Showing Posts For Tyr.2489:
Here is Valtyr Frostborn may main since launch. The first picture is of my first battle with the Shatterer (a very epic moment for me). The second is just for fun. I do research in physiology in real life so I often think of this moment when I’m at work. The third screen is just one I took for this thread
Congrats Anet for developing and bringing us a great game. Now lets polish this gem by getting those bugs fixed
Wow just another reason to stay away from the MF unless you are crafting a guaranteed recipe.
Throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Again I’ve done I don’t know how many tens of thousands of combines and this has never once happened to me.
It’s one bugged recipe. Just don’t put green swords in it and you’ll be fine.
Lol, had a good chuckle at this. I suppose I am. Personally I just don’t feel it worth using the MF for the things I would want and little bugs like this don’t entice me to change my mind. That’s all I was getting at
*Edit sorry title should be “shout” not “shoot.” Stupid fingers…
I was looking at the Wintersday concept art today and it got me thinking about the GW2 concept art in general. I have to say I love its flavor and I really think it adds a style to the game I truly enjoy (loading screen art, profession concept art ect) . Great job! I really look forward to your futures projects
-Anet you have a great team of artists, hang on to them!
Cheers and have a merry Wintersday festival!
Wow just another reason to stay away from the MF unless you are crafting a guaranteed recipe.
I honestly never liked the game. I tried several times because I really do love the lore, but there were aspects of the gameplay I never could get past. In GW2 is get the lore and enjoy the gameplay (obviously there are some kinks to be worked out).
My first hours in Tyria were awe inspiring and several hundred hours later I’m still enjoying the game. With that said GW2 is not without some infuriating flaws, most of which I feel will be sorted out in due time. Anet is not a new kid on the block so I’m pretty hopeful that this game will continue to do well.
I would love to see 2h axes.
i see what you did there… funny but i made one of these post about the first “event” and it was deleted and i was infracted. apparently some people have no sense of humor.
attended/noloot/received mail
Personally I’ve always been drawn to heavy armored melee classes in video games. So it’s no surprise that in GW2 I selected one of the two choices. Personally I settled on Guardian initially because of the concept was cool and the abilities are rad (as someone stated above blue flames lol). I have stuck with the guardian for the long haul because of my second favorite play style is healing/support and well it just feels right.
The other classes I’ve played like the engineer are cool and fun (dual pistols makes me feel like boba fett blasting things and torching them) but do seem to lack a certain potency in low level pve, which makes them seem less epic. I can’t speak much for the higher content because all of my alts are around lvl 20 haha.
I really love this game but, wow this is absolutely unacceptable. I’m +1 you OP. Hopefully it will help draw attention to your post and bring some justice because this is hot garbage.
The last news I’ve read relating to the precursor scavenger hunt was a quick post buy Linsey a couple of weeks ago. Scavenger hunt
I realize it takes time to create and implement these kind of changes which personally isn’t the issue. What is an issue is the lack of communication. It took them over a month just to throw a bone to us and say they are working on something. Certain departments at Anet seem to do an awesome job interacting with the community, for example J. Sharp taking an hour out of his work day to talk to the pvp community over at Guru – State of the Game was quite informative and appreciated. I wish there was a little more transparency when it comes to this. Being kept in the dark really only deters me from further working on a legendary. I don’t feel like spending months grinding gifts just to be kitten on with this precursor issue.
So I’m just returning from a couple weeks away from GW2. I had to buckle down and get some serious work done of my masters thesis. I was hoping I would return to see the price of Dusk was a little more reasonable, because of the so called increase in MF drop rate. GW2spidy indicates the max buy order is 315g with a stock of 3. Did I miss something or has the cost of forging gone up so much that it effectively nullified the increased DR? Because it seems to me that the price is still pretty much the same (excluding that short lived price swing from the LS event).
As much as I love the look of Aegis when wield two-handers and some shields, it would be nice to have a feature to turn off its visibility for instances such as this. In other news congrats on your near completion of the Flameseeker P.
Phase 1 broken and still broken, DEs are buggy, and phase 2 one time event never even happen on many overflow servers… I was a happy customer until this weekend. What the hell are you guys doing? I don’t even know what I should do, because nothing seems to work.
Consider this a lesson that your internal testing measures are failing you. It is time to figure out something different. Make a public test server or something because this is garbage.
This is Henge of D LA overflow 45 minutes after the slated start of the event. No event but access to new island…
Basura caliente
Your are probably right Nox; many people would probably close the window and not think twice about it. If it were just once a month it could be implemented into the monthly achievement requirement or offer a small reward of it own, i.e. fill out the 1 minute questionnaire and get a jug of karma or 5% of the exp to lvl. Something small but totally worth it.
I know Anet has several methods of tracking in game activity and they probably can make inferences about the data. The forums also offer a place for people to provide more subjective feedback about the game that may not be obtainable through inferential statistics, but I was wondering about the players who don’t use the forums. People often bring up the silent majority vs the vocal minority issue causing unwanted change in the game. Whether this situation is true or not I cannot say, but it makes me wonder how Anet can collect more subjective player opinions from people who don’t frequent the forums. Just off the top of my head here are a couple ideas:
-Make use of the in-game mail to send out polls to players on what features they want or don’t want to see in upcoming updates.
