Showing Posts For ThatNAESLGuard.6238:

My Take on 'Next Best Sigils'

in Guardian

Posted by: ThatNAESLGuard.6238


Agility/anullment on sword if you have it
cleansing/escape or something on lb.
trust me on the agility annulment sword, you’ll love it after 2 swaps


[PvP] The Patch and Meta in S7

in Guardian

Posted by: ThatNAESLGuard.6238


Been working on the next meta build, we’re never gonna be as good as last meta with longbow as we were last meta, and symbols is simply a bad build in pvp besides pushing far and living.

Here’s a build I came up with that’s a good control spec with decent 1v1 and great teamfight/skirmishes (but haven’t fully tested). It uses hammer and scepter/focus and works best with a necro and revenant (power or condi) to hit your target that you cc. It plays a lot like old hammer spec played if you remember that “fun” build. I haven’t tested it that much so let me know any feedback.

Scepter/focus should be cleansing and anullment.
The only sigil that’s adjustable on this build is cleansing, others are required. Anullment is a busted sigil btw, everyone should be running it.

You’ll probably love the busted hammer swap into mightyblow, it just reks things. Yes I think bane signet is a real pick, test of faith has been nerfed 1 too many times to be that good right now. Enjoy deleting the OP thieves with 1 skill and forcing dodges with signet stow spamming.

Next meta build xD …dude u will get pwned with the new condi meta u only have 3 condicleans (6 conditions u can clean).
Why u use DH if u only use the heal trap and don’t tof?
Ur saying symbols are bad but u use a weapon with heavy symbol dmg …..and hammer has symbols too.
Ur right if u wanted to say ,that wasting ur points in honor trait line is useless .
But I don’t think this will be next meta .
I think it will be S/S / S/F
Virtues , DH and Valor

I’ll let you know how our scrims vs abjured go in the next couple days while you face silver players in unranked q.
Also learn2 blast finish, it’s actually a thing.


[PvP] The Patch and Meta in S7

in Guardian

Posted by: ThatNAESLGuard.6238


Been working on the next meta build, we’re never gonna be as good as last meta with longbow as we were last meta, and symbols is simply a bad build in pvp besides pushing far and living.

Here’s a build I came up with that’s a good control spec with decent 1v1 and great teamfight/skirmishes (but haven’t fully tested). It uses hammer and scepter/focus and works best with a necro and revenant (power or condi) to hit your target that you cc. It plays a lot like old hammer spec played if you remember that “fun” build. I haven’t tested it that much so let me know any feedback.

Scepter/focus should be cleansing and anullment.
The only sigil that’s adjustable on this build is cleansing, others are required. Anullment is a busted sigil btw, everyone should be running it.

You’ll probably love the busted hammer swap into mightyblow, it just reks things. Yes I think bane signet is a real pick, test of faith has been nerfed 1 too many times to be that good right now. Enjoy deleting the OP thieves with 1 skill and forcing dodges with signet stow spamming.


PvP is dead

in PvP

Posted by: ThatNAESLGuard.6238


This problem was created over multiple seasons.

The “competitive” matchmaking of s2-s3 was a big contributor. I find it amusing to see some of the same players who liked that system so well now complaining about being matched above there skill level.

I assume that it’s fun to crush games and exploit “noobs.” The problem is that sooner or later you run out of people willing to put up with it.

Now the rewards are too low to make it worthwhile for many players. They know they will be going into class stacked, uneven matches. That simply isn’t fun.

Et Voila, you get the situation we have now.

Sadly, I suspect that much of the development resources at ANET have been focused on raids and the new animated armor set.

Every single ESL or near ESL player disliked stackign once they got into legendary. It was ok getting us into the right division but after that we wanted it disabled.


