Showing Posts For The Lag.9742:
Has been there any word about this? i love the action camera mode, but i don’t know if its just me, but in pvp /wvw, the action camera seems to be a more of a hindrance at the moment, specially on thieves
Let’s not flame the discussion with balance stuff, but things you consider that would be nice to have even if it’s something little, i’ll start with a few examples
. Characters being able to climb ladders or certain type of walls
. Sitting animations on actual Seats
. Extra character creation options (I.e. more patterns, tattoo, horns, scars, etc)
. Selfie mode
those are the ones i can think right now, wich are yours guys, i’m curious?
Main thief here too. While i don’t play D/D very often, it’s really a bit uncalled for such a long ICD for such short window. I have spammed the backstab , yeah, guilty of charge, but 1 sec might be way too much (even investing in SA for the extra sec) perhaps 1/2 sec should do it, so if we miss (let say, you thought you where close enough and missed) you still might have some window to correct your position … ideally i would love the ICD to not exist… but if it came to stay, at least give us a chance to work around it
That’s pretty much it. …. is more of a request actually, :P
it’s not something that would make me quit the game, I just would love to not re-name my “adolescent Whatever” everytime i have to change it for another
Hi there, I was wondering, we’ll see new stuff, new faces hairstyle ,and more anytime soon?
Also, what do you would you like to add in this kit?
personally i would like for every race
new body types and scars (either body or facial) and afro for females humans and asurans
Charrs, : New horns and body Patterns
Humans: well, here not sure, piercings?
Silvary: New body patterns
Asurans: new body patterns – not sure about this one but a friend proposed prostetic ears for options :P -
Norns: More Tattoos
Now you guys, what new hairstyle or faces would you like to be implemented, and what new customizable things would you like to see? who knows may be a dev is watching this n_n
Acording to the announce made long time ago, any player that has bought the game before the … i don’t remember de date exactly, i think it was around January, are considered veterans and get a free character slot, it’s been around 48 hs.
Just in case i have bought the game in 2014
Thanks for your time
I understand you don’t like tab-target/click-to-target. Not clear what you want though. Are you asking for a target reticle like FPS games, where the camera is locked to the mouse and you always attack the center of the screen?
To piano man and Lujate
yes to both of you:P again, sorry if i wasn’t clear enough, my english is a bit rusty
i would love to have an option where you lock the camera and have a reticle, just like Tera or Neverwinter online
no anything, anybody,
You really haven’t indicated what is wrong and how it could be better for you. Or if you have, I missed it. I have no problem with the current interface.
Good luck with whatever your suggestion is
… oh, i thought it was implicit ^^U ,
I don’t want to say something is wrong, i mean, clicking a targeting, in the chaos of the combat for me is almost imposible, more if that target moves, or if there is more than one, plus to constantly have to keep presing the right button to steer the camera makes me even slower,
With a combat mode, the game will work prety much like a 3rd person shooter ( or something like tera or neverwinter online) something i find really confortable. So i can aim the target and launch the skills, i don’t need to click or hope or the autotarget to actually target let’s say , the player, instead the dragonfly, wich happened to be closer (it happened a lot to me, and still does)
i hope this made any sense, sorry if it’s a bit messy, english isn’t my mother tongue
(edited by The Lag.9742)
Hi there; more of a sugestion, is more asking for a clear response.
I’ll say this before moving on, i love the game, i love the combat a lot, so fluent and fast paced, simply beautiful. But what make the game for me imposible to fully enjoy, is the targeting system, i spend more time strugling with it than actually fighting my oponents.
So, my main interest would be, is there any hint from a dev, or even post, that says that they’re working on it? since i really don’t want to spend more money in a game expantion that i can’t completely enjoy due to the targeting system hindering my gameplay.
Few clarifications
1) I want the native combat mode being optional, getting rid of the actual system will be completely unfair to the people that actually manage to master it or find it confortable
2) Yes i tried the Immersive combat mode mod, but no matter what i did, i couldn’t make it work, and the universe know i tried
3) yes, i tried many configurations, options, even mouses but none of those helped, me, again, i always find the tab targeting and the click and point targeting the most uncortable system in this kind of game
haha, that would be awesome! i would love also , themed gliders, how would the glider look if it was designed by an asura, or a charr, etc etc
In fact, talking with friends, something that would be awesome, is that arena net put a contest where users can submit gliders design so the better 3 get their skin built into the game
HI hi!
it calls strongly my atention, again, that, Having an entire city which flag is a Lion, there is no Lion finisher, also i would love a Crow Finisher too
now for you guys, what new finisher or other thing would you like in the store?
hum, i got that same mail too
Hi guys! just here to add my opinion, i’ll keep it short
About the standing position, i have no problems with the hunched beast, i like not having a… let’s say, pretty cat people/nekoboy… so sick of them. BUT, having the option during the character creation to toggle how would you like your Charr to stand it’s not bad at all,
The only thing i always complain about Charrs is the armor not having any differences between genders, making every Charr look almost the same (i know, they are warriors first, then male and female) but i would love some diferences. Of course, some of the Female gear would look …. really creepy or just plain bad on females, but they could put some effort on it, may be changing only the chest pieces which are the more notorious in the gears to give the females more distinctive features from the males
so glad to read there is actually taking it into consideration, thanks monkey, that kinda made my day ^^,
(Also, if ICM doesn’t work for you, try in the config removing “import hide_chat”, it fixed it for me)
yeah, no use, still the same error, the icm does not steer the camera, not even if i keep ressing the right mouse, but thanks for the tip anyway
many interesting ideas guys, i love most of then ^^
something i would love to add:
. Female cuts for female Asura and Charr armor, Kinda disappointed that they wear the same clothes independent of the sex
i know those two races aren’t … no offense, attractive, and some of the female armor can look a bit … disturbing on the female Asura, but they could work a bit around them to make it look more feminine, or at least enough to look different from the male without exposing them so much
I don’t know if anyone notice this, but i think i should spread the word,
in the past few weeks, I’ve noticed that sometimes, the characters got stuck nowhere and when you try to walk it stays completely standing but with no animation, fortunately the solution is easy, stop walking and try again, and that’s it, but sometimes is kinda annoying.
