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I absolutely agree as well. I would love if there was a way to deal with these kinds of items in a more streamlined way cause what bugs me right now is how inconsistent it all is.
Like, for example, there are some items that drop only for collections and actually have a nice little text “This item only has value as part of a collection” or something which indicates that it can be safely discarded or sold. So far so good. But then you have items that don’t and I’m never really sure if I can get rid of it or if I might need it later for something. It certainly doesn’t help when it turns out to be an item that gets this tedious “If you want to delete type in the name” extra step which makes it seem important enough that the devs don’t want you to delete it accidentally… but then it turns out you never need it for anything but until you find out it clutters up your inventory.
There are also items that I think would totally benefit from being integrated into the game adding some additional flavour. Like Gin’s collections should be handed in to him after finishing it. That would make the whole thing very satisfying.
Similarly, the books we collect would be perfect for being turned over to some agent/scholar/etc. I don’t even want a reward, just knowing that the information I collected would be interesting for someone in the game story-wise would be very satisfying already and I would know what to do with those things. But apparently they’re either meant to gather dust in my back pack or be thrown away entirely making the whole collection idea pretty pointless in the first place.
I personally don’t care whether or not the armour sets are race-locked but I really really want more race themed armour skins for non-human characters (i.e. planty armours for Sylvari, spirit themed armours for Norn, etc.) and I’m a bit disappointed with the few options we get. If you don’t like any of the cultural skins you’re left with some of the dungeons skins or hope that something fitting hits the gem store.
Great to see all of that revealed – finally! Working on those was great fun. <3
(Bree Freyasdottir <- that’s me btw lol)
I don’t know why everybody hates Trahaerne. I actually had quite fun listening to his ridiculous dialogues etc.
Can’t wait to see more.
lol same here. I’m not even his biggest fan but this ridiculous hate he gets makes me kinda like him more on principle. he’s so inoffensive that this “omg Thrahearne is the worst 5ever!!!111” meme got old pretty fast.
I don’t think anyone is asking for a handout here nor are they asking to be pampered. However, if you follow the thread, you will see pretty solid proof that many would like to see an alternative to jumping (even if it is difficult combat) in order to progress a paid for story so that disconnects, poor PC’s and disabilities don’t take away the enjoyment of some players.
In general I would agree with the criticism but at the same time I feel ANet did their best to make it as easy (and thus accessible) as possible. The cliffs were a lot harder to traverse (especially the first time around when they didn’t even have safety nets in certain places) and in general a lot of the gameplay already requires a minimum of coordination skills that apparently are not a problem for many critics here – so admittedly I have a hard time to understand the complaints when difficult combat is no problem yet a handful of ridiculously easy jumps are somehow becoming an enormous hurdle.
Just to make that clear:
- there are barely any enemies in that area so you (general you) can take your time to plan your jumps
- yes, the timer is annoying but at the same time -except for the JP at the very top- they don’t require you to make a gazillion jumps in 15sec but merely one or two
- they basically provide a new aspect fragment for every jump you have to do so there’s really no need to panic
- when you see an aspect fragment what you do is look around, plan your jump, then grab the fragment, then you jump and bob’s your uncle
- I give you that the map might be hard to navigate at first simply because you don’t know where you have to go (well, at least that happened to me) – but once you get familiar with the terrain you’ll see it’s really just a handful of jumps and not at all like a platform jump’n’run or whatever, not even like a JP by GW2 standards – in fact I’ve seen more difficult vistas in the game!
Now, if you have technical difficulties because your computer can’t handle the workload or your internet connection is pretty bad or just general patch-day madness then yes, that is pretty annoying and you have my sympathy. I also understand when you think the boss battle was a bit annoying because of the aspects. But in terms of general accessibility I don’t think the aspect jumping in itself makes it any harder for anyone to participate in S2.
Heirloom merchant back for a day or two
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Thalimae.3406
For the sake of peace and sanity I’d rather see them keeping vendors around for longer. It doesn’t hurt anyone and usually they don’t clash with the new content anyway. Like, for the current update we just deal with the aftermath, L.A. is still in ruins and I don’t see why those vendors wouldn’t be around the refugee camps and collecting lost stuff.
It’d be great if they could be exchanged for Fortune Scraps or something…
Hey guys!
Thought you might be interested in my artworks. Mostly my characters but also a recent commission.
Some more (older) paintings and drawings can be found here:
The dailies are a problem. They are meant to award you for “playing how you want to play”. Being online several hours a day I rarely get 5/9 dailies from playing how I want to play which includes doing most of the world bosses (Kills, veterans, mentor, kills in area X) and doing explorable dungeons (dungeon daily). I do not like WvW zergfest which is 2/9 every day and I certainly don’t eat 25 foods or use the toilet 5 times a day. Dailies ARE forced if you want laurels – But that is okay because they award you for how you want to play.. Oh wait.
Are you serious? The dailies are as easy as they can be. You can do them within an hour of just… well, doing what you described. I have no idea how you manage to not get them especially when playing several hours a day. I give you that occasionally there might be combinations of tasks that don’t work well for you. But you still should be able to get them easily most of the time.
OMG this is wonderful and super cute and so well done! <3
Sounds like a great idea!
I’m an artist and I’m offering commissions.
1. What type of work do you do? Digital? Traditional? Both?
Digital drawings and paintings. I could do traditional drawings as well but digital is less of a hassle.
2. What are your rates?
Depends on the kind of work you want. You can find detailed information here:
I’m taking real money – no ingame currency!
3. What are some links to your work?
see link above (and my dA gallery in general)
4. What materials/input do you require?
Screenshots would be good, I suppose. And maybe have a concrete idea about what you want.
Hope to hear from you!
Back in the days of GW1 you had floating rocks in the Asura areas “Riven Earth” and “Magus Stones”. My theory was always that they’re a result of Asuras experimenting with their magi tech.
There was of course also the floating castle in Kessex. It was indeed called “Wizard’s Tower” so again magic seems to be the obvious answer.
Oranges were originally a karma item from a renown heart vendor which could be purchased in bulk. (I think they weren’t even tradeable cause they were a karma item.)
This was changed with a patch and now you can only acquire oranges as a drop (from bags) or randomly from trees. You cannot get them in a bulk anymore.
I also was going to level cooking purely through discovery but gave up after my inventory and bank filled up. In the end I was mostly just baking pies and making other sweets. I don’t remember the % of discovery vs. producing though. Anyway, I’m at 400 now. but I also did a lot of that just with discovery.
For levelling in general I did revisit lower level zones but mostly to find karma vendors for bulk items or special farms (strawberries, potatoes, etc). However I already did several zones anyway at that point and I did gather everything on my way so I had quite enough mats in my collections. If you’re an avid gatherer anyway I don’t think there’s anything you’d have to “farm” (unless on those actual farms of course).
Killeen’s grave is in the north-west corner of the Ebonhawke map (don’t know what it’s called right now). You have to cross the Dragonbrand and you’ll find a small glade with a skillpoint.
During my fist visit I met grieving Gullik there. :’(
I can take down champions with my mesmer… with a lot of time and a lot of space… and maybe a little luck. It really depends a lot on the champion and the location.
I’ve found one of the biggest hindrances of soloing a champion are the mobs around it. Even if you killed them all before you engage the champion they often enough have an insane respawn rate and all of a sudden you don’t just fight a champion but also two veterans and a bunch of normals. Good luck getting out of there alive.
Yes, please! I found it kinda hard to coordinate a larger number of guild members. Up to 5 people it’s fine cause you can just join a group. 6+ is forcing you to form 2 and more groups. Even when you’re on the same TS or something it’s hard to coordinate the members under such circumstances cause one group can’t see the other and you always have to ask each other “WHERE THE KITTEN ARE YOU?!?”
