Showing Posts For Taiyoroku.1028:

New to GW2, not having fun

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


without reading all the coments, i actually get the mayor problems of the game, elitism/zekers (is the only way to play against hp sponges), that are killing the community, for a “solical” kind of game is pretty boring seen the you must have/been stuff is not only boring but kittening; agian is a personal opinion; if you try to go something diferent, you get kicked from partys and dungeos and so on, running is becoming more and more common. so yes the game mecanic is pretty boring.

on the other hand well you have crafting (the only actuall fun i get now), couse well i like farming, for me and my wife is the only interesting, yes interesting thing to do, couse well sometimes i even spend more time on the chat that actually playing, dungeons are boring, WvW is boring, PvP is… boring.

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


I really want an option for unlimited transmutation charges and makeover kits. Make it cash-only for all I care, but these would be amazing.

+1 on this one

Again on sale the Silver-Fed Salvage-o-Matic

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


Actually i always use Master’s Salvage Kits

Why don’t you use Mystic Salvage kits?

indeed that should be a nice solution and the forge cristal can be optained via chest drop (o buying them from the gemstore), but them agian i should go to the forge, and believe me i consume recicling like hell, and have the same effect that a Master’s Salvage Kit, lol maybe im just to lazy to go to the borderlands and drop stuff on the mistyc forge… but them agian your idea is actually good

Again on sale the Silver-Fed Salvage-o-Matic

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


Actually i always use Master’s Salvage Kits, and some how im allways short; so i need to go to a merchant, them go back to what im doing, cooper one dont really cut it for exotics and rares, so in just for convenience, i actually do some research and the wikki:

“Given the gold-gem exchange rate and saving 1.44 Copper coin on each salvage, you would have to salvage approximately 583,000 items before it becomes cheaper than using Master’s Salvage Kits (it never becomes cheaper than Mystic Salvage Kits).”

On anormal day ill do +200 salvages (1/4 of them exotics / materials for crafting to sell) and going for one plase for another for kits is boring… i understad what you guys say it not wort the gems but actually most gems item dont wort and are cosmetic ones (im only have buyed the bank/material/bagslots) , but them i have exchange some gold and have some gems… and it would be nice or convenient for me keep doing my recollection/recicling without going all the way for a merchant… and yes again ill totally get you

(edited by Taiyoroku.1028)

Again on sale the Silver-Fed Salvage-o-Matic

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


Hi there is just a question i know they put it on estore already this year (23 April – 27 April 2015), sadly my friends and i miss it, and as a master craftmen recilcing is important to me and the healty enviorement of tirya…


[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


Just coming back from a lonnnng break from GW2. Turns out I missed some pretty cool gem shop items. Any chance that they will bring back

1) Silver-Fed-Salvage-O-Matic
2) Belinda’s Greatsword
3) Kasmeer’s Staff

ANET pls.

actually i totally go all the way with the Silver-Fed Salvage-o-Matic, i totally need it!

Elder Dragons are not the only threat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


what about the 6 gods? the extraterrestrial humans? corporal bane from the future… theres a lot of thing that can be done, if this game have any writing at all and not just “go play Gw1 to get some lore”, what the hell even dark souls have more lore that this game (actually it does, you just have to dig for it), so theres a lot of epic under-rated material, but if you dont have anyone on the dev team that actually care about the “plot” you dont have any theatrical content.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


ok comimg back again i still find people whinning about the price… “get over it” “wait for the release” “go play something else”… if you askme all thouse reasons are as valid as the people that are kitten about the price, for me ill already purchased mine so i dont care anymore, but i have to say that the “new class” balanced or not is epic boring, looks and fels heavy, and the same weapons? come on! if your making a new class with the same weapons mecanics? what about i dont know dual katanas, Psiquic habilities, bizzarre anime/power ranger tranformations? what the hell made them fight laser from their eyes… but the same old kitten…

[Gliders] List of skin suggestions

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


Anime themed! inlcuding ofcourse HELLO KITTY! TM

So Disappointed After The First Beta

in Revenant

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


People are sad… couse they couldnt make a Zerker out of this profesion… poor meta build…

~New Races~

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


Im totally pro TENGU! kind of persont.. I WANNA PLAY WITH BIRDPEOPLE!

Shiro Tagachi teaser

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


I think I will leave this clip of Shiro in action. The Guild Wars Factions opening cinematic.

He looks like some anime stereotype – angry long haired dude in trenchcoat with swords and crazy powers.

