Showing Posts For Taldek.6105:
RISE puts up 40-50+ players
BT puts up 35-45 players
KNT puts up 30-40+ players
ICOA puts up 35-45 players
GoF puts up 40-50+ players
PRO puts out 15-25 players
RUIN puts out 15-20 players
RIOT puts out 5-10 playersAs far as NA guilds go, BG is probably more stacked than SoR.
Those numbers are about right on reset night. Good fights this week. Alot of people needto relax and enjoy the game (it is a game). Welcome to the newcomers. Welcome back those returning.
As far as SoR NA goes, our smallest NA guild of those mentioned is probably TWolves at 20-25 players and largest is TSYM at 40-45 players, CHOO has been trying to get smaller and only runs around 30 nowadays and FEAR has always sat around 30 players.
You also have quite a few of the smaller brawler guilds out there like HEL, VIG, PD, HL, PLUM, CDS that perform very well with independent defensive and havoc style action.
It certainly makes the fights more interesting per BL matchup. Even when pugs or other guilds fill in the zerg roster things like class comp, commanding tactics, and location keep things fresh. The folks complaining in this thread seem to lack an overall appreciation for the intricacies of WvW and why so many people love it.
RISE puts up 40-50+ players
BT puts up 35-45 players
KNT puts up 30-40+ players
ICOA puts up 35-45 players
GoF puts up 40-50+ players
PRO puts out 15-25 players
RUIN puts out 15-20 players
RIOT puts out 5-10 playersAs far as NA guilds go, BG is probably more stacked than SoR.
Those numbers are about right on reset night. Good fights this week. Alot of people needto relax and enjoy the game (it is a game). Welcome to the newcomers. Welcome back those returning.
Would rather see the actual player counts in the WvW window in game for each map respectively tbh.
SF 15 > The BG force on SoR BL LOL omg
What? Thanks for all the bags at the tower SF + JQ map zerg.
Fine I’ll be MORE specific. The time about 15 to 15 SF were at inner south bay and wiped like 4x our numbers when they pushed out and then almost pulled it off again meeting the respawners on the way out. :P
It is quite clear we exist in different realities; may I borrow your eyes kind sir?
SF 15 > The BG force on SoR BL LOL omg
What? Thanks for all the bags at the tower SF + JQ map zerg.
Ladies and gentlemen, I believe we need a score update.
Not going to lie, I’ve grown a tad bit of respect for the older BG players. They don’t gloat nearly as much as the bandwagoner RISE/WM/etc guilds that have flooded into BG. It’s kind of like that rookie who joins a veteran team who’s worked so hard over the years building up and whatever, only to run their mouths after one victory about how they’re the second coming of Michael Jordan’s 1990’s Bulls.
Should probably hush up a bit ;p
I think it is mutual although you wouldn’t know it from reading these threads. The fact is we all enjoy WvW or we wouldn’t participate. I for one have a great deal of respect for everyone involved, without the players (no matter the server) this wouldn’t be WvW. So cheers and good luck out there.
I like how when BG was losing over the weekend, never heard a peep really out of them. Now that they are ticking at over 500 they think they are so superior. They always blamed JQ for PvD. I guess I can say the same for them now since they have had bascically three servers merge into each other.
If this is true, I would love to point out that the thread got locked over the weekend too. We have all endured alot of changes recently, some good and some not so good but let’s keep it classy and bring on the good fights.
Each map has an allocation per server. So, using non-real numbers, EB can have 30 total players on it, 10 per server. If server A has ten people, they will queue regardless of how many Servers B and C have.
Ok, but is the cap the same for all three servers or is it flexible based on current map demand per server defined by the number of people who desire to play www on a specific map. I recall reading something recently regarding dynamic caps to in the interest of ensuring players are not penalized for having better coverage during specific times.
I’d love to see an official response on this. Unless they add the total player count per map to the wvw window there is truly no way of knowing. It just seems at times that player balance is off.
Yet another thread about confusion damage… Hey why not just apply toughness to condition damage?
I have used a staff on my ele for at least 90% of the 700ish hours I have played on my ele. I have never really experienced any issues with it aside from the carpal tunnel it has caused. Seriously, the staff ele has to be the hardest class to play effectively but it can be done. I speak from personal experience I have 5 level 80 characters and ele is my main. There is nothing wrong with staff except the possible disparity in the level of difficulty it takes to master and the level of effort it takes to play it effectively compared to other classes. As for ele survivability, cantrips and associated traits are your friends.
WvW is war simulation with 3 factions. The strong can carry the weak and numbers can also affect outcome, as in real war. The stronger carrying the weak would not be different in tPvP. That is a team based concept. The question the op poses is similar to asking why one who boxed or wrestled should care about or enjoy football or basketball.
