Welcome to f2p. Dungeon drops and rewards nerfed. If you want gold buy gems.
LOL dungeon drops and rewards.
Do you even play this game?
congrats you missed his point!
Actually he/she did, with no gold farming in dungeons, getting ascended gear for final content is going to be a pain in the wallet of most new players… ha the joy of speculation on TP is comming XD (Again)
yei good luck new players getting material for the ascended gear after the “economy changes”
Raids are going to be semi-dead content within a timeframe of a year.
Look at TA Aether path (hardest/longest Dungeon), high level Fractuals (50+), Arah (Hardest Vanilla Dungeon).
These things don’t have large participation. Fractals 50 might be done by 10% of the playerbase, Aether less so and Arah maybe a bit moreso.
These are, right now the ‘hardest content’ in the PvE game. And the playerbase by and large, isn’t playing them.
The thing is a good 90% of Guild Wars 2 playerbase are just like 95% of the game – casual players. They don’t want to do the hardest content.
And while some excuses can be made for Aether (Pointless/Long) and Arah (Long/Pointless) Fractals are the end-game right now for PvE and once you get up to a certain scale (Like 41+) the population starts thinning considerably.
If Raids are as challenging as they are being hyped up to be (Mostly by players with side comments from aNet people) then it’s going to be content the majority simply never bothers with.
So two things are going to happen:
The people doing the Raids quit due to boredom (Doing the same thing over and over and over) and Raids eventually die;
aNet nerfs Raids to bring in my players, thereby lessening the challenge of said content.
I know the GW2 playerbase. These people will play this game and do whatever casuals do (World Boss, SW Grinding, etc.) until they get bored then they’ll move on to the next game. They won’t enter Raids or level 80+ Fractals.
And the people doing that content will make it all they do. You’ll have them log in once a week to run their raid (‘Raid Night’) and eventually a new shiny will appear and they won’t log in at all.
I cannot see Raids being successful in this game with this playerbase.
You Sir/Makitten ail it
hi there all, i now people like change and new blood, but some how i wish we can have more of Soul’s songs, some how i got a nostalgic connection from his music from morowind to skirym and from GW 1 to 2, so i just wanna see or get more info if we will have more composition of this autor
I haven’t test any beta content the main reason fear of precursor drops, what happen if i got a really cool item and them it gest deleted, haven some pronunciation of Anet regarding this issue? any feedback?
i have only one question, are ascended armors going to be part of the legendary armor materials for crafting and such? couse believe me making and armor from scratch is going to be such a pain in the —-
Will there ever be an latinoamerica servers?
actually the solution is having the chest send to you like every other chest on the game, just popping up you mini map XD
creafting ascended gear, getting pretty rich… thats crafting for… +200g every single week
Just friking use overwolf… haves overlay maps and times and a lot of other cool stuff
so… what im read is: Ascended are to expensive to make… cry cry cry… it have to be that whay! hell i just picturing the amount of crying when legendary armors come around.
i really hope there’s Halloween this year, this is my favorite festivities, if not, devs can go #$“!”#! theirselfs lol
so? kick them! i mean there’s a lot of people whos helping f2ps and that’s ok, but hell when i start (gw1, and so on) no one teach me anything… so i say if people join your party with a good attitude them go with them if not, well kick them, and problem solve, or just kittening play with friends.
Have you played blade and souls or black desert? thats actually good mmo animation…
you can actually go to a level 80 area with lower armor and 0 runes, there’s a lot of thing you can do to make it interesting, GW2 is mostly casual, and there’s so little hardcore-elitist content, and that’s fine with me, wait for Hot they said is epic hard… and grindding is a rule in every single MMO…
Actually i get the hate, but well everyone have their own way to deal with this, if you wanna help new players is OK, if people wanna troll on the map chat, is also your right, elitism is not so strange on this situation, in the end of the day people is gonna settle down
And this is how it starts XD
anet should introduce a white knight badge/fanboy/hardcore elitist tag for show beside those ‘rigorous’ forum posters so that we know who to avoid/ignore and such
This actually should be ok
so forums still are divided, on Anets mindless lovers vs Anets mindless haters, please they don’t even care who side you are, is a marketing decision, is in the contract they could do what ever the F, they whant with their product, some people should say yei i dont care, some other will say the kitten us up, on the end of the day it doesn’t matters, haters gonna hate and Anet fans should defend it like there’s no tomorrow so IT DOESNT kittenG MATTERS! (yea the caps broke sorry)
and yes all red post are like lest search all the post to look for something that looks good and convenient for Anet to prove how awesome we are and how righteous we are, so like i say in the end they dont care, actually devs should close this forum already, cause if your not with Anet, them your just some entitled child, go say hi to the new ones, and like Anets and its fans fell righteous you pay for their free accounts… and move on with your life.
anet should introduce a white knight badge/fanboy/hardcore elitist tag for show beside those ‘rigorous’ forum posters so that we know who to avoid/ignore and such
(edited by Taiyoroku.1028)
Is there a thread where I can express my overwhelming anger about the treatment of veteran players in this whole deal? If so please move this post to that thread.
