Showing Posts For Temper.7265:
I put a lot of time and effort into my three Sylvari girls looks,be kitten if I’ll cover their beauty with amor/clothing. lol
Au naturel or bust for my Sylvari.
Also,it saves on repairs. =P
How long til the next wave of bans?
Or do we have to suffer the bot trains running through every event map worth doing on their way to level 80,farming for a month again.Is this going to be an infinite loop,or are we gonna get some feet on the ground (server GMs) to squash them early ?
Oh and by the way,the Kessex hill bridge botting fix only partially worked.Now instead of AFK bots camping there,the ranger bot trains are hauling kitten through the event messin it up for the small portion of real players trying to complete it.
Original post,
Im happy for you that you are enjoying your return from a 6 to 7 year retirement ! =)
You’re not annoyed by bugs,hackers,botters or even if the games economy gets ripped to shreds !
Hoorah I say ! That’s the attitude of champions,see you in the next game !
Oh and you asked for it….fan-boy !
All the best
Been involved with online games and MMOs for around 25 years,so the question is a little hard for me to hyper.
However,I suppose if it were my first ever MMO,I’d be wondering why I can’t find the in game options to automate my characters,like the kitten tonne of other characters I see doing circles around most major world events. lol
Dual pistol thief ? too short a range for PvP or WvW maybe ?
Bejeebus H chrissy,
Do a quick youtube search with GW2 bot,sort by date marnick and reap some educational material.
A GM is a rep of the company that owns/runs the game and as such is usually given full power to ban at their own discretion,whether they are paid or volenteer.banned players can appeal to support just like anyone else.
For those who have never DM/GM ed in a game…It aint rocket science,there are many tools at your disposal,and getting around a virtual world to do your tasks takes a minimal amount of time and effort.
Being proven guilty is a simple matter of observation in the current case of GW2.It’s open and obvious and in the players face,disrupting every part of the games play/mechanics.
I no longer am reporting bots.Not my job and just not interested if there are no live in game GMs to caretake this behaviour.
Too little too late.
My best advice to youis,get your moneys worth out of the game and then move on to greener pastures.
Original poster wrote that the botters have no real impact on you !
I’ve been real nice in numerous threads trying to explain how mass botting screws games for everyone that plays them.
But you know what ? Im tired of people with their heads stuck so far up their kitten that all they smell is their own rose flavored kitten.
So think what you want and in a few months time,you can enjoy the effects that rampant botting has caused all by your self centered self,because anyone who actually cared about the GW2 community will be long gone.
All the best
Then if that occurred, I would be worried about the bots reporting normal players as bots, if only to flood their system.
And you think botters don’t already report to flood the system ?
For some people,the market is the game.They play the Auction Houses,Trading Posts or whatever and rarely set a foot into the world that the devs built for them.And if they go bust,it dosn’t matter,they can just buy more in game currency with RL cash (legal or otherwise)
Sadly this type of eco gamer can have adverse effects on a games economy for players that actually play the game attached to the trading systems.
While it’s not my cup of tea,to hurt a games economy,some type of people gain pleasure from this eco manipulation.It’s not about the games community for them,it’s about what they can manipulate economy wise,because….they can.
At any rate,I never buy or sell on the markets in games because I prefer to just play the game that came attached to the market system,and if items that are required to progress become out of my price range or just plain unnatainable,I move on to another game.
I never manipulate the market, I just work with the numbers it gives me, I explained my main method for getting money on page 1.
Why do you think people need to buy money with gems or gold farming sites? I made my money perfectly fine without either of those.
I’m sorry if you thought I was directing this at you.It was not.
It’s a fact that there are people that play the latest games for the trading/economy aspect.It’s live,with real people to compete with 24/7,not a economy sim against a boring AI.
It’s also fact that obtaining capital is easier by buying said capital rather than having to farm for it or playing the buy low,sell high game.
And it makes for an awfull lot of currency being injected into an economy of a game,that wasn’t designed as a trader/eco sim,add to that the enormous pressure botting puts on this system and well……..
Again none of this is directed at you good sir.
A quick google search brings up some interesting reads on market manipulation in recent and current games.