Please make match making better

in PvP

Posted by: ThatNAESLGuard.6238


At any given time there’s probably 10 or less players in the top 250 playing. gl not playing vs any top player who is qing


EU better at PvP than NA?

in PvP

Posted by: ThatNAESLGuard.6238


EU has way more good players (and any players for that matter) than NA so if you have high mmr in NA you’re going to have terrible games. otherwise it doesn’t really matter. so yeah high mmr NA is basically a clown fiesta


Is Vault bugged or are people DPS hacking?

in PvP

Posted by: ThatNAESLGuard.6238


This thread truly showcases the PvP powerhouse that is NA gold tier.

this lul


Why is renewed focus interruptible ?

in Guardian

Posted by: ThatNAESLGuard.6238


0s windup so according to ur definition it could be instant cast. and I can confirm that RF is not affected by pulm or basi. An enemy CANNOT Interupt RF. only 4 things can in pvp: dodge, swap, stow and jump pads.


D/D Condi Thief Needs More Nerfs

in PvP

Posted by: ThatNAESLGuard.6238


The funny thing is everyone saying the build is easy to beat when I know for a fact every single person who said that in this thread would lose to maygi in a 1v2


2 major ways to improve spvp

in PvP

Posted by: ThatNAESLGuard.6238


the more skills a class have the longer the cds should be. the less skills the shorter the cds. also more powerful skills should have longer cd and less powerful shorter cds ofc. I feel like the speed in this game is fine right now, however a lot of that got lopsided with HoT.


No more ESL. Why not TOL?

in PvP

Posted by: ThatNAESLGuard.6238


+1 we like money but we like gw2 competitive teams even more


ESL Guild Wars 2 Officially Shutdown.

in PvP

Posted by: ThatNAESLGuard.6238


id be fine with 1k$ tourney every month. 24k a year is nothing to anet and people will actually play PvP again. no one ever expected our tourneys to be 100k.

also @above almost no one quit school or work. like 10 people total maybe


ESL Guild Wars 2 Officially Shutdown.

in PvP

Posted by: ThatNAESLGuard.6238


I’m 1000% sure that esports funds and stuff never hampered dev time and effort on other things. If you feel like they were holding back because of tournaments, you are UTTERLY wrong. The only and I mean the ONLY reason anet hasn’t implemented some feature or mode you want is because that company is incompetent now compared to the talents who created the game.

All I can say is at least Grouch had the vision to try to bring the game to something that the creators of it wanted, but the monkeys who run it now are too incapable of doing.



in Guardian

Posted by: ThatNAESLGuard.6238


Above guy talked about pve so I’ll tell you about pvp.

In PVP heavy armor classes aren’t that amazing surprisingly, as most metas at least one of them is OP. ATM, revenant is the weakest class, but the balance is decent so even the weakest class can perform well.
Warriors are also similar to guardians in that they succeed in 1v1. Typically warriors are easier to play bc their builds are simple and the counterplay relies on dodging abilities (something that not even gold tier players can do). Therefore warriors are good in low tier and even semi high tier. Guardians on the other hand IN LOWER tiers rely on the fact that no one understands it’s abilities, like walking through traps etc. CC is also good on DH, since its aoe and easily landable unlike warrior’s single target CC. Anyway, in upper tier DH can still be good, but you have to be reasonably decent at it. I doubt if youre new to the game you’ll be above silver tier, so DH is probably the way to go for you.
In terms of FUN in pvp, both revenant and guardian are pretty fun. They explode people and knock them around doing a lot of dmg with a lot of sustain. However rev is harder to play, but imo more fun to play once you get it down. That said some ppl enjoy landing 1 skill on warrior and watching them die to condis over 10s lol.

Anyway here’s a quick breakdown of each class in 1 line:
Revenant: teamfighter DPS, finishes people off, melts bunkers, OK 1v1, strong 2v2’s with supports, kinda hard to play
Warrior: mostly 1v1 with conditions, hard to kill even in 1v2, can melt some bunkers overtime, strong 1v1, easy to play
Guardian: half 1v1 and half otherfights its decent in both, can be difficult to kill 1v2+ but takes the same amount of time for 1v1 due to reliance on cd, great for killing squishies but terrible for killing bunkers, pretty easy to play at low tier.


