Showing Posts For Thundolfe.9302:
We’re currently looking at a few things regarding individual fractal difficulty and length. A couple of options are reducing the length of unnecessarily long fractals (dredge) and modifying the possible sequence of randomly selected fractals so you don’t get the longest and most difficult ones all on the same run.
Please do both.
Is it too hard? Respect the awesome work
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Thundolfe.9302
especially since Josh did seem to initially think the complaint (particularly about the size of the levels) was a complaint about the amount of content.
Yeah, I was too flippant in my response to that. Having read every post on this thread I understand what the real issue is. Personally I love long epic slogs. Long movies, long songs, long levels. I felt like I was going the extra mile making these levels so huge. I spent SO many all-nighters crafting these levels… and then I’m told it’s too much. Hahaha…. oh… …
I can definitely sympathize with putting a ridiculous amount of time on a project and getting unexpected or unpleasant feedback after it’s done. Here’s hoping the 13 pages of feedback help influence the next patch as well as future updates so we can all have a fun time in SAB
You are free to link the video itself. What we are asking is that you provide points for discussion in the first post. Commonly what happens is only a link or only a link and transcript are posted, and points for discussion are not brought up by the OP. That is what is seen as promotion.
By providing discussion points first, it tell us and others that you have watched the video and these points stood out as something you would like to discuss with others. By just posting the link, it feels more like somebody coming to the forums and saying “hey, my friend/guild mate/whatever made this video, everybody go watch it”.
Think about how many PvPers have youtube channels or twitch streams. Now think about what the PvP forum would look like if we allowed all of those people to post a link to their videos and streams in a new thread with every new stream or video.
That is why we have linksville. It serves as a place for people to promote their videos, streams, blogs and whatever else they want without pushing discussion threads out of the other subforums.
I think people are looking for consistency, either follow the guidelines or not. Not just sometimes or whenever a mod happens to catch it. Whether intended or not, linksville is looked at as a black hole so when you move things there, people view it as such.
Can we get an explanation as to why promoting the video itself (with the word “Discuss”) is banned? The point of the video/transcription was to generate a conversation about the current issues with SPvP – I understand how a rule might be against that in general, but why stifle something specifically designed to generate constructive criticism and help the developers understand our frustrations?
Promoting a video would be something for Linksville, which is for promoting interesting sites, videos, and whatnot. The discussion would be about the video itself and the content.
Really, we’d much rather just have all those points as a forum post for discussion, versus numerous people posting the same link in various areas of the forum, to advertise, as it were, the video.
Does that help?
I appreciate the difficulty of moderating a large forum, I really do, I’ve done it. But moving a post with a video to a forum no one visits just smacks of burying it, even if it’s not intended. What is really so bad about leaving something like that here for discussion?
“versus numerous people posting the same link in various areas of the forum”
How is posting/referencing a video repeatedly any different than just transcribing it and quoting that repeatedly?
Maybe they’re advertising the video because it makes good points and promotes discussion. I don’t know why you would find something wrong there.
Is it too hard? Respect the awesome work
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Thundolfe.9302
Thanks for the kind words, Crazylegs.
1. Bauble Counter/Kill all/Destroy All
Many mentioned this in 1.0. We now have achievements that require players to kill/find/destroy an undetermined number of things, but absolutely no way of knowing ones progress.
Yeah, I remember Lisa was looking into a way to do this. I can’t remember why it didn’t happen. I’m assuming because it would require programming support we don’t have available to our team right now. I’ll follow up with her.
This is a problem across the game, it’s crazy that this doesn’t exist. I’ve mostly stopped achievement hunting for ones that are a guess as to what I’ve done. Please impress that we really need this.
Is it too hard? Respect the awesome work
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Thundolfe.9302
I would prefer us to be able to find those baubles as we go trough World 2, instead of getting to World 2 Zone 3, seeing that we can’t continue without a torch, having to exit the instance, farm in World 1, then enter World 2 Zone 3 and do it all again from the beginning. With levels being as long as they are, it just feels a tiny bit tedious.
I guess I would liken that to Metroid. Where you could zip along to the Mother Brain and get totally wiped out. Whereas if you dug around, found the secret health tanks, then it gets a lot more reasonable. Also, 2-2 is pretty short. If you find the Shortcut Eagle.