I’m glad that GW2 moved away from asian style.

Are you kittenimg kidding me anime is the best! or not, actually i was hoping firght with shiro agian, but is only a legend for the Revenant? man that profesion needs a lot of work, i mean it feels heavy and dont do any DPS damage, and sadly GW2 is alll about DPS…

(edited by Taiyoroku.1028)

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


Lest just wait for Blade and Souls (btw ill alreadt buyed HOT)

Megaservers and upcoming WvW changes

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


WAHT ABOUT NA VS EU? “global” WvW should be awesome, that gould surely bring unity to the guild sistems and alliances

Shiro Tagachi teaser

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


That guy again… lol one of my favorite enemies of GW, hes kind of a undead – spirit MTFKR (read that with samuel jackson voice), so HoT is going to be pres Cantha?

DirectX 11/12 request [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


its kind of weir, i mean having a titan x hibryd and yet the same graphics, and lag, i mean WTF!

I want nerf to waterfield blast finishers.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


you know what… im ok with this!

How to Know item aviability on Gemstore?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


hi there i wanna know if theres a way to follow what items are going to be released on the gem store, specialy this one “Silver-Fed Salvage-o-Matic”

Game is MASSIVE!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


OP, good for you actually it is a massive game if you play the right way and clear all the map with friends, cam be indeed a epic adventure, them crafting, them WB… (youll be over it in 2 monts and them say… this game is just small), believe me is pretty fun, until you get to… griding… and dungeon griding, and asccended armor farming….

Community Effort: Prevent selling of FoTM

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


Since ANET can’t prevent people from selling FoTM last boss via LFG because of numerous valid reasons, this is a request to the community to take action for healthy Pugging.

There are multiple instances where several folks kick a person out of the group and promptly sell it for 15-20g. It is stupid to buy into FoTM as the reward is not a guarantee but, the real problem is that there is no way to prevent a team from kicking someone and selling for profit.

When anyone sees an advertisement to sell last boss of FoTM, please join this group and keep abandoning them till they give up and try to recruit a proper team member to complete the instance or 4 man it themselves.

For F… sake, thats why you do importand stuff with friends, and random stuff with… other people, this is by far one of the most friendly community on the MMO industry and yet have from time to time so many whinning…

Suggestion for Stopping Personal ABUSE in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


Ok i know this is a troll post, but if it was serious this will be my opinion here:

If you scroll down youll se the ESRB RATING of this game, lest see what it says:

Blood, Mild Language, Use of Alcohol, Violence.

Ok, the only thing missing here to make it a epic game is nudity (partial or complete), but lest say theres a lot of people that actually get… ABUSE… here, pleaso OP stop playing 16+ ESRB games (online and offline ones), and that is a recomendation for your 14th years old friend also, couse belive me games today will offend you in so many ways… dont waste your time….

I cant actually belive that someone can get that emotional damage for a game; in real life people gets bully, even from their family. so lest ask what will happen when you find yourserl on and empty map, i mean rly? trolling is really subjetive, actually i have epic trolled some times (english is not my native languaje) for the way i speak on world map, but some times is really creative and epic funny.

so have fun!

(edited by Taiyoroku.1028)

New Lion's Arch vs Destroyed Lion's Arch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


I just here to say… HOW IS NAMED LION ARCH, them no HUGE EPIC AWESOME LION STATUE!… give us a big lion statue again! i dont even like krakens

Why are you so cruel...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


ummm im sorry for you but… trolololololololo

Guild Housing: Remembering Fallen Members

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


I get the idea and is interesting, as for someone like me that have lose precious people on my life, i dont support the idea, what will happen if someone (a new leader) wanna change that? guild get broken sometimes for stup things and this one can be a really good way for guild to far apart

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


How many Kittens have you count in the OP post?!

7-10-15 Beta Wipe

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


they (devs) actually said that beta characters are gonna be wipe, as soon as the beta is finished.

Q: Why this long of a wait? Why the pricing?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


ummm so theres still people talking about this, i like to see people expresing their disconfort or likeness about something, thats called democracy and free will, but… seen the same thing again and again, they (moderators) actually made:

and merged various opinions there, other post are just a waste of time…

Awful Female Human Heavy Armor Art Design

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


So to resume all, the OP wanna get in GW2 armors from TERA and BLADE AND SOULS, well thats… ummm… you should play that… we all should just wait for BLADE AND SOULS to get release… actually betas are comming soon istn?

