Showing Posts For Templar.4512:
2 Months is not really that old I think? Besides it’s going to take longer than 2 months to come up with some things that are an improvement over the horrible drops in GW2.
Two months is not a lot, yes. But two years is, and this has been going on for two years.
The bigger problem is that we shouldn’t even have worried about drops, since this shouldn’t have been a part of the game, at least the game in the “manifesto”. Same with raids.
Yet here we are, having threads about drops, RNG, and now even raids.
What a necro. I don’t understand why you people even bring this up again. It’s clearly been abandoned by the devs. Let it sink.
Complacency gets you nowhere.
It never gets anyone anywhere, yet that’s what’s happening to the feedback threads.
It’s easy to keep up with the state of the game even after you’ve left. Just follow changelogs and watch a few videos. There’s isn’t much new content anyway, honestly. It’s not like we’ve missed an expansion.
That is so very odd. What I would have considered childish is to engage in constant name calling and the like, not an effort to reduce such behavior. I guess, “you are a big fat meanie,” is not childish but, “hey guys lets try to avoid name calling,” is ?
This post definitely wasn’t a “hey guys lets try to avoid name calling”. It was a “I make this pledge! Come, everyone, follow me on an adventure to not use these terms and use other, equally-insulting terms instead!”
I am getting tired of all inactive players who throws filth on these forums…
Not sure how you know these players are inactive. The minute we start saying one person’s opinion is genuine and the other person’s opinion is trolling is where we get into trouble. We just have to deal with it.
Always write your opinion, positive or negative, with a smile on your face and a smile in your heart.
Listen to this man! Nicely put!
Discussion boards are for DISCUSSIONS. Some people want to post their opinions, even if they are negative. Why can’t you understand this? There is negativity because some people disagree with some things, just like in real life.
Don’t be sheltered and call it trolling. It is something that should be taken seriously. Most such posts voice opinions, and that can be constructive for the devs. This forums is not only for ‘constructively positive’ posts. It’s no a church where everyone meets to praise something. Deal with it.
This is unbelievably childish. You think because you post your ‘pledge’ people will suddenly follow you, like some sort of kindergarten teacher with the little knobs?
Sorry, but you should put some shrimp on your barbie.
What a necro. I don’t understand why you people even bring this up again. It’s clearly been abandoned by the devs. Let it sink.
My top 5:
1) Guild Wars 2
2) Guild Wars 2 Forums
3) Guild Wars 2 interviews
4) Guild Wars 2 presentations
5) Guild Wars 2 merchandise
How to make this fun? You don’t, really.
I also quit after a while. I found it was a completely different game than what was advertised and what was in the manifesto.
The harsh forum crowd-control didn’t help with my venting either.
“underpaid and overworked”, I would not go that far.
How could you know this for sure?Anyway, pretty sure that they have a lot going on 3 month break for 1 map would be insane…
Please read company ratings and reviews. Most people complain about management, and this is clearly reflecting inside the game.
Why was the LS2 delayed to Nov 4? I thought it’d only be delayed for a month? Isn’t that what they said before starting the blogs?
They do. They sway the opinion of newer members. However, that’s my opinion and it does have a foundation. Looking at the posting history of some members is enough. I’m not going to talk about this anymore.
Also, I expressed my opinion that a certain member here might actually be an employee in disguise. I promptly received an infraction, my post was deleted and so were any posts agreeing with, and quoting it.
> points to developer post in another thread:
You do realize they would never admit, don’t you?
If they are pulling this, they must be really desperate. Same happened to SWTOR when they realized they had no success.
*why would anyone care if another person is VIP?
Does them spending money irritate you so much that you would quit?*
Or maybe it’s the idea that after spending money for a year they will get a precursor (not even a full legendary).
Ohh, someone is willing to spend money to support the game… bad man!
None of the benefits seem like it would have any impact on PvP except maybe the precursor… after a full year of being VIP then doing the work to get the precursor crafted… oh and we maybe crafting precursors soon… so that whole VIP bonus drops in value.
Grow up, let people spend their money to be VIPs and stop being jealous of the Jones.
If Anet add VIP in any form I’m done for good. I own a collectors edition and buy gems so spending money obviously doesn’t bother me but add PTW and I’m out.
That’s fine, I bet the number of people that actually quit over something like this will look miniscule compared to the amount of people who will pay for the VIP/Subscription.
The VIP option will have ZERO negative effect on your game play, but hey, act like a child and quit over something that will only benefit you by giving Anet another source of revenue for future development.
little hint about making threats, people who spend money on this game regularly like you claim would actually welcome the ability to gain benefits and a discount by adding a subscription.
Let them play another game. GW2 is BTP which is why I played GW and why I play GW2 I bought gems to support the game and avoided the watchwork pick specifically because it’s borderline ptw.
Little hint, I don’t make idle threats
This. I also came here because everyone was equal and gems were only for those who wanted visual items.