ESL Pro League Season 3 Announced

in PvP

Posted by: ThatNAESLGuard.6238




NL Weekly 5v5

in PvP

Posted by: ThatNAESLGuard.6238


Tournament postponed? Please update us with the schedule.

it will be the same time tomorrow. (friday 3/31)


Super Lag

in PvP

Posted by: ThatNAESLGuard.6238


Some changes were made that should help the issue.

we already postponed the community tourney. GG first tourney since ToL XD


Super Lag

in PvP

Posted by: ThatNAESLGuard.6238


I’m always against what anet wants, so I’m gonna keep playing their game! Ha!


NL Weekly 5v5

in PvP

Posted by: ThatNAESLGuard.6238


sign up boys show us how good that unranked 5 man is


Matchmaking picked the wrong player?

in PvP

Posted by: ThatNAESLGuard.6238


I was playing on my alt last night with some random I didn’t know. I haven’t finished my placements on him but his invisible rating is probably still above 1800.


NEW Video: Guardian Season 6 PvP Montage

in Guardian

Posted by: ThatNAESLGuard.6238


if you need to strafe just use rightclick


NEW Video: Guardian Season 6 PvP Montage

in Guardian

Posted by: ThatNAESLGuard.6238


yeah sure here’s my binds:

  • regular ASDW movement, AD turns not strafes
  • 2,3,4 regular skills
  • F skil 5
  • Caps lock 7 skill
  • Q 8 skill
  • E 9 skill
  • Z elite
  • Mouse side buttons have: F1, F2, F3, auto attack, and call target
  • Mouse button left of regular LMB is heal
  • Mouse button right of RMB look behind
  • Mouse 3 stow weapon
  • ~/` weapon swap
  • C interact
  • Shift dodge

think that covers everything. and this is my station



NEW Video: Guardian Season 6 PvP Montage

in Guardian

Posted by: ThatNAESLGuard.6238


was looking at your station setup and if you wanna try a new mouse maybe the new steelseries rival 500. it had bad software that made it disconnect for a while but thats fixed now, and it’s by far my favorite mouse.


Class/Build Recommendation for DH Player?

in PvP

Posted by: ThatNAESLGuard.6238


You could try the super cheesey condi thief build with d/d. It’s mega easy to play and almost guarantees gold placement just by existing on the map with it. You just push far and kill 99.9% of players cuz they don’t know how to counter it.


/GAMEEND issue

in PvP

Posted by: ThatNAESLGuard.6238


Right now if you use /gameend to rotate a map quickly (when the map isnt started) in your custom arena it will immediately go to overtime which is impossible to resolve. Your server will just get stuck in overtime and it’s annoying to fix.



Are we pathetic this season?

in Guardian

Posted by: ThatNAESLGuard.6238


I thinknow this season can be pretty frustrating for a lot of guards since there’s a lot of people playing sustain on engi druid ele. I’ve forgotten that not every guard can just out skill every other druid and engi in their 1v1. You really have to understand where you should be and what you can actually do on guardian. Ofc this applies to every class and is a fundamental of pvp, but you gotta be somewhere that favors you or allows your teammates to be favored without hindering you too much. Typically this means taking fights vs squishies like mesmers revs necros or even warriors. However some games you’re vs something annoying like ele engi warrior druid thief where you can’t easily win fights. One counter to this comp is just play the cheese symbol build with Max health siphoning that can just push far and easily dominate the node 1v1 and live 1v2. If you’re like me and refuse to play that cheese and stam on lb, then you still have to push 1v1 probably. You’re going to want to harass far and mid as much as you can. Fight mid which will probably stalemate, go far randomly and watch who follows. Either you’ll get a bad matchup like scrapper, in which case you might pull him anyway if there’s no ele for them at mid which gives your mid fight a possible advantage. Or it could be a druid with no stone up or a warrior which favors you. If you have a partner on thief or something he could easily come and finish off a druid or even a scrapper once you pop his S.

