Showing Posts For Tripp.9862:

WvW Happy Fun Time With Music!

in WvW

Posted by: Tripp.9862


I listen to electronic rooms with via my browser while i play.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

Where are my supplies?

in WvW

Posted by: Tripp.9862


Update notes. Read them. It is not a cheat, it’s a new item type called traps the enemy can place.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

Daily WvWvW Map Reset Nightly?

in WvW

Posted by: Tripp.9862


We had daily wvw resets at launch. It was boring, and it didn’t reflect a server’s true strengths at all.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

Where does the individual begin to matter?

in WvW

Posted by: Tripp.9862


It’s awesome your five man took a tower. However, it’s unrealistic to expect to defend it against a zerg. Small groups are better at taking enemy supply camps, killing yaks and just generally distracting the enemy teams. To be honest, that’s more of a contribution than taking one tower. Supply is king.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

Ian Boyd on WvWvWing in Guild Wars 2

in WvW

Posted by: Tripp.9862


Never heard of ian boyd. These “tactics” would require full guild bl’s or at the very least amazingly cooperative pugs. You generally don’t find much of either. Frankly the strategies most commanders on my server use are fairly effective, and I don’t personally see the need to seperate classes into different positions in WvW against enemy forces.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

WvW - Promote Fairness For All?

in WvW

Posted by: Tripp.9862


Uh, no thanks OP. I’m a Blackgate original and I’m not giving up my server. I’m primarily a wvw’er and I have some server pride. I hate the lag situation but I’d never leave to a lower tier because of it. Likewise the insane numbers of JQ never made me think I should move downtier.

In a way I kind of also like the fact that a match can really go on for months. It’s more competitive that way.

If your server doesn’t have a willingness to play, you will not have coverage. That’s no one’s fault but your own server’s.
We could use another map or two to spread out more, at least in tier 1, but the way I hear it we may be getting a new map sometime in the near future.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

Spy?? we dont care...

in WvW

Posted by: Tripp.9862


who cares where he’s from. Spies are not sanctioned by any guild I’ve come across on my server. Every server suffers from it at one time or another. They are just people who have too much time on their hands and think low plays are the way to win.

Again though, no guild I know of sanctions this and we would all appreciate it if you would report any supposed spy, because we don’t play that way on Blackgate.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

My feedback on stealth WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Tripp.9862



The only reason stealth is OP is because, for some reason, the devs haven’t included a mechanism for de-stealthing. Anything from debuffs which prevent stealthing to game mechanics which do not allow stealth to continue while performing offensive actions would do.

Right now, stealth really can be an answer to every single problem you encounter in WvW. Which then raises the question of why bother with anything else.

I don’t understand. You only get one offensive attack from stealth, whereupon you immediately gain revealed a buff that keeps you from restealthing for 3 seconds.

Did you not know that? I know culling can often make it seem like thieves can kill people entirely from stealth, but it’s not true. The moment you hit someone you are destealthed and remain so for 3 seconds.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

My feedback on stealth WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Tripp.9862




Thieves are supposed to be able to decide when to engage and disengage a fight. It’s the whole purpose of the class, if you can’t handle that don’t fight them.

That statement is a bit contradictory. Not every class has the luxury of choosing battles, and if a thief chooses to fight you, you’re likely in for the whole ride until he chooses to disengage or you’re built for mobility.

You won’t see complains about thieves in competitive spvp because of conquest mode, where bunkers dominate. If a deathmatch was implemented, I’m sure the complaints will spill over to their section of the forums.

It’s not contradictory at all. Thieves are masters of one v one, choosing when to engage and when they need to run. that’s basically the class description right there.

as for spvp, no they wouldn’t. There is no culling in spvp. I use the same setup for spvp as I do WvW. You can tell the difference if you do it yourself. People actually see me for the full duration of revealed in spvp. I like it better that way honestly. It’s more challenging.

