Guardian isn’t that great, but it’s relatively easy to play and can stomp below average players fast.
Against a clever player, the guardian can be made to look very clumsy, and his rotation of cooldowns will run out fast if he’s focused by more than 1 player. At that point he’s just a guy with 14k hp pool and 2350 armor, so nothing too difficult to kill.
Engi has very little condi removal and only 1 stunbreak. Basically you need to have a CC or condi heavy spec to beat them. If you don’t land your stuns or immobs, you can’t kill them. At best you will do enough damage to send them running, but not enough to finish them off.
I’m surprised people still care about the leaderboard. Maybe back when it actually meant something, but nowadays it’s reseted every 2 weeks.
Generally it’s a good idea to take a break after 2-3 losses in a row, to prevent from having to team up with the same group of guys again.
Turret engi is extremely easy but it is a pile of trash that will not work at a higher level and will also not get you used to the regular gameplay in PvP, as the NPC turrets will do most of your work and you won’t be able to move around. Chances are that the enemy will just ignore you and kill your whole team 5v4 while you sit at an empty point. Then they will just gank you 2v1 or 3v1 and take your point too.
Longbow ranger is another easy class, use longbow #2 for massive damage, if an enemy comes after you, use longbow #3 & #4 for stealth and knockback, once he gets close, use GS block and daze, then activate Signet of Stone and try to kill him in 6 seconds, otherwise run with GS #3 or die.
Medi guard is easy to kill low level players with, but gets exposed badly against good engis and eles until you learn to get better with it. It’s really a horrible feeling when you get trashed as a medi guard, but overall it has more potential to be good than turret engi or longbow ranger, because it does more for the team than just pure damage or point-holding.
Stance warrior is the same as guardian, but more difficult at this point because of the nerfs.
(edited by TheGreatA.4192)
I actually mostly agree with what was said by Ragnarox. the estimated 30K effective HP for a fight is far less effective than completely avoiding damage consistently via kiting, dodging, combat breaking, and so on.
Our heals are the longest used, making our sustain mechanic highly relied on via utility skills and traits. Other classes do not have those traits but their sustain via heal skills and weapon skills are much more frequent, even if smaller in total. Giving “them” a much higher sustain and effective health by continuously regenerating life.
All is not lost/vain though, we do well enough and are dangerous in pvp, but I feel we are a step behind at times. Still everyone swears up and down that guardians have been and always will be so OP and have too many blocks/heals. I don’t feel that, or maybe I am biased?
Guard also has access to kiting, dodging and combat breaking, along with the effective HP that he has.
If you give the guardian any more hard CC, it’s going to eat everyone alive. The point of the guardian is that your teammates do the crowd control part, and then you look like a hero by pulling off a 10k spin to win attack.
It would be senseless if the guardian was able to consistently land the kind of damage that it puts out, while being as survivable as it is. The celestial builds pale in comparison to the berserker guardian damage. Every class needs to have strengths and weaknesses, and the weakness of the guardian is that it lacks crowd control on its own.
(edited by TheGreatA.4192)
If the guy understood enough to actually stay close to his teammates, taking the buffs that warriors and guardians are giving out, the thief chasing him would be the one getting wrecked all over the place.
Mesmer work in pvp – roam and make + 1 fast fights. Same for thief. Thief wouldn’t jump on mesmer in 1vs2+ . He would jump when mesmer roams or in fight vs other enemies. Mesmer can jump on thief in same way too, just thief does that work better.
A good mesmer pays attention to where the enemy thief is, and tries to actively avoid him. I’m talking about guys who actively seek to fight the thief, and lose every single time, then complain about being hard-countered.
In a team fight, of more than 1 person, the thief will generally always jump on the mesmer. It’s up to the mesmer to make the right call and attempt to 2v1 the thief with the person he is fighting with, instead of running about thinking he can kite the guy magically and getting ganked in a 1on1 situation since he is too far away from his teammates.
Mesmer can easily trash the thief if he receives some protection from his team.
Necros are quite strong, they just need a solid team around them. Its weaknesses are exposed if the enemy team is just allowed to effortlessly train the necro without paying a price.
I don’t think this is a valid argument anymore considering the best team in North America just crushed because their weakness (the necro) was exploited; they are all really good players.
