and fractal dungeons, the need for us to push forward on solving some of the issues of visibility in combat become even more important for the future of Guild Wars 2. …
… The same goes for the need to help better support spectating content so that players who aren’t at the highest tier of competition in those areas can watch and learn from players whose builds and strategies can help them become successful.
Yes, how could we even think to blame e-sports for these changes… where would we ever get that idea?
(edited by Taigen Raine.8752)
So, with all these new skill changes, it just doesn’t seem right to have these awesome names paired up with extremely underwhelming visuals. We need to have more immersive names for our ‘enhanced visuals’.
Here is what I propose so far:
Current Skill: Fireball “Cast a fireball that explodes on impact and hits multiple foes.”
New Skill: Tiny Ember “It’s kind of like sitting too close to a campfire and someone throws in a new log… annoy your foes with mild discomfort”
Current Skill: Orbital Strike “Call down energy from the sky to blast an area.”
New Skill: Static Spark “Rub your feet on the carpet and touch someone, it’s pretty much the same as that.”
Current Skill: Overload Fire “Unleash all flames you’ve accumulated, searing enemies and strengthening allies. Finishing the cast leaves a tornado behind. Using this skill causes the attunement to have longer recharge.”
New Skill: Warm Air “Gather up some more fire energy to make some wisps of warm air to spin around you. Finishing the cast leaves behind a semi-visible whirlwind with a tiny thread of flame in the middle. You feel like you once could do more, but this is the best you can manage now.”
Current Skill: Overload Air “Use your air magic to summon a nimbus that repeatedly strikes nearby allies, then create a lingering static region that strikes enemies at the same interval. Using this skill causes the attunement to have a longer recharge.”
New Skill: Sparks! “Cause little crackly sparks to fly off your body, and then make a few more tiny sparks on the ground.”
Current Skill: “Flash Freeze!” “Unleash a torrent of ice on enemy locations, chilling those who cannot escape. Grant frost aura to allies in range.”
New Skill: “Cold Air!” “Send a tiny ripple of cold magic out. It’s chilly. Puts Frost Egg on allies, but you probably won’t be able to see it.”
Current Skill: “Feel the Burn!” “Heat waves blast out from the player, causing damage and granting fire aura to allies.”
New Skill: “Warm the Ground!” “A little ripple of heat will toast your enemy’s toes, and grants Fire Egg to your allies, if you notice it.”
Current Skill: Well of Action “Create a well of delayed time, damaging and slowing foes. When the well expires, time snaps back, granting quickness to allies.”
New Skill: Clock Well 1 “Does damage and slows enemies standing on the clock, and quickness to allies. Just like all the other chronomancer wells, it’s a clock, on the ground.”
Current Skill: Well of Calamity “Creates a well that rends time, damaging, weakening and crippling foes in the area. When the final pulse of Well of Calamity triggers, it deals massive damage to foes in the area.”
New Skill: Clock Well 2 “Does damage, weakening, and crippling to enemies standing on the clock. Then more damage. Just like all the other chronomancer wells, it’s a clock, on the ground.”
Current Skill: Well of Precognition “Creates a well that gives allies the ability to see the future and allows them to evade all incoming attacks. When the well ends, allies within the well regain endurance.”
New Skill: Clock Well 3 “Allies standing on the clock evade attacks and then gain endurance. Just like all the other chronomancer wells, it’s a clock, on the ground.”
…. ok you get the idea for the rest of the wells….
Current Skill: Fragments of Faith “Lay a trap that deals damage and unleashes multiple fragments into the area when triggered. Each fragment grants aegis to allies, as long as they don’t already have aegis.”
New Skill: Invisible Aegis Shards “Lay a trap that flashes a little when an enemy triggers it, doing some damage and scattering almost invisible shards that, if you can find them, grant aegis.”
Current Skill: Test of Faith “Lay a trap that creates a ring of weapons which punish enemies that attempt to cross their threshold.”
New Skill: Dagger Fence “When the trap is sprung, spectral daggers form a barrier that hopefully enemies won’t just step over.”
Current Skill: Light’s Judgement “Lay down a trap that creates an area of pure light which reveals enemies and pierces their armor.”
New Skill: Light Lines “When the trap is sprung, a few thin lines of light annoy enemies, showing you where they are and somehow giving them vulnerability.”
