Showing Posts Upvoted By Tiffany.8576:
PPT is a total failure it is one of the reasons WvW has been in pretty much permanent decline, it is supposed to be a mass scale PvP mode with “massive battles”, yet PPT and “winning” largely involves avoiding battles, PvDoor, running away and playing off-peak when others are not.
And also one of the major reasons WvW is even viable as a mass scale PvP mode.
If you want to know what WvW would be without PPT, look at desert border. That’s your “mass scale PvP mode” future. People dont generally just appear out of thin air and play against you because reasons. The heart of WvW is objectives. Objectives focus players and brings the PvP. Objectives that players want to fight around. They have to have a reason to be there. When we loose the will to fight around these objectives… Well. See previously mentioned desert border.
PPT is flawed sure but calling it a total failure is like taking a dump on 3 years of WvW, PvP and all. I object to that.
To make matters worse…after the ‘disagreement’ on who should run the guild today, I was slandered on the Guild daily message by the second friend calling me a tyrant that the guild was no longer FOR THE PEOPLE…
You must step down and hand over the means of Guild Mission production to the proletariat…
I’m going to leave this here
Have you tried watching the ledges?
(edited by TheBlackLeech.9360)
Have you tried logging on?
Game Security Lead
We don’t need to see it in-game, sometimes good video evidence is enough for me to track down who it was. In this case, the video was enough for me to find out who it was and take action. Thanks for the video, and to accompany your video, I give you this video of his account’s last moments:
Oh yah, he’s also banned
(edited by Chris Cleary.8017)
Ugh please, have any of those people complaining actually played an actual f2p MMORPG game?
I remember when I first started MMOing with Maple Story almost a decade ago. Forget skins and money, it took me and my friends MONTHS to grind a single character to 4th job, not even to cap level. We didn’t even had time to worry about skins or stats or whatnot. We had to GRIND on mobs just to to able to ACCESS content. Hundreds of hours of pressing a button, killing mobs, taking advantage of every double exp events, doing the same thing over and over again just to gain access to higher level content. In the end, the grind was too much and we all quit the game.
Fast forward a few years, and me and my friends played Dragon Nest, and again, still grinding. Running the same dungeon DOZENS of times to get a single level, with no variety. You HAVE to run this dungeon to get to the next level, as other dungeons either took too long, or barely gives any exp. People used ‘boost’ others, helping them clear dungeons quickly with a high level character in their party for a price.
That’s not mentioning the pay-wall you have to pass to get to the final content, as without good gear, you won’t get a place in a party to clear raids. Without doing raids, there is no reliable way to make money, which means you don’t get good gear.
Only way to get pass the pay wall? Spend hundreds of hours farming gold to have a chance to get mediocre gear to be ‘barely’ accepted into a party, or open your wallet and buy things foo the cash shop to sell/ buy equips from players using cash.
THAT is GRINDING. If you don’t DO THIS, you will not get to do ALL THE OTHER THINGS AFTER THIS.
What you guys complain about is FARMING, which is OPTIONAL.
Can you enjoy the game withoutAscended Gear/ Legendary Gear?
Do you NEED to repeatedly run dungeons to enjoy all the content?
Do you NEED to get that awesome looking Legendary/Skin to play the game?
Those “grindy” items, such as Legendaries and Ascended Armor are more like a status symbol, a sign that you have invested time and money into the game. They are hard to get for a reason.
And, if there are no ‘grindy’ things in GW2, then what is the point? There will be nothing to work towards. It might as well be a single player game with a multiplayer function.
And btw, I have yet to see an F2P game with more customizing option then Gw2, especially for free.
Arguably Maple Story had larger variety of outfits and skins, but 99% of them are DURATIONAL and is only purchasable by using REAL MONEY. No ‘convert in-game currency to cash shop currency’.
And the skins of Dragon Nest costs more than 30-40 USD for a single ‘low grade’ set, and to get the best skins, you have to pray to RNGesus and spend MORE money to combine two lower grade skins (with the obligatory extra fee of the combination device of course) for a chance to get a better skin. None of that BS in GW2.
I’m still amazed that GW2 has no subscription fee, and it is ridiculously cheap (I got it during a sale some time ago), which is definitely a steal.