I know Necromancers are strong, but they have the worst utility in the game to recover from missed/blocked attacks which leaves them vulnerable more than 50% of the time while fighting!
Their necro was a strength and a weakness.
The necro was their main output of damage, and allowed them to win 99% of the matches, but they faced a team of players who were able to shut him down. Perhaps they will need to figure out a way to protect the necro more, instead of replacing him. I saw a D/P thief and hammer guard constantly free-casting on the necro without anybody doing anything about it.
I believe a medi guard works better in protecting a necro than DD ele or engineer because his attacks are an instant threat which cannot be ignored (unlike the solid DPS & condi that celestial builds put out). Even a sword thief doesn’t really do the kind of damage to make an opponent back off from somebody. When the rest of the team only puts out a consistent but not over-whelming amount of DPS, the necro is an easy target to focus.
Maybe they would’ve done better with another engi, but we cannot know until they face oRNG again without the necro. The celestial engi certainly doesn’t put out a similar amount of damage. Abjured were also very unlucky to lose some of the matches that they did, so it’s not like the necro was being totally useless. They were leading by hundreds of points until the whole team made huge mistakes.
(edited by TheGreatA.4192)
Let’s see:
- Guardians base healthpool is 10k such as elementalists and thieves.
most used builds : 2/1/6/1/4 or 0/1/6/6/1 (which I use) and kill first build easily with 5-6k more hp). Most weapons have useless cc. Glass cannons are just glass without cannon. Score 2/5
- Elementalist: heal when they cast, 2 regen type, easily get 25 stacks of migh even in tank spec, celestial beats everything. from 20% hp to 100% in 2 sec. Great escape mechanisms and conditions. 5/5
- Thieves: stealth, backstab, stealth backstab, and more stealth backstabs. 4/5 They dont need better hp pool because glass cannons can destroy everything.Problem is every build must have 1 point in radiance (blind) 1 in honor (vigor) plus medi build 6 in valor. Other 6 points is by choice but if you want to survive you use 5 in Honor to get 5000 more hp because Anet know we lack of hp pool so they gave us 300 vitality xii trait (LOL) while other classes have it in 1-6 range (convert this into vitality…). Guardians dont have usefull conversions (vitality into power, power into vit, …) except toughness into precision (blaa). All our usefull traits are mostly XII types. We only have one type of condition (burning which dont stack like others and its only 1 or 2 sec of burning 300 dmg ). Spitrit weapons are trash. Shout builds only for tanks. only 4 weapons viable: gs/hammer – scepter focus.
complaint about guardians: so many blocks (2 blocks every 90 sec I mean soooo OP)
many heals ( longest heal 30 cd with smallest heal amount – shelter with 2 sec blocks ).
1300 heal with virtue of this is vs those 2…thieves can be killed but eles…hardly almost impossible.
vs hunters: condi hunter destroy guardians easily. power can kill us if hes moderate skilled.
vs mesmers: shatter can be killed, condi is deadly to guardians.
vs necro: it depends how skilled is the necro, condi build melts guardian.
vs warrior: hambow and shoutbow destroys guardian with ease.
vs engineer: guardian don’t have any chance to win.
As a berserker medi guard, you have like 30k effective HP during a fight. If that’s not enough to get the job done, then I don’t know what is.
Guardian doesn’t suck, guardian players just generally suck because they have so much to choose from that they usually just spam all their stuff at once.
Playing greatsword/scepter+shield has worked out for me. Can win most 1on1s (some I fail miserably because I’m still a noob to the class) with only eles or engis being tough, offers a lot of protection to teammates with AoE dmg, pulls and knockbacks, can stomp out enemies with stability and blinds.
You can easily guard any point because GS leap + Judge’s intervention is enough to catch up to any thief without allowing a point go neutral. 1on1 you won’t go down easy and even 2on1 you can last a long while if you have your cooldowns up. It’s a very cooldowns based class so once your cooldowns are out, it’s time to disengage from the fight and try to find a spot where you can chill for a while.
Basically I feel like the medi guard is in a really good spot at the moment, since there are the options to play hammer, greatsword, sword, scepter, focus or shield, whatever you prefer.