I personally know some players who have purchased in game currencies for some of the latest games,or exchanged one currency for another,being RL currency or other games currency,just to play the markets.
In D3,I know of players that bought softcore gold to trade for Hardcore gold,just so they could play the hardcore market(it’s a better market),they never set a foot into the actual hardcore game itself,in fact,I don’t even think they own a level 60 character either softcore or hardcore.
At any rate,as long as we are all having fun in what we are doing and not adversly affecting the game,then more power to us all. =P
I’m interested in staying and playing into the future.
But the game has some glaring issues in a lot of different areas that need addressing and imho need adrressing quickly.
I shan’t go into specifics of the issues,as a quick glance over forum threads will tell the story.
At this rate however,it just isn’t enticing at all for me to log in and play more than a few days a week and for more than a hour or two.
For some people,the market is the game.They play the Auction Houses,Trading Posts or whatever and rarely set a foot into the world that the devs built for them.And if they go bust,it dosn’t matter,they can just buy more in game currency with RL cash (legal or otherwise)
Sadly this type of eco gamer can have adverse effects on a games economy for players that actually play the game attached to the trading systems.
While it’s not my cup of tea,to hurt a games economy,some type of people gain pleasure from this eco manipulation.It’s not about the games community for them,it’s about what they can manipulate economy wise,because….they can.
At any rate,I never buy or sell on the markets in games because I prefer to just play the game that came attached to the market system,and if items that are required to progress become out of my price range or just plain unnatainable,I move on to another game.
You can fully complete maps in half the time with a party traveling together. (if the the POIs,DEs and SPs aren’t bugged that is).
Even if you are halfway through a map,it is still faster,safer and better xp/loot to go back to the start hearts with new to zone players and redo them.Getting the recommended finishing/starting level requirements just isn’t possible the first time through a map anyway. (I finish Queensdale at 11 move to Kessex and finish at 18 solo).
I’d rather be in a party having fun with others redoing a map,than running the DEs solo over and over,trying to get the next maps starting level req.With a party of five,some smaller events that normally would be bypassed can be easily completed.
Everyone is glad that we have seen a dropoff/elimination of the gold selling spam, however I think the downside of this is that it is easier to report mail spam, than it is to know that the item you buy in the TP is being sold by a hacker using bots, destroying the player driven part of the game economy.
Also, consider that these bots are the first or second generation, and currently seem to be only running around an killing everything. The possibility of having bots that harvest items is likely to come to pass, if they are not doing so already.
Sorry to be the one to enlighten you brother,but we’ve gone far beyond first and second gen bots in this game.For the most part,the players that are just becoming aware of the problem have still only knowingly encountered the basic leveling/looting bots of mass farmers.
On a personal level of botting,there are now bots that,seen by an ignorant player,will and do go unnoticed,doing anything a real player does.I urge you to even just do a youtube search on the subject and see what these programs are capable of,or even browse some botter forums.
Botting has been made a viable option to usually legit players,because of the need to compete with bots for all types of resources,and to battle the Diminishing Returns code.
Sadly I see more and more bots that,belong to previously legit players,going about there buisness to rectify the resource score,so their ownerwill able to enjoy the game as intended,when they do play the character themselves.
Work this out.
When I started playing GW2,my first and only character always had full inventory bags to sell stuff and upgrades for gear waiting to be leveled to fit into,events gave good karma over and over for the purchase of Karma only items to wear.
Last night I started a brand new character,bought it four standard 4 slot bags,completed queensdale at level 11, and never,ever had to sell to a vendor because of full inventory and practically purchased (with gold) every item that it is wearing(in fact I could have done with just one extra bag instead of four).There wasn’t even enough karma on this character to supply it with all the desired level 16 karma merchant items,when I finished the map.
Not that I got map completion tho,because the beetletun Skill point quest was broke…..again.
Anyway,just thought I’d let you know that,while the staionary and path kill/loot bots are the majority of what most players see,there are far more advanced settings on bots getting around. (bots can be personally tailored by the player to do whatever)
Aha,I watched the Queen Wasp and Champion Boar go at each other last night.The fight ended with the Wasp doing her vanishing act and the Boar losing interest (aggro)and returning to his favorite basking spot.