However, teleporting to friend, limited trading, booster? This is a thinly veiled (is it even veiled?) cheap game. No, just no.
It’s not about being jealous of others paying, it’s about disliking a business model and just seeing people around with that icon. It’s irritating. Also, trade limit?!
Does it REALLY matter how ANet sells the stuff from cash shop?
Golem banker – already in shop
Black Lion traders – already in shop
Additional bags
Almost everything IS already in shop.So whats the big deal in putting it in one 30 days bundle and calling it “VIP status”
Please elaborate (for those who go even so far as “leaving the game” if this makes it in)
So will you still be playing if the VIP comes in?
I dont really care. Its standard practice to bundle items and sell them. Its not like gem shop doesnt have bundled items from launch.
Is it name that offends people “VIP status”?
What if they call it “monthly convenience bundle”? MCBundle ;P
The VIP system in china includes things such as:
Free precursors
The ability to trade more than 5 items a day (everyone else gets restricted)
A temporary 50% dmg booster
The ability to instantly port around the map (meaning if you don’t pay for that you will never get to an event in time again, no karma or gold for you)
40-50% discounts on gem store items which have increased pricesIf you don’t pay for VIP the game is gutted and unplayable. They offer convenience for the VIP players by removing it from all the other players.
And if you don’t think they’d do that, just look at SAB. you used to be able to easily get continue coins by a dozen different methods… one day the infinite continue coin gets put in the gem store and 99% of those methods are nerfed out of the game. Buy it or suffer was the message.
So, a VIP system really does exist in China? Any confirmation that it’s coming here?
Hey, Chris.
Although I disagree with the company policy and don’t like many things about the game, I wanted to just thank you for taking your time to communicate with the playerbase. Your rank is up high in the dev team, and you’ll be a very valuable link between the community and the rest of Anet.
As a developer, I know how hard it is to keep up, but I’m younger and not as experienced as you are. Also, as a dev, I know how hard it can be to just…socialize, and you’re doing a great job.
Thanks, Chris, you’re actually a nice guy!
omg….even Vayne given up hope.
Unless a red post comes in here and confirms we are not getting this VIP crap, this will definitely be rolled out sooner or later.
Man….its kindda hard to see the game self-destruct like that.
They’ve commented on it before. You want them to comment on it every week?
So is this real or not?
Bugfixes and apologies. Listing the patch notes would be too confusing for the new players.
This would just destroy the game, if it’s true.
Chris, you may be proud, but there’s been an uproar lately with the latest changes. You’ve also ignored the many complaints about the last ‘feature pack’.
I know you’re required to say those PR things, but are you honestly proud of the amazing team? These guys haven’t even put out half the content other teams managed to, and that’s having taken into account the many skins from the gemstore.
With some proper grammar, use of paragraphs and better spacing and formatting, you may be able to get your point across.
Also, I asume you are very young to be calling WoW a game for ‘your old man’.
This is more a comment on the fan’s reactions. I don’t think anyone at PC gamer tested it. They certainly didn’t say they did.
Ofcourse they don’t say it u whiteknight.
When I read a review on a gamesite and I don’t see anything where they litteraly tell that they played the game, then man, I won’t take that review seriously!!!Dude, your white knighting is losing its touch.
He’s not a white knight. However, I can’t state my opinion of what he really is, since I’ll get an infraction again. Just bear in mind that he is able to actively defend the game for at least 8 hours a day (check his posting history) and does so on every thread, with a PR-esque demeanor.
No, mate.
When did you start playing GW2? If you’re a ‘veteran’ like me, you’d know that after 2 years with NO sign of an expansion whatsoever, and a LS2 that leads nowhere near any of those 2 continents…you’re in for a disappointment.
WvW might get minor improvements (balancing) but that’s it, nothing else. Just look at sPvP.
Nope. This won’t make a difference. They didn’t revamp the trait systems (which is a much bigger issue), they won’t revamp the measly changes they did to leveling.
They did do nothing. We only received updates ported over from the CN version, which is essentially copy-pasted code. I don’t know what took them so long.
Completely disappointed. Changes long overdue. Beating a dead horse.
Of COURSE the bar has to be set high. That’s what makes progress.
Nope. /fifteenchar
I agree, this game is pretty shallow.
What does it have comparing to other MMOs?
The DEs are nothing more than thinly veiled grind quests (kill x of that, defend for y waves, fetch z of that). So are the hearts.
It has casting while moving. That’s ok I guess. You can dodge a few spells that way.
It has dodging. You can dodge two times in ten seconds. Whoa… so much action compared to other MMOs.
It has a bunch of currencies. Lots of them, actually.
It has no specific class roles.
It has a couple of buffs and debuffs, or, as they call them, “boons and conditions” which are always the same and don’t really work intuitively. There’s might, there’s chill, there’s swiftness. Same values, different durations OR same durations but different values OR prolonged (stacking duration?!)…meh, whatever. Hard to explain.