The only thing that needs to be done is to make guardian players understand that against higher level teams you won’t be the bulldozer that you are against lower level players, instead of trying to chase down kiting enemies or attempting to beat eles/engis in 1on1’s, you have to target the players who are currently invested into attacking your own teammates. That’s how you will land your damage.
(edited by TheGreatA.4192)
Play power, forget condi, wipe whole enemy team with Lich Form #1.
Necros are quite strong, they just need a solid team around them. Its weaknesses are exposed if the enemy team is just allowed to effortlessly train the necro without paying a price.
As a medi guard, I can usually offer a lot of protection to condi/power necros, by using the shield bubble, giving them protection and aegis, removing any immobilizes that might prevent them from moving, assisting them with AoE damage if they are attacked by a thief or a guardian. I feel quite strong fighting with a necro because it seems to be a team combination that works very well off each other.
The damage output from a necro is so heavy that you do not necessarily need to do any damage yourself, as long as you keep your necro alive in the fight and deal damage to anybody who comes after him.
As a solo player, I wouldn’t roll a necro, because you cannot know if your random team knows how to play with a necro or not. Probably they will just think the necro can magically self-sustain himself against 3 guys and then blame the necro whenever he gets trained down by the enemy team.
(edited by TheGreatA.4192)
Mesmer doesn’t work unless the Mesmer is good at what he does, then it works brilliantly. Otherwise, it’s better to roll another class because you’ll just be a burden to the team.
Every day in PvP I meet some hero mesmer who thinks he can take a thief 1on1 and ends up getting ganked all over the place the whole match while accomplishing nothing, whining and crying about how great he is and how his team is just full of PvE noobs. It’s impossible to support this kind of a guy because he’s usually teleporting himself to all kinds of fail spots where the thief can effortlessly follow him and stomp him out in silence.
If the guy understood enough to actually stay close to his teammates, taking the buffs that warriors and guardians are giving out, the thief chasing him would be the one getting wrecked all over the place. 1on1, the thief gains all boons against the mesmer while the mesmer loses all of his boons, so he’s obviously at a disadvantage.
(edited by TheGreatA.4192)
Spam the button you’ve assigned for blink and you’ll eventually find a spot where you can teleport. It’s better than previously when you may have tried to teleport somewhere and don’t even move an inch.
The stabi mechanism was meant for WvW obviously, it has very little to do with PvP since you’re unlikely to get CC’d 5 times in a row in 6 seconds or whatever.
I thought the guard played pretty well, he used his focus block when the necro went to deathshroud to block the burst or cc, looks like he used his conditions-to-boons meditation when he got loaded up with conditions, (he may have used some other meditations in there as well I can’t tell) put the aoe sceptre skill on the necro after it went down, dodged the fear on downstate, and came in for the stomp.
I don’t really see what else he could have done, he made all the right moves but ended up going from full health to dead while the necro was downed.
The big mistake was made when the thief left without securing a stomp on a power necro. Necro’s downed state can only interrupt one person, so two people stomping will always get the necro out of there.
What the guard could’ve done:
The guard could’ve melted the necro from range with his scepter, but the necro may have been ressed if that had happened.
He could also have used a blind or a block to avoid the necro fear instead of wasting time with the dodge and allowing the necro an access to his downstate well.
In the case that a downed necro has his downstate well up, you just have to defend against the well until it goes away, because that thing ticks for like 2-3 k each time it pulses. It’s impossible to stomp inside the well as a berserker.
You can’t take any chances against a power necro as a berserker medi guard, because it’s one of the only specs that can insta burst you down without even allowing you to use meditations or Renewed Focus to bail yourself out.
(edited by TheGreatA.4192)
I heard the necro was originally supposed to be a pain to deal with from downed state anyway, so it’s fine with me. You just have to use your brain and melt the downed necro with ranged attacks or stomp him without going below 50%.
As a medi guard you just have to understand that the necro will wreck you, if you go below 50%, because of the Spinal Shivers proc.
Turret engis are annoying but if the other team ignores the point where the turret engi is sitting and forces a 5on4 elsewhere, the engi becomes completely useless.
Ranged classes can 1on1 them rather consistently if they’re patient.