So for those who compare gw2 to those F2P mmos I’ve grown to detest so much (especially after playing gw2), I dare you to actually try to get into a real F2P mmo, filled with Pay-to-Win ideologies, before QQing about GW2 just because you are too lazy or too cheap to invest time and/or money into the game.
where bashing people over the head with a stick deals more damage than a stab to the heart.
-My D.A. =
You know lag is bad when portals kill you. This happened about 8 months ago.
Marmatt is that you??!! :O
Greetings Everyone,
I wanted to bring something to light and get this out in the open. Over the past few weeks I’ve heard rumors circulating about various guilds and leaders leaving Sanctum of Rall.
Well yesterday I got a heart felt email from a member of the community saying they will miss me and they are very sad to see me go. I was told that they understand why i’m transferring to blackgate. A few weeks ago someone else told me that I was transferring to blackgate. Now IF I’m transferring to Blackgate, I can honestly tell you that I would know about it before all of you.
I’m not sure who’s spreading rumors about our leaders in WvW but if you hear someone is leaving Sanctum of Rall I implore you to please ask them and report who told you such a thing. I have heard many rumors over the past 3 weeks about other guild leaders or wvw leaders leaving the server or quitting all together. It’s becoming painfully apparent that someone out there is trying to stir the pot and get sanctum of rall to break. Several of the GSCH officers have been also told that they were leaving GSCH and transferring to another server.
GSCH & Sanctum of Rall
I hope by now, those of you who know us, know that if we are rank 1 on rank none the GSCH will be on Sanctum of Rall. If the day comes when Sanctum of Rall is no more and the server is closed, GSCH will not transfer, it too will go down with Sanctum of Rall. We fought for the tribute of Rall for over a year. From office visits, to mass cookie sending, to a massive letter writing campaign, we campaigned to have a tribute for our dear friend Roger.
Why in the world would you think a Guild who fought so hard and so long to have a server named after a friend would call it quits after 6 months? He was a hero to most of us, a legend to some of us, and his honor is more important to us than any rank, or rating, or loot we will ever find in this game. To question that is simply ridiculous.
The Gaiscioch [GSCH] will NOT be leaving Sanctum of Rall. Even if it falls to last place. Even if everyone else leaves the server and we are all thats left, we will still call Sanctum of Rall home. When Sanctum of Rall closes, Gaiscioch leaves Guild Wars 2. That’s how it is, that’s how it will be, we aren’t going anywhere. Period.
I hope all of you can find a hero that makes you stick by your choices to the extent of being willing to endure hell if it means that you honor their name. Through the good times and the bad we will stick by our choice and honor our brother Roger “Oldroar” Rall.
Foghladha & Sanctum of Rall
Simply put, I was here when the announcement that Sanctum of Rall would be a server in GW2 hit my mailbox just before beta. I will be here on the last day this server is online. Roger was like a father to me, and everything in Guild Wars 2 reminds me of him and what he taught me. To walk away from that would be walking away from his memory. It’s not something I will do unless forced.
If you want to test my integrity and perseverance, let it be known that in 1981 I like tigers. I was 3 years old and decided I wanted I wanted to be a Cinncinatti Bengal fan because they had tigers on their uniform. Today I am still a proud Cinncinnati Bengal fan. I grew up surrounded by 49er and Raider fans in the bay area and teased for my loyalty to “such a crappy team”. Winning and losing doesn’t matter to me, what matters is saying what you do, doing what you say, and sticking by your principles not only when it’s easy but most of all when it’s hard.
Bottom Line
Don’t believe the rumors.
Founder, Gaiscioch Community [GSCH] | Gaiscioch Magazine | Twitch | YouTube | Twitter
Proud Resident of Mercenary Server Sanctum of Rall | 6 Year Extra-Life Charity Event Participant
Merging servers is a really bad idea imo. Not everyone is looking for huge populations. Mega servers basically ruined any enjoyment in PvE because it was believed that more players is good. Well, it’s not for everyone.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
I acknowledge that SOR is in last place on the WvW leaderboards, but I hardly agree SOR is dead. Over the past 2 months we’ve had a significant surge of new players, so much I ended up running a welcome to guild wars 2 event last weekend and will be continuing it this weekend. We had close to 40 participants last week, getting escorted around showing them what a world boss was and how to get to WvW.