WvW culling will be fixed eventually. This coming patch probably wont entirely fix it, but it’s going to help, and soon enough it will be fixed. Revealed’s mechanic will finally work properly and people will see that stealth is not god mode and is properly balanced. In the mean time i wouldn’t object to revealed being extended in WvW to 6 seconds to combat the culling 2 second lag.

Also, lets be honest, WvW is not the ultimate arena of skill. There are just as many new upleveled players as their are 80s. Thief is an easy class to be passible at, but to master it is difficult. This is true for a few classes( i.e. d/d ele). Culling compounds this right now so it seems like anyone can be awesome with a thief. when it’s fixed you’ll see many thieves suddenly disappear.

Tripp Durran, my thief, was my first character in the game. I’ve been playing him since the game came out, the majority of the time in wvw. I’m still not as good as some thieves I’ve gone up against. However, it isn’t hard to down people who have limited situational awareness and don’t know what to do when facing a thief. I also have a secondary main Necro Tripp that is obviously my necromancer, the two classes play entirely differently. Many thieves can and have owned me in a few seconds, but so have d/d eles and mesmers with that stupid glamor crap. I hate knockdowns cause they last so long and you can’t do anything before they burst you down. This is the nature of rock paper scissors classes.

Sorry for the long reply, but this thread is basically advocating the entire rewrite of a class and I feel a paragraph basically saying “nerf this class into the ground i hate getting killed!” does no one any good in the long run.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

My feedback on stealth WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Tripp.9862


You know how you can tell there’s nothing wrong with stealth? The fact that there are 345 threads complaining about it for the last few months and there hasn’t been one nerf to it. Stealth is where it’s supposed to be. Culling is the issue, the devs know this and this is why stealth has not been nerfed.

Thieves are supposed to be able to decide when to engage and disengage a fight. It’s the whole purpose of the class, if you can’t handle that don’t fight them.

You know why 99% of those who play thieves think there’s nothing wrong with stealth and defend it? Because there isn’t. It’s not OP, it’s not imbalanced. Go play some spvp and you’ll see that. Culling is the issue and hopefully this coming march patch will do more to fix it.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate


in WvW

Posted by: Tripp.9862


Hi All,

So I am on SBI (our battle is not going well but that’s really not what this is about) and last night I switched around between all three fringe battlegrounds (HoD, JQ, and SBI) when I saw one needed more help than the other. I generally avoid Eternal Battlegrounds just because there are already plenty of people waiting to get on there and I prefer getting in without a wait time.

2 of the battlegrounds I ended up on, I think HoD and JQ, had 2 and 3 commanders, respectively. One would think this would allow us to split up and attack multiple fronts….not so much.

The commanders were generally all bunched up in the same place, causing every player to bee-line straight for that one location. You can see how that is working out for us as we are currently in third place.

Just remember, if you have a commander icon turned on (can you turn it off?), try to go where the other commander is not. Draw people to more than one location and turn the 100g to an advantageous marker rather than a swarm summons.

Additionally, use the command abilities to call people to certain areas that would be strategically advantageous. We can all see your commands and many of us would follow them gladly.

You should be near the back of your forces, only fighting if you need to, watching the battle, watching the rear, and using your “outside combat” freedom of vision to direct the battle where we need it to go.

You should not be getting badges, killing enemies, or setting up/operating siege. Be commanders, not soldiers with fancy ecto hats.

Also, if you can turn off the icon and you are not planning on leading people actively, please do so. Nothing is worse than seeing a group of people following a commander who isn’t doing anything significant.

Commanders should be in the back? Puh lease! Even when I’m commanding, I’m one of the first into the enemy zerg. I run in there with my little asura thief and get all kinds of crazy on the enemy.
It’s the most effective way to get your people to break up an enemy zerg and is a psychological blow to the enemy.