I have played this game for 1100 days at this moment, not counting beta… this includes the pre-release and everything. I paid every penny for my game and I put money into the game. All of my own choice of course, but as a person who made the effort to support the game I cannot feel a little sour over the fact that I am paying 120 dollars to play HOT, when new players got refunds on their original game copy, and even newer players got the game outright free… Anet’s response to this was far worse than pathetic. No discount on HOT, no refund or even a gem bonus for loyalty rewards… we get some kitten kitten looking dinky “royal guard” skin that so far most of my guild has added to collection never to be touched again because it looks like something they had a high school intern design…
Before I get flooded with posts about entitlement and the value of 3 years of “free content” understand that while I may sound entitled, any one person would be a bit sour over the deal that is given to veteran players. We purchased the game… we supported it… we built this community and in a lot of ways this game… and we are rewarded for this effort and monetary and non-monetary support by them handing us a useless kittenty skin with one hand while reaching in our pockets AGAIN…
We tried out best not to complain over the ages, not when you stopped releasing content, or started charging for garbage content like living worlds… anet I am sure you know what kind of flop that was… but this is just in a lot of ways unprofessional. You are pandering to new players giving them the deal of the century, and rewarded your veterans, your loyalists, fans and supporters… by charging us full price a second time around. By the time HOT comes out I will have payed 140 dollars minimum for this game, not counting time investment and microtransactions… That is a bit much considering for 60 dollars I can get every piece of the game in its entirety…
The worst part is they sort of slapped us in the face with this. It would have been better if they gave us no compensation because then we could still be hoping they would reward us for our loyalty… but instead this… this royal guard skin… it is like the golden pen they give you when they force you to retire from a company… its like a very shiny kitten you that you will never use…
I guess I will put my tin foil hat on and hope that arena net is visited by the spirits of expansions past present and future…. so when it wakes up tomorrow it might find some semblance of respect for its active and loyal fan base… instead of milking us like cows in a stall because you know we stand to lose more in our time investment by quitting the game, even though we should in principle…
Anet, kitten your disingenuous business practices during this whole deal…
<End Rant>
Free accounts can also not send items or gold to other accounts…
My god it’s like people are literly braindead, READ THE RESTRICTIONS then comment.
1. Farm 100k Gold on a Free Account.
2. Upgrade on a Weekend and sell it for way more than the code did cost.
3. Repeat.Oh who could possibly have tought of this.
Not to mention that there’s absolutely no limit to scam of any sort left.
This is actually an interesting argument, but allow me to expand of this.
You will need to agree to one of these two statements:
You think that anet’s anti-bot system is unreliable
You think that anet’s anti-bot system is reliableNow, the scenario is as you said, you would farm non stop on this f2p account till it has insane riches/gear/loot. However, the only way you would ever get this to connect to the economy would be to upgrade the account (which I would argue is anet’s objective to this whole f2p ordeal).
Now, assuming you agree with the first statement, you or the gold sellers manage to get away, make some money off of this method and life’s good. But then what is the difference if you had just bought an account in the first place, botted it, made money and sold whatever to whoever?
On the other hand if you agree with the second statement then you know this plot you cooked up won’t fly.
I’m interested in your thoughts since I’m actually pessimistic of anet’s anti-bot system but other than a safety net for botting business, at the end of the day they would still buy HoT; money rolls in sooner or later.
well i think your argument answer it self “But then what is the difference if you had just bought an account in the first place, botted it, made money and sold whatever to whoever?” if the anty-bot system is bad enough (for the Chinese gold farming masters) if you get banned, well make another account and start again witout losing any money cause is all virtual, if you make like 100k on 7 accounts without the risk of loosing anything if you get banned them spend a little bucks (considering your getting hot for the minimum price) you can pretty much F-up the economy, couse the TP have no restriction on trading gold for gems or the amount of things you can buy on there (on pay accounts) them people would say but there’s even a 500g limitation to mail (gold spammers don’t care about that, its free anyway) but you can change gold for ectos and plenty of oter t5 t6 materials, so economy can be at risk… you can identify hacking and gold selling easy before, now i don’t think so so much, so yea the people that is actually concern about this have real arguments to see why f2p is bad and even dangerous.