-From time to time(not super often but maybe like once or twice a month) make use of a pop-up questionnaire that has quick answer questions and a space to write some feedback if desired. Basically the same idea that was used to collect immediate feedback on content during the beta test events.
*If you have alternative ideas or agree/disagree please post. I would like to see what people think. Thanks
hmm interesting actually. i’ll have a test later tonight perhaps.
was hoping it’d be everything LOL
Me too haha.
Don’t get me wrong, I am a fan of the front flip off of stuff game and I don’t think it is overpowered. I can get more reliable super jumps with leap of faith anyway. All I was going to get at is if it was intended maybe Anet could look at making it a consider making it little easier to execute (like make it a kind bind or something) and if it wasn’t… well hopefully they leave it alone because it is fun and not harmful.
Given the patch is only hours old, but yeah the drop rate feels off. I’m loaded up on mf and even slapped on a mf booster tonight (felt saucy). I only saw a few rares after a few hours of farming. On the flip side I did get my first ever trash mob exotic. It was nothing to write home about though, just some rando crap armor piece.
I knew they would use some cryptic response…
(edited by Tyr.2489)
Personally I’ve never tested the dodge jump combo in combat. The only tests I’ve done were off ledges in LA. When I execute the combo it seems that there is a little boost to the jump distance. There is a thread on Guru I saw the other day with some more detailed tests on distance. GWGuru It’s what made me ask the question here. I’ve been playing with it and personally I feel that if it was intended it is a little difficult to execute consistently. I certainly wouldn’t use it on a jump puzzle because it would totally biff it, but maybe my timing is just off.
As the title implies I’m curious if the jump+dodge* super jump is an intended mechanic or just some weird glitch.
*This is just timing the dodge and jump actions basically at the same time and it yields a jumping front flip that has a slightly further range than a standard jump.
Same problem with “Sky” rare dye. I cannot dye my t3 cultural (human) heavy armor. every time i go to dye the tunic portion of it the dye remover is what i get…
Also because, besides hard core farmers, gold buyers, or no-life gamers, or cheaters, there is no way someone would ammass and “waste” 119 gold for a full set, or over 600g for the achievement. I play nearly every day, for many hours, not farming but doing many things, and i have 19g….
it’s cheaper to make a legendary than to make the fashion achievement…
Whoa guy, and any one else in this mindset lets be rational for like 0.5sec
You see I got full t3 cultural last night (been saving since almost release because I love the skin) and I am not any of the things you described. Hmm well accept maybe I am a no lifer because I am an advanced graduate student at an ivy league university studying physiology (science and math), but not because I spend every waking moment in GW2; I don’t have time for that kitten.
So for people with this mentality the moral of the story is: one grow up and stop asking for hand outs; and two 119g is a lot of gold but you can save up over time (like me) and buy it piece buy piece, which is very feasible if you go explore the world, run dungeons or play the game (i.e. not sit in LA all the time).
Yes there are mechanics in the game that need adjusting from time to time… but please this is nothing to get butthurt over, so move out smartly because this kitten is just annoying.
Cheers to a colorblind mode.
I don’t mind the high price of t3 so much but I wish it was exotic so you don’t have to buy armor to transmute it too on top of the already high price. Just seems like a lame hidden expense.
I do think there could be more high end karma armor though. In time I’m sure there will be more implemented too.
This topic could be out there somewhere already, but here is my 2 copper. So I got my long awaited t3 armor set last night (I waited until I had enough to buy all the pieces at once). I promptly went to inspect my dye options and was immediately disappointed. How come there are only 1, 2 or at most 3 dye slots per piece (heavy human t3)? The armor isn’t even exotic so clearly people that have 119g to spend on it are buying it for a skin, so why short us on customization? The dye options don’t even make that much sense i.e. on the chest piece there is the upper part of the tunic (bottom part is on the leg armor) which I thought you would be able to dye two colors: a base and the embroidery… nope. Instead you get to dye it one color that often knocks out the embroidery from view and oh you can dye you armpits a different color instead of this awesome tunic.
*edit: Since this is posted in the suggestion thread I am editing to add my suggestion. Which I omitted from being upset. My suggestion is too reevaluate the t3 armor dye options; while the design of these armor sets in many cases is epic I feel that there is not enough dye slot options. My experience is limited to human t3 heavy. Feel free to weigh in on a specific race/type if you think the options are adequate or substandard.
(edited by Tyr.2489)
When I read the title of your thread I thought to myself “jumping jack flash, yeah!” I see you got it covered lol. I totally support this idea.
Clearly not 97% of people who have a legendary are cheaters; however I’m sure there are a few. Come on now, where would that stat come from? Obviously some PO’d dude. If you got your legendary fair and square, congrats nuff said.