While these new immersive skill names won’t make you feel as awesome and powerful as you used to be before November/December, at least they will manage your expectations.
I was actually on voice chat with friends the first time I used reaper 5 on an ogre champ. They were like “[Expletives deleted]!, You just totally froze that guy, that was so awesome! I can’t wait to get reaper form!” Sadly, now he never will get to have such an awesome experience because the devs seem dedicated to completely ruining the game.
- “Wash the Pain Away!”: Reduced the visual noise on the effects associated with this skill.
- “Flash-Freeze!”: Reduced the visual noise on the effects associated with this skill.
- “Feel the Burn!”: Reduced the visual noise on the effects associated with this skill.
- The following skills have had their effects replaced with a new version to reduce visual noise: Frost Aura, Magnetic Aura, Shocking Aura, and Fire Shield.
- Chaos Armor: The visual effects have been replaced with a new version to reduce visual noise.
- Executioner’s Scythe: Reduced the visual noise on the effects associated with this skill.
Lets see how many other skills were reduced and not listed in the patch notes.
What the heck!?
More with the visual noise? How about the darn audio noise? Do I have to hear all this yammering from my character every 3 seconds? If they wanna nerf something, nerf that.
Nerf the “Violets, not violence”. Nerf the “Get some water from the dolyaks, and put out those fires!” audio spam. Let me play in relative peace without wanting to gouge out my eardrums, or having to turn off my speakers because of repetitive actual NOISE.
Oh, please don’t let this be the only thing anet reads in this whole discussion. With their current level of common sense the next patch will say “Removed all sound effects and voice overs from game due to player distraction”
It’s obvious now after they double downed on this visual vomit despite all the upset players on this forum that posting here is useless. I encourage everyone who is upset with these changes to take our plight out into the rest of the Internet. Mock these changes on YouTube, twitter, instagram, and anywhere else. Lets see if we can get some attention from the reviewer scene. If we can be ignored here, lets see if they will ignore the negative publicity.
I got several friends on board with the launch of HoT, hey its free now to try. They got hooked right away and bought the expansion. I am now absolutely embarrassed that I ever mentioned it. I can’t even play the game now, it’s too absurd to enjoy. I was almost to the point of getting ley line mastery, but I don’t even want to log in now. I am going to enjoy some of the holiday new releases for a while and hope anet comes to their senses. When I am done with FO4 and a few other new games I will check to see if the game is playable again, otherwise will start the refund process. This is not the game I bought 3 years ago, and it’s certainly not the expansion I just dropped $100 bucks on. This is bargain bin garbage at best.
I have found my setup for revenant quite effective, however quite boring. Herald seems to push you into an ‘auto-attack’ only mode. I activate my facets that give me might, fury, and either swiftness or regen, putting me at a 0 energy gain, and run through using attack 1. I hit hard, very hard, but it gets pretty monotonous after a while.
This really shows how much importance pve players have anymore. This thread has existed for 5 days, and has 189 replies and more then 1000 views a day. During that time there have been 25 anet posts on pvp topics. There are 0 anet replies to this post. Priorities noted. Seriously, was there a board meeting and a memo passed around the office that said ’Don’t talk to these people, just ignore them so they go away. ’
BRA: This is the same sort of logic people will use when they kick someone from a dungeon group because their gear isn’t perfect and they will take 4.5 more seconds to kill the boss. So what if someone misses a dodge because of particle effects and get knocked out of the fight, it happens, its a game. If there is an option you can urge everyone in your group/fractal/raid/tea party to turn off ‘flashy particles’ or whatever the setting may be, and the rest of the world who actually enjoyed how the game looked and can manage to dodge just fine the way things are can still enjoy the game. With your particle effects off, you can brag how much better you are then everyone when the fight is over because you never missed a dodge.
The fact of the matter is, you have no right to tell me how to play the game. If I want to get killed all the time and have a beautiful time doing it, that should be my choice. If I want to play in all knight gear and lose out on the extra DPS, again my choice. If you’re in my group and my choice means it takes longer to kill a boss or even if we fail an event because of it, then you can choose to not invite me to your group again, but you don’t get to force me to change my gear, or playstyle, or graphics settings. This is an MMO, you get to control your OWN character, and that’s where it ends.