Are we going to be a powerhouse like we were back when TW, CHOO, FEAR ran the show? Doubtful. SOR is in full recreational WvW mode now. People go out they have fun for a few hours then they leave. Thats life on SOR WvW right now.
Unless some guilds or mass amounts of new players join SOR we will likely stay there. The part that cracks me up is how many of the “Ex-SOR” players have to go point and make fun of us when this is an effect of them leaving.
Since this game launched GSCH has done it’s best to accommodate players and what they need. When Indo and company asked us to stay off the field until Thursday, we abided for almost a year. Until the queues were gone. We in fact moved our regular 6-9PM PST event to 12 – 3AM PST so that we could help out at night. We instead hosted events to put legendaries into SOR members hands being most serious WvW players don’t have time to get that stuff. So we GAVE AWAY 9 Legendary Weapons. Including Eternity. We started hosting community wide Guild Missions multiple times a week so everyone on the server could get credit.
Our community is built around professional lives. We’re not a community that has players with a lot of time. We don’t schedule our lives around our gametime, we schedule gametime around our lives.
For example. Free time is not something I have. I run the technology department for my company by day, play and manage 3 football (Competitive Mens, Recreational Coed , and Recreational Mens) teams by weeks end, bowl competitively on mondays, have a wife and a child, maintain 14 different web sites, and run Gaiscioch in 2 different games. Did I mention I also run Gaiscioch Magazine and our charity events?
I get between 12 hours a week to play games. 6 During primetime, 6 during the middle of the night. Thats my life. I don’t get the luxury of playing games 40 hours a week. Those days left me in jr. high school.
Many of our members are in the same boat. They don’t have a whole lot of time to play so we all manage our schedules and pencil in time to be together. The rest of the week is spotty at best. We’ve got several scheduled events each week but we rarely see more than 20 GSCH at any of them. Most of the time it’s between 9 – 15 GSCH and whoever we can find on SOR.
Gaiscioch is built from the ground up as a place where active professionals can have a chance to be a part of a community. Most of us have been kicked out of other guilds for not being active enough.
I’m sorry if you are placing your own ideas of what the average player is, on our community because thats not the case. Our average member spends 8 hours a week in game. Thats it. It’s not because we don’t want to, it’s because our lives are that busy. Games are what we do for fun.
As I said loooooong ago.
“Tier one or Tier none does not matter, We are here to stay.”
Sanctum of Rall is our home, and we will continue doing what we can, when we can. Aside from that, it’s up to each player to decide how they want to spend their day. If theres a WvW guild that wants to fight then I welcome you to come over. We will welcome you with open arms so long as you realize. What you see now from GSCH is all you’re going to get. The rest is on you. Life simply doesn’t allow us the freedom to play as often as we like. I’m sorry if that makes you angry, but thats how it is. Families and Real Lives come first ALWAYS.
Additionally the day they take SOR away from us is the day we leave Guild Wars 2. Were playing GW2 to honor a fallen friend. When his tribute server is gone so will we fade into the mists. I’d rather be last place and still honor my friends memory that be first and let it fade.
Founder, Gaiscioch Community [GSCH] | Gaiscioch Magazine | Twitch | YouTube | Twitter
Proud Resident of Mercenary Server Sanctum of Rall | 6 Year Extra-Life Charity Event Participant
(edited by Foghladha.2506)
It is PVE after all
PvE get’s more updates.
-To be frank with you I would not consider PPT the end game content of GW2.
-The end game content for me is improving as a player in term of battle skills. The way I dodge, the way I land my big hits. The way I predict my oppenent movement, the way I calculate my cooldowns and rotate them.
-Even after 2800 hours total (2400 on WvW and about 100 in PvP… the rest beign PVE), I still find ways to improve. Be it as a solo roamer, a player in a small men roaming party (see here 5 players and below) or in my guild playing for the fights (bags). On a good friday night I often gets 100+ heavy loot bags when raiding with my guild. Those bags are my pride. The tears of the fallens is my happiness.
-This is my personal point of view. Everyone is allowed to theirs.
Decided to quickly make this guide as I found this is necessary with all the returning and new players!
Enjoy PvP’ers!
(edited by Terrorsquad.2349)
I like spies. They bring us bags.