i get your point but sadly that is yet and opening for goldspamers, theres a lot of people that can talk on the /s channel and ask for help so i dont think what your say is a good idea, on top that “restrictions” are a joke
So no official/red post? apart from how nice was their decision?… GMs should love to see how the community fight over this… but wait is not our decision, the game is property of Anet and they….
so… this is what a call a useless post… but still your opinion matters, just hope get merged
As a veteran i feel the op, btw wheres the GW1 F2P? (i totally replay it with my wife), maybe the game fail with this “new lane” maybe not, actually i dont really care, the lore on this game sucks anyway, and yes is a marketing move and they dont care for the costumer, since the updates the game was going down the hill, and maybe this is the only desperate move to go on, we live in a new world fill will people who want every single thing for free… i just hope the 100 bucks i paid for hot… oh wait 200 (2 accounts) have payed for a lot of freebee accounts…
i come here wishing to see some arguments, but well…
guild wars just lost a long time customer for making this game free to play and placing restrictions on accounts, i have played this for 3 years your vets are getting the shaft in this free to play game
Not really getting shafted since there are a lot of restrictions. Just hope the 2 communities don’t collide in a superiority complex.
There’s already an Elysium (movie) like attitude voiced by some over the last few days that B2P kept the “trash” out and now that anyone is allowed the QoL will plummet. There is no reasoning with that group.
Bright side is if they all quit it can only raise our standing as nicest MMO community.
Considering f2p games are known for toxic communities, bots, and hackers; people voicing their concern over this game going f2p is warranted. Ignoring these peoples concern and writing them off because they have different views than you on these new changes only shows your ignorance. You need to remember that an opinion is neither right nor wrong.
the community is already and again divided, from elitist to casuals, from Anet defenders to angry mobs, from supporters and non supporters, in the end is another stupid discussion, Anet does not care about forum fights, is a company, one that wanna make money, and somehow forget about his “manifesto”, some may say F2P is a proff of a failed MMO, maybe yes maybe not, october 23th is gonna be the day when we see if the 45/75/100 bucks “expansion” is really worth it, if not well were gonna see some rage them but to think that Anet actually cares? well that’s another discussion, in the end the only true thing is that the community is already and yet again broken an toxic, they dont let freebees to post here not to protect us, is to protect them from all of us…
The B2P restriction helped shield this game against the common MMO mouthbreather who turns pleasant communities toxic.
Whilst an influx of new players sounds good from a business sense, in the long run it could introduce destructive elements that bring the whole game much sooner than it should be put to rest.
And how do you propose they are going to do that at a rate of whispering one new player every 30 sec and only being able to spam in /s?
well you cant confirm who’s your friend or can we, so goldspamers can add on map people an them wisper no?
Relevant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwBxKwmAIdo&feature=youtu.be
All i see and hear is… Anet mindless squiring, and just that…. theres no real talking about the problems, is just a “i know that their gonna do a good job”
talking about this i wonder? is GW2 becoming a hackerfest / G-spamerfest? thers gonna be a lot of people doing harm, a DDoS is comming, just lest see how long does it takes
I think 2 is already too much, and as everything which supports F2P players, my answer is:NO
EDIT: Why does so many people try to help f2p players?? You got the game, why do you care about them? They didnt buy it, they shouldnt get anything extra…
Because there’s no reason to be hostile to the f2p players. They want to enjoy the game just like I do. They might even decide to buy the game based on their experience. Why would I be hostile to someone who hasn’t given me reason to be that way, especially when it’s someone who might go on to support a game I’ve enjoyed playing for the past three years?
That being said, I do think the 2 slots is more than enough for f2p players, and I agree with most of the restrictions in place for those accounts.
indeed that’s true… if people feel scammed well take it against Anet, is their desision anyway
if anyone can answer my question it would be great . I bought this game long ago recently decide to play it again then I saw the base game will become free just wanna know if I get microtransaction currency . if no I would not buy the expension it would make me feel that they would do the same again and I would feel I lost the money .
well, ummm, the restrictions are a joke, so yes you dont getting anything for the money you invest them or now; but hey you can wait another 3 years to get core+hot for free, just wait for a bunch o good folks to pretty much get scammed buying a “new expansion” for a lot of money so people get that for free…
That’ll teach them to want to join our community. kitten new players, right?
