Showing Posts For Tyjaka.6137:
It’s Level 80 medium cultural as far as I can figure out.
Thank you so much!!
I have been searching for the name of this chest piece and I can’t find it anywhere. If anybody knows the name of the chest piece it will definitely help a ton! Thanks!
Here is the picture.
I have been searching for the name of this chest piece and I can’t find it anywhere. If anybody knows the name of the chest piece it will definitely help a ton! Thanks!
Here is the picture.
I have been searching for the name of this chest piece and I can’t find it anywhere. If anybody knows the name of the chest piece it will definitely help a ton! Thanks!
Here is the picture.
Here’s my Charr thief, got tired of all the coats and skirts :P
What chest piece is that? Looks awesome!
Anybody care to post their medium armor wearing Charrs? Trying to get some ideas for my engineer! Thanks!
Hey everybody,
When I was leveling my first 80 back in October, I noticed many repeatable events that would give me 2-5 levels an hour. I leveled from 30-80 from three different events, in three different zones. These repeatable events seem to be dead all over Tyria. Does anybody know if there are quick repeatable leveling events still? If so can you please fill me in on the secret?
“I like big nerfs n I cannot lie other classes cant deny.” -I Like Big Butts, Sir Mix A Lot
“Thaaattt nerf.. Nerf Na nerf nerf nerffff” Thong Song, Cisco
“It’s yo move! Yuh-goht-nerfed!” Yu-Gi-Oh
I’m not finishing my story until an actual, significant reward is given. Why should I go to work if I’ll receive $2.00 per hour? That’s how I see the end reward loot, a waste of my time. Not enjoyable once so ever.
Thank you very much!
I’ve recently received my two exploration gifts for map completion, however I am still at 99%. I need 1 more waypoint for 100%, but all the zones are already at 100%. Any thoughts?
If you don’t want to spend USD then run COF p1 speed runs. Find items with high demand and supply. (Won’t tell you my items, research what you would like to flip.) For EX. put a custom buy order of 1 copper higher than your competition. Place an order of a full stack (250.) As the item starts to be purchased, immediately start selling the item. Don’t sell all at once, sell 2-7 at a time. Depending on the time of day, you may have more competition of suppliers and demanders. Good luck!
Nice write up. I’ve been buying items at around 12-2 AM GMT -08, PST. I log on at 3pm and collect everything I’ve bought (25-50 buy orders) and sell all of my items. I sell everything at this time because, this is when player log-ins spike. My supply will be in the market, and there will be more demand for it. Like people going to restaurants during their 1 hour lunch break. Everybody wants to have their meals now. I supply the GW2 players with my items that I have bought for less, 12 hours before I sell them. I can come up with a 1-5gold profit with a 10gold investment.
Now, I’ve tried your strategy of purchasing buy orders of 250 different crafting materials. Practically everything that are quick buys and sells are roughly around 1-7copper profit per a single 1. Why would that be worth my time, or is there something I’m missing?
PS, Thank you so much for the spreadsheet.
Can I use this on a Mac?
darkhaven was a good rivalry when i was on magma
so was dragonbrand
now the toughest is S.o.S Great rivalry between JQ and SoS
Gololololem in a Box you meaN?
Unless SoR get’s transfers, they’ll have a rougher time in tier 1 than we did. If we could put them under 50 ppt every night, I can’t imagine what JQ/SoS night crews would do to them.
They have the potential though, just need a little help in the late night-mid morning timeslot.
Never undermine SoR, Several great guilds do reside there like TW- Tempest wolves and the tight nit community that goes along with that. It will be interesting to see how things will pan out once transfers become gemed.
Great match up so far!
Yeah, looks like guilds are trying to find a permanent home before the pay to transfers. Will be interesting to what guilds go to SoS, and JQ.
Youtube always will have a good guide for professions.
Ever since I joined a T1 server for WvW. The game became a lot more fun. Adding to the enjoyment is the guild I’ve joined.