I don’t understand the obsession with old school mechanics – you’ve followed them close enough that you’ve made a really awesome novelty thing not fun, seemingly in the name of ‘well that’s how it worked zelda/mario/metroid’ etc.
Can’t you just make something that fits and works within the current game engine? Those games are ‘old school’ for a reason, we have much better technology now, and trying to replicate any odd issues those old games did just seems.. silly. In Mega Man the screen used to slow down and grind to a halt occasionally.. is skill lag GW2’s version of this?
Many of us have done World 1 one million times and have no desire to farm baubles in there again to buy stuff for World 2.
SAB v1 was an amazing lighthearted romp which really blew my mind at the time.. v2 is just not that, and it’s not because I’ve seen it before. I am sure you worked very hard (on) this and I’m sorry about the negative feedback.
(edited by Thundolfe.9302)
Is it too hard? Respect the awesome work
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Thundolfe.9302
Haha would love to see AVGN review this
Keep discussing, but I’m curious: Would having templates alleviate the issue of not wanting to respec for certain maps?
It’s really insane how annoying changing up specs is. Templates should have been in at launch for both PvP and PvE. I hope this question means you are working at implementing this ASAP.
-le snip
I certainly don’t blame you for this Gaile, I know that you spend a ridiculous amount of time answering questions and complaints. I’m just saying, I think your agents and processes need a little bit of refining
The response is appreciated but do you guys have an understanding how bad it looks when you send people ticket responses like ‘we have complete confidence in our methods and we did not make a mistake, and all future tickets will be closed’, and then surprise, you made a mistake?
Terrible attitude and method.
You must do better.
(edited by Thundolfe.9302)
The posts above are correct, the entire group of chanters is respawning after a wipe at any point. I’m going to change it so that only the 2 initial chanters will respawn on a wipe, and the larger group will spawn once the first 2 are killed. (As it used to work, except that the 2 chanters will reset after a wipe.)
I would like to mention though, stress even, that the hammer itself is buggy and that’s what makes this fractal hard to finish at the moment. Often times, if someone has the hammer and falls to their death, the hammer will not respawn, until the entire group purposefully dies (thus triggering the full chanter spawn in this case). There have also been times where a member has fallen and died in an unreachable spot for reviving, but they do not get a respawn button even when everyone is out of combat. Again, this means everyone has to die to fix.
Please consider taking a look at these bugs as well, Cliffside is a cool idea but these bugs can really be maddening and detract from the playing experience.
Thank you very much for attending to this.
This may just be the last straw that pushes the remainder of the fractals players out, myself included. That must be their intention, right? I don’t see any reason to keep on buffing the harder/longer fractals unless this is their plan.
This is obviously a bug, not intended. Hopefully Jeffery is still checking this thread.
Sorry Jeff, but this is broken worse than it was before. My group also had the issue where when you get up to the arm seals the cultists are fully spawned, and it’s next to impossible to complete it. My pro 26 group had this happen as the third fractal and we had to quit Very disappointing.
However, at other times it has had the initial 2 per side, so something is definitely wrong here. We did have a full party wipe or two, one close to the arm seals as the hammer disappeared (another annoying bug) not sure if that has something to do with it.
Please take a look, this is killing this fractal.
I just cleared four mobs from the holographic dragon and each had loot to be had. There were no other prompts for the interact key, and I have both aoe loot and auto loot on. Yet I was still required to press the loot key four times.
The “Search” or “Loot” interaction obviously counts as being something that will break “f” aoe loot, so in that case you would either have to step away, or use a bound key.
(I am not saying this is how it should work, just saying how it works now).
Thanks for the update Bill, I think that is kind of weird (because it still promotes smashing the F key repeatedly), but using a bound AOE Loot key is fine by me until it is improved. Thanks for posting!
(edited by Thundolfe.9302)
from what I found the AOE looking works if you put a tick in the box, but it doesn’t work if you assign it to a key as well.
Pretty funny to have the exact opposite experience, haha I heard that if you are not in range of a lootable mob, but are with 900 range of it (ie not in ‘interact’ range) the checkbox option works. I can’t imagine that’s intended behavior, so something or other is funky.
FYI, this checkbox seems to not function. Enabling it does not allow AOE looting.
Binding a key to AOE looting (I bound mine to “I” for example as a test) does work, so it appears to be just that one option that fails.