I hear there’s a spy in your guild ;P
These are in no specific order just what came to mind first, but they are ALL important. If you work on improving at these you will definitely notice an increase of success in solo Q. If you have any questions of my "off the top of my head while at work* list I made, please feel free to ask. Also if you would like to add to the list be my guest.
1. You call the target
2. Whenever You pop your Water Attunement, use your Healing Turret, etc. try to be near your teammates so they benefit too.
3. Peel for teammates (#2 can also go in here), Peeling for teammates means when you see someone in trouble go to them, and use CC, Heals, Dmg, or whatever you can to get the enemies off of them.
4. For #3 to work you also need to pay attention to the Whole fight, not just the target you are choosing to go for.
5. Be aware of respawns, if you know that people on the opposing team are dead and you see some teammates far, those teammates will be needing help shortly. This can also be useful for knowing that an enemy on respawn could possibly be heading to your home point, and you can watch for it and possibly avoid a decap.
6. Dying is almost always worse than allowing a decap, not having you available to the team for about 45 seconds (This includes 15s respawn, possible time bleeding out, and time it took you to run back) is much worse than you keeping the decap in MOST situations. So instead of dying, you can just run away and reset and hopefully someone would have helped you by then.
7. This continues #3 and adds to #4, be aware when your teammate is going to go down, and when he does, be ready to revive him. Please learn the difference between a revivable ally and an ally you will die in the process of reviving.
8. If you have no stomping skill to use (Such as stability, invuln, etc) don’t even bother stomping. You will be much more useful cleaving the target rather than trying to stomp and failing. Sometimes it might be worth while to forces a mistform from an ele in downstate, or a teleport from a thief or mesmer, but if it’s not one of those classes, always just cleave.
9. Rotations: Knowing how to rotate I like to think is a summary of this whole list. what it means to “rotate” is to know exactly where to be and when. For example, off respawn knowing to run home rather then going to a winning fight in mid, or going home to support an ally defending the point. You will learn this mostly through experience, or by watching Backpacks video
10. Know your role:
DPS: Make sure you are targeting the right target, and remember that you are the “squishiest” ones out there. Try your best to avoid as much damage as possible. Never be afraid to 1 a fight, (1’ing a fight means to help a teammate that is 1v1ing usually guaranteeing a quick kill) actually in Solo Q I suggest that you always try to +1 fights if you aren’t needed anywhere else, play as if your team will lose every even fight.
Bunker/Support/Tanks: you guys will play point holder or “point stayer-oner”. Your job will to always try to be on the point, and holding it for as long as possible(Of course this always won’t be the case). Usually being one of the tankier people the field, your job will be to Revive, and Stomp when possible, Peel for teamates, CC/Attack the target, etc. Staying alive is one of the more important objectives, again as I said earlier, staying alive is almost always better than dying.
11. I’ll add to this list as I think of more, or as someone else suggests more, but the last and most important rule is to play the game as if your teammates have never heard of any of the concepts listen in #1-10. Play as if your teammates are monkeys only told to run to a point and fight. Of course this doesn’t mean to treat them as such, still try to communicate with them, but what i’m trying to say is that if you mentally prepare for the worst in your teammates it will hopefully prevent you from raging as hard and appreciating when they actually do something well. Even if that thing they did well is second nature to you.
Click my name below to see Part 2
Suggestions from comments below (My comments in bold)
(edited by Bitty.1409)
The OP has a lack of understanding. Pushing far at the start only hurts your team if that player gets killed quickly. or their home character manages a full cap.
Even if that player loses a 1v1 at far, if they make it last 40 seconds or longer it’s certainly not a loss for your team.
If there is a 4v3 at mid, it will very quickly (less than 15 seconds) become a 4v4 because that means your home person got a free cap and will soon rotate mid. Your team now has even numbered fights and a capture point advantage, assuming your team wasn’t bad enough to get focused down in 10 seconds.
Since I don’t have enough clout to argue with someone who is clearly set in their opinion, please spend 20 minutes of your life listening to this kid talk about rotations. He might be a kid… but he has tons of gw2 clout and he understands rotations pretty darn well.
Merry Christmas
Even then you are nothing compared to troll numer one on my list
Get back to trolling school son.
I wonder if Ajax is on that list…
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
Each T1 server has a couple of thousand players whom have WvW’d. This handful of players in the meeting weren’t voted on. I’d also wager most players don’t even know who they are. What they are though is caring and proactive players trying to make the game mode more interesting, fun, and engaging place for everyone. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that desire. They should be applauded for their good intentions and for putting forth some effort in making the game mode better.
If anyone has any ideas of things to do, please do feel free to post them here. Please keep the suggestions based on what the current game design allows us to do.
This is the mists. Bring on the Ghostly Hero!
Mindlessly whacking my way through some Skritt community last night, I was struck by a sudden and overwhelming repugnance at the wanton fury inflicted on a race so lost and frail in the world.
As one little female cried, ‘More come, yes’ , weak with courage and fear, and another died with a plaintive ’No~ ’ , I was overcome with doubts and questions.
Whether it be wailing in death or calling for help, their voices, are infused with a confronting combination of fear, courage and pathos that deserves more admiration and fellowship than contempt and death.
In some ways, it feels like beating up the little guy with glasses in the playground who stood up to the bullies.
It isn’t right.
Here and now, I eschew map completion, wear my ‘Honorary Skritt with pride’ and devote myself to the defense of the little ones.
…Join me!
And while we’re at it, make Skritt playable
Mindlessly whacking my way through some Skritt community last night, I was struck by a sudden and overwhelming repugnance at the wanton fury inflicted on a race so lost and frail in the world.
You’re not the first to feel this way:
Just a list of general rules of thumb for new people and such to give a general idea of the… ‘Etiquette’? of WvW (And a few silly ones in there too
) Post your own too!
1) Thou Shall only take supply from designated supply camps. Unless the need is utterly dire.
2) Thou Shall realise, in a moment of crisis, that sentry point is not important.
3) Thou Shall not attempt to sway the server into assaulting a location for personal gain, merely support the server in the hopes that the needed location becomes viable to attack.
4) Thou Shall Not partake in Jumping Shenanigans if the server is need of help. One shall have patience until a time of calm or absolute domination. (Or Friday… everyone does it on a Friday.)
5) Thou Shall Not shanghai a persons personal Golem unless permission has been granted.
6) Thou Shall sacrifice oneself to contest an object if reinforcements are nearby and need only a few more seconds.
7) Thou Shall complain about thieves at every opportunity, as they are the bane of WvW. (Even if you are a thief ;D)
8) Thou Shall realise, it doth not take 20 people to take an empty supply camp and shall support elsewhere.
9) Thou Shall acknowledge the fact that your server is nothing without Bessie (The Dolyak) and thou shall throw your life away if it means her survival.
10) Thou Shall realise that Auto Attacking a gate and/or wall accomplishes nothing, and thou shall watch ones flanks.
11) Thou Shall never use the catapults ‘Gravel’ option, as it is pointless. (Subject to change under the bearings that a brave scholar deciphers a time in which it is useful for gravel.)
12) Thou Shall complain about ‘Culling’, for it is also, the bane of WvW.
13) Thou Shall complain often about the ’OP’ness of Mesmer portals ability to back door keeps and towers.
14) Thou Shall use Mesmer Portals to back door Keeps and Towers.
15) Thou Shall use all Mesmer portals, even if one does not know where to it leads. If it leads into an enemy army, you shall thank the Mesmer for giving you the chance of dealing death upon your enemies.
16) If one see’s a fellow WvW goer duelling with an enemy one vs one, one shall not involve himself unless the enemy has some unfair advantage. (Such as being level 80 and your friend up scaled.)
17) Thou shall warn of attacks, and not justkittenabout in a tower wondering why no one is helping.
18) One shall carry supply at all times, as supply is the life blood of all things WvW.
19) Thou Shall dance upon the corpses of dead spies, if time and circumstances permit, in an attempt to make them way point.