If your people don’t see you willing to take a risk to defeat the enemy, why would they? they’ll just sit on the outskirts and slowly get pushed back by the enemy cause no one wants to risk dying.

To be frank, as opposed to Tripp, if you don’t like it get a tag for yourself and do it your way.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

What is the point of WvWvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Tripp.9862


It’s fun. I spend the majority of my time in wvw. I almost make a couple gold or more a day doing it. You know those heavy, medium etc lootbags you pickup? You can sell those for several silver a pop. Combine that with a few node harvests and some captures…there’s no reason you can’t make money wvwing.

If you’re not into killing thinking enemies, capturing points and the general camaraderie, I think the updates they are bringing to wvw will have something for you. I know I’m looking forward to them.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

Commander System

in WvW

Posted by: Tripp.9862


There are many different types of players and playstyles, and a grouping system should be flexible to reflect that. You have ONE way to group with over 5 people, and only if you are leading the whole zone.

I remember one time we had about 8 commander pins up in a zone. Two commanders were trying to lead the zone the other 6 pins were guilds running multiple groups. People started getting nasty in /map and /team telling the guild commanders to turn it off. This is what I saw in map chat a few months back:


This was quickly followed by obscenities in /map and /team when they wouldn’t drop the pins. So let’s use the only in game system for multiple groups so people can get harassed? It’s an easy fix, but just doesn’t seem to be a priority at this time.

I think the main problem is the general inability to grasp the concept that there was never intended to be only 1 commander on a map. I think that’s why commander wasn’t set at something ridiculous like 1000G.

To the general thread:

I recently attained my own commander tag via my own efforts combined with guild contributions from guildies who felt I deserved it. I spend 90 percent of my time in wvw.

Commander tags aren’t some end all be all to leadership. On blackgate we’ve got a ton of commanders. Everyone I’ve followed has done the job well. Even when we have no commanders, certain people step up and get things done.

If you don’t feel someone is commanding effectively, don’t follow them. Build your own group to take objectives/defend objectives. If your plans and actions make sense, people will follow you.

It’s easy to second guess commanders, it’s quite another to do it yourself.

Now, this isn’t to say that command functions don’t need improvements. It really does. But, the way it’s acquired now is just as valid as any other, seeing as how you’re not required to follow anyone in wvw or pve.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

Why is there no WvW compromise in place???

in WvW

Posted by: Tripp.9862


whoops resurrected a death thread, my bad folks. my bad.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

Why is there no WvW compromise in place???

in WvW

Posted by: Tripp.9862


Again, I’ll just say this …. setting player ratios will only create queues, particularly for servers facing opponents with weaker coverage in that time slot. Again using the BG/SoR/TC matchup as an example, SoR and TC queues would be massive during the EST primetime period I listed above, and queues are not good.

Yes, at first it would create queues. These queues wil cause frustration. This will result in people transferring to different servers, which results in what? Balanced WvW populations. So instead of it coming down to who has better coverage, it’ll come down to which server has better skill/strategy.

No it wouldn’t, it would result in frustrated players leaving because they are being punished for their server better representing itself in WvW. You know what you can do to fix WvW population imbalances? Recruit more people to WvW on your server.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

Soul Guard [SG] Blackgate recruiting!

in Guilds

Posted by: Tripp.9862


Here is my 2 day bump to ensure maximum viewage.

We would love to have you in Soul Guard!

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

there are to many people

in WvW

Posted by: Tripp.9862


I don’t understand. What exactly do you want anet to do? Should they punish servers with more WvW representation, just because yours doesn’t bother to come out of pve? how is that fair?

Perhaps the smart thing to do would be recruit more people to wvw out of pve, explain to them the benefits they get from better representation. Instead of demanding anet punish servers that spend more time wvwing.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

TC - Thief Duo Cap QL

in WvW

Posted by: Tripp.9862


Thanks, you have no idea how many times we’ve been called exploiters.