P.S. Thanks dungeon team for not fixing CoF 1 so I can continue to never run any of your other unrewarding dungeons and just spam this boring and mindless path all night straight if I feel like making money! You’re doing a real good job here!
I could not possibly quote this enough. Crushingly disappointed.
Also, I guess “Phase 2” or whatever that was is just off the table now?
I hope the other things you’ve been working on aren’t more “fun” improvements to dungeons and world PvE mobs. So far, you’ve proven the existence of “anti-fun” as a real property and your pursuit of it has been disconcerting! (It’s probably not a good sign to have some fans breath a sigh of relief to learn that the new dungeon was not created by the Dungeon Team…) ;P
What someone defines as fun is often different from what another person calls fun. I’m sorry our dungeon work has not appealed to you and others, but there is an audience for what we do. My hope is that in the future, we can build something that appeals to you and other folks currently not on board with our dungeon content, while still staying true to the people who have enjoyed our content thus far. Bridging that gap is not an easy process, but I am confident that such things are not impossible feats
Am I reading into your statements correctly then when I say there are very little changes to dungeons and fractals in this update, including no improvement to their reward structure?
Sotzz seems to be working fine after the March update (maybe it’s a server reboot thing?), but since you’re in this thread I’d like to complain about the rat trainer a bit. I feel finding this particular target is way too random and luck-based. Sending 4-5 people through a zone frantically clicking on tiny rats isn’t my idea of a real good time, wouldn’t you agree? I think there needs to be less randomness to this target, it doesn’t have to be pre-scoutable but maybe raise the spawning chance a bit, make the rats a little bigger, or increase the # of rats through the zone. I’m sure you can figure it out as designers. :P
The content is thoroughly enjoyable and I enjoy leading my guild through it but this one target needs a little work.
This change was necessary. Anyone who didn’t realize it was “too good” was deluding himself.
It was “too good” only when compared with the rest of the game. The problem didn’t lie in the dragon chests having too good rewards. It was with everything else having bad ones.
Balance doesn’t mean nerfing everything down to the same level.
Anyone that thinks this change solved anything is deluding themselves.
Very much this, go do a dungeon or a fractal and tell me how your chest was. Playing those areas certainly isn’t ‘all about the loot’ but getting a few blues out of a tough frac is pretty demoralizing.
The change is fine, as the whole guesting and alt swapping thing is a little out of control. The problem is that unless they are increasing dungeon and fractal loot and aren’t telling us here, there still is no real loot-related reason to do dungeons or fractals, other than you’ll just run out of world events to do faster.
Dungeons and Fractals should drop as good or better loot than world events. As it is we just did a 30+ frac, got 2 rares and a bagload of blues. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
CoF P1 is still by a very very large margin the best way to make gold per hour.
I completely agree with you. That’s an anomaly though and doesn’t really address the issue.
The change is fine, as the whole guesting and alt swapping thing is a little out of control. The problem is that unless they are increasing dungeon and fractal loot and aren’t telling us here, there still is no real loot-related reason to do dungeons or fractals, other than you’ll just run out of world events to do faster.
Dungeons and Fractals should drop as good or better loot than world events. As it is we just did a 30+ frac, got 2 rares and a bagload of blues. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Still stacks Bleed like a maniac
A ranged stun, spammable
A two-stage knockdown combo that is ranged and inflicts Cripple and Bleed in addition to the knockdown
Fear/Weakness shoutJesus H Christ on a pogostick! “Over the top” comes to mind, lol. Thank the lard he is optional most of the times.
Instead of dodging at the top of his leap like you used to, dodge when he’s on his way down. You will evade the effects of the stomp.
I personally found the CT significantly easier and more enjoyable than the old way (dodge stomp/don’t get melee’d).
I actually like CoF story quite a bit, it’s fun and the story itself is good, not too long, not too annoying. I do it often to help guildies unlock CoF Exp. and don’t mind it at all.
So, another game ruined for the casual player with only a few hours a week to play. Some of us don’t have the time to work with builds and items but we would still like to do dungeons without dying a hundred times. Taking away rez during combat had already taken most of the fun out of them for me since I die too easy, then have to lay there and wait for a wipe. And who wants such a squishy player in their group?