It’s a good idea to form a team, if you don’t enjoy losing because you’re uncoordinated and forced to fight with random PUGs.
More solo guys should just team up and give themselves a chance to win.
I don’t mind swapping before the match, but I feel like swapping during the match is unfair.
If you are losing Legacy of Foefire, you can do stuff like bringing in a mesmer to portal the whole team into the lord’s room without the other team realizing it quickly enough because they didn’t expect a mesmer. Or switching to a thief, so the player can quickly decap a point after dying.
Usually a movement skill will also break a player out of being “petrified”.
Being in the right place at the right time pretty much separates the good players from the bad in this game mode.
There’s very little that can be done about players who don’t have the brain for positioning and cannot understand the “flow” of a game. I usually try to avoid playing games with those type of players, even if they are super duel masters. Won’t matter if they are always in the wrong freaking place.
Even one person can win a game for the team if he’s constantly making unfair 3v2s, 2v1s happen and also wins his 1on1s or decaps enemy points when they are zerging.
(edited by TheGreatA.4192)
I don’t mind. It gives us average players a chance to be “top level”. If you want serious e-sports, you need to look for another game.
Personally I enjoy the fact that I can go to PvP and win most of the fights without focusing too much on the task at hand. I can also play tPvP with friends instead of guys that are good at the game but act like pricks.
Understandably there are some low level teams in the tournament, but personally I’ve witnessed many times that a player would laugh and point out the mistakes in other people’s gameplay, while being a horrible player “on the field” themselves. It’s a fast-paced game and mistakes are going to be made if you’re not focused and start panicking when things aren’t going the right way.
(edited by TheGreatA.4192)
Guardian doesn’t need any more than 15 k HP. You have plenty of ways to sustain your health and if you get bursted from 15k hp down to nothing, then you’re doing it wrong.
It might seem like the guardian has low HP but effectively he has more HP than anybody.
Even zerk medi guard has an extra 6+ k from meditations, 5-6k from heal, 4 k from virtues, so you will be able to fill your HP bar from 1% to full.
(edited by TheGreatA.4192)
I do not think of staff ele as much of a power house in 1on1 situations, other than holding a point, but it’s definitely a horrible thing to deal with in a team fight.
I feel extremely strong in 1on1 situations, even 2on2 with necro. Perhaps it isn’t as strong in team fights but I do not see how it can be buffed properly without re-working the whole mechanic.
If you give invulnerabilities and teleports (other than wurm/spectral walk) to a necro, they will faceroll everybody. The amount of damage is fine, even overboard once you start properly delivering it. Anyone who cannot remove the initial fear will get chained with near 10 seconds of fear and all the condis on top.
In my opinion the solution is to lower the CDs on the stunbreaks, no other class has 1-minute CDs on their stun breaks. You can get through the initial fight with proper dodge management but after that you’re done.
The npc gameplay is awful in general. Atleast make it so that the bird’s 60s cooldown begins once it is destroyed.
S/D is not the most skilled spec, but an experienced enemy will know every move that you will make, which is why you actually need to be somewhat creative if you want to land the attacks and not get owned by a well-placed stun.
For example a warrior will wait for the thief to use his larcenous strike, absorb the attack while using eviscerate/shield bash/longbow immob. There is not much that the thief can do to avoid this, because he won’t be able to kill the tanky warrior without committing to his attacks. And when he commits, he risks getting caught and being nearly 1 shotted due to how glassy the spec is.
Soldier warrior should be able to beat the thief atleast 70-80% of the time if their skills are equal. A berserker warrior is atleast killable for a thief who is using pincing attacks instead of the pro-longed combinations of moves that you have to do in order to kill a soldier warrior.
Necro is still extremely strong in 1on1, several classes having almost 0% chance to beat a good necro.
In a team fight it can be difficult to play a necro but there are a few ways to sustain yourself, and make yourself a difficult target. The plague form + Flesh Wurm teleport to a ledge + death shroud can definitely grant you enough time to kill the enemy before being killed yourself.
If your team is not good enough to prevent the enemy team from training you down, then there’s nothing that can be done.
I feel it will become overpowered if they buff it too much.