Also,there are actually two Veteran Boars in that immediate vacinity,one right next to the Champion Boar and one a little further twoard the lodge on the hill.
Yeah BrienBear,Velious was kinda the begginning of the end for me.
On Quellious,quite a few of my guildies were banned and investigated,then reisntated,it was kinda part of the deal when you became an officer of that guild,that you would be moving large sums of in game plat from time to time (not illegal currency).
IIRC,my own account was flagged for some a riduculous amount of plat over a 12 month period (millions rings a bell lol),and rightly so,as I was the guild banker lol.
I must see if I still have that E-mail somewhere,I did keep it around for some time to have laughs with old guildies that I ran into in newer games. =P
We are girt by sea yes ?
No game, as far as I’m aware, has ever banned buyers. See, here’s the thing. Those buyers, they’re also customers of ANet. Those buyers, I’d assume, will continue to play longer because they have their (wrongly acquired) gold. So as much as it sucks, it’s somewhat counter-productive to the game-makers to actually kill the buyers.
Actually…you’re not very aware of this but Guild Wars openly banned many buyers of illegally obtained gold…
Yes! I just found this out. And LOTRO too. I’m surprised, this is a first. WoW, as far as I’ve heard, has never actually banned anyone. Or Everquest 1. Or Everquest 2. Or …. well any other game I’ve played LOL
Actually,Everquest1 origianlly had a policy of banning any account that moved/traded a high sum of money,regardless of prior suspicion or not.
I know personally some players that had and I myself have been perma-banned from EQ1 for moving/trading a large sum of in game currency between guild members.I belonged to a very large long standing guild for years in EQ1,so when we got the E-mail notice,none of us felt the urge to appeal the decision and return (was new MMOs coming out).
I’m happy that we got banned,because it showed what we new all along,that in early EQ1,the devs cared,the server GMs were active and had we appealed we would have been reinstated.
In earlier games,the GMs were like celebrities of their home servers,these days however,well you’d be lucky to find a GM in a game.
So that will make three full time low population servers (at least in my time zone) ?
For those reporting bots, how do you know they are bots and not multiboxers?
I’m a multiboxer – which means…
I play many accounts at the same time. I’m currently playing eight characters at about level 40 each on the Eredon Terrace world and once they reach level 48, I will join with the other four characters to play a total of 12 accounts at the same time.
A multiboxer that plays many accounts and doesn’t have automation is allowed and is within the Guild Wars 2 User Agreement. I am aware there are other multiboxers on other worlds.
The reason I’m mentioning this is because if you are aware that a player is behind the keyboard playing several accounts and you report that player for botting, you are knowingly false reporting. Falsely reporting a player for botting is against the Guild Wars 2 User Agreement.
8 characters,soon to be 12 ?
Holy kitten,I’m real jelly mate =)
Most accounts I could handle comfortably and manually with seperate keyboards,mice and monitors for GW2,would be two,maybe three.That you even have 12 fully equipped rigs in one room is amazing in itself. =O
Or are we talking one computer with multi accounts sharing periphial input via a,not so in game feature ? If so.then,I’m not so jelly…. ;p
(edited by Temper.7265)
Be aware of the location and situation of defeated players as a very small amount of downed players are griefers.
Usually partied up with at least one other player who also has a twisted sense of fun by taking advantage of others kindness/generosity.,who might or might not be taking vid footage of the sad affair.
I’ve managed to have this happen once at the Overlords captains event location (without event going).Soon as I got to the defeated player and began a lengthy process to rez (guardian with bubble,rez run repeat) and had sufficient aggro of numerous mobs,he ports out.This was followed by lols and hahas from at least 3 different players in PM.
Won’t stop me from rezzing,but will make me think twice about the location of the downed player.
(edited by Temper.7265)
To Original post,
This is mostly only an issue with zerged DEs,best just stick to ranged at these events and keep on the move,saving evasion for when you really need it.
Train to xxxx zone ! Move it ,or lose it !
I actually miss seeing stuff like that in games today.It always gave the players in game something to social about and have a laugh or just band together in general.