You can’t fault people for having legitimate concerns during a period in the game’s time when C&Ding off keep / tower walls is something that has become rampant. I would rather play on a server that questions and clarifies occurrences like that rather than ignore them merely because it benefits us, while at the same time still getting out the pitchforks at even the slightest possibility of opposing servers using similar exploits.

In addition, announcing repeated two-person tower captures in Team chat and going “Thief trade secret lol” as a response on how it’s done doesn’t really look too good. C&Ding off Siege, NPCS and the gates is fine and considered a perfectly legitimate and well-known tactic; you both could have saved yourself a lot of trouble and annoyance being upfront about what you were doing. It wouldn’t have taken away from the accomplishment and disarmed the exploit suspicions for good.

But then what would people have to complain about in regards to us thieves? They hate us for our stealth, so if we use it, we’re exploiting.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

T1 - Why would should stay away from it

in WvW

Posted by: Tripp.9862


I feel you. T1 is a complete zergfest. I’m anxiously awaiting the WvW improvements coming in the next 2 months. I’m hoping they will, at the least, slowly start to change this dynamic. Along with better rewards, they really do need to make it more profitable to defend to break up this zerging mentality.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

Macros Thieves

in PvP

Posted by: Tripp.9862


This is probably the best argument for both a global cooldown on thief abilities to prevent chaining, and a reduction in the effect of haste/frenzy

Thief abilities are meant to be chained. Ask a dev.

As for haste/frenzy. Take it away, take it out of the game. There’s no need for it.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

Soul Guard [SG] Blackgate recruiting!

in Guilds

Posted by: Tripp.9862


Just dropping by to add a friendly reminder that Soul Guard is still recruiting!
If you’re on Blackgate and looking for a group of awesome people to join, who love to wvw, and do dungeons, we’re the group for you!

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

proper ediquate for emotes

in WvW

Posted by: Tripp.9862


to the PRO guys.
laughing and dancing on people is usually reserved for those who do well.
3 times now i have PUNKED a PRO guy and been killed by his/her 300000 friends.
Always the person that was powned laughs and dances after being revived by their buddies.
Do you know how kitten you look laughing at the guy who just kitten you.
In the future, save those emotes for when you do well. like if 4 guys jump you and you kick all 4 of their kitten laugh away tea bag em have fun.
I hope this helps

Someone sounds mad. I laugh at my opponents when they finally kill me, cause usually it’s three guys who had to come save their buddy who couldn’t even run away properly.
It’s called taunting. You do it to frustrate the enemy, and increase enmity to create more intense fights in the future. This isn’t hug time, this is war.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

Soul Guard [SG] Blackgate recruiting!

in Guilds

Posted by: Tripp.9862


My name is Tripp Durran. I’m an Asura thief.
My guild, Soul Guard, is recruiting! We’ve been on Blackgate since day one.
We’ve been WvWing just as long. Soul Guard isn’t a large guild, but we’re great people and looking to expand our membership and presence in WvW.
We have teamspeak, a website, and helpful friendly members!

We’d love to have you join us!

Contact myself (Tripp.9862) or our guild leader, The Lethe.2953
for invite.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

Asura - unfair pvp advantage

in PvP

Posted by: Tripp.9862


Asuran racists!

I think maybe we should have an Asuran awareness month dedicated to enforcing tolerance on the lesser races.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

Why is there no WvW compromise in place???

in WvW

Posted by: Tripp.9862


You know what the real compromise should be? Since the devs have stated that there is no difference in ping between servers for those not in america, get rid of the region specific ones and mix the populations. Boom, problem solved, coverage for all time zones almost guaranteed.

I don’t understand why this is so difficult for Anet to understand. It’s such a simple solution and easily implementable.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

Why many people are no longer playing GW2?

in WvW

Posted by: Tripp.9862


so you wrote 2 posts for just telling us that people are quitting the game cos of thieves?