Oh yeah thief is ur best partner and necro is 2nd. Rev 3rd despite being weak. You want something with damage tor finish the heavies you can’t always kill


Anet, care to comment?

in PvP

Posted by: ThatNAESLGuard.6238


looks like anet took the highest rated player online and put him with the lowest player online then put them vs a bunch of 1500’s. yup worked as intended point equality > game quality


Season 6 Ranked PVP Builds you are using

in Guardian

Posted by: ThatNAESLGuard.6238


burn is bad and useless above (and probably in) gold tier. drives me insane when my teammates are burn and I bm’d falselights the other day for throwing a game playing it. though I think we still won that one.

What do you think of shield vs. focus?

Everyone says shield is good and it may be if guardian never has to 1v1. I personally always run focus with lb because you’re always going to be 1v1ing in this meta. The instant block is very good for a pseudo stun-breaker as well as allowing trade damage that favors you. Using shield is more offensive but imo forces you to use cds at inopportune times just for a knock back. I think cd management is the most important thing for guardians and therefore run focus.


Season 6 Ranked PVP Builds you are using

in Guardian

Posted by: ThatNAESLGuard.6238


burn is bad and useless above (and probably in) gold tier. drives me insane when my teammates are burn and I bm’d falselights the other day for throwing a game playing it. though I think we still won that one.


Losing placement due to DC.

in PvP

Posted by: ThatNAESLGuard.6238


If they’re gonna determine my “skill” based on only 10 games, then I don’t like the idea that a 4v5 loss is treated as any other loss..

You don’t lose rating for losing a 4v5 in the case of a disconnect.

Unless you are the person disconnecting or grouped with the person disconnecting you don’t lose rating for a prolonged DC.


Is there going to be a Pro league??

in PvP

Posted by: ThatNAESLGuard.6238


Grouch told us at the world championship they were going to do automated tourneys. Its been 6 months and they told us they want to work on them now. They’ve done nothing for 6 months. We might get automated tournaments in 2018. Maybe. If Evan doesn’t get pushed over to help raids cuz that’s all the people at anet care about.


Sigil Proposals

in PvP

Posted by: ThatNAESLGuard.6238


CMC, I’m like 80% sure you’re the reason for on crit removal since it’ll buff the kitten out of your terrible warrior. YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND BALANCE WELL ENOUGH FOR THE GAME TO BE BALANCED AFTER THIS CHANGE.


This game is literally dying and a change like this would kill off PVP even more.

The ONLY way this change should happen is if you take a lot of advice from good players. I mean like get Karl and Evan into a discord with at least 10-20 good players to explain everything that would HAVE to change for balance to be healthy.


(edited by ThatNAESLGuard.6238)

Sigil Proposals

in PvP

Posted by: ThatNAESLGuard.6238


Oh boy. Changes!

I’m just gonna go down the list. If I skip something, I don’t have anything to comment on it b/c it’s fine. This is from a competitive 5v5 perspective. I can’t speak for solo/duo queue.

On hit sigils:

Fraility: Fraility is kind of weak compared to Earth and Strength. I don’t know if it’ll be used ever. It gives you…a grand total of 3 extra vulnerability, under ideal circumstances. As opposed to Sigil of Strength, which gives you 3 or even more stacks of might if you have boon duration.


Sigil of Agility: This is fine. Good changes.

Sigil of Battle: Maybe increase duration of might. 5 seconds is a very short time. Possibly 4 stacks of might for 9 or 10 seconds?

Sigil of Doom: Good change, but I still think it should be closely looked at. I still think that if you’re having conditions like Cripple or Chill apply for only 2 or 3 seconds, you need to treat Poison similarly. I’m going to assume the reason you guys didn’t make Cripple or Chill apply for 2-3 seconds is because they’re just really annoying if they cripple you for, like, 7 seconds.. Poison is similarly annoying. Good changes, though. Five seconds is already kinda straddling the line between ‘good’ and ‘bad’, but I would consider knocking it down to three. A lot of builds already have a lot of condition duration. Five seconds would result in near perma-poison. And, for the purposes of 1v1’s, a lot of power builds can just kinda toss on doom sigil and have a crazy advantage against the other dude, some times.