I don’t mean to belittle your concerns. But if you are admitting that you “die too easy”, there are many things you could do to improve that. I don’t understand what you mean by not enough time to “work with builds and items”, using items and your build is a core part of GW2.
Creating, improving and playing with your build is part of the game. I completely understand about only having a few hours a week to play, but why can’t those who DO have that time have an activity that they can work hard at?
We had them in story before launch, but what we found is that we couldn’t strike a balance between the amount we give for completing story mode, and the difficult difference. Our feedback was that rather than face the challenge of Explorable dungeons, high skill groups would just afk faceroll the much easier story mode content for the guaranteed smaller token amount. We tried several things, but couldn’t strike the balance, so we removed tokens from story mode as a reward and put them into explorable mode only as a reward.
Story mode needs something else to make it palatable to new players who want to learn dungeons, before they in turn get facerolled by explorable :P
I still think putting tokens back in would be fine. I understand the concern when the game first came out, but people have thousands and thousands of these now. Giving out a small amount to help new players learn and gear up without breaking the game.
Yeah, there’s a few bugs I was grappling with that we thought got fixed – there something weird with the FPS that seems to have to do with shaders (investigating), but aside from that the only issues I’m seeing are with Detha and the Ghost Eater. We were seeing some of the same problems with the traps, and I was fixing them as much as I could – but it seems I didn’t fix them up good enough. her getting stuck and the traps sometimes not firing are known things – try leading GE out of the trap and then back into it – that might help for the time being.
And… well… Detha is Detha, lol. I’ve been at it trying to fix her, but the issue where she doesn’t start rebuilding the traps isn’t 100%, and we’ve not been able to get a solid repro.As for things players feel the spy kits were necessarily to get through, we’re watching the feedback and will make sure to give them some extra QA attention to ensure they are in line with what we want players to experience.
I appreciate your response especially about the FPS issues but those are not the only bugs. can you comment on the invulnerable scavengers that burrow and then just sit there above ground? The P3 boss (Colossus) shield doesn’t work well and he also likes to rush in when he has 0 health. In addition I would like to hear your opinion on the knockback/knockdowns which are prevalent in this zone now.. occasional CC is fine, but constantly losing control of your character, not so much..
Thanks for your responses.
I do think getting the NPCs involved in that way is pretty cool. They should have some purpose other than to die while we run past mobs, haha.
I just hope the bugs that can make it a little frustrating don’t take a whole update cycle (a month) to fix.
First, simple question. With AC difficulty the way it is, how is it expected new players will learn dungeoning? I am not criticizing what you did, but I think that trying to determine the direction this is going is a fair question. Colin said that you were looking for ways to better introduce the game to players.. I think this is a step backwards. Looking for your input here.
AC itself: I don’t mind the new AC mechanics, but your testing system, whatever that is, needs to get much better.
- This patch seems to have introduced some severe graphical lag, very evident at the P1 burrow event, or the P2 detha spikes/gravelings event. This lag is throughout the world now, please have this looked at.
- The new scavenger mechanic of them burrowing underground seems to be broken. They tend to just sit above ground invulnerable (maybe I am missing something).
- P2 Ghost boss can bug making him uncompletable.
- P3 Colossus drops his stones far too often, and kills the protector way too easily, and his knockback (which pushes you out of the circle) is silly.
- Knockbacks/knockdowns are out of control in AC now, it makes melee a real pain. I’m OK with some CC, but the level it is currently at is crazy.
I feel like changing AC was kind of an experiment, but by doing so you kind of trashed a really good training ground for new players. Again, thoughts on how new/inexperienced players should learn dungeon mechanics would be interesting to hear.
Agree the new graphic lag is awful, please take a look and fix.
Ok, can you give me a tip for spider queen as well? I just think those gravelings didn’t need more HP than they had before, the spiders didnt need all that HP now, and who knows what Im yet to find.
The spider queen’s new AOE seems to be a cone, so try to stay behind her, and out of her red circles, they poison like crazy now.
I feel like this thread will be merged but, opinions on difficulty etc aside, you definitely do not need a 3 warrior setup for the p1 burrows. You need to adjust your strategy with the group you have. Go slow and clear gravelings – and keep a body on newly spawned burrows. You will win.
We completed all 3 paths of the New AC tonight. My thoughts:
- Colossus (P3 Boss) is obviously bugged. He does the rock drop without pause, and
kills the protector way too easily.