Evading attacks while dealing 8-9k crits in spammable fashion gets ridiculous fast, especially since a thief has like 3-4 different options (steal, shadowstep, infiltrator strike, infiltrator signet) of closing the gap in order to land the move.
You can work around the early vulnerability by casting the stun and then using steal or a shadowstep, dodging out and using infiltrator’s return to get out of range.
(edited by TheGreatA.4192)
Probably not much to write about for this update.
If it was so “broken” then how come a shatter mesmer is a rare sight in high end tournaments even today?
Could it be that they have very little defense outside DE?
Shatter Mesmers are the only spec viable for high end tournaments and are low in the food chain as it is.
A shatter mesmer is not that rare of a sight in tournaments (in fact the previous winner of ESL tournament included a mesmer), but I don’t think shatter mesmers are the problem. Atleast they use up their clones.
The problem is that you can spawn a ridiculous number of clones with the trait, which along with their phantasms can make the presence of two or three clone spammers unbearable. This game is enough of a mess as it is.
Considering that every other class has had their vigor nerfed, with limits to their dodge-related abilities, this change is only fair.
The vigor nerf I believe is warranted, considering every other class has received similar nerfs.
I believe Deceptive Evasion could’ve been handled different, for example with a slight ICD. However the fact is that it was a broken trait combined with the perma vigor and sigils of energy and needed to be dealt with somehow.
Ele burst, in pure glass, is broken. That doesn’t justify the current state of elementalists. The burst needs to be toned down and as well as the other broken builds in the game.
This is 100% the developers fault for nerfing abilities without first fixing the bugs associated with them.
This I can agree with. Tone down the broken stuff, don’t create more of it.
Minions take no skill, remove them.
spirits take no skill, remove them.
clones take no skill, remove them.
turrets take no skill, remove them.
conditions are OP, remove them.
stealth is OP, remove it
stun-lock is OP, remove stuns.
immob-lock is OP, remove immob.
bunkers are too hard to kill, nerf them
class cannons do too much damage, nerf them
etc..seriously, if they took all these complaints seriously.. what kind of game would we be left with?
Full glass longbow rangers with bears which I reckon most players on this forum are running, considering the amount of random complaints about everything that ever existed in this game.
WvWvW is NOT PVP!!!! Its “I have really great gear and you are a level 5 with white gear one, insert dubstep OST, WOB WOB I AM YOUTUBE kitten!”. Thats all it is, thats all it will ever be, its not PVP in any sense of the word. Its Gear vs Gear, so theirs your GvG haha.
As for Eles being OP, are you smoking crack? Eles are currently the most broken class in the game, they are weak in every sense of the word. The only people playing ele are new players, people new to pvp (oh they soon learn how silly an ele in pvp is), or those die hard 1 class for life types (we salute you, just because you were nerfed into the ground, dont let that stop you).
Honestly this is mental, how ANYONE could think an ele is OP is beyond me. Warrior yeah, necro maybe, ele? never. I cannot think of a class I would say is weaker overall, not one, the ele IS the bottom of the food chain as far as PVP goes.
The burst is so pathetic its unreal, I can do more on my hybrid thief than a full glass ele. In fact, they have the lowest health, worst armor, and some poor condition builds (you would think the ele would be king of conditions, oddly enough that was castrated as well as combo fields, everything in water attunement and build choices).
I actually am gob smacked at how an ele can be thought as OP. Engie is on life support, but ele is rotting in its grave, with a group of hooded teenagers peeing in his eye sockets and farting on it. Any more nerfs run the risk of making the ele never exist, it will just not be there and no one will notice.
You have no idea what you’re talking about if you think ele burst is “pathetic” and that engi is on life support. Elementalist might not be on par in other attributes but their burst is certainly not one of the weak points of the class, in fact I would argue that ele has the highest direct dmg burst of any class. Engis are doing fine.
(edited by TheGreatA.4192)
Show me a video of you killing all that stuff on a match, you know the guardian and warriors can push a button and reduce incoming damage by 30%+ regen + stability + immunities, so you cant CC them to land your burst and the damage you will do will be considerably lower, can you really kill them on time to get the point for your team? I dont think so…
I like the elementalist play style but when you have to have 3 hands and lightning fast reflexes to make it only “good/ok” in a competitive play while other classes dont even have/need a clue, it sucks and IS IMBALANCED ence the “whining” from elementalists you are so “tired” of.