The 5k rares you tossed into the forge though, that makes even my wallet hurt… Most sensible people are upset with that fact I believe, but I may be wrong. Anyway cheers and good luck.
Yes I know there is an official thread over yonder and I’ve never seen wheels in the sand spin so fast. What I mean is it’s been a month of total radio silence from Anet on a very hot topic. What gives? Seriously can someone drop by and be like, “We hear you and we are discussing options.” or, “No chance we are changing things because we likes them the way they is.” Because that would be awesome. Thanks.
If you are unfamiliar with the precursor debate I apologize for not being terribly descriptive but all the info can again be found here. Swing by and give your 2 copper if you haven’t yet.
Hopefully we will hear a official response here in next few days. November 15th patch is right around the corner & supposedly “massive.” Keep sending Linsey & the staff messages letting them know this is a priority. Been almost a month with no update.
I seriously hope we do get some response, and to add to this I hope the response doesn’t come in the form of a cryptic patch note i.e. “Mystic gambletron 3000 got a fresh coat of paint. Aren’t you thankful?” I want some hard number, and statistics.
I saw this same Siamoth the other day, or this is proof of the species evolving tree climbing capabilities.
Well considering that it was listed in the support center as an issue during the initial weeks following the game release it was a problem at one point and is a problem for very small guilds (who work hard for what little influence we get) looking for a new home. While you may think all server transfers are people exploiting WvW or some other feature of the game it isn’t the case. There are other mechanisms set in place to combat server hopping such as the new cap (1 transfer per week), which don’t punish small guilds, but thanks anyway…
While this makes sense it is still frustrating for a small guild that faces losing everything.
Was there something wrong with the original? Seems like a case of the good idea fairy fixing what’s not broken…
Does this still zero out the guild influence or has this been fixed?
I figured it was related to salvaging, but I thought I would ask. Thanks
So why is it that certain lvl 80 white and blue weapons sell for so much more on the TP than others (i.e. white lvl 80 maces, blue lvl 80 axes and white lvl 80 shields)? Do these yield more mats when salvaged that other weapons? It seems a little fishy that these sell for 1-2silver buyout when other items of similar quality sell for less then their vendored value.
Well in the last 2 weeks I’ve been able to aquire 7 Precursors in the mystic forge with minimal gold considering you’re filtering alot – 2 Dusk, 2 Zaps, 1 Spark, 1 Legend, 1 Storm by putting in stones + 3 76 exotics or 80 rares.
What I’m actually more concerned about then the price of precursors is the insane prices of jack alop…. how am i ever going to get a cute rabbit pet!
Besides that anet needs to be fair and keep the other precursors high in demand by making other combinations of eternity like 2 incinerators to make inferno/ ifrit!
I hope you know there are maybe 2 or 3 players on this planet who get the same amount of precursors you got. You know it, right?
I wasted 10g of 80s, was more than enough to understand i was wasting my money and time.
I would love to know if those mystic forge stones have any other properties than just acting as a place holder.
Thanks Zent/Est.
Tyr, I can’t find it. That website confuses me ):.
Sorry if I sounded jerkish. It wasn’t meant to be.
It’s cool that Colin took the time to do the interview but wow I don’t feel anymore informed now than I was before, like did I miss something?
Click on the link, there is a countdown timer.
Whether there is a change in the works or not there needs to be more open communication between Anet and the community when it comes to what is obviously unresolved issue of importance (at least for many players). Personally I think a lot of the success of a game like this depends on good communication and team work (i.e. Devs listening to player feedback and players doing there part by reporting bots/bugs and not exploiting the game).
In many aspects of the game such team work and communication exists, for example the Bot wars. While the Bot wars is clearly an ongoing struggle where both players and Anet are working to rid Tyria of this cancer (Bots) which is great, but it seems we are getting stonewalled over here.
After weeks of heated discussion by the community I think it is time for someone to drop by and said, “Hey guys we know you are butthurt and a fix is in development, details to follow at a later date.” or “The system is working as intended no changes are planned at this time, so chill out or move on.” Because this status of total radio silence is unacceptable.
(edited by Tyr.2489)
I really don’t know what to say to this. I wonder if this is what Anet had in mind when they envisioned the epic journey of creating a legendary?
This is exactly the reason I avoid the the mystic slot machine like it has the plague. I know I would end up broken and poor…
Thanks everyone for your input. I have been leaning toward the cultural armor and it would seem many of you would agree; however I will welcome any additional comments
Thanks again
So lets say all the gold you have in the world is just enough to buy a full set of t3 cultural armor and bar none it’s your favorite armor skin so far. Do you buy this armor and be reduced to near 0 gold or do you take door number 2 and risk everything in the mystic slot machine for a precursor (which I value over the armor)? Essentially this is where I stand at the moment and I can’t seem to make the decision, so I am hoping for some of the community’s feedback will help me decide.
Keep in mind it has taken me this long to save the gold. I am not a money factory like some people. I simply do not understand how they do it, but feel free to tell me haha.