Sigil of Exposure: Maybe increase to 6 seconds.

Sigil of Stagnation: This is never going to be used. This sigil is kind of doomed. You can’t really make it ‘good’ by making it apply a lot of cripple, because it’ll be super duper annoying, and honestly be super unfun to play against, so…rip sigil of stagnation.

Sigil of Hydromancy: Same as Stagnation. I would honestly add the damage back, but, if it’s going for your guys’ vision of the game, it works.

Sigil of Revelation: I feel like this is something that’s going to be too niche to be a real thing, and even then, I think the AoE on it is too tiny. I really don’t like the idea of this sigil. I don’t think it should be added. There’s already too much random stuff that can stop a stealthed Thief in most metas.

Sigil of Escape: …I don’t know about this one lmao. I don’t like it. I really don’t think it should be added. It seems kind of…idk. Kind of silly. I would be pretty angry if my carefully thought of stealth burst was ruined by a sigil that was useless 99% of the time. I don’t think this should be added.

Sigil of Lethargy: Interesting. I’d say this has potential. I would honestly kind of reccomend having this not interract with conidition duration. I could see it getting really annoying.

And now, passive.

I think these’ll be ok. Maybe not good enough to matter? Maybe remove up to 5% for Sigil of Compounding. Maybe make it, like, 7%. Sigil of Punishment is…idk. I think it should be kept at 5%. Again, I don’t know if it’ll matter. I think people will almost always pick Fire or Air just b/c more DPS increase. I don’t like making those sigils worse than this. This sigil punishes having boons on you, which is kinda counter intuitive IMO.

All sigils not listed will not exist according to devs.


Sigil Proposals

in PvP

Posted by: ThatNAESLGuard.6238


Yeah after thinking about this for a couple hours I’ve come to the decision that this idea of revamping sigils is an utterly BAD idea for pvp. It does nothing to really increase the quality of the game. If you want to reduce rng, just make on crits into on hits and nerf accordingly. All this change does is force the balance team into trying to figure out what will be different with 0 beta testing from anyone gold tier or higher. Aka bad Balance for at least 2 Balance cycles (8 months in gw2).

Just scrap this idea. It’s not worth it.


Sigil Proposals

in PvP

Posted by: ThatNAESLGuard.6238


Evan, these ideas are good and I like balancing sigils. However you have to realize how much this change impacts Balance. Removal of blood/air/fire may be a good idea in theory, but it will SIGNIFICANTLY reduce ALL damage in this game. That will inheritantly buff condi classes and sustain builds. These are the implications:
Druid and scrapper are stronger again due to direct damage basically not able to kill them any longer.
Guardians will be utterly unviable (rip me) since a significant amount of damage comes from crit sigils.
Necros, warriors, mesmers will be gods again.

Basically you might take thief since pulmonary is God mode, but besides that it’s all tank +condi builds.

I like the direction this ATTEMPTED to make but the effects on balance are far too significant for pvp to be healthy following a patch like this.

Oh well time to welcome the necro+warrior overlord meta.


Amulet, Rune, and Sigil Requests

in PvP

Posted by: ThatNAESLGuard.6238


Why no sigil suggestions

Boons on crit. Specific boon duration increase passively. How about a cripple sigil. Sigil that provide damage boost for a specific skill type? You guys might as well just finish up all the current sigils that are lacking counterparts like condi duration for every condi.


How do you kill a guardian as a necro?

in PvP

Posted by: ThatNAESLGuard.6238


Play Nos’ power build with plague and you’ll never lose 1v1 to a Guard ever again.
Source: literally the best guard ok don’t listen to anyone else here in gold tier


02/22/17 Guardian Changes

in Guardian

Posted by: ThatNAESLGuard.6238


Thanks for sharing your PoV lvloobs. You gave me a lot to think about

Will you give GS a… whirl?

