Showing Posts For Tic Tac Toe.1482:
So I’m off to do some leather farming when I see a “Engi Farm” in LFG. I roll over with my nec, and quickly see most of the kitten in the squad are engi’s, standing in one spot each with a few turrets. I know I know… first time I had seen this, though I don’t farm leather all the time.
So I brought my engi, set up a few turrets, munched on some omni food, and watched the slow but steady stream of loot pour in.
And then I remembered Anet’s policy that essentially forbids afk farming. I’ve NEVER afk farmed, and I know there is always a gray area on this type of thing, this engi leather farm seems, to me at least, approaching that area. I know one has to re-cast the turrets and clear out inventory every so often, but still the ratio of “doing nothing and getting loot” / “doing something” seems high.
Maybe I’m off the turret a little here, but I don’t think Anet had Engi Farming in mind when they designed this. Or I am just paranoid, and we’ll never have to worry about the nerf hammer? :-)
I have 64bit Win10 16XXX w/a geforce 760 on 376.33 drivers and I’m not on compat mode. Though I did notice today on some of the map loading screens that there was a little flickering, but the maps themselves seemed to load a little faster. Strange.
I know it’s been requested a few times here before, but it would be REALLY nice to have a “book” or one slot item to combine our ever-growing collections of scrolls, portals, and other “insta-teleporters” into one slot.
With each new episode in LS3 adding a new scroll, more “special area” passes coming out, and the general growth of inventory, I’m sure this would be appreciated by many players. Hopefully not a technically hard item to implement, and certainly a QOL improvement, acquisition could lend itself to a gold sink or gems (or a free X-mas gift for all :-)
Can we get a “consume all” option for trick-or-treat bags?
Now that we have it on MF, salvage, and karma items, can we get it on the trick-or-treat bags we’re all gorging on during Halloween?
I’m experienced w/GW2 but new to raids (9 lvl80 characters, one of each profession) and looking for a North American raid guild.
My main is an ele and I want to tempest DPS, I’ve got full zerk ascended gear w/full elite unlocked w/most masteries unlocked, and I have teamspeak and a mic.
PM if interested. Thanks
…that I’ve found is the AB meta in a multi-map squad. I’m going for a legendary which needs lots of ecto, and world bosses and other methods of getting rares -> ecto seem slower, assuming I can login during an AB meta-event.
And RNG/gambling does NOT count.
What’s the best place y’all have found?
Given the former is back in the gemstore, is there a difference between the two areas in terms of what’s there?
When I’m in Orr or SW or anywhere and rolling through events, it would be nice to have a visual indicator (other than looking for event wins giving lower exp) to know that diminished rewards have kicked in.
Anyone else agree?
Thank you Anet!!!
I had no issues w/getting up and running on the 64-bit client, copied the .exe to the game folder, ran it, game downloaded/updated a few files and boom – I’m in.
I noticed 3 things (and I run vanilla gw2, no overlay or “gem” programs):
-slightly faster map load times, especially in HoT and LA
-no OOM crashes (yet…) and use of 3-5 gigs of ram use per task manager
-slightly faster FPS
i7 4770/Z87/16g corsair ram/nvidia 760 2g/2 ssd in raid0
I know we have already received the first map thanks to the BWE, but are we going to get the rest of the chunks throughout this week, or one huge download on Friday?
Bonus question: can you seed an optional torrent with an updated dat file? May ease some of the network load/bandwidth strain…
I know scribe is coming, buy i’d still like to see at least chef at 500.
We could get nourishments, food that lasts longer (though they wouldn’t want to kill the metabolic primer) or food that has different effects or that could pass on effects to your whole party/guild/squad. The last one might create balance issues if many ppl in a group had lvl 500 foods.
On game day, I’m planning to have the following items ready for what will be my new Revenant, the goal being to max the masteries, and enjoy the new content – am I missing anything?
-Full lvl 80 heavy set of armor w/sigs
-Full lvl 80 set of weapons, 2 swords, hammer, mace axe, shield, hammer, staff, and spear w/upgrades
-Full lvl 80 set of trinkets (rings, amulets, accessories, back piece)
for me, a mix of exotic and ascended on the above items depending on time/budget
-a +30 scroll and 50 tomes for insta-80
-Ample food w/15% +exp, ie; spicy pumpkin cookie, omnomberry ghost – you may want to have some RL food ready as well :-)
-Ample nourishment (any anti-Mordremoth potions like the scarlet one?) for the +10 exp
-Four 20-slot bags, probably one of them invisible for my play-style
-My unlimited gather-tools and salvage-o-matic
-Will add boosters to taste (birthday, +experience, etc…)
Anet has to balance things: on one hand they have hard-core players who will insta-80, have full gear ready on launch, use 3-5 exp boosters, and Zerg grind non stop for the first few days, and on the other hand they have people who will play for a few hours on weekends.