I recently transferred to JQ from Maguuma after quitting for two months. I applied, interviewed and joined Empërium. Rolling deep in World versus World with [EMP] has made me realize how much I’ve been missing out in GW2! It’s been a lot of fun so far, and it looks like it’s only going to get better from here on out.
Another great night of teamwork, leadership, and fun in WvW. Can’t wait for some more action tomorrow! Empërium made Guildwars 2 worth playing again
Just posted an intro, and made a signature on the guild forums! Check it out under general discussion!
A friend and I recently joined and have met a lot of funny, kind people so far! JQ WvW relies heavily on this guild, and I’m proud to be a part of EMP:D
Hi, I’ve been playing GW since September, but quit about 2 months ago.
I’m coming back into it now and I’m looking for a fun, large WvW/PvE guild to join! I’m a good core member and have been a big companion to guilds/clans in MMOs for over 10 years. I’ll PM a moderator in game. (Account is transferring to JQ as I type this.)
Dear fellow Players,
I’ve played this game since release and quit about two months ago. I leveled a human guardian and farmed for full exotics. My favorite aspect of the game is definitely WvW, 1v1s, and leveling. I’m looking for a class that offers a lot of variety, survivability, and usefulness in teams. If anybody can give some opinions on a class that I would enjoy the most, It will be most appreciated.
Thanks Adventurers,
No, find a helpful active guild and run with them on a voice communication program. Tier 2 Fractals+ will be too difficult with a PUG w/o some organization. LFG in /m for other dungeons are pretty straight forward and relatively simple to find a group.
I just finished the event and got worthless exotics that I salvaged on my 80 guardian. In disappointment I head back to Lions Arch. In map chat people were saying that the Ancient Karka event will reset tomorrow and characters who have already received chest loot, will be able to do the event again to receive a second chest
Can I get a confirmation on this? Will this event reset tomorrow so characters can repeat it and get the chest again?
pls invite tjkingsly to a US flow
Title says it all. What fractal dungeon are you enjoying the most so far? As of right now, the fractal dungeon where a group has to save the giant statue (that looks like the blue dude from Watchmen) is my favorite ^.^
How about everybody else? What is your favorite fractal dungeon so far?
“Quiver of a Thousand Arrows”. Official item is here:
In game picture of “Quiver of a Thousand Arrows”:
Only information I know as of right now is:
The quiver may be random or may not. This is still unknown.
To create Quiver of a Thousand Arrows you need 240 philosopher stones (people said 40 crystals work as well?) 250 Vicious Claw, 50 Glob of Ectoplasm, and 1 Vial of Mists Essence.
Will update when more information has been gathered.
(edited by Tyjaka.6137)
Maguuma is going to win this one. Our night crew has been on point lately. Controlled more than 70% of this match up all day.
Has been nine days and still cannot transfer worlds.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Tyjaka.6137
I’m having the same issue. has been telling me server transfer available in 1 day for last 5 days.
Moderators, can we please get some help! I’m sure there are a lot more users with the same problem.
Has been nine days and still cannot transfer worlds.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Tyjaka.6137
One of my good friends transferred last week when you were able to transfer once every 24 hours. He wants to transfer again, however when he tries it says one day until he can transfer. Well two days ago it said “one day until transfer.” How come it won’t let him transfer it’s been over a week like 9 days! Help please!
Reason why I’m posting this for him is because he is working right now. Some feedback would be nice so when he gets off work he can fix the issue asap on his account. Thanks moderators and friends
(edited by Tyjaka.6137)
One of my good friends transferred last week when you were able to transfer once every 24 hours. He wants to transfer again, however when he tries it says one day until he can transfer. Well two days ago it said “one day until transfer.” How come it won’t let him transfer it’s been over a week like 9 days! Help please!