My original idea was to write just one long post, but these forums don’t allow over 5000 characters per message. I had to split my message into three. The last two are NOT about thieves and in fact the 1st one is not just about thieves. That is why I put the character class thief into quotes: “thief” problem. The problem of too fast spike damage affects all character classes, combined with culling issues + lag especially in some WvWvW servers it is serious. Did you actually read my posts?

I was wishing for constructive criticism and ideas how to fix the problems, because the GW2 player base is bleeding.


I think the real problem is haste. It needs to be eliminated immediately. It is the number one reason why people are unable to counter thieves and other classes with spike damage abilities. It does not need to be in the game.

We should really all be petitioning the devs to remove haste, post-haste. All it does is set players against each other and embitter them against one or two particular classes.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

Tixx' present is no present at all?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tripp.9862


Just in case my bug report was submitted in the wrong area, I too recieved nothing from Tixx.
I see all the people with their awesome present bag backpack and I cry to myself, wondering why.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

''No weapon swapping hurts competitive play''

in PvP

Posted by: Tripp.9862


Just wanted to jump in and say that I’m reading this thread and taking it all in. Keep it civil (don’t get yourselves banned! ) and let those ideas flow.

I know some of you are upset with the change, but really, this is something we were planning for a while. WE MAY NOT LOCK DOWN utilities down the road, so that you can still have some adjustment when out of combat, but at the same time, we do not think weapon swapping mid-match is good for the overall health of the game. Just wanted to remind you we are here, and I am watching the forums, and your ideas are being heard.

Keep it constructive (and really, overall you guys are doing a FANTASTIC JOB OF THIS!), and carry on!

I’m not sure I understand what’s going on here. I’m just an average player, who probably dies more than he kills others in sPVP.

It’s been my understanding for quite some time now, that the whole point of GW2 combat system was the weapon swapping, or in the case of elementalists swapping between attunements. To give it a more involved and challenging aspect.

If what I’m reading in this thread is true, now I’ll either have to pick my shield/mace or greatsword before a match on my guardian and be stuck with it? So the majority of the time I’ll just be autohitting people? That’s really disappointing and quite frankly incredibly boring.

Being able to switch to mace/shield when my dps greatsword abilities are on cooldown for the heal symbol and giving allies some protection is now not possible?
If so, then I guess my guardian is now going to be straight up dps.

Your misunderstanding, you will be able to equip your greatsword and ur mace/shield, but if you have a warhorn in your backpack than you won’t be able to equip that to use it for swiftness thats all XD

Ahhhhh. Ok, cool! I do not see this change as a problem then.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

''No weapon swapping hurts competitive play''

in PvP

Posted by: Tripp.9862


Just wanted to jump in and say that I’m reading this thread and taking it all in. Keep it civil (don’t get yourselves banned! ) and let those ideas flow.

I know some of you are upset with the change, but really, this is something we were planning for a while. WE MAY NOT LOCK DOWN utilities down the road, so that you can still have some adjustment when out of combat, but at the same time, we do not think weapon swapping mid-match is good for the overall health of the game. Just wanted to remind you we are here, and I am watching the forums, and your ideas are being heard.

Keep it constructive (and really, overall you guys are doing a FANTASTIC JOB OF THIS!), and carry on!

I’m not sure I understand what’s going on here. I’m just an average player, who probably dies more than he kills others in sPVP.

It’s been my understanding for quite some time now, that the whole point of GW2 combat system was the weapon swapping, or in the case of elementalists swapping between attunements. To give it a more involved and challenging aspect.

If what I’m reading in this thread is true, now I’ll either have to pick my shield/mace or greatsword before a match on my guardian and be stuck with it? So the majority of the time I’ll just be autohitting people? That’s really disappointing and quite frankly incredibly boring.