It has a couple of skills and…honestly, most of them don’t SYNERGIZE. Come on now…
It has some “class mechanics”… which are really things seen in every other MMO and can be boiled down to simple explanations.
It has lots of skins. And those help you with…uh…dressing up? I think that helps with roleplaying but this really isn’t a roleplaying-friendly game.
And it has a couple of bosses, but they behave like they’re braindead and, apart from a couple of dodges (remember, two over ten seconds), they require little to no input from the player.
It has a sort of capture-the-flag PvP. Most other MMOs have MANY different PvP modes.
Another form of PvP is WvWvW. But the framerates drop so low, and there’s so little you can do to change the course of an encounter that it’s sad. You just follow a zerg from point to point and capture, sometimes meeting another zerg and winning or losing depending on how many there are on either side.
We also have a personal story that’s horribly written and voiced. Sorry, I really don’t know who enjoys this part of the game. Also, it’s far from what I’d call ‘branching’.
It has underwater combat but it’s so clunky and confusing that it’s even been removed from PvP.
It also has many abandoned features, such as player housing, minigames, personality stuff.
As you can see, GW2 has lots of things. However, many of them are bad.
I don’t get it. The forums are the way they are for a reason. Stop calling us, the disgruntled fans, trolls.
Your answer is…
The gameplay is nice but you’ll get bored of it after a while.
The community is toxic because the developers don’t update the game, and they only release “feature packs” which not only do not solve the many bugs (some are even 2 year old) but also don’t add important features.
This game has nowhere near the content other games have received in a 2 year timespan. So enjoy it while you can, but as soon as you reach the endgame, there won’t be much to do.
Best regards!
Yeah, so you’ve had that burst of posts and now you’re silent again. Way to go, ANET.
Also, only replying to happy-go-lucky, positive comments won’t solve the issues of your disgruntled fans.
Well, all criteria were in place. When I wanted to place a bet, it said “Content temporarily disabled”
I’ve found another thread regarding this bug, and it’s over 12 months old…apparently, reporting doesn’t do much.
I’m sure lots of people would love having it…does Anet know about it?
No one? Really?
Does anybody know?
Why is the cow racing disabled in charradis estate?
I am not sure if there will be too many new zones. I thought they would rebuild LA, though?
I really don’t understand why some people that obviously don’t like the game, don’t want to play it, come here and post their complaints (vs useful critiques/criticisms).
I played WoW for a while, didn’t like it, quit playing it and never looked back; and certainly wouldn’t bother posting to some forum what I thought of it.
Because some of us can still see the potential and are waiting for something to bring us back
So what? Did you pay for an expansion or something? So entitled. This was a Living Story patch, not a Feature patch. No one said anything about balance changes, new classes/race, etc.
And tooltip fixes are very important. One thing this game lacks is user-friendly fast information. You highlight a skill in Dota 2, you get a bunch of useful crap. You hold alt and get even more useful crap. That’s good. GW2 needs more of that.
I am actually very glad you brought Dota2 to the table. How do they offer so many bugfixes in such a short time, and so much content too? Honestly, just look at the rapid Compendium delivery. It’s amazing…and you don’t pay for that either.
And why does everyone expect some singularly HUGE update when it’s a biweekly series of updates?
Everything ArenaNet makes is spread out across the updates of the season. A full season is an expansion’s worth of content, and by doing biweekly updates they get the first of it to us faster than releasing it all at once (and also keeps us playing the new content for longer than 10-18 hours before we ‘complete’ it because rushers don’t take time to explore the nook and crannies of content, just focus on the main plot and then complain that there’s nothing else when they finish it, despite skipping 80% of the content made).
You won’t get a singular huge content patch. You’ll get such spread out over a season.
And unlike Season 1, Season 2 is all permanent. So if you don’t want to play bit by bit and are one of those rushers, just log on once every 2 weeks for 5 seconds, and then start playing seriously in say, 6 months. Because that’s how long it’d take minimally for a full-fledged expansion that’s worth its salt (read: minimally).
There are only so many nooks and crannies in the span of two years…honestly.
Chase, I work in QA for another company. Bugs don’t take that long to fix, even in extremely large projects such as physics simulation engines.
And then again, you’d expect the skilled programmers at ANet to use the principles of encapsulation. Even then, if you knew what you were talking about, you’d notice how those spells are class-specific and they surely don’t tie to other objects
And how can other games work faster on fixing bugs? Please do tell
Why don’t you log in and find out for yourself? They kept it spoiler free for a reason.
It is a new, small zone. Yes, I did expect that. There are some events and some writing. That’s it. I think it’s not much, I believe much more could have been done, especially changes to how abilities work or readjustments. What I’ve seen were just minor bugfixes for which we should’ve waited two weeks tops, not 6 months.