I wouldn’t want them to change wxp much. Maybe add some for yak escorting. I do think they should increase ppt for every upgrade on a location though (not including siege).
The last 2 pages of this thread have read like a Fox News editorial.
Agg and FoE, have abandoned Blackgate for the warm embrace of their Dear Leader. Several Drone Strikes are planned in retaliation.BLACKGATE ASSURES ITS CITIZENS: WE ARE FINE, EVERY THINGS FINE
45 PPT on the Weekend? Is this the end for Blackgate? No say local man, “Heard it from a friend who, heard it from a friend that Blackgate is only playing possum, big things coming down the pipes. Just as soon as we donate more tot he war fund.”BREAKING NEWS: SANCTUM OF RALL HIRES 4 BILLION MERCENARIES, MONEY REPORTEDLY FROM JADE QUARRY FEDERAL RESERVE.
4 Billion new transfers hit Sanctum of Rall this week, with an already overly stacked server this puts SoR with the most people on a server in any game ever created. Reportedly all new transfers are to receive 7k Gold and 2k Gems for their service. All the money is said to have come straight from SoR’s close ally, Jade Quarry. Details are slowly coming out that the only repayment option JQ gave to SoR, was continuing to come in 2nd. While allowing JQ to remain in 1st while at the same time continuing the constant and never ending(proven with several screen shots) 2v1 against BG.BLACKGATE TO JADE QUARRY: YOU’RE FAT.
Yeah…they went there.I have always viewed the flat out troll posts as a contribution to that servers political smear campaign. Lets face it WvW is just as much about politics as it is war. Can you even have war without politics?
No, no you cannot. They are both linked and one in the same. What you can do however, is remove the corncob from your cornhole, and realize that something so outrageous is more on the side of satire and less on the side of trolling. I mean come on man! 4 billion! North Korea? The JQ Federal Reserve? The trick to trolling is twisting just a smidge of the truth of a message to suite your propaganda needs.
I was’t calling you a troll lol. I was actually agreeing with you but using a different frame of reference for the posts you referred to in your satire.
My mistake! But still you should get that looked at, and stop picking at it.
Nah it’s just a third degree burn I got last night while blocking treb shots at our tower in SOR BL.
Good fights tonight at BG Bay Jed.
Heh, I know one of your servermates asked for me to hit BG on the plateau, but I had to opt out on that one, I found it hilarious
You guys were gettin’ hit hard, I think everyone decided it was your guys’ turn for the 2v1 this evening. I think everyone had all out war across the board.
Oh don’t worry, those guys know me well enough that I have no problem having the 2v1 on someone other than myself. It was in good taste and good natured fun. There are multiple ppl that pm me all the time with similar notions, especially if we are attacking them. “Jed, go bother someone else!” “Go kill on the other side of the map, we like our houses over here,” “Jed, I’m camping your body :P” I’m probably one of the few commanders that could care less about getting trolled by other servers, it sometimes riles me up to fully wipe servers off maps at times. I miss Jerico and Agg…we used to PM each other, “Hey, you just got wiped by only 15 of us.” Then we would wipe them and I’d respond, “Yeah, your zerg just got wiped by our 5 man havoc!” Both of our teams pretty beefy at that time with like 25+ and then add the pugs in
lol sounds fun!
The last 2 pages of this thread have read like a Fox News editorial.
Agg and FoE, have abandoned Blackgate for the warm embrace of their Dear Leader. Several Drone Strikes are planned in retaliation.BLACKGATE ASSURES ITS CITIZENS: WE ARE FINE, EVERY THINGS FINE
45 PPT on the Weekend? Is this the end for Blackgate? No say local man, “Heard it from a friend who, heard it from a friend that Blackgate is only playing possum, big things coming down the pipes. Just as soon as we donate more tot he war fund.”BREAKING NEWS: SANCTUM OF RALL HIRES 4 BILLION MERCENARIES, MONEY REPORTEDLY FROM JADE QUARRY FEDERAL RESERVE.
4 Billion new transfers hit Sanctum of Rall this week, with an already overly stacked server this puts SoR with the most people on a server in any game ever created. Reportedly all new transfers are to receive 7k Gold and 2k Gems for their service. All the money is said to have come straight from SoR’s close ally, Jade Quarry. Details are slowly coming out that the only repayment option JQ gave to SoR, was continuing to come in 2nd. While allowing JQ to remain in 1st while at the same time continuing the constant and never ending(proven with several screen shots) 2v1 against BG.BLACKGATE TO JADE QUARRY: YOU’RE FAT.