(edited by Taiyoroku.1028)

The Horrible, Awful, Tragic Death of My Build

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


I would like a moment of silence in remembrance of Mag War’s build.
. . .

Even though this awful tragedy took it from us. . . we will always remember the way Mag War’s build would smile. It was a good build and it will never be forgotten. Amen.

Thats what i call epic trolling, but lest get serious for a moment, builds change, stats change, hud changes, i mean every single MMO is the same, i feel the op actually i never care to much about stats until i got my ascended gear (full berzeker, and no i dont like to much going that way, but well the devs make a game where only that kind of gear is the"one that really works"), is sad somehow that you allways have to go on a meta build, meta gear meta everything, where is the “build diversity” if every single player have to aim for “Zerker”, but well mobs on GW2 have become hp sponges, the only challenge here is how much time i need to kill X-mob with more or less hp.

Dont get me wrong i like the new stuff, what the hell i even like the new system couse finally i get to experiment new builds, and as a master crafter i can enjoy again making “new” (yes is the same crap) things to compensate for the “free” stats.

Loot on downscaling

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


This idea is… some how a “NO TANKS” kind, most 80lv youll see on lower maps are indeed there not for the view but the loot, people dont do the WB train to get greens or blues, they do it for the “rare ones” and mostly for the “ectos” or the collection exotics, if you remove that not only you’ll get empty low level maps, but 80s maps full of veterans, and lest be real, most 80s maps are… how should i say it… BORING.

As a crafter i salvage most of the gear, even have the Silver-recycle machine, so i dont wanna ofend but i find this idea pretty much crazy, is like saying that every single mine on the game will give you a single item.

So is Anet going to ignore these problems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


So… you have to modify your build, games change, if not is just boring, my engienere and mesmer got epic nerf, but actually i dont care couse i have to learn new ways ant thats actually awesome, been able to kill every single thing easily it was really killing the game, the forums are all about “Anet screw me over couse i can beat the @”·$“·$ of Players/mobs/bosses anymore”; and thats just sad, people need to enjoy changes, and yes it cost a lot of gold but surely youll find new ways to getting it

Tequatl DC in last phase.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


Actually i have disconection (pretty heavy) and yet still enter the game and been on the same map, and happened to me on TEQ, bad luck for the OP i gues, btw i only whant your materials, like ectos and that, XD

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


So theres still people talking about this… i hope devs were more open and read these post plenty of feeback here, from people that are willing to pay the price to people that are really upset about it, i hope this dont shatter even more the community

Awful Female Human Heavy Armor Art Design

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


I really hope that by “awful” OP your not mean skinpy

The new Legendaries

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


try getting about 500 tokens for every single dungeon for the gifts… from there youll have to wait

Tequatl Feedback [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


Of course it’s true – the mistake you made was compromising with the map you played in. Plan in advance who you want to fight it with and find out when their events fit your schedule. Unless you want to pop a tag and run the fight yourself, you can’t rely on Pugs to carry you – because they are doing the same thing.

Please don’t try to change the goalposts by bringing Silverwastes into this. BUT, if you must – then go to Silverwastes! Why complain about Teq when there is already a solution to your needs?

I go to Teq to win, I don’t give two bits about what’s in the chest.

Why does everything have to be about loot per time investment? At a certain point, gold becomes irrelevant.

Ok yesterday I (been a super casual player and like before expresing how frustating is to be called pug and noob) run (yes i run) a succesfull TEQ, and yet come across the big one problem of this fight (what Anet already say their going to fix) and was the crits spot. The problem now is not even the organization part, and yes it is a pain in the kitten been there 1h to 45m before a event, and thats the real reason here.

lest face it, theres really few that made this kind of events for fun, every single MMO have the same treat… and thats the “LOOT”, invested time / loot is the only reazon you play a hard event (im not saying imposbile anymore). if your gonna spend 1h for the same loot you get before the patch them the reason behind making the event is really disapointing, so yes right now SW is a gold digger stuff (and actually is awesome), and i find that really good for all the players (veterans and new ones), cose again lest be real most people havent reach what you say "At a certain point, gold becomes irrelevant. " and are aiming that spot, so yes i really hope they keep events for people that like hard stuff and do it for fun, but i hope also that Anet do something about the loot

Edit: by quoting the player my intension is retorical and not been disristpecfull or rude, if i got that impresion, them i ask for the player forgiveness

(edited by Taiyoroku.1028)

No, I am not okay with this.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


@xarallei, actually your right i ditch Teq and other stuff and still have pretty enjoyment with the game, crafting have become my favorite stuff to do and i need just farming/mining the hell out of my what sertanly is not even hard, making new recipies and all that “shinies”, i really hope that diversity keeps the high bar on GW2. Lest work more on gettin free of toxic comentens and inkittens.