- Being a Ghostbuster is pretty awesome. Fun, teamwork-oriented event.
- The knockbacks that have been put in place from various mobs (hatchlings, various bosses) are a little over the top. It’s difficult to melee now without being on your kitten a ton of the time. While I like my shortbow plinking everything all night long isn’t as fun as wading in with my melee weapons.
- My main reaction to these changes is “How would a level 35 group be able to handle this?” I personally feel like AC Explorable will decimate these groups now, and is that what you really want to present to up and coming players? Also, AC used to be a great place to gather newer, less experienced folks and have them learn the ropes of dungeoning. Now most of that time would be spent on the ground, either from a knockdown or just being downed by the damage. It’s not difficult for our experienced guild groups, but it was more fun and beneficial to take newer folks in there. Not so much anymore.
We completed all 3 paths of the New AC tonight. My thoughts:
- Colossus (P3 Boss) is obviously bugged. He does the rock drop without pause, and
kills the protector way too easily.
- The knockbacks that have been put in place from various mobs (hatchlings, various bosses) are a little over the top. It’s difficult to melee now without being on your kitten a ton of the time. While I like my shortbow plinking everything all night long isn’t as fun as wading in with my melee weapons.
- My main reaction to these changes is “How would a level 35 group be able to handle this?” I personally feel like AC Explorable will decimate these groups now, and is that what you really want to present to up and coming players? Also, AC used to be a great place to gather newer, less experienced folks and have them learn the ropes of dungeoning. Now most of that time would be spent on the ground, either from a knockdown or just being downed by the damage. It’s not difficult for our experienced guild groups, but it was more fun and beneficial to take newer folks in there. Not so much anymore.
Lag is way worse with large groups of things. Examples: AC P2 Graveling Spike Traps (reproducible), Shatterer event.
Please take a look, I have a beast of a machine and it is definitely far worse.
I just wanted to thank you OP for the post. Nice writeup! +1
This is crashing for all 70 of us that gathered to do this on Sanctum of Rall.
Why are so many people moaning at having to work towards something? Its just another case of ‘want it now’. Sure the larger guilds can undertake the missions at a faster rate than the smaller ones but what do you get for completion? All thats been confirmed is added WvW buffs for the guild.
To me its like moaning at the fact that a friend is helping another friend to get their legendary. “Oh dear, its not fair that this person has a friend in GW2 and I dont”. (1) whats the rush? (2) whats stopping smaller guilds from participating? (3) Larger guilds are harder to run so they deserve a ‘headstart’ in the guild missions. I dont hear anyone moaning about the fact larger guilds get more influence for magic find banners and WvW buffs so whats changed?
I think the main complaint is that it appears all the other missions are gated behind the AoW/Bounty line, and smaller guilds probably don’t have that line researched.
Based on the response here, it’s obviously is what it is at this point – servers will have to band together to help each other. We’re working on this on SoR right now.
I know there have been some concerns about Guild Bounties being in the Art of War line. Our goal with this system is to give guilds activities and long-term progression that they can accomplish by working together as a guild. These missions are meant to be difficult and challenging to not only unlock, but to accomplish.
We would also like to make every guild upgrade line valuable to every guild. Currently, Art of War is very focused on PvP and WvW, but our plan is to continue to add more guild upgrades in the Art of War line to accomplish this. These Guild Missions are the first step. Along with this system, we also added a number of new guild upgrades that guilds can earn.
In the end, our goal for all of this content is to give guilds new goals and challenges to accomplished once they have researched deeply into each line, as well as require guilds to have researched multiple lines to unlock some upgrades. We expect guild members to have to work together as a guild to earn the influence needed to unlock these new missions, as well as overcome the challenge of the missions themselves.
In the future, we plan to continue to add more guild upgrades, as well as continue to add challenging guild missions, as we don’t want guilds to run out of goals and accomplishments they can achieve.~Izzy @-’—-
Appreciate the post but this still leaves out critical information. I guess we will know in like 4 days :P
We may disagree on how large or small guilds should be accessing this content, but one thing we for sure agree on is, once again, ANet has completely dropped the ball on communicating properly. Look at what this one-off dev comment in the middle of the night has wrought.
Certainly ANet you can do better than this by providing us with proper, accurate information. It’s not the quantity of your messages, it’s the quality.