Of coarse back in the day when it was deemed approriate to give train warning shouts,if anyone got flattened by the train,we would organize a rescue party. (yes,some games content WAS that hard years ago,and death penalties were harsh by todays standards)
At any rate,unless you get one hit killed by mobs in GW2,you can always do a runner and lose aggro in a matter of seconds,then come back to whatever you were doing.
Situational awareness skills are worth honing no ? =P
Ya,lol.I died three times in an hour (was seriously under level for zone),I type a simple TY in /say channel and get suppressed on the third time.
It’s funny because scrolling back thru the chat text,the only two things listed from me in the entire chat for an hour or more was TY twice,and a good length of time apart from each other at that.
this game hasn’t turned out very social by design hahaha
lol,if I played any less,then I may as well uninstall.
Originally I purchased GW2 to party up and have fun with other players,what I got was mostly a internet connection required singleplayer game,even while being a member of a long standing multi-national gaming Clan,on a server that is populated as full with other palyers my time zone (AUS).
Go figure ?
Not blaming the game or the developers mind you,just noting my experience.
Sadly Anet,a normally legit portion of your player base has taken to botting as well,this is what happens with inaction.
If you can’t beat em,join em ?
I kindly wrote a few weeks ago that,DR with a monthly bot ban with zero active server GMs,will not deter botting.It encourages it.
Enough damage has been done in one month to warrant deployment of server character rollbacks,which in turn,again will hit the legit players more so than botters.
Being an ex-botter of games that allow it in some form or another,I follow with interest what the bot community is up to and capable of.And as far as I can see,a whole bunch of hurt is coming GW2 way.
I support live active server GMs banning without mercy,with appeal only to customer support.Paid or volenteer.
I have all 8 classes,ranging from 16 to 28 and don’t really feel any of them play a lot different from each other,besides their armor allowances and class bugs 9lol)
I also tend to play a different class every night/day because I just don’t click with any one class inparticular.
Currently I’ve rerolled all humans and am doing an area at a time with each class one after the other.
Also,with the solo gameplay style mechanics of this game,I very much doubt that I’ll attain level 80 with any one class,as it’s boring me to tears playing solo and I’m spending less and less time actually playing or logging in.
I’m more a team player and party animal..which is my problem not the games tho.
Playing Torchlight 2
This. lol
Maybe I’ll be back soon,maybe I’ll be back later,maybe I won’t be back at all,who knows,I don’t.
Yeah,I apologize,I didn’t mean to come off as rude.Multi boxing seems to cover a very wide range of things these days,compared to its original meaning,when first coined.
I’ve been using/playing with multiple computers for around 28 years in a lot of different types of games from ARPGs,MMOs,RTS and its just so second nature to me to manage so many periphials at once.
I will say tho,that I do not play multiples in GW2 because it wasn’t made with playing multi accounts in mind,which is apparent by the lack of in game commands.Plus it has a very fast combat system that would leave me drained for any more than a few fights.
I left WoW before the first expansion,so anything to do with that game is pretty much lost on me. =P
Ah… all the multiboxers trying to justify themselves, funny. You gain an unfair advantage, period. It is basically botting, you’re controlling multiple characters with one keyboard. That’s not humanly possible without some sort of program. So don’t give me that BS.
Nope three towers,three keyboards,three mice,three monitors,three accounts,one internet connection,no scripts,no macros,no third party programs,no bots.
Mind elaboratiing how I make mad profits ?
I’m sorry you aren’t able to multi task and use more than one rig at a time.You sound mad ?
I just get the feeling that this is an Asian farming thing, not your wife’s and child’s loved character.
To true,
And that my good sir is botting or if you like one cumputer running up to but not limited to 5 to 10 accounts on one PC,or maybe even multibox botting several accounts.
Multi boxing dosn’t make one a botter,just the same as playing one account dosn’t make one a botter.
It’s what you do with said accounts that make a botter.I dunno,I could log all family accounts in right now and none of you would ever know the difference,it wont break the game,destroy the economy,get accounts hacked or make me any richer with in game funds.
lol I played GW1 since it’s release,using multiple computers to play when my family couldn’t play together.Never had a warning,infraction or anything,guess you just can’t ban players that can multi task more than one character at a time,with no third party programs. lol
Anyway Cheers people,been a good discussion. =P
Nope I could control all three accounts from all three computers at the same time.I wouldnt have to prove a thing,three seperate machines,one person playing them all,no scripts no macros,no overabundance of loot,no overabundance of gold.