I ask for forgiveness if i ofent someone, and yes please bring more content to players who need it, im now learning other “kinds of gameplay” so if elites are in need of new gear or materials i can sell them to them, really guys CRAFTING IS THA BEST!

Suggestion – Guild Banner Recruiters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


this is actually a pretty awesome idea, but the external link part can leave to viruses, trojans, xploits… well you get the point; what we really have to make this happen and the player should really have the member counter, or at least guild orientation (wvw, pvx).

Humas really extra-tiryastrial?(merge plss)

in Lore

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


ok… so no one is interested in a little constructive lore… well lest just go to the other sections to bash about how hard is TEQ and how zerker should be removed… hot topic right now

lets rename this game to zerker wars 1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


oh so people wanna remove the zerker :O lest do it! i meand whats the worst thing that could happen… ummm maybe 50%+ of the player base will lose their armors? lol, na this is a stupid thing to do specially if you, but may i ask why you just make all armor berzeker, that way no one will complain… couse we all be siners! lol (yes is all sacarsm actualli the only thing i want is bosses having normal hp)

No, I am not okay with this.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


1. Teq is impossible for casual players

It was meant to be a difficult fight, especially after the revamp. Find a guild and learn the mechanics if you want to beat him. If not, then there are plenty of other world bosses. Why do you feel entitled to strip down this one boss that happens to be harder? You are trying to destroy one of only TWO bosses in the entire game designed for the hardcore community. So they have 2% of the world bosses designed for hardcore, and 98% for casual, and you think this is unfair?

2. Teq is impossible for casual players (it became a battle for the self called hardcores and elites, fill the chap map with the usual “noob” -Read casual- player insults, waiting 1 hour to a posble win/fail is super boring, again is not fun to devote a life to a single boss… but well harcores are happy that they can spit on the player base and can brag about its egos – thing that they cant do in Real life-

If you see people in map chat harassing or insulting, report them, block them, and move on. Welcome to the internet. It’s not Anet’s fault the human race treats each other like dirt.

4. AND THE MOST IMPORTANT PART, they AGAIN, broke a already shattered community (now is not about friendly playing, is about whos on the better -read elits hardcore guild/map/zerker/ascended-legendary gear) actually i dont wanna play with braggarts, and mostly jerks, and moslty alinate people couse their ego is too dam large…

News flash: no one is forcing you to play with anyone. If you don’t like those people, block them and go do something else. If you are still driven to defeat Tequatl, then you need to set your own ego aside and find out what it takes to kill him. That means find a guild with people you like, learn the mechanics, and schedule a night when you can all get together and fight him.

Edit: fixing some weird quoting bugs…

Ok… so your positiong is like: 1. Casuals ditch TT and TEQ couse poor Hardcore/Elites dont have enough thing to brag about (again alienating and exclusive), you really have to check about whats the definition of unfair and somehow prove the casuals point. but lest say is ok, them make instances for it but DEVs shouldnt pretent that a open world event is just for a single audience. 2. it is Anet fault for promoting harassing or insults. why? you may ask couse super inflated egomaniac like elites have that kind of behavior, i dont really know if they’r just really competitive or are compensating for something outside the game. 3-. on this sir your totally right actually we “sily noobs” (read casuals) should just report every single elite ·$/$&·, that insult us on map chat. i hope GW2 dont become another WoW

No, I am not okay with this.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


actually i pre purchased the ultimate version but somehow i found this “new HP WB patch” boring as can be. Why? you may ask, well:

1. Jormag was boring before, now is epic boring (and no theres no fun on the same boss with the same atacks and more HP)

2. Teq is impossible for casual players (it became a battle for the self called hardcores and elites, fill the chap map with the usual “noob” -Read casual- player insults, waiting 1 hour to a posble win/fail is super boring, again is not fun to devote a life to a single boss… but well harcores are happy that they can spit on the player base and can brag about its egos – thing that they cant do in Real life-

3. it broke the dps balance like hell (thats a bug is actually not intentional like the other 2)