Being able to switch to mace/shield when my dps greatsword abilities are on cooldown for the heal symbol and giving allies some protection is now not possible?
If so, then I guess my guardian is now going to be straight up dps.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

Quaggan Plushies

in Wintersday

Posted by: Tripp.9862


Today while waiting for the dungeon to open in divinity’s reach, an npc said a funny thing. Quaggon wagon. Make me a plushie Quaggon pulling a wagon or riding in one, I will purchase it and give it to my son who is three years old as of yesterday and loves to watch me play the game.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

Rare mystery Wintersday boxes

in Wintersday

Posted by: Tripp.9862


More likely the droprate is just very low (as expected, nothing wrong with that). Black Lion Chest keys work the same way, very low droprate (from mobs, seen few drops myself since launch) but they do definitely drop.

That’s all well and good, but this is a limited event, not three months. I can probably safely say that even though black lion chest keys are super rare drops, just about everyone has gotten one at one time. Unfortunately with short term events like this, that’s pretty ridiculous to think that more than a handful of people are even going to be able to enjoy the drops, which is pretty sucky especially for a holiday based on giving dont you think?

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

How to kill Princess dolls?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Tripp.9862


The random gifts in the world now contain those little monsters, my question is how do i kill them instead of dying horribly (42 engineer with rifle.)
Close range=5+stacks of confuse and non-stop barrage of ranged fire.
Medium range grenade kit doesn’t really helps out.
Not exactly very fond of idea going full bunker or switch characters just to get those.
Any ideas?

I don’t even bother anymore. After opening one in a level 20 zone that was full of level 69’s and spending 20 silver traveling around trying to get to these presents before someone questing in the area grabs them while i’m traveling I’m done with that. I get more presents from the snowball pvp and it’s fun, not some super tedious run through of the zones.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

Can't connet to login server [Merged Threads]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tripp.9862


2 hours and still nothing. Since the moderator requested information, this is what I did. I logged off my thief, tried to log onto my ranger, got disconnected, now error message.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

GW2 has encounered an error message

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tripp.9862


from twitter feed:

Yes, not being able to log in (for some people) is part of the maintenance. We will let you know when it is over. ^MK

still don’t understand why they don’t post these things on the forum, you know, where people normally go when there’s a problem :/

Yeah, years of playing MMOs and everytime having the various companies post on their forums, then Anet decides to post critical information on twitter….. :|

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

Kicked out, can't log back in.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tripp.9862


It was announced. So I’m guessing that’s the main issue. I went to go log into another character and it kicked me. Hopefully it’s better soon.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

Balance FIRST, release AFTER

in PvP

Posted by: Tripp.9862


1v1 is only possible when every class has the same skills and damage. Otherwise it’s rock versus paper and well…that’s not really indicative of your skill if your class has an inherent handycap verses another, but an advantage over yet another.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

Halloween Exotics: "Over 140g to craft...lets give them to everyone!"

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Tripp.9862



They’re not getting it on sale for cheap – they’re effectively winning it in a contest that only lasts four days.

Arachnophobia, which is what I had planned to make over the next few months, has 42 available on the TP for as low as 26g.

Rich people will buy several, save them for January and sell them for 100g

I do realize the profit potential for speculators here.

The issue is that if something is also available as a drop then crafting it, especially when the ingredient list is excrutiatingly expensive, becomes irrelevant.

That’s the mistake I think Arenanet is making here.

Except you can craft it all year long, but it’s only available until tuesday or wednesday through the chests at a pretty steep chance percentage. There is nothing to complain about here. Contrary to the OP’s exaggerations, not “everyone” is getting these items through the chests. They are still rare, you can still charge obscene amounts of gold for them, they will be rarer still in 3-6 months. Enough with the complaining people.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

Act 3. How long will the event last?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Tripp.9862


I will be pretty disappointed myself if it is the attend the party achievement. I have to work 8-5 cst tomorrow delivering appliances. I’ve got everything else except the party and almost done with the carving pumpkins.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

Point of mad kings armor set?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Tripp.9862