The whole reason not to give them login rewards was not to automatically give them laurels. Laurels can be used to buy T6 mats.
The other reason for no login rewards on FTP is so ppl don’t make scads of accounts and ruin the economy by simply logging in to 1000’s of accounts everyday and consolidating the rewards.
Taking October 23 off from work/school?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Tic Tac Toe.1482
And for those of us who will, any idea on what time the expac goes live?
On my i7 4770, geforce 760 2 gig, 16 gig system ram, w/ssd, all settings cranked at 1080p I get around 50 fps, and 15-20 fps in heavy WvW and world bosses. The game is CPU bound w/dx9
If I add HoT does it add Heroic edition?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Tic Tac Toe.1482
Does it also add deluxe edition?
I’m just hoping for the dragonite version of Mawdrey. When are they coming out with that?
My /age is ~745 hours, played since headstart.
And to those who have had a pre-cursor drop, if you remember, what was your /age at the time?
The end of this season likely ends with the egg hatching into Glint Jr. who will help us in the fight with mordremoth during the next season.
5 characters, 2 lvl 80’s, 1 with full map completion.
And a full time job outside of gw2 :-)
A few days ago it seemed one could use the birthday blaster an unlimited number of times except for the 20 second cooldown. I was on today and that was not the case with a few of my guys, they ran over the cakes but no birthday bonus.
Anyone else notice this? Is this a silent nerf?
What Dye Color “matches” the tempered blue spinal blade pack. Seems like a bluish green but hard to match.
-More UI customization
-Build templates
-Account based bags
-More control of what maps you/guilds/friends are on
-Player housing
-Bugs fixed
Trying not to start a flame war :-)
I think account based bags would be a great idea, but why stop at 8 slots – I want my full 20 :-). Gathering tools, salvage-o-matic, food, and various ascended gear would all find a good home there.
But if something like this every came out, the price would almost certainly be in gems.
My loading times seem to be going up as well, around 10-15 seconds depending on the zone. This is on a i7-4400, geforce 760, 16 gig RAM, and 2 SSD’s in RAID-0.
Playing today on my zerk ele w/scepter + focus, air attuned against Boom Boom Baines. Using auto attack for a while and the dmg got to over 100k/sec – see the screen shot.
Is this some strange scale effect, because he wasn’t loosing health any faster or slower whether I was hitting him or not. The reason I ask is at >100k/sec if the health bar was not moving any faster or slower, the guy would have HUNDREDS OF TRILLIONS of hit points scaling-wise as I was literally doing a million dmg in a few seconds.
Guess it maybe RNG. Though my sample size is not THAT large (playing since launch, at least a few hundred rares) it seems like recently the ecto rate went down a lot.
Anyone else notice in the last week or so (before the latest update) that when salvaging rares with Black Lion, mystic, or masters kits that you’re getting a LOT less ecto?
I used to get an average of 1-3 ecto/rare, and maybe 1-2 of 10 would not have any ecto. Lately it’s been around 1 ecto for every 5-6 rares, very noticeable. Though I could be wrong, it does not seem like RNG here.
Am I the only one?
iCore7 4770, Nvidia 760 w/2 gig ram, 16 gig system RAM, @ 1900 × 1200 with all details turned up, and in an LA zerg fest it REALLY slows down to around 25 fps, though I normally am at 55-60 fps.
We have monthlies and dailies, what about hourlies? Maybe after doing 2-3 daily/shortened daily style tasks, one can get small reward, with say a 1/3 or 1/2 chance of getting an achievement point and/or laurel point (so it won’t inflate AP or laurels).
Gives players a little something more to do on a constant basis, may break up the QD and Frostgorge trains a bit, assuming tasks were not soley tied to events and champs.
Good idea? Horid idea?
Plan to load up my zerker (who usually focuses on DPS and therefore fire) with a complete rune set. What’s the best for general PvE including fractals, farming, living world, champ runs, WvW and generally all around.
Divinity? (expensive)
Some other one?
I doubt Anet intended anyone to be able to do it during Halloween. The merchant is permanent so you will be able to get the bag and the mini after Halloween is over, either by harvesting candy corn from the node in your home instance, buying it on the TP, waiting for future Halloween events or some combination of those.
No offense, but it takes 15000-20000 CC to get the prizes. Even if you have a few thousand after Halloween, and you can get 5-9/day on your home node (great for cooking) it would take years to get up to the 15000-20000 from that, assuming your not using the TP. In short, very grindy.
Guess for some ppl this is important, but messing with hair is not even fun in RL, much less GW.
I’m at 50%
Though my main just got a 20% bump from the 20% laurel utility, so 70% for him.
Anyone at 300% yet?
I have the axe as well and really want to see the pick and sickle as well.
Completed all the Queen Jennah’s Jubilee achievements, the last one being the tower event, and it only shows 15/16 completed even though they are all done.
Please fix!