Seriously, OP, I hope you’re miserable all the time and your job sucks.
ok 1 is a joke (im sorry if you miss the Humor-post description) and tanks i actually have a really good job and enjoyment in my life, and believe me if there’s people wishing that kind of thing in real life to his fellow veterans, i’m really glad they (free players) can write on forums, that way they don’t have to deal with you
Yei mi so happy that new player base can enjoy this wonderful game for free! with such a little restrictions (not at all just takes longer… o wait you can level up like crazy on this game), so i was thinking: why don’t we do something, i mean for the newbies, to expres the frustration of all veterans? them struck me! Enable Full Pvp action on every single map, that way we (veterans that expend a lot of cash on the game) can kill free players like a mob with torches and pitchforks.
interesting right? any toughs
i think that the “restrictions” are not restrictions at all, you can with 2 slots do anything, takes a little longer but you can do every single thing on this game so no… F… the new ones that gets everything for free. (not they exp, but yet core game is plenty)
I absolutely hate this change, and I can not express amount of my hate toward ANET’s policy tonight and toward this specific free-to-play change.
I haven’t expected this announcement to be so fkd up and devastating.
But ANET did it like they always do.This means GW2 failed as mmo, as any other that switched to F2P policy shortly after(TERA, TESO etc…). It failed because there was no end-game content in the time to entertain us vetarns, but there where made unnecessary changes to whats not broken(TP, NPE, STORY CHANGES, INVENTORY, UI).
This means that developers will receive less money hence new players will be 10 year old whining kids that will resent everyone around and poison the community.
I, who played GW2 since the very start, for 3 YEARS AND INVESTED QUITE AMOUNT OF TIME AND REAL MONEY INTO GW2 ADDITIONALLY , only to get ugly looking skin on my charr(which has worst armors out there) and middle finger in my face saying:
But hey, thanks for your money. Thank you for buying infinite SAB coin that you will never use again. Because you guys bought this game we decided to make it FREE TO PLAY so 10 year olds could join. Lets not make it even 10, no, 5 bucks. But nope, NO refunds or kitten given whatsoever.
We can expect much more toxic community , economy fall and above and community driven by 10 year olds. Thanks ANET.
I feel so betrayed. So brutally FUC**D. All this love toward this game.. all gone….
TL;DR: Just another ex-fan that feels fkd by latest change of ANET. RIP GW2, you will be missed.
I’m 10000% agree with you, a Gw1 Gw2 (beta) veteran here
I have mixed feelings about GW2 going Free-to-Play. From a business perspective, it would have been smarter for A-Net to do a level cap at 60 because it would have forced a purchase decision and questioned “Did you enjoy GW2 enough to purchase the full game?” As it stands now, many players will level a character of two to 80 and move onto greener free MMORPG pastures. Less chat options and inventory space are really not that restrictive to the casual, bypassing player
Finally someone gets it
Ok so my wife and i buy the 100 US version of the HoT, how many free accounts do we have pay? i found this son insulting to veterans. i hope theres some kind of refund or someting, been the core game free for hot just look terrible, but knowing that the wolhe F, thing is free with no really restrictions? how about hackers, how about goldspamers, i…. im so kitten right now, HOT was a epic Scam… I JUST kittenG HOPE THAT 3 YEARS FROM NOW MY FRIENDS GET CORE+HOT FOR FREE AND HELL IM NOT GONNA PAY FOR OTHER EXPANSION ON THIS GAME… I DONT LIKE TO GET RIP OFF!
Caps lock key seems to be broken. Don’t buy HoT, buy a new keyboard.
actually i already get the dam thing 200 bucks no lest, so yes im kitten
Ok so my wife and i buy the 100 US version of the HoT, how many free accounts do we have pay? i found this son insulting to veterans. i hope theres some kind of refund or someting, been the core game free for hot just look terrible, but knowing that the wolhe F, thing is free with no really restrictions? how about hackers, how about goldspamers, i…. im so kitten right now, HOT was a epic Scam… I JUST kittenG HOPE THAT 3 YEARS FROM NOW MY FRIENDS GET CORE+HOT FOR FREE AND HELL IM NOT GONNA PAY FOR OTHER EXPANSION ON THIS GAME… I DONT LIKE TO GET RIP OFF!
ill just gonna wait in LFG to see the messange “Selling 100lv fractal for XX (amount) of G” trololololololo
And by random this guy means “cliffside+dredge+mai trin” most of my runs.
actually, every single time i do fractals that’s my “combo” and my “random” fractals… BTW the game is going free to play and your kittening about fractals? really?
(edited by Taiyoroku.1028)
Im not sure how to feel about this F2P business… the first thing that comes to mind is League of Legends.