I’m only tired of elementalist players wanting their class to be turned into the same garbage that has ruined this game in many players’ eyes, the type of garbage that the elementalist class represented before those much needed nerfs.
Unfortunately the whining of other classes (necros, warris, etc.) brought about silly untested mechanics which made them more powerful in comparison, mistakes which the devs have been slowly trying to address in recent patches. Bring the other stuff down to the same level and you will have a fine game on your hands.
The point of team play is that you have a necro or mesmer for example who removes boons, a warrior who stuns and controls, and a damage dealer, for example an elementalist, who drops the heavy damage on them to finish up the job. An ele doesn’t need to have absolutely everything on his hands in order to be viable, it is that attitude by players that has brought about these jack-of-all-trades warriors which everybody loves to complain about.
It’s more about coordinating your movements and use of skills in a team fight to focus down an opponent who over-extends against the “obvious” target. Everybody is going to be on the ele, we know that, are prepared for it and try to use it against the other teams.
I will say that the ele is 100% perfectly capable of holding his own in any 1on1. And the rate at which he busts a bunker guard, warrior or knockback engi is something that I do not feel many other classes are capable of, if any.
I figured most of you were talking about a thief having the advantage of focusing an ele in a team fight because I feel 1on1, fair and square, an ele is perfectly capable of winning against a thief, as long as the player is good enough. However a thief is very proficient at pressuring eles (and everybody else) amongst all the usual condi & aoe pressure in a team fight, while usually being able to get away with it, which can make it difficult for the ele to handle unless the team is prepared for such situations and quickly turn their focus into taking down the thief before he can deal serious damage. It’s the exact same situation as if a thief suddenly jumps a low on cd engi or necro, the team has to be able to deal with it.
I feel everybody nowadays just wants to use easy-mode, passive defensive stuff that is easy to play, instead of mastering something that is high risk, high reward. Instead of again making ele the damage dealing, super mobile bunker that it was, the boring meta should be toned down a bit to improve gameplay and reward teams who are willing to try out something more dynamic instead of 5 self-serving bunkers who still somehow deal a huge amount of damage.
That’s just boring, I rather have designated roles for each players who play their roles to the extremes, with the damage dealer doing maximum damage, the condi spammer doing a maximum amount of condi, etc. Right now I feel like the eles damage is in a good place as long as the team can make use of it. It’s a fine class without overly cheesy mechanics that takes some skill to master, unlike some of the other stuff that is going on at the moment.
(edited by TheGreatA.4192)
I’m not saying we are the greatest team but we are all pretty much top 100 ranked players EU and if a thief wants to try killing our ele he gets introduced to a warrior’s hammer in his face and then a massive burst that will take him 100 to nothing in a matter of a split second. Teamwork can make this build work.
IMO nothing in this game has the kind of burst potential and delivery that ele so it still has its uses in the right hands.
honestly its people like you that actually think the class is ok, that causes the most dmg to the class. Ele’s are absolute garbage in pvp right now, point blank end of story.
None at pax, the update did nothing to help them, mobility still garbage, no build diversity and a horrible bunker spec with the longest utility cd’s in the game. /thread
Instead of whining about it I actually try to invent some viable, sometimes non-viable builds. I’m not saying this stuff is op but I definitely feel powerful when I play it well.
Do you actually believe pvp players just try the 0/10/0/30/30 build of yore for half an hour and then say “kitten it, ele sucks in pvp”? We’ve been trying to find new viable builds since the great nerf wave of summer ’13. None have been found.
I’ve played with a burst ele being a part of our tPvP team for the past several months and it has never felt out of place. In fact the person who most often scores the highest amount of kills and gets complimented the most is the elementalist.
It’s not part of the meta but it can work if people don’t go for the complete cheese.
(edited by TheGreatA.4192)
honestly its people like you that actually think the class is ok, that causes the most dmg to the class. Ele’s are absolute garbage in pvp right now, point blank end of story.
None at pax, the update did nothing to help them, mobility still garbage, no build diversity and a horrible bunker spec with the longest utility cd’s in the game. /thread
Instead of whining about it I actually try to invent some viable, sometimes non-viable builds. I’m not saying this stuff is op but I definitely feel powerful when I play it well.