If Maguuma had a larger population for the times midnight to 8am PST, we would easily be in first place. The only time I see Maguuma with a smaller amount on the pie chart is at that time due to the lack of population able to play at that time.
as a guardian i have a hard time killing thieves (so many teleports, speed buffs)
power: 1,787
Precision: 1,541
Toughness: 1,833
Vitality: 1,342
Attack: 2,898
Critical Chance: 34% (39% with 5% critical chance to weapon)
Armor: 3,044
Health: 15,065
All knight draconic armor with exotic karma shoulders. Armor has runes of the fighter 6/6. Trinkets are all Beryl of Valkyrie and a Necklace of Knight. Weapons are a berserker hammer with 5% critical chance and a knight staff with a energy rune to give me an extra roll for more healing.
My build is 0/15/30/20/5
Never lets me down in WvW Great damage, and survivability.
darkhaven has so many players on 24/7.. especially during midnight+ it’s insane
I just Pmed him asking the same thing
I’m using Melandru runes 6/6
Stats for it:
(1): +25 Toughness
(2): -10% Condition Duration
(3): +50 Toughness
(4): -10% Stun Duration
(5): +90 Toughness
(6): -15% Condition Duration; -15% Stun Duration
Don’t need the extra vitality with soldiers runes because I’m getting +90 toughness which is really helpful, and the -15% condition duration which helps with my lower vitality
I have full exotic but only masterwork accessories, trinket, necklace
Why would I need higher crit% for altruistic healing and empowering might?
Gear: I’m wearing full knights draconic with aurora shoulders, and helm with valkyrie trinket/neck/accessories. This gives me a good range of power, precision, toughness, and a slight increase in my vitality. I currently am using a staff/greatsword which is great for aoe damage.(The staff is a great healing tool as well.) However with the great sword I’m saving up to switch to a hammer for better Cc and overall more fun IMO.
Traits: 15/0/30/20/5
This build gives me a good amount of power, a ton of toughness to survive, a great amount of vitality for conditions, and the 5 in virtues gives me a might boon, regenerate boon, and protection boon.
power: 1,738
Precision: 1,412
Toughness: 1,905
Vitality: 1,364
Attack: 2,838
Critical Chance: 28%
Armor: 3,116
Health: 15,285
Any changes fellow guardians would do to make my stats better? Is my hp too low? crit chance too low? Too much power, too less crit? Feedback will be greatly appreciated, and if anybody wants a good survivability/support/damage role this would be a good start.
They disband or transfer to a new server? IoJ have recent wvwvw gulid transfers?
Isle of Janthir is destroying this week at over 250,000 (90%+ control all week) followed by Crystal Desert at around 70,000-80,000 and Eredon Terrace barely at 60,000. What happened to the top 5 Eredon Terrace server?
I hit 80 today and I purchased full knight draconic armor (+ toughness, + power, + precision) I’m using a lvl 80 exotic great sword, and rare lvl 80 staff (for speed buff) I’ve been looking everywhere for a WvWvW offensive guardian build, but cannot find one anywhere. I want to continue to use my great sword, I will use exotic hammer if needed. Does anybody have some advice for a brand new 80 seeking a good offensive hammer, or great sword build with staff (for speed buff) in WvWvW? Please no torch/scepter builds. I’d really appreciate some tips/advice. Thank you!
(edited by Tyjaka.6137)
I cap my Frames-Per-Second to 30 on my MBP and I’ve found that the system runs significantly cooler this way. The processor stays about 10-15 C cooler in fact. (the game runs better too.) I’d rather play it a bit safer than risk long-term damage to my laptop.
This helped my fan RPM & the heat of my Macbook Pro. Keeping my frames to 30 fpm keeps my Macbook quieter as well as cooler. I really recommend Macbook Pro users to go to ‘graphic options’ and change their frame rate to 30. This will keep it relatively cooler.
Another thing that will greatly help is a laptop cooling pad.
Looks like a lot of people are getting a lot of help from this thread. Thank you so much to everybody giving their feedback. I really appreciate it.