Dont get me wrong, its a great game.. but their community of players has to be the worst I have ever seen in online gaming.. Its straight toxic and they have not figured out a way to fix it.
Now Arenanet would like to go the same route? Lol.. man SPVP will be the new grounds for trolls especially with the introduction of leagues. If this goes through we can kiss our good little community goodbye.
I’m sure that this is not what you mean but I don’t see why there should be a correlation between how nice is a community and the amount of money people spent. Such thought could then be derived to say that CE buyers are nicer within the community while the 10 € players are some toxic newbies…. again not saying you said that but just that this would be an easy way to take.
More specifically for League, my experience was the higher rank you were the less toxic people were, even if all players were still F2P. On the other hand I played some PvP game on GW2 were some players were at least as toxic… so no correlation again.
I think the comunity is what the players and the game make it to be. This game and the previous one always had nice people playing for the fun, taking time to dress their barbie, exploring landscape, organising crazy events… there is no reason why more players arriving would end that.It’s not a statement of “more money spent means they’re better people”
or “more people is bad”The problem a lot of us have with opening the floodgates that is f2p is that there’s zero barrier to entry. Any troll can pick up an account to troll people, and when he gets banned he can create another free account, and then another, and then another.
Having a small fee to entry means the players are much more likely to honestly be interested in playing the game than just here to troll.I’ve played a lot of games, many f2p, and there are a lot of people who get their kicks from ruining other peoples experiences.
Met one guy (or girl, who knows) who had decided his goal in the game was to troll people until he got 100 accounts banned. iirc he was on his 14th account when I ran into him.
He (or she) played the game, invested many hours, solely into ruining it for everyone he (or she) could. And while that individual’s goal of 100 banned accounts was an anomaly that mindset is anything but. Trolls abound.
And from the trolls perspective, given the choice between trolling in a free game that costs him nothing if he gets banned, and a game where he has to spend $10-$20 each time, even $10 can be enough to either convince the troll to go elsewhere or to reconsider behavior that might cost him that money.
People tend not to respect what they haven’t paid for in some way, I’ve seen it in nearly every aspect of life. Company laptop? It’s not mine why should I take care of it? Same thing with company cars, rentals, friends stuff, the game is free who cares if I get banned?That’s why we don’t want F2P, B2P is a small but reasonably effective barrier that keeps a great deal of grief at bay. No it’s not perfect there are still people who would go for getting 100 accounts banned even at $20 bucks each. But there are a lot less of those.
When they get in for free there’s no monetary loss to give a ban teeth.To exacerbate the problem, the company is hoping these people spend money in the cash shop. Which sometimes leads to GMs being more and more likely to ignore behavior.
More players is a good thing, especially if those players spend money on the gem store and that money goes to fund more content.
But more players isn’t so good when many of them are as I described above, only here to mess around because the game is free.
finaly someone gets it!
(edited by Taiyoroku.1028)
^ no wvw borderland and eternal battleground access either and im in
Yeah WvW is tricky. EOTM access is fine, but that isn’t really WvW. Definitely no EB access, maybe low priority BL access, but even that is not great. Yeah I think probably just EOTM access and nothing else is the only viable solution there.
actually thast a good idea EOTM is one of the best ways of experiencing guild wars 2, in its various environments
(edited by Taiyoroku.1028)
Because “free to play” and “play for free” mean the same thing, and the second one sounds a lot friendlier.
No it does not mean the same thing. The first indicates always, the later does not do that.
so we really are going to have a semantical/retorical discusion about that or the real hacking/spaming issue?
i dont really know what are the thinking, free to play works sometimes, but most game with a good economy gest ruined by hackers. is like sending a invitation to people who do that.
(edited by Taiyoroku.1028)
Hackerfest / Goldspamerfest “NEW EVENT COMING TO GUILD WARS 2”
So is a rumor? is a reality? guild wars2 Going f2p, is opening not a window, not a door, is a friking portal for gold spammers on chat and hackers everywhere, been that said, i think that they are expecting that to happen, limiting the amount of gold you can send a week, but that kind of measures don’t work for hackers… if that true i wonder how long we have to wait to see GW2 on “TERA” mode, a single material or rare been 10000000000g, i enjoy this game so much but i don’t like the way things are going, please share your points fo view… lest see the forum burn…
(edited by Taiyoroku.1028)
so the op is crying about item you can get FREE, if you just make/save the gold? lol this is… sad… please op if you dont wanna get HoT, stop making post about how cool will be a suscription fee… couse reasons….
can someone tell me how “personal reward level increases” i have read the wiki but i dont understand it?
so people cant sell their creations anymore? wooo what a cool idea…