I use Ranger runes which are currently bugged and give 5% more damage always along with more precision and crit dmg.
For traits I use 30/30/10/0/0 while using Barbarian or 0/30/10/0/30 if using zerker.
I simply posted the pictures to show that it can be done, I’m not saying the spec I was running is the most viable in PvP but I feel fairly comfortable with 20k hp and the large amount of dmg I can put out.
Understand also that you don’t need to hit 13k’s to kill enemies in sPvP, you can safely go for a more defensive set-up with Barbarian amulet while still retaining big damage. and a decent healthpool.
(edited by TheGreatA.4192)
No, it’s impossible to get all the damage modifiers at the same time without dying in your glassy glass spec because glass eles are free kills for thieves and others.
I have over 19k hp how is that glassy? One of the eles I play with Rizadon uses a similar spec, he seems to be doing fine sitting at #1 in Solo Queue.
LOL hp don’t matter. Not having toughness makes you glassy. And any competent thief will do 19k damage in a few seconds to you.
In earth I will have over 2,3k armor which isn’t bad. It is more than thief or mesmer. A competent thief might have the style advantage but if he makes a mistake he pays heavy for it.
No, it’s impossible to get all the damage modifiers at the same time without dying in your glassy glass spec because glass eles are free kills for thieves and others.
I have over 19k hp how is that glassy? I know eles who use a similar spec and have done fine in competitive environment. I’m not saying it’s op or meta because it’s clearly not, but you are definitely not a free kill for a thief becaues you can 1 hit him while he will have to deal atleast a few hits to grind down your 19-20 k hp.
(edited by TheGreatA.4192)
Neither of those hits are possible in an actualy match so your screenshots don’t proof anything.
It’s impossible to hit fire grab in an actual match? I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Ele can still hit like a truck while wielding Barbarian amulet which gives 20k hp. I hit 13k Fire Grab on a warri with Barbarian amulet on. With might stacking you can get around 2,5k power as well and 75% crit chance with fury, around 50% crit dmg with Arcane trait.
Please show me a screenshot where an ele can hit 13k fire grabs inside pvp.
Also make sure your opponent has no armor on and 25 stacks of vulnerability, that way you might actually reach it.
As zerker:
This is without my bloodlust stacks which give 250 extra power. I can normally stack up to 15-20 might by myself.
I can get you screens of doing it on moving targets as well but it will increase the chance of my enemies having vulnerability/myself having might/banner buffs from others.
Target golem has 2180 armor which is more than many PvP players run.
This is with Barbarian ele & 25 bloodlust stacks:
For fun here is zerker ele with buffs:
(edited by TheGreatA.4192)
I would give a slight cd to each skill so you can no longer spam skills such as heartseeker, flanking strike or disabling shot one after another. Give slight buffs to certain utilities so that there will be more diversity.
Ele can still hit like a truck while wielding Barbarian amulet which gives 20k hp. I hit 13k Fire Grab on a warri with Barbarian amulet on. With might stacking you can get around 2,5k power as well and 75% crit chance with fury, around 50% crit dmg with Arcane trait.
(edited by TheGreatA.4192)
I reckon they should turn Flame Barrier into a trait which has 100% chance of causing burning (maybe 2 or 3 seconds) when hit in melee, with a slight cd on it, and One With Fire could be combined with Ember’s Might, increasing the burn duration of Barrier by 100% and overall burns by 33% (still being fairly useless but maybe useful for some weird ele condi build). After all necros and engis cause 4 seconds of burn in a random crit every 10 seconds, so I don’t see why ele shouldn’t have the same option.
Let’s face it you’re not going to be in fire attunement for long and definitely not while you’re absorbing damage in melee, so this needs to be a lot stronger/reliable for players to start investing into Fire Magic.
(edited by TheGreatA.4192)
Because it would get super strong in certain set-ups, there’s a lot of boosts that give 50% more crit chance along with perma fury, so people would be critting heavy while being super tanky.
It already has its uses, for example a power necro can get fury + 50% crit chance in death shroud to almost 100% crit chance while having max toughness and they don’t really need the vitality.