4. AND THE MOST IMPORTANT PART, they AGAIN, broke a already shattered community (now is not about friendly playing, is about whos on the better -read elits hardcore guild/map/zerker/ascended-legendary gear) actually i dont wanna play with braggarts, and mostly jerks, and moslty alinate people couse their ego is too dam large…

remember Anet motto (at least the new one) “COUSE BORING IS THE NEW FUN”

Time to not let people play anyway they want

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


Zerkers…. Zerkers everywere… actually thats my only complain this game is a DPS pool of nothingness… players and armor now are divided in this orted: Normal Zerker, Ascended Zerker… and anithing with a Zerker frase… i feel the op that kind of gameplay is indeed boring

Tequatl Feedback [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


Oh thank goodness. Nice to hear this is actually considered a bug and not intended. Thank you for the communication.

what? the double hp is a bug? ummm so bugs now came on the release notes? and for the epic-glorius-elite/hardcore guild, congratulation for beating TEQ and excludin people, really tanks, heres your cookie

lets rename this game to zerker wars 1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


actually i pre purchased the ultimate version but somehow i found this “new HP WB patch” boring as can be. Why? you may ask, well:

1. Jormag was boring before, now is epic boring (and no theres no fun on the same boss with the same atacks and more HP)

2. Teq is impossible for casual players (it became a battle for the self called hardcores and elites, fill the chap map with the usual “noob” -Read casual- player insults, waiting 1 hour to a posble win/fail is super boring, again is not fun to devote a life to a single boss… but well harcores are happy that they can spit on the player base and can brag about its egos – thing that they cant do in Real life-

3. it broke the dps balance like hell (thats a bug is actually not intentional like the other 2)

4. AND THE MOST IMPORTANT PART, they AGAIN, broke a already shattered community (now is not about friendly playing, is about whos on the better -read elits hardcore guild/map/zerker/ascended-legendary gear) actually i dont wanna play with braggarts, and mostly jerks…

remember Anet motto (at least the new one) “COUSE BORING IS THE NEW FUN”

So, after this patch...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


actually i pre purchased the ultimate version but somehow i found this “new HP WB patch” boring as can be. Why? you may ask, well:

1. Jormag was boring before, now is epic boring (and no theres no fun on the same boss with the same atacks and more HP)

2. Teq is impossible for casual players (it became a battle for the self called hardcores and elites, fill the chap map with the usual “noob” -Read casual- player insults, waiting 1 hour to a posble win/fail is super boring, again is not fun to devote a life to a single boss… but well harcores are happy that they can spit on the player base and can brag about its egos – thing that they cant do in Real life-

3. it broke the dps balance like hell (thats a bug is actually not intentional like the other 2)

4. AND THE MOST IMPORTANT PART, they AGAIN, broke a already shattered community (now is not about friendly playing, is about whos on the better -read elits hardcore guild/map/zerker/ascended-legendary gear) actually i dont wanna play with braggarts…

Questions about swiftness

in Guardian

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


Im been using Guardian for about 3 monts, already hit 80lv, and have so many questions, im running a zerker build (with out zerk gear, if you can give me feedback on that should be awesome – alaready craft the ascended chest zojja piece) but today i should ask about SWIFTNESS. Engenieres have permanent one changing the toolbacks, Mesmers have a sigill for that (every 10s), thieves have their shadow steps and so on… but GUARDIANS ONLY HAVE “retreat”, “save yourselfe”, "the staf swiftness symbol.

my point is i keep triying to get perma swiftness to run aroud maps looking for events but some how i cant get it to work… so is posible to do permament Swiftness with a guardian, if that so can you pelase teach me how? and please about the feedback on the zerker guardian, mostly pve and dungeons i not so much into pvp

Nika is back! Is Cantha next??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


so… shes like 230 years old… who i take what ever shes taking lol

No, I am not okay with this.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


Guild Wars 2 is a social game for people that have varios levels of gameplay, and believe me theres alot of casual players… ELITES ARE THE WORTS, and thats the truth “I NEED MORE CHALLENGIN CONENT” and want to make the whole game epic hard to expres their righteousness and wash the other people faces with their “IM BETTER AND HAVE MORE” ego, and thats not only funny is some how psicological interesting couse they can INSULT YOU on the gaming map becouse your a “NOOB” (read casual player), and them PERSONAL HISTORY, sure DEVS make a option for HARD content for %·$$"·$ ELITES (ok not all of them are bad, just the ones that have to compesate on a game, for real life) that way we can spare us of them from our fun, casual and friendly gameplay

(edited by Taiyoroku.1028)

My proposal: a big nerf!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


i have a better idea Swiftness to guardians!