20) Thou shall plant flame rams on thieves that abuse stealth, if time and resources permit. (soon to be invalid?) – Peetee
21) Thou shall not kill the holy grub. – djkittiek
22) If thou is commanding, ye shall always have thy holy Mesmer handy at all time. – Hymnosi
23) Thou Shall refresh Siege de-spawn timers if passing through an captured objective. (Timer not 100% confirmed but double check anyway) – PolarApe
24) Thou shall complain about the op’ness of Warriors, Guardians, Elementalists, Mesmers, Necros and Engineers whenever possible, cause they are the bane of WvW. – Aysnvaust
25) Thou shall never complain about the op-ness of rangers, cause they are not. – Aysnvaust
26) Thou shalt chuckle when the word “truce” is mentioned, even as thy eyes watch thy supposed truce “partner” take thy towers, for ‘tis a silly word in WvW. The word is only as good as the gentle who gives it, and so many gentles either don’t give or don’t honor such a word. – AveryFarman
27) As thine mother and thine first grade teacher toldest thou, if thou comest upon an empty alter of supply and thine fellow is waiting for the manna from heaven to fallest and refill it, thou shalt waitest for thine fellow to retrievest his supply before thou takest supply from the holy alter of supply thineself. For thou never want to hearest from thine mother, “Son, I am disappointest.” (Decrypted version; thou shall form an orderly queue should the supply camp be empty.) – Sotaudi
Thats all I could think of for now. If you have more ‘Commandments’ of WvW post below. Even if it’s just a server special rule. Would be great to see the quirky rules different servers have :P
(edited by KinkyWarrior.1879)
In WVW, it’s pretty difficult to get the map completed whenever the enemy spots you and decides to ruin your day by killing you. So I came up with an idea: what if when you entered the borderlands, you were given two options of play; combat mode and map completion mode. When the player enters combat mode, it’s the normal mode you enter in as now where you can attack and be attacked. But when they chose map completion, they can’t be attacked and they can’t attack in return. So that way, if you’re just there for map completion, you can do so without being knocked around by the enemy. It would make a lot of people’s days a little bit easier and more enjoyable whenever they have to go in for map completion.
Now to avoid a quick problem, the only way to change the mode you’re in is to leave the borderlands and reload back in where it’ll ask you which mode you’d like to be in. This way, if an enemy team is losing, they can’t just swap modes and become untouchable.
I’m thinking for those in map completion mode, they could be granted stealth the entire time they’re there, so they don’t really interfere with the gameplay at all.
Just a few ideas to make it a bit easier.
Ok. So, here’s what’s going to happen.
I enter “map completion” mode — this puts me in permastealth, I’m unkillable, and I can walk through the walls and gates of enemy structures, note every piece of siege placement, every fortification, even the numbers of defenders.
I change back to “combat”. I relay everything I’ve learned to our server and we attack the structures that have the least defenders nearby and where the siege is weakest.
Nope. Not gonna happen.
What you want is to be able to enter an empty map that is an exact copy of the WvW maps without actually being WvW. The point of WvW map completion has always been two-fold:
a) Attempt to draw people from PvE into the game mode and perhaps they stay (as I did)
b) Take people out of their comfort zones so they experience something they would otherwise not try.
If I want the Glorious PvP armor? I have to play PvP. I want the cool rank finishers? Gotta play PvP. I want the Fractal Capacitor backpiece? I need to run Fractals.
I want to make a Legendary weapon? I have to finish the map. That includes both PvE and WvW. What if I’m just a WvW player? What if I never stepped foot outside the game mode except to go to LA every once in a while? I might find it inconvenient. It’s a fairly big map, after all.
There may be things in the game that you want which will require you to leave your comfort zone to obtain them. People thought it was “unfair” that they had to run 5 daily Fractals to be able to complete Mawdrey. I saw it as a way to let people experience a part of the game they don’t normally play. You can’t get everything you want in any way you want all the time. Otherwise, why don’t we just get rid of requirement-specific content altogether? Let’s dump drops. Forget gold. Forget the entire ingame reward system.
Let’s just have everything be in the gem store. It’s convenient, right?
Be smart. Think on your toes. Use tools like to watch various maps for when your side takes a structure. Ask for escorts. These are all things that I initially did to finish my first Legendary. I followed a commander around one day, and since we were zerging up a storm particularly fierce that day, I asked if we could take a specific tower. It was the last thing I needed for map completion. He was nice enough to point the zerg at the tower and I got my map completion.
Of course, by that time I’d already realized that I liked WvW, and once I stepped in, I never really left. That’s not everyone’s story, or everyone’s cup of tea. There are, however, many tools and strategies at your disposal to achieve map completion — use them.
Auto-login unlocks when you reach a higher level. It was too confusing for new players