Not a chance, they’d have to significantly change binding blade. Maybe post next expansion GS will be a good alternative weapon. Basically they need to make binding blade a precision strike, hitting 3-5x on a single target if theres only 1 target to hit.


02/22/17 Guardian Changes

in Guardian

Posted by: ThatNAESLGuard.6238


My thoughts on the change are that nothing really changed for guardian.

The purification nerf is just a nerf, obviously that’s going to be the case whenever a number is just reduced with no other changes. However the spear f1 change isn’t necessarily 100% a nerf. I haven’t logged in yet but if the spear has an easy to see animation you’ll be able to force extra dodges by stowing it. Previously guardian and DH never had a good baiting skill, but I think this will be our first one. Really happy about this tbh as I’ve mained guardian forever and have never been able to abuse this besides canceling GS#2 and making people think it was GS#5.

As for the blast change, it’ll be interesting. Ofc its a buff to hammer but it’s also a buff to focus since light fields are everywhere and that has our only instant blast.

Furthermore, team coordinated blasting might actually be relevant again since teamwide condi clears are really kittening good (compared to other blasts at least). The only blasts that were as good as condi clears were stealth and maybe water healing, but imo the damage you took from standing together long enough to heal basically made it useless since specialization power creep. Ofc we have to remember that this will buff engis which in the current meta are the DH’s competitor for side-node fighting role.

Moving onto our role, druid was buffed slightly with the shadowscale buffs which are definitely annoying for us (did they say the leap will be more animated? dunno). And ofc like I mentioned engis have a light field that they can blast for stronger condi cleanse, making them even stronger vs mesmer and warrior which is DH’s strongest points. If an engi has enough clenase to beat a mesmer AND run either elixir X or paladin, DH is basically kittened out of the side-node role. That would basically delete us from competitive play unless a strong symbol build emerges.

Onto new builds, it’ll be interesting to see how hammer can work now. Hammer was actually weak imo because it lacked enough blinds and cleanse that sw/f or Lb has. It was very susceptible to condi bursts imo, like the double 1H symbol build. Being able to use hammer as typically been strong vs engis and rangers, but I’m not sure how that will be post-HoT when both have significant access to stability. Furthermore a hammer is typically strong in teamfights; however, almost every viable build (BESIDES THIEF) has access to lots of stab. Maybe hammer will be good at shutting down thief? It’ll be tough to know until real teams start practicing again. For everyday soloqs you should probably stick to the meta LB and 2 1H symbol builds for now.


I wanna put my free time into this game again

in PvP

Posted by: ThatNAESLGuard.6238


But anet literally offers us nothing to play this. No announcements for more esp0rtz, not even decent community tournaments. Meta is stale and we all know Wednesday patch notes will be DH nerf, warr nerf, thief nerf, engi buff that barely changes anything at all. Even the season wasn’t very good because of rank abuse and the fact that losing a game that is impossible for any single person (or even any two people) gives you loss of rating worth 3-5 wins. Meanwhile they won’t start another season for at least a month, and automated tournaments and 2v2 deathmatches which they were at least discussing 6 months ago are probably not even being worked on because pvp has literally 1 dev.

Idk man, overwatch is fun, but GW2 is the game I’ve played for years now and I’d really like to continue playing it. Only problem is arenanet clearly doesn’t want us to play it anymore.


Praying for war/guard nerfs

in PvP

Posted by: ThatNAESLGuard.6238


figures this would be the thread when the only thing imbalanced is thief


Skill Balance Coming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ThatNAESLGuard.6238


oh I bet there will be more DH nerfs that I have to deal with, due to kittens not being able to dodge traps that aren’t viable above gold <8’^-)


class counter list

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ThatNAESLGuard.6238


I’ll throw in DH with lb
Beats rev
Bears warr
Beats thief
Stalemate druid (usually)
Stalemate engi (menders sneak gyro)
Beats mes
Stalemate ele
Loses to necro (power)


Change Legend Top Titles

in PvP

Posted by: ThatNAESLGuard.6238


as one of 2 ppl with the 3rd place title i agree that its super kitten. i got the title and i literally felt nothing because no one will know what it is. they HAVE to change it from legend and make the names actually seem more distinguished the higher they are. like “god of pvp” to “legendary demigod” to …….. immortal legend? wtf? is that a season 2 title for hitting legend?