I was hoping it’d be a cool mad king looking set, or a set with the mad king emblem on the pieces maybe with some effects, like the book orange smokey stuff. Unfortunately from what I hear, it’s just normal skins. So I won’t be putting any serious effort into getting it, there isn’t even an achievement for it.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

Dragons as Natural Disasters - A way to help balance WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Tripp.9862


works hard scilly? there’s nothing hard about taking the entire map when the other two teams are offline. there’s nothing hard about sitting on a cushy double secondplace score for an entire week. there’s nothing hard about keeping that double the next place score when one or both of the other servers just give up.

and i say that knowing full well, that blackgate suffered from that easy mode halfway through our match last matchup. we took first place and then got an obscene lead because fortaspen essentially gave up(as a whole, there were still some dedicated guys trying to make a comeback the rest of the match). that’s not fun, it’s not challenging, and it just ruins what wvwvw should be.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Tripp.9862


Yea, SBI sort of gave up last week. War weariness, I think.

Even still, SBI has far too much coverage and far too many dedicated WvW players/guilds to be beaten in Tier 2, at least in my estimation.

Prove me wrong!

And BTW, from my perspective, Blackgate has got some grit.

we try sky, we try. right now we’re lacking some organization. not sure why, but hopefully we’ll put up a better fight throughout the week.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Tripp.9862


sb-ioj-bg right now dimok. sb is in the lead by almost double of ioj’s score.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Tripp.9862


epics lets be honest here, the fact that supply in a keep or tower can be emptied by players who’s guild hasn’t claimed it is anet’s fault as much as players who do it.

you accusing me and monsoon, who called you out for it, of hacking is sad.

if monsoon and i had actually claimed to hack there would be reports against us and we’d be facing bans. this is obviously not the case. please continue lying it will only come back on you.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Tripp.9862


what alliance with IOJ? secondly i wasn’t even online when that orb was supposedly stolen. please provide some evidence.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Tripp.9862


I recall players named Tripp.9862 and Monsoon.2589 bragging about “ninjaing an orb”. word for word. probably your culprits

epics, you’re still mad that myself and others called you out on repeatedly taking supply from towers and keeps.

Stop lying.

It’s pretty sad that the only way you can defend your crap actions in WvW, you know stealing supply desperately needed to upgrade defenses, is by telling bald faced lies on the forums.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

(edited by Tripp.9862)

The "Instanced" spawn in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Tripp.9862


yeah, this is getting old reaaaaaal quick.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

Guilds transfer from Blackgate to Dragonbrand for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Tripp.9862


forgets keripo? no, when epiks is being called out for using up all the supply in a tower or keep for a half hour straight, it’s not about forgetting or not being aware. it’s a concentrated effort.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

Guilds transfer from Blackgate to Dragonbrand for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Tripp.9862


OP, I’m disappointed in you. Running away to the enemy. BG has a great community. There are always bad apples in any server, but running away doesn’t solve anything.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

Guilds transfer from Blackgate to Dragonbrand for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Tripp.9862


keripo.6842, oh you’re from RQ? Then maybe you could talk to epiks who is also in your guild and is one of three or four people who constantly takes supply from the tower and keep depots despite being told not to do it so they can be upgraded. that’d be awesome.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

How do you report people purposefully draining supplies?

in WvW

Posted by: Tripp.9862


Epiks does it on purpose. he’s been doing it for at least two weeks. He’s been told time and time again why he shouldn’t pull supplies from the keeps and towers, yet he continues to do it. I’ve named him in chat myself as the one stealing supply from DB when we were trying to get the walls upgraded.

I agree with Hux.8739, only the guild who has claimed should be able to pull supply. Can’t tell you the number of times my guild has spent a gold or more trying to upgrade towers only to have epiks and a few like him completely drain the supply depot so no upgrades get through.

It’s a form of griefing. It shouldn’t be allowed.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate