Showing Posts For Taygeta.9124:

AngryJoe Interview - HoT Questions for Devs?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Taygeta.9124


Your review of this Guild Wars 2 was the reason I bought it, and I am 5000 game-play hours in. Your level of energy and detailed review points really got me excited for the game. I just watched the review video again, and I am happy to note that most of the game flaws mentioned in the original review has been addressed. The game has gotten really polished over all this time.

I want to ask if you believe that expansion will live up to the hype.

Major Skill Delay/Lag since new patch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Taygeta.9124


All day today (September 17th) I have been experiencing horrendous lag and countless disconnects with a message referring to the game client being unable to connect to the server, or something along those lines. I am suspecting that this is the correct thread to post my experience in? I know that my internet has been a bit wonky ever since 3pm Pacific time, but the internet was fine this morning and yet I still got lag and disconnects in GW2. I’ve been reading the other threads in this forum and seeing what people’s posts from the last few days say, to gauge if this is my personal internet problem or if there also is a GW2 problem. Internet problems rarely happen to me anymore, and any lag or disconnects in GW2 have been brief, one-time things on average.

Mine happened today as well. There were no issues for me up to 2 AM PST Last night/this morning. Did yours happen after today’s patch?

Major Skill Delay/Lag since new patch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Taygeta.9124


I got this issue after the patch, having major skill lags and rubber banding. It has never happened since head start.

60% nerf to Necro's Best Trait.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Taygeta.9124


Given the state of condition classes in PvE, it isn’t even part of the discussion as the patch was geared toward balancing around PvP.

I only play condi necro for PvP and WvW and I use this trait on CD. It is a vital part of a necro’s rotation against most classes. The weakness uptime is absolutely crucial against certain classes as mentioned above when we have no vigor.

If you fought enough other class meta builds and spent enough time roaming in WvW, then you’d appreciate how important this trait is and how much a 10 second CD increase hurts the defence capabilities on necromancers.

60% nerf to Necro's Best Trait.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Taygeta.9124


With all the talks about the MoB nerf’s I think a lot of people are missing the even bigger and more important nerf of the patch preview. Damage pressure has never been an issue with necros. What we lacked has always been defence and the Curses IV trait was one Necro’s only form of defence and it’s getting a 60% nerf.

For those not familiar with this trait Weakening Shroud. It cast the Dagger 5 skill around you on DS activation giving weakness to those around you. Because Necro’s have no vigor, the weakness from this trait was our only defence against CC/burst combos like thief stun /back stab, warrior shield stun/skull crack, and mesmer immobilize shatter burst.

Anet have stated multiple times that they wise Death Shroud to be Necro’s defence and sustain. With this 60% nerf to the internal CD, Death Shroud can not longer be a reliable defence against thieves’ and warriors’ bursts. Your meagre life-force will be immediately chewed up and your health will melt before your eyes.

When our class does not have vigor, this is pretty much the only sustainable defence against Bursts.

Lower level participation

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Taygeta.9124


All the dailies that counts towards the meta so far have been achievable on a low level character. The past living story were open to low level chars because they were temporary. This dungeon path and teakettle are permanent additions to the game so there is no reason to open it up to low level chars because they can experience this content when they get to 80. They are not missing out on this any more then them missing out on the Arah dungeon that has been out since launch.

9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

in Match-ups

Posted by: Taygeta.9124


lol.. BG… what a server. they really showed just how “great” their community is tonight. thank you to those who wanted to participate and sorry for the others that shame your realm.

If the actions of a few individuals speaks for the server then JQ is just as bad as you make BG out to be. Try placing the blame where it should fall, on the individual players that attacked the parade (despite doing wvw in a wvw zone). Calling out a server because of a few players makes you seem like a scorned child.

Never-mind the many BG players in attendance having fun with the rest of the Yak parade….

Actions of individuals does not represent a whole server population.

(edited by Taygeta.9124)

Necro Downed HP: 1/3 of what it should be

in Necromancer

Posted by: Taygeta.9124


After playing around on my new Mesmer, I now realised how fast my Necromancer die in downed state compared to another classes. Hopefully this is addressed soon. Since this hasn’t been fixed for over half a year, even some response just to acknowledging its existence from the devs would help.

New found respect for you guys

in Necromancer

Posted by: Taygeta.9124


And what’s up with the downed state?! When I go down Im at half health causing me to get eaten in like .3 seconds.

Necromancer down state has been bugged since launch in WvW and PvE. It works fine in PvP. But the gist of it is that we have 1/3 the health in downed state compared to all the other classes because of how the death shroud used to work before launch.

Lets see your Necromancers/Reapers!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Taygeta.9124


I did a complete outfit revamp after completing my Eye of Rodgort.


Lets see your Necromancers/Reapers!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Taygeta.9124


My level 80 Sylvari Necromancer.