Yeah…they went there.I have always viewed the flat out troll posts as a contribution to that servers political smear campaign. Lets face it WvW is just as much about politics as it is war. Can you even have war without politics?
No, no you cannot. They are both linked and one in the same. What you can do however, is remove the corncob from your cornhole, and realize that something so outrageous is more on the side of satire and less on the side of trolling. I mean come on man! 4 billion! North Korea? The JQ Federal Reserve? The trick to trolling is twisting just a smidge of the truth of a message to suite your propaganda needs.
I was’t calling you a troll lol. I was actually agreeing with you but using a different frame of reference for the posts you referred to in your satire.
The last 2 pages of this thread have read like a Fox News editorial.
Agg and FoE, have abandoned Blackgate for the warm embrace of their Dear Leader. Several Drone Strikes are planned in retaliation.BLACKGATE ASSURES ITS CITIZENS: WE ARE FINE, EVERY THINGS FINE
45 PPT on the Weekend? Is this the end for Blackgate? No say local man, “Heard it from a friend who, heard it from a friend that Blackgate is only playing possum, big things coming down the pipes. Just as soon as we donate more tot he war fund.”BREAKING NEWS: SANCTUM OF RALL HIRES 4 BILLION MERCENARIES, MONEY REPORTEDLY FROM JADE QUARRY FEDERAL RESERVE.
4 Billion new transfers hit Sanctum of Rall this week, with an already overly stacked server this puts SoR with the most people on a server in any game ever created. Reportedly all new transfers are to receive 7k Gold and 2k Gems for their service. All the money is said to have come straight from SoR’s close ally, Jade Quarry. Details are slowly coming out that the only repayment option JQ gave to SoR, was continuing to come in 2nd. While allowing JQ to remain in 1st while at the same time continuing the constant and never ending(proven with several screen shots) 2v1 against BG.BLACKGATE TO JADE QUARRY: YOU’RE FAT.
Yeah…they went there.
I have always viewed the flat out troll posts as a contribution to that servers political smear campaign. Lets face it WvW is just as much about politics as it is war. Can you even have war without politics?
Good fights tonight at BG Bay Jed.
Heh, I know one of your servermates asked for me to hit BG on the plateau, but I had to opt out on that one, I found it hilarious
You guys were gettin’ hit hard, I think everyone decided it was your guys’ turn for the 2v1 this evening. I think everyone had all out war across the board.
Agreed. The update is a vast improvement. Fights were epic. Props to ANet.
Oh I get the impression many people find this funny… Even the ‘haters’ ya dig?
It seems there are a lot of hardcore elitists who fail to see the humor in anything. Shame some take a game so seriously and for that I r sorry :P
Astounding, hard core elitists? Sort of like the type of person it takes to create a ‘lawl I roflstomped these lowbies!’ thread? Taking the time and effort to ss and post it on the forum shows no lack of seriousness either. :o
Does the new UI display the total number of characters currently on a given wvw map for each server? That would be amazing.
Why the hell would someone want such thing? If i had 10 guys on map i wouldn´t want enemies to know that and suddenly 2v1 me… If you want to know how many enemies are in map scout better and use brain, i hope such information will never be revealed. They should change outmanned not to be visible to enemies …
They will already know when you are unmanned and with culling removed they will likely already know which sides are out in force. The main reason I would like to see this is that I have a sneaking suspicion queues and server population balance is severely broken atm. Currently there is no way to know.
Does the new UI display the total number of characters currently on a given wvw map for each server? That would be amazing.
Does anyone on JQ play for the fights? Or just to win? Serious question.
Don’t you have to fight to win? Serious…
Well if you consider a zerg killing 10 people a “fight”. Then I know where you stand.
If you want small scale battles you could spvp. Or go out there and recruit more guilds for your TZ. But in reply to your question, There’s nothing more fun than running around in a large zerg steam rolling everything in its path. Call it what you will, fight/slaughter whatever.
I think everyone who play’s any game will play to win. If you dont then you need to re-evaluate your outlook.Serious.
Ok, so if this is what the majority of JQ feels, then I know where you stand.
I like good fights as in something that can and does fight back and may even come close to or does beat me. Thats what I call fun. Thats what I call a fight.
And of course I play to win the fight, I guess I should’ve asked, do you more care about winning the overall match, or the battles. Screw overall because that’s just a coverage game on who has more people in a 24/hour time frame.
If you knew you had the round the clock coverage, would you not try to keep the map setup in a favorable way for the next shift? It’s not that the battles are any less important. It’s just that their priorities differ from yours currently it sounds like.
It may be subtle, but WvW will change from this. Zergs will be seen from a distance now charging to their destinations, scouts will be able to report more reliable intel as a result more quickly. Defenses can be mustered faster, I see great battles ensuing where before easy flips would happen.
Of course, I’m an optimist. But… things will change, in a good way.
… and to counter it, people will gather in even larger zergs to flip keeps easier and faster before being scouted, resulting in more ability and graphics lag than we have ever seen before.
Of course, I’m a pessimist.
Or people in megazergs will get tired of people turning the other way forcing them to pvdoor and break up into smaller zergs… The optimistic point of view.
My laptop is gonna die.
Or i ll fight nameplates only ^^
Same here when I am on my laptop. I will be running nameplates and an indiscriminate killing class
(edited by Taldek.6105)
Portal weren’t as big an issues as mass invis. The enemy portal at least showed up on the ground even if the enemy didn’t
Then again so do the chain of veils dropped as they move towards you, would be cool to be able to distinguish friendly vs. enemy.
I wouldn’t make this assumption yet. It depends how much that offloading the ‘solution’ onto performance of the players pc’s is actually going to work. If the majority can’t handle rendering all those players, then fps lag might end up just as bad as the culling.
I think it’s a safe assumption most rigs can handle rendering name tags but who knows.
Does anyone on JQ play for the fights? Or just to win? Serious question.
Does it have to be one or the other?
Just keep in mind guys before we get too excited that possibly the new change to address culling might increase the skill lag. Lets be prepared for the worst, but hope for the best.
I agree. Let us hope at the very least that skill lag will be less frequent as people will be able to at last choose their battles. Maybe steer your 30 man away from the 60 to 90 man zergs
Every single one of them was upleveled. This is one of those things you enjoy but don’t brag about publicly.
^ this
I am sure that some people will hate it at first. Mainly the people who have adapted their entire strategy to take advantage of the current culling shortcoming. I especially look forward to this.
Or better still make claiming something petition based. So when someone goes to claim a keep it goes to a vote so x number of people would need to accept it through in game mechanics. Sort of like the “like” option on social media sites.
They could do something like add a petition option to the claimer that people could use that would cause the location to become unclaimed once enough people down voted it.
Or someone who is adamant in adhering to the rules of the game. Quite frankly, I’m surprised more people aren’t outraged about this. Why play a game with rules and systems if they are just going to get thrown out the window.
What ever happened to honor on the battlefield.
It disappears when people start allowing the actions of obvious trolls to tear at the fabric of their being. Like many have already said, it’s not cool . We know the feeling as has already been stated many times.
Who else benefited more than BG by the shenanigans of the cheater?
Nobody stands to gain more. In some way or another we all lose when things like this happen.
Now that it looks like BG has locked up this week. I have to ask…. Do they have enough 5 hour energy to get through reset?
We only need a little more blood in the old alcohol stream, but we’ll be alright.
So here an Anet employee states that gear variants are being added with this march update.
You are cool with talking like a pirate right?
lol stop, TC is a solid server in a good match up right now
(edited by Taldek.6105)
I vaguely remember reading that they were going to make ascended gear more accessble to wvw oriented players, I thought that is why they introduced laurels which did just that. I think it would be cool if they tied ascended gear directly into wvw somehow but I would’t say they didn’t throw a bone to www people regarding gear progression. At least you don’t have to grind dungeons, the effort to finish daily/monthlies is really minor.
Depends on the time zone.
I love that SoR played the ppt this week. It has made this week so much more interesting than the last two. Keep at it guys and gals lets make this week the photo finish we all hope to see in tier 1!
Good fights so far this week. I want to especially thank the 2 or 3 thieves that chased me on my staff ele from the north eastern tower all the way to the northern camp in JQBL last night. I appreciate the determination you showed for killing me, it was extremely exciting and a true test of meddle. I apologize for leading you to certain death, I know it wasn’t the ending you were anticipating.
So… Is everyone going to splash a little green on their armor this weekend? And no, JQ, painting the map your color does’t count :-P
(edited by Taldek.6105)
Dear SoR, it’s not you, it’s us…. We still love you, but we just haven’t moved on from the meta yet.
I think its awesome that the trolling has finally died down enough in this thread that decent discussion could finally emerge. Good fighting this week from all servers, I have had alot of fun. Lets make next week more of the same.
It would have so much cooler had you just walked up to the EMP commander and slapped him with a glove….. Or a battle axe which ever is readily available.
ROFL at this
People forget so soon what happened when this trash started in swtor’s illum with the gear changes coming soon it is setting up for a repeat of that type of pve’r caused pvp death.
Lets pretend for a second that these gvg matches are not a planed exploitation of the raised bag drop rates. There is nothing skillful about fighting outside the rule set and environment that the game master has established if anything it shows the opposite.
Illum was bad from the get go. I suspect people choose to forget SWTOR.