This expansion was also advertised by various trailers, which showed stunning vfx and interesting abilities. Try redoing the ‘meet the X elite specialization’ with the new animations that look like they are made by an indie studio on a budget and I would have been ‘meh’ and certainly not dropped 100$ on a preorder. The awesome chronomancer trailer would have gone from amazing to ‘oh look, we gave it some AOEs that all look the same.’ Give me back what I paid for!
My Sylvari Revenant, Asha Dreamseer, sporting warden armor and weapons with the mist scrim.
Yes, yet another underwater thread, but I wanted to post some feedback on this since the most recent patch that both ‘fixed’ the passive use of herald facets underwater (as long as they were activated on land) and allowed the game to remember your last legend/utility setup when you go underwater.
Overall, it’s a much improved situation, though my passive speed boost from facet goes away and I have to do quickness bursts with Shiro. It is a little annoying that everytime you splash through a puddle you have to reactivate all your facets, but compared to before I will applaud the fix. Still it brings me to my question. Why doesn’t Herald work underwater?
I get why Jalis doesn’t, simply no way for stone road to look right. Ventari too, though if you just made the tablet move to whatever you have targeted when you hit the 6 button it could be a little functional. But Herald? Well, I guess activating facet of elements does have a ground target AOE, but the vfx is not very ground based, and could work just as easily centered on your target. As far as the facets passively, the ‘bug’ showed that they work just fine underwater. The VFX only appears when you’re near a surface (and kinda looked cool wrapped around the odd terrain), and is not visible when your not near anything. All in all, Herald seems like it would function just fine underwater without any changes.
I have a piece that was effected by the bug too. Please just make all existing pieces of mistward account bound or something so we can move them to their proper owners, or better yet just make them permanantly account bound like all of the other specialization equipment.
The idea for LFG on my map is a great one! The other option I would love to have is a boolean search filter. I just want to find a Tequatl taxi? search teq NOT lf
This trend is seriously annoying me. I absolutely hate all the visual nerfs, across the board. Orbital strike → weak spark… All that beautiful chrono animation lost… etc etc. It’s depressing and all to satisfy a small part of the game.
There are tons of solutions that are better then forcing the change on everyone:
Make the following toggle in options:
1. Disable Distracting Animations on all powers.
2. Disable distracting animations on all powers except your own.
3. Full power animations.
One of the reasons I play this game is for how beautiful it all looks. After HoT everything felt awe inspiring… now its all receding into blandness so that PvPers and large group coordinators can do their thing a little bit better. Let me decide how I want the game to look!
This happened to me twice, no matter where you stand you get stuck behind an invisible wall. Short term, this video not only shows the bug but also how to jump around to the front and teleport back into the room.
I am not sure if your saying your not getting mastery points for stories you haven’t yet done with your main, or if your saying your not getting mastery points for story steps you repeated on your alts. You can only ever get a specific mastery point once per account, so if you do a story that gives a mastery point with your main, you can’t repeat it later to get it again with an alt. This is intended, as mastery points are a fixed quantity and apply to your whole account.
Edit: I just did a Tyria Mastery Point audit on my character, and I found out by counting achievements that I am missing 14 Tyria Mastery Points. I had completed every racial story (all 5 races) and all 3 orders before the release of HoT. By doing a little math, there are 3 racial Mastery Points per race, and 1 ‘Order’ mastery point per order. So thats 18 points showing on the achievement panel if you complete every race and every order. If you complete only 1 race and 1 order, thats 4 points. 18 – 4 = 14. I am guessing this is intended behavior as these all count as the same ‘stage’ in the personal story, and effects you no matter if you did them pre-HoT or post-HoT. So, either this is a situation that they need to clarify in the panel that you only get credit for 1 race and 1 order or it is actually a bug and I am due 14 more Mastery points!
(edited by Taigen Raine.8752)
Just be glad you opened it on your warrior. My necro now has a very pretty pair of Mistward Gloves soulbound to her that she can’t even put on… Please fix this and make it retroactive so that current soulbound pieces are unbound!
Two issues that have yet to be addressed with Revenant.
1. They do not have an equipment filter in the trading post.
2. They only have 2 legends that work underwater, and if you don’t happen to start with either you have no heal skill at all underwater, making early content very difficult. Even if you do have one or both legends that function underwater, they are not automatically selected like other classes utilities are, so you have to manually switch to them when you go underwater, and switch back manually to preferred setup after leaving the water.