I notice that most of the time it happen when you character is standing and then you start to walk again,
The new camera it’s just amazing, … or at least i like it, ^^, but i also like that if you don’t, you still have the option to keep the camera as always was, that’s what i love the most, it’s optional.
That being said, would be possible to make a combat mode as an option?(without getting rid of the actual targeting system, what would be totally unfair to people that likes and are used to it as much as i love the game, i find the targeting system too uncomfortable specially to keep the right click pressed to steer the camera, while in the middle of the fight i need to quickly change my target
pd: yes, i tried the ICM , and no, i could not make it work unfortunally -_-
-. With H.O.T. coming soon, i was wondering, “what are those little thing that you would like to see or implemented in the game?”
RULE: No balance, nerf or anything that directly affect the core mechanics of the gameplay or classes. Only fashion or other things that helps to immersion or just you want to see, a clear examples, Capes
-. A personal thing i would like to see, in fact i already made a post about it. A bit of acting on our Player characters during cutscenes, a bit of movement , see our character taking participations in the events, not just standing there trapped in his endless loop of animation (i was about to say to hear the voice of your characters again and and i was that they already did that in some videos of the demo :P)
-. My second thing, … i know this is controversial, but fashion mounts, like the magic carpet,! a Silvary stag, an Asura wheeled Golem, a Norn… footmobile?, a human in a chariot or a charr-themed bike (i picture it like the mini tanks during the personal story in Orr or the mini tanks that are in iron marches grotto)
-. Now i want to would love to know yours, what’s that little thing you would like to see implemented in the game?
(edited by The Lag.9742)
So it was you!
You’re the person responsible for getting the human female idle animations completely removed from the entire game because they were “immersion breaking” during the cut scenes!
Apologize, varlet, and tell ANet you were only joking! We want our animations back!
… I did what now?, I believe you are confusing me with someone else. I think the animation of the humans where removed before i started to play the game (if i’m correct they where removed after Aprils patch, and i started playing before that), and, my main is a charr, i haven’t started the living story with my human yet ^^u)
. I would never ask to remove something, in any case what i’m suggesting is that the character have more interaction during the cutscenes with the npcs, but not taking away anything from any race
. In any case, sorry if i wrote my original post and give you the wrong idea, i don’t want them to remove any animation, what i want them to do is add more, again, during the cutscenes
Hi hi guys,
. I know, that this is a bit of nip nitpicking, but it’s something that kinda (at least for me,) break a bit the immersion of the story
. I mean, i love the living story , don’t get me wrong, i really do, my … lets call it “Problem” for lack of a better word. During this cutscenes the player character is just stuck in his endless loop of animation, just there, doing nothing, i would love to see him having more interaction with the whole thing, … let me give and example :" the cutscene where the npc’s are interacting or on his knees in order to talk with the dying master of peace, caithe suddenly stole the egg, all the npc’s move try to do something, or, at least act surprised since they’re caught of guard… except the player character, he is there… just watching , i mean, at least the character could at act like he care for what’s happening?". Can you make something with this for future Living stories, the player character having a bit more interaction with the npc during this cutscenes? (like, when Marjory’s sister is found dead, may be the player character can place his hand on Marjory’s shoulder, you know, little things like this)
. Also, is it possible to have voice of our character again during the living story cutscenes, i kinda miss the voice of mine.
. Well i think that’s all :P again, don’t get me wrong, i love the game, specially the living story, this is probably me, nitpicking , but i think it a small improvement (or i belive it’s a small , i can be wrong) that would be good to see
This is probably a controversial issue, … may be, but it cannot be addressed enough
As many of you already know, there is this Combat Mode Mod that allows your to turn the camera with your mouse (mouselook, sort of fps type of camera movement) without keeping pressed the right button of the mouse, also, allow you to personalize what you want to do withe the right and left click and you have no idea how comfortable this is for a numerous amount players of this game.
Many can disagree that the default system is perfect and shouldn’t be changed, and that’s fine, we don’t want to eliminate the … let’s call it, classic system, we only want the option that better suits or necessities or tastes, for me the classic system is really painful (seriously, i got cramps in my wrist) and i wish there was an option that allow us to play this way, again, without messing with the default configuration that many other players are already used,
Please a-net, add this option, if a single guy could do it, you can
here a little example of how it would look
Thanks for your time
Sorry for any grammar and orthographic mistake, my English is quite rusty
(edited by The Lag.9742)
I don’t know if anyone else has experience this, but it’s very annoying
Sometimes, when i enter the breach in amber fall, i got automatically teleported to the entrance of the labyrinth … and i tried to go back and enter again, and, got teleported again, and again, i dont’ know why is this happening, but once i got teleported i can’t enter the breach in amber since i got automatically re-located in the entrance of the labyrinth, but i can enter the others. , but this seems to happen only in amber, it’s not all the time, but when it does it’s very frustrating
Hi there^^, kinda new here, ii was just passing by a and a friend aske me to post a rough sketch i was doing while waiting for an event to start, and i wanted to share it with you ^^, i hope yo like it