Last season day is... weird?

in PvP

Posted by: ThatNAESLGuard.6238


This season in a nut shell. Last 300 games went well? Doesn’t matter you lost the last 7/10 therefore you’re down 2 divisions. Utterly ridiculous how much bias is in your latest games.


Allow class stacking in ESL

in PvP

Posted by: ThatNAESLGuard.6238


Tbf if esl teams were to make a team with class stacking it would probably be 2 scrapper 1 ele 1 mes 1 thief. So not as bad as it use to be with 2 mes 3 rev lolz

I was gonna ask,

Because when you go back and watch EU ESL games before the D/D meta. EU teams usually had 1 of each class.

It was NA running double engy and ele.

Like when we go back and look at it, those GW2 core tournaments were pretty good.

Even back when i believe you were in WTS 1, wouldnt you say the balance was better then?

WTS 1 and before EU had absolutely garbage comps, like they refused to stack OP AF d/d ele and wouldn’t even play broken cele engi. After that ppl always had pride in playing their main unless it was totally kitten, so most comps were pretty "balanced’ supposedly. Even leading up to PL season 1 people were playing mains rather than OP classes. Everything changed imo (In NA) when PZ finally started not sucking by stacking revs and no one could compete lol. Now ppl just run whatevers most broken, no matter what.

As someone at the top of the scene would you prefer that Anet opened up tournaments for any type of team comp?

like you said, EU and NA have always had different styles and now everyone plays whats most OP.

Im curious to see what the top teams would run in 5 man comps from both sides. I mean every team looks near identical as it is so how much worse can it get.

No, I think bringing back class stacking would be terrible. There was really only 1 time when things were weird, when it was just introduced and rnecros were still busted. So necros would win every fight they’re inhen not vs another necro. Since then though there haven’t been serious imbalances in the meta. I think no class stacking puts more value into proper rotations as well since you might only have 1 counter to a certain spec on the other team and have to be in the right place or else youre screwed.


Allow class stacking in ESL

in PvP

Posted by: ThatNAESLGuard.6238


Tbf if esl teams were to make a team with class stacking it would probably be 2 scrapper 1 ele 1 mes 1 thief. So not as bad as it use to be with 2 mes 3 rev lolz

I was gonna ask,

Because when you go back and watch EU ESL games before the D/D meta. EU teams usually had 1 of each class.

It was NA running double engy and ele.

Like when we go back and look at it, those GW2 core tournaments were pretty good.

Even back when i believe you were in WTS 1, wouldnt you say the balance was better then?

WTS 1 and before EU had absolutely garbage comps, like they refused to stack OP AF d/d ele and wouldn’t even play broken cele engi. After that ppl always had pride in playing their main unless it was totally kitten, so most comps were pretty "balanced’ supposedly. Even leading up to PL season 1 people were playing mains rather than OP classes. Everything changed imo (In NA) when PZ finally started not sucking by stacking revs and no one could compete lol. Now ppl just run whatevers most broken, no matter what.


Need more like Seldis and Naru NA

in PvP

Posted by: ThatNAESLGuard.6238


naru = scott btw


Allow class stacking in ESL

in PvP

Posted by: ThatNAESLGuard.6238


Tbf if esl teams were to make a team with class stacking it would probably be 2 scrapper 1 ele 1 mes 1 thief. So not as bad as it use to be with 2 mes 3 rev lolz


Allow class stacking in ESL

in PvP

Posted by: ThatNAESLGuard.6238


L0l quickly as in 1.5 years before it was phased out.
This game should never have competitive class stacking. Like overwatch, the game could be nearly completely balanced but never fully so. Teams will always do 2 best dps, 2 best tanksupport, 1 utility or even 3/2/0. The advantage of having slightly better classes is too large to give up with tens of thousands of dollars on the line.