And people’s solution to this is to leech off larger guilds events?
You wouldn’t be leeching. As far as I can tell, you helping wouldn’t decrease the guild who initiated the event’s awards. You would be helping.
I’m concerned that our guild has been hard gated out of building this new content ourselves. At our current rate of influence gain, without mass recruiting people which we will not do, we’re looking at 60+ days of influence gathering plus build time to get AoW to lv 5. Please reconsider introducing missions that smaller tier guilds can initiate, possibly starting around 1k influence to build. With that floor, even single person guilds can amass enough influence in a week or two of casual playing to at least initiate one mission.
Why dont you just buy influence with gold?
To some of us, 78g is quite a bit. Running dungeons and farming mats are both unfun, as well as TP flipping…as I said in the previous thread, if I wanted another job I’d get one, video games are supposed to be fun.
you said you would be locked out for 60+ days, even if some of your guild buys influence, that time will be cut way, way down. what does your guild have 10 members? can they each toss in a couple gold? if is that urgent and that much or a priority to you and your guild, you can make it happen.
5, among whom only I play for any significant amount of time each day.
I don’t mean to be rude, honestly, I have been in your shoes, but with that type of setup I’m not sure what you hope to accomplish with these missions.
My personal bank guild, which I only really use for the stash, has like 4k influence. Again, I am not trying to belittle you but even in a tiny guild you can do better than 5k influence in a few months.
For better or worse, ANet seems to be laying out the ground rules for guild participation, and you just fall below that. Sorry.
Yeah, Colin’s chat thing makes it sound like they expect it to be months and months before players experience it all. Of course, MMO companies always underestimate the will of the players to devour content as fast as possible, but we’ll see.
I think each mission is going to require a lot of time and/or influence to unlock, based on those interviews. Right or wrong that’s how it’s going to be, so people should be prepared to work together and grind.
The link to Colin’s thing just makes it more confusing in my opinion. haha :P
They have only used Guild Bounties, one of 5 Guild Missions, as an example. That requires rank 5 AoW.
There are 4 other guild missions:
- Guild Trek
- Guild Challenge
- Guild Rush
- Guild Puzzle
They could all be in different tracks. They could all be tied to the AoW track. We don’t know.
However, ALL that we know is that 1 guild mission is tied to AoW rank 5.
And when it is brand new content… never before seen mechanics in the game… it shouldn’t be gated so that many players must wait long periods of time to see it after grinding ridiculous amounts of gold and influence.
The first ever guild missions introduced into guild wars 2 should have been in a tree that is attractive to all guilds no matter their size… and at a lower tier of upgrade, such as Economy 2 or 3.
The alternative, of course, for many players that want to see the new content now (as many will) is to rep a large guild, or be a spectator in one of their events. Since many large guilds require 100% rep, that means small guilds bleed membership while they struggle/“grind like migrant farm workers” to catch up.
The problem of course (which is ANet’s fault, not yours) is that you’re assuming the only guild mission to be available at start will be the Bounty @ AoW5.
This is something an informed dev could clear up lickety-split.
taps foot
I also wonder what the level and potency of these guild rewards will be and what they may lead to. For example permenant reduced waypoint, as in almost free and sigificant gold finds and or magic finds might lead to a wealth gap between those players in a larger guild and those in smaller/ no guild. I’m not syaing that this will happen but to intice any guild it would seem that rewards would have to be worthwhile. It sounds like it may lead to an exploit or greatly divided community. That said I like the idea. The implementation, with the high starting curve and potential of imbalance has me somewhat worried.
It’s not a permanent reduction, it’s a “buff” like everything else (i.e. 15% Karma buff, etc etc).
I believe the dev post said that Guild Bounties missions would require guild levels attained from Art of War/WvW?
If these Guild Bounties missions are in the WvW zones then that makes sense. If these bounties are anywhere else, then that is counter-intuitive and I have to agree that would be a bad idea. PvE guild missions should require guild levels from PvE content, WvW content should lead to guild content directed at WvW.
I feel like this was probably misspoken, I can’t imagine that all the missions come out of AoW, or that it’s gated in such a way that you can’t do any other missions unless you unlock Bounties first. That would be an odd design choice that I wouldn’t support (even though my guild is 100% upgraded)