Showing Posts For Techyo.6732:
After leveling every class except engineer to 80 and pvping/wvwing with all, Elementalist have the worst ultimates. I mean tornado is sorta useful, sword is fun, the glyph is ok. none really are “ultimate” thief comes in 2nd for worst “ultimate”
Comcast Chicago – not working for me.
having the same issue with incinerator. game also cant update due to connection failed… thanks for doing this during primetime… thank you release manager plz.
who launches a failed update during prime time. just bad management on this bro.
same thing here. wtf is going on.
i think it would be nice to have 3 rounds instead of a timer.
I guess i just wish axe had a higher range, id rather keep chill for my d/d as it is a devestating combo landing them and im only stuck on the 300-900 range and staff just seeems lackluster for that job and Id have to trait axe for it and lose my d/d additions.
I have been finding that most builds are geared towards staff because you could put them into soul marks for a heavy shroud build and not losing points to chill of death. I still want to find a build that incorporates axe into power somehow… But I find I am always stuck with a staff equipped in wvw not only for range, but team support, aoe damage, and pierces.
Recently started playing my necro again and am using a power roaming build with d/d.
for my off set, generally staff is always taken, why is that over axe/x? it is for kiting, utility, pierced auto attacks? if it is better, how much better is it?
I have a 60hz monitor, new top of the line whatever geforce graphics card, and i want to use vert sync, however I only have the options of using default or up to 30hz for refresh rate. is there a fix to max it up to 60? if i dont have vert sync enabled i get up to around 72-77 fps, but it drops to 30fps solid when i put on my vert.
Whats happening is evolution, our lower tiered servers are used to having one-two groups control 4 maps. its not logical, but its whats we’ve been accustomed to. Some even use it as a strategy.
Coming from AR T8. To sum it up, there are a few battles a night, during the day and off hours whichever server has a commander usually owns everything. Most times I’m solo and maps are completely empty. Yes there is a good small tight community, but often it feels desolate and lonesome. Then DR or FC shows up and completely dominates every map and nobody plays wvw that week. They control our entire map and they have 5 zergs to fight our one just trying to breathe and capture our own gari. Lately I have considered changing due to the lack of wvw participation in off hours, and it feels like only one to two groups trying to hold up every plate. Map changes happen constantly and there is never a firm commitment to any tower let alone supply camp lol. I’ve seen some servers upgrade them! I never see it from my server. There isn’t any or enough coverage to make it even remotely possible.
Tech – AR
Thanks! I think that focused mind is much better since I dont run a toughness build. I think you linked me my build instead of yours?
Moleless, thanks for the help, i can understand that toughness isnt going to add too much after the base 300. here is a build i am running now and enjoying. any suggestions?
thats great info, what do you think about gear? I have been considering knights on armor and zerker on trinkets etc. might give me a good balance so I have enough toughness to outlast some group wvw and enough damage to 1v1 easily.
yeah, everyone can tell the hammer tells and its an easy dodge.
I am running a meditation build and am considering my 2nd wep.
I notice the hammer is quite slow, but offers some cc and its decent damage.
Otherwise the sword/focus provides some mobility, a quite a bit of block.
Has any theory crafting been done on the damage differences/wvw/pvp pro’s and con’s? I can see both being great. So far I am liking the sword/focus more and am just wondering if I am missing something with the hammer that might make it a better choice.
Hello, I’m am trying to find some strong phantasm builds for wvw and pvp. I’m looking for something with high potential for damage and survival. Also, what changes is anet talking about to the gs and where can I find these discussions?
I dont really feel like we have a solid grandmaster trait, but i am still doing fine. as for Ferocity. before it worked like this, user had 25% of crit damage gear. now it works like this, user has 500 ferocity which will give the user 15% of crit damage. it normalized the trait to use stats rather than baseline percentage increases.
I love playing this game, but am unable to determine where the bottle neck is occuring to stay above 50 fps. I play WvW a lot, and am wondering if money were not a problem, what is the key issue that may cause bottle necks?
Currently I am running Intel i7 with Nvidia GTX 760 with 16 gb of ram. But, still find myself dropping and having to limit the highest available setting. I think to myself unbelievable that this is even possible with my setup. Ideas? is it graphic or processor specific? or is it just everyone?
its the only hood i want on my necro. plz
I recently just restarted playing, I tried the game when it was in beta, but never moved forward, currently at level 40 and been loving the game so far. I play TPvP and WvW a lot and have been interested in trying some PVE.
Looking for an active guild willing to take on someone new that can excel quickly. I used to play wow back in the day so its been an easy adjustment.
Just transfered here from EU, looking for a nice guild that has a balance of pve and wvw, currently at 40.