All three characters have the same requirements/desires to be filled out,they aren’t cookie cutter bots remember,these are loved toons that their owners have attachment to.
My character,my wifes character and my sons character all require armor,weapons,crafting mats,we all want exotics.there is no bot running them 24/7,they would only acquire what I can personally gather,the same amount we would get playing together,if not less because playing multiple accounts at once would be so slow in GW2.Unless a bot is used,but then it’s multibox botting lol.
It’s not apples and oranges,because the ISP is shared through our LAN,it’s what makes our network possible.
That definition of multi boxing is incomplete/incorrect,because it’s possible to run up ten accounts on one PC,that isn’t multi boxing and it’s a lazy way to describe multi boxing.
I’m not claiming anything,I’m stating a fact.It does not require third party programs.I don’t need to post proof how to do it,any idiot can do it.
Multi boxing in games dosn’t gain me any advantage,all it does is help me to keep my familys toons somewehat closer in level when they can’t play,so that when we can play together,we aren’t forever going back to lower level maps.
Would you care to elaborate on how playing manually three accounts at once from three different computers,without the use of scripts/macros/third party software grants me some form of advantage ?
I’m making no assumptions in this thread,I reply with only the fact that I’ve been there and done that,have you ?
(edited by Temper.7265)
Each character gets his own loot
4 characters = x4 loot + x4 money + x4 mining etc , for 1 real person :P
Yeah that’s right…and four times the work with no scripts/macros/third party software,with just little old me plugging away on three keyboards/mice,watching three monitors at once.Guess that makes me the third party software……I guarantee I’ve played way harder than using just one account lol.
If you are counting LAN software/hardware as third party programs and such,then best you ban myself,my wife and my son because we share the LAN,we share the ISP,we share the IP.In fact you’d have to ban a good portion of my Guild,as most of us are parents with kids that play with networked PCs.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again,multi boxing and botting are two completely different things and having said that,I do not multi box in this game because it’s not designed in a way that promotes it.
EDIT: I’ve read that post,in fact I posted in it =P
While I don’t agree with the policy on multi boxing on Anets behalf I accept it.However,the opinion that Multi boxing requires third party software,is just that,an opinion,it isn’t a fact.
Fact is,it does not require third party software and never has,never will.
(edited by Temper.7265)
No live,active server GMs (paid or volenteer) mercilessly banning botters with appeal only to support ?
Automated anti-bot measures ?
Support trawling thru backlogs of up to a month and beyond ?
I applaud Anet for taking time to inform and educate their player base.
Don’t fret about it ericade,it will all work out. =)
Without active GMs you cant be banned without collected and revised evidence.
With the current setup,as far as I can see,Anet have to revise logs of all who are reported first and in case of no evidence such as yourself,it’s a non event too your knowledge.
Edit: Just caught your edit/post =P
Still,dont be bothered by it on your behalf,you only did what Anet suggest to do.
(edited by Temper.7265)
Hi,my name is Temper.I live in Australia and I am an exploiter of WvW by night capping.
Happy ? Is that what you would like to hear OP ?
I could add something constructive as I have in the past,but it would most likely be ignored in favor of region locking and community segregation.
Im sorry your unhappy with the status quo and many players are too
Botters contributing to the community,that’s a fantastic point of view.
Griefing/harrasing botters,now thats worth its own weight in gold. =P
You could possibly turn /map off,and just rely on your guild chat.
Masterpyro,don’t worry about it mate,let others report,Anet can retrieve logs for just about anything they need and false reporting is an offense,not sure what the punishment is tho.
Botters have already had huge, far-reaching effects on the GW2 economy. Why do you think there’s anti-farming protocol in effect?
Pretty much this
Anet may very well be about to blitz botters with a mass ban and simultaneously add GMs to servers or botkill progs,I dunno.
But what then,are they going to rectify the econ with rollbacks? Will Anet improve item,gold,karma tables and encounter scaling for legit players ?