I’m sorry, but how exactly do you guys think this would work? It’s easy to say “I want a pvp server!!” but what do you mean when you say that? Especially since you think WvW and sPvP are not enough and there needs to be a PvP server. How would you implement it into GW2? Where would you fight? Who is supposed to fight who?
There are 6 vistas in the area:
1) Lightfoot Passage (cave southeast of Fort Trinity)
2) airship at Fort Trinity
3) Krait island west of Fort Trinity
4) camp on the isle south of Fort Trinity
5) the Vizier’s Tower (west of 4)
6) Triumph Plaza
So which of these is missing from your map?
Why!?! (MAJOR Order of Whispers Spoiler: do NOT read if you have not done the lvl 50 quest)
Posted by: Thalimae.3406
I would have had less of a problem with it if it wasn’t such a pointless death. It’s basically 1) mentor character holds their “I have to hold them off” speech, 2) the big door/gate closes, 3) risen spawn instantly everywhere anyway as you run off to the boat. The way it is scripted it just looks like they’re throwing away their lives for the heck of it. I get what this was supposed to accomplish (getting angry at the risen and feeling that you have to revenge your mentor) but while I was fleeing I was rather angry at the stupid decision my mentor made (and how ANet wrote the scene) cause we could have easily taken them back to the boat if they’d just closed the door from the outside.
My reaction would have been a lot different if they’d be severely injured during the mission (“Ugh, I won’t make it! Fly, you fools!!”) or encircled by enemies during our escape or something along these lines. But holding a speech? Made me scream at them “FOR KITTENS SAKE!! Stop talking, we could’ve been save and sound on the boat already!! ARRGH rage”
The short answer to this is: It’s all explained in the lore.
In GW1 the Charr and Humans were at war. They have been for quite some time when you start the game and they were still at war for centuries after you finished it. In Eye of the North you first met/discovered the Asura and Norn and you as the player had to unite the races to fight the destroyers. You even make a few friends among the Charr though it won’t end the war.
As others have pointed out, the Norn don’t have an army. When you finished befriending the Norn and they show up for the final fight their “army” consisted of a hand full of people who are in for an epic fight just for the fun.
The Asura think they are superior to other races and thus destined to rule over them by virtue of their intellect but they are not necessarily interested to destroy them all. Also, what would they do without a proper amount of test objects to test their new inventions?
Further, the books explain a bit of what happened in between GW1 and Gw2. In particular The Ghosts of Ascalon describes how the truce between the Charr and Humans came to be. There is a lot of resentment between the races but they managed to get their kittens together to fight the dragons just before GW2 starts. If you go to Ebonhawke you will find that there are still plenty of Charr and Humans who disagree with the truce. So the situation is far from being all sunshine and lollipops.
I did the Cursed Shore yesterday and it wasn’t all that hard. Sure I died a few times but that was mainly cause I didn’t pay attention to the environment or mobs so I ended up in a tough spot. However it’s a lot easier running around with at least one other player to watch each other’s backs. If you don’t like groups maybe you should at least consider grabbing a buddy to accompany you or temporarily team up with other players as soon as you see them. If you have to flee and there’s no other way run towards other players (as long as they don’t stand around in an otherwise save spot being afk) and then kill the mobs together.
So yeah, if you’re careful you can indeed solo everything but GW2 is designed around the premise that working together should be beneficial and Imho it shows especially in Orr where everything is sooo much easier with other people around.
I finished levelling tailor to 400 yesterday with the help of your guide. However I found the materials and crafts you recommended didn’t get me to the required level to continue with the next tier. I suppose your guide works well with a craft xp boost but since I don’t use them I needed to do a couple more crafts. (Sadly, I didn’t take notes while crafting, but maybe someone else can look into it?)
gold sellers in-game mailing me. (how can I stop this?)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Thalimae.3406
I have a question related to this: When we see gold-sellers advertising their “services” ingame shall we report them? If yes for what? Spamming? Scamming? Botting? The one I saw today has a rather normal short name which makes me fear that his may be a hacked account.