Maybe Anet have a master plan. =P
I hope it works to alls satisfaction.
Nope it dosnt require the use at of third party progs at all.
I’ll go buy two more accounts and prove can watch me manually play 3 accounts at once on three different machines.You’ll get bored pretty quick tho. =P
Multi boxing of the truest sense is multi rigs with single accounts,all played by one person manually,without the use of macros or third party progs. =)
I agree
It’s not encouraging server community pride by detering WvW through extra money sinks.
I support multi-boxing, as described by Temper. if you have the ability to alt-tab between 2+ characters and maintain their effectiveness, more power to you. It’s another story when hardware or software aided multi-boxing enters the picture though.
In the truest sense of multi boxing,when I multi box,I use up to but not limited to,five networked PCs,completely independant of each other and all working from their own monitors,keyboards and mouse. =)
It can actually become a drain on the brain after a few hours lol.the more tired you get,the less boxes are in use for obvious reasons haha.II have typo problems with just one account running. =P
There are different kinds of multi boxing.
There is the type that a has a hands on approach to all characters,personally using all skills and actions,except for following the lead character in party,which is in most games is easily achieved by in game features such as always/auto follow cmmands and assist character x commands.Mostly this type of multi boxer has them partied up and pretty much does the work of 4 to 6 players himself.It is pretty demanding
This kind of multi boxing however resides mainly in the old school type MMOs and ARPGs.
Then there is what we are seeing currently,which is blatant multi box botting or botting multi accounts on one machine.
The majority of current crop of games aren’t designed for manual multi boxing,hence the lack of built-in automated commands for frequently used actions (auto follow the most obvious).
I would suggest that the players you’ve seen running around with 5 plus warriors or similar are in fact botters,not multi boxers.
I too am interested what Anets stance is on multi boxing (I already know there stance on botting) as there is a distinct dfference between the two.One is automated and one is manual.
I just read through some dev responses, and botting was one thing that was mentioned but ‘we are dealing with more important things first.’
I have to say, the dozens of botters I have seen, the numerous reports, the many videos posted showing hacking and botting going on at the same time, across all servers, is ridiculous. These folks aren’t just botting, they’re selling gold outside the TP, and flooding the TP with items. The psychological hit to many players who see these botters and who realize they are ‘missing out’ on tons of gold that they could have otherwise if they started up a botting program themselves while they sleep is pretty bad. The long-term inflation and large-scale third party gold selling also damages the economy and playerbase as a whole.
So not sure how this is not one of the top priorities checked every single day.
Maybe it’s not ‘the most urgent thing to fix’ right now, and I assure you I am very much accepting that there will always be bots, but the lack of having a single employee go around each server to the common botting spots and /ban all the folks who are doing it – easily doable in a single work day – is discouraging. I don’t mind weapon clipping, or any of the other bugs, but blatantly allowing botters and now telling them ‘ehhh not a priority keep on botting, hope you make it profitable enough before we ban you’ is not good.
Probably the worst thing is the immersion lost from seeing players every day teleporting around and botting. I’m surprised that at this level of lack of attention, there’s not more people using it in WvW.
Even if you’re working on it, allowing it to happen long enough to ‘make it profitable’ for them is too long. Security should always be a top priority.
Let me make it clear that i agree that botters need to be handle with but i do not agree with whats being said.
1. How do you know they are botters?
2. How does these botters affect your gameplay? Economically, they should not have any noticeable impact on your ability to accumulate wealth since all botters combine probably will not even account for 1% of the global wealth.
3. psychological impact… really? Do you feel bad that you missed out on your ability to generate easy money by selling illegal drugs?
Enabler posters……sigh
This from an ex multi box botter (not this game or recent games)
I’ve posted in numerous bot threads,trying to make ignorant players aware of the damage that botting does to games that are not designed with botting in mind.
Currently I have only three towers sitting before me(and I’ve downscaled my number of rigs).Each capable of running ten bots 24/7.With 30 bots running 24/7 for a month I can single handedly ruin my servers TP econ,in a couple of different ways.
FYI: Botters make up the majority of the top 1% wealth owners in online games.
I can destroy any hope that a solo wandering adventurer may have of completing an event with maximum rewards,making that player consider moving to a less bot infested game.
If I decide to take my bots to WvW,I dispalce quite possibly hundreds of players on my server queueing up to play,as the bots WILL be sitting in there 24/7 for who knows how long.
Botters,pro or amateur add,absolutely nothing to your servers community,economy or gameplay that is beneficial.
Live active dedicated server GMs are the only way t deter botters.And banning on a daiily basis is the only way t financially crush the pro botters.Mass bans once a month do nt deter botting.
I’m not confusing anything,any type of bot use,casual or professional is a danger to any game that isn’t specificlly designed for play with the use of a bot.
I am an ex multi box botter,that has partaken in the virtual profit on offer.Not recent mind you,if that helps shed some light on why I’m so tough love stance on botters currently.
This very moment I still have 3 towers sitting right in front of me that are more than capable of running up to at least 5 instances of GW 2 each,simultaneuosly (at max settings) more if I decided to check it out for botting.I can safely say that by months end,I’d have more than made up for these accounts if I were laundering.Even if I were to bot one account for personal use,I’d seriously be able to afford a new one by the end of the month,with real world money
I consider that I myself were a casual botter.(not for real world monetary profit)
I know very well the damage that can be caused by one player with just one 24/7 session to a games loot tables,economy and gameplay mechanics,with just ten to fifteen bots on one server.
I can log in daily and casually wander for a few hours from 1 to 15 and 15 to 25 starter areas (most predominantly the human areas) and without doubt,count up to 50 plus bots,without even going to the bot hot spots.Higher level players report to me the same thing in higher level zones.Some of these are casual and some are pro it makes no difference,it’s the sheer number of them that count.
Now take into consideration that players are reporting up to 20 odd bots in WvW in a lot of servers and that a PvP bot is almost ready for use,then we have a huge problem accumulating over a months time.
The only deterent to bot users is Server specific GMs banning accounts,without mercy,daily with appeal only to customer support.
I admire that Anet and yourself believe that you can save peoples accounts from being stolen,but that is addressing a symptom,not an ailment.And you are right,account security is a whole other kettle of fish.
Oh wow,this subject takes me back to my EQ1 days lol.
At least back then,for the majority of train encounters,the offending party sent out a warning shout.In fact iirc,most of us had macros dedicated to the train Warning shout. haha
At any rate,mobs don’t aggro for long distances in GW2,like they used to in the older games,and it’s pretty easy to distance them and come back after.
The worse thing I have seen is players luring mobs to waypoints and leaving them sit on top of the waypoint for unsuspecting travellers.
You tools making these threads every 10 minutes in every subsection are just promoting bot use..Now some people are going to be searching the interwebs for a bot they prolly would have never known about or thought they would even have this early in teh game…Report to GM and stop making these threads if you care about botters…Not like 200 threads a day is going to change the fact there will be botters in all games that virtual currency exists..
Sanbox is over that way —-→ try not to get sand in your eyes,when you pull your head out please.
rofl…report to what GM ? umad bout sum bro !? U got a bot workin for ya ?
Live and active GM prescence needed please Anet.
lol yup,already in WvW taking up queue space.
A fully functional PvP bot is almost done,it will need tweaking of coarse,but hey,without daily banning,they have the time to tweak it.
I can show you right now on GoM bots navigating hard terrain if you like.They can jump over,go round,teleport through,whatever floats a botters boat. =)
mostly set routine waypoints,chosen before hand,terrain is NOT an issue and resource gathering can be done on a set route that covers a wide variety of wildlife and up to at least three events,giving the bot user a wide variety of lot table.xp and karma tables.and if the bot takes a dirt nap,itis set to respawn at a desired portal.
The latest bots go far beyond an keyboard with macro keys lol.
PvP bot is almost done,gonna here some whining when that’s out for bot subscribers
I’m a bad person,because I have no remorse for banning players stolen accounts that caved into buying gold/goods outside of official sources.
Besides,the rightfull owner has the option to appeal and reclaim with Anet.They need to be banned while they are stolen property tho.
Ban daily by server GMs please.