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R9 380 or R9 390 to run this game maxed out ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Uhkapian.7068


It arrived and this thing runs everything maxed out! woooo

The game looks a million times better than when I had my old graphics.

Next purchase is Heart of Thorns

R9 380 or R9 390 to run this game maxed out ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Uhkapian.7068


If you can get the R9 390 8GB go for that, future proof is always a good idea.

I got me the GTX 970 3,5GB just because some render apps I use don’t like AMD cards, OpenGL stuff not important, the important thing is I know those 3,5GB will bite me bottom soon enough, on that the R9 390 with 8 juicy GB has the 970 more than beaten.

On the flip side, games like Witcher 3 and Fallout 4 ran like a pig on day 1 in the AMD R9 390 because (and you didn’t heard it from me) NVIDIA plays a bit dirty…

Ultimately there isn’t a clear winner, the AMD has better hardware, the NVIDIA has better driver support.

I have purchased the 390 and when it arrives I will be back to the game.

So excited!

R9 380 or R9 390 to run this game maxed out ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Uhkapian.7068


I have a r9 285 (which is a 2gb 380). I can play gw2 at 1440p nearly maxed out at +60fps in most places.

I did a test some time ago, the gpu was at 1040/1550, just a tad better than 380 stock.

Here is a much recent video, gpu is at 1100/1570 and settings are all maxed, but disabling reflections and shadows and character model limit to low. Again 1440p:

Thanks for the videos.

Though I noticed that you have shadows on medium, character details on medium and you have turned off High Resolution Textures.

That is why I am trying to figuring out what takes to have EVERYTHING maxed out and turned on.

Because you also have AA turned off. Know what I mean?

So I think to just be 100% sure I will go with the 390. Its currently 370 euros here, still much more than the USA but it is what it is.

R9 380 or R9 390 to run this game maxed out ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Uhkapian.7068


I have an MSI GTX 960 gaming 2GB and i can play play GW2 at max no problem. So what ever the AMD card that is the equivalent will be fine.

Thanks, thats interesting because the R9 380 4GB is around 15% better than the 960.
So if your 960 can run that way, then I think it will be overkill the 390.

Yeah, you don’t need a super computer to run the game with decent FPS, it wont get you 60+ FPS at all times, but then no system will. As long as you have a solid CPU you are golden.

Well the idea is really to get 60+ fps at 99% of the times, except maybe in towns and raids/world bosses.

But that is the reason I am asking, because I really want to play this maxed out.

R9 380 or R9 390 to run this game maxed out ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Uhkapian.7068


Have you considered liquid cooling? Corsair’s Hydro series is great. I keep my i7 4770k cool even with a 4.4 GHz clock (base clock is 3.5) Also PCIe-SSD’s are out but your board can’t use them since only 2015 or later have the M.2 functionality. If you ever upgrade to Zen or Kabylake then the technology should be mature enough by then to justify those as boot drives but regular SSD’s work well enough for booting.

I have a good SSD already and my CPU is OCed to 4.3 on a Hyper 212 Evo.

I am just asking if people here have been running this game maxed out on a 380.

R9 380 or R9 390 to run this game maxed out ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Uhkapian.7068


Wait for Polaris then you can max everything out at 4k and they’ll be much more power efficient.

“According to AMD’s Raja Koduri (via VentureBeat), is Polaris 10, and is considered a “console class” GPU. It’s designed with small form-factor notebooks in mind, ones that value battery life and portability over grunt, but will still have some gaming capabilities. The focus of the second GPU, the Polaris 11, wasn’t named, but a bit of deductive reasoning suggests it’s either a higher-end piece of kit, or aimed more at business users.”

This news report states that Polaris 10 is for mobile/netbook and Polaris 11 will be high end and/or business users (workstation probably).

So in the near future its either gonna be the 380 or 390 for me as my budget is around 380 euros max.

R9 380 or R9 390 to run this game maxed out ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Uhkapian.7068


I have an MSI GTX 960 gaming 2GB and i can play play GW2 at max no problem. So what ever the AMD card that is the equivalent will be fine.

Thanks, thats interesting because the R9 380 4GB is around 15% better than the 960.
So if your 960 can run that way, then I think it will be overkill the 390.

R9 380 or R9 390 to run this game maxed out ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Uhkapian.7068


Hi. I have an i5 3570k CPU and an Asrock Z77 Extreme 4 Pro motherboard with 8gb DDR3 Ram running at 1600mhz and I am now looking to get a graphics card to be able to play this game at full setting.

I plan to play this game with vsync on at 60hz on a 1080p monitor with 2ms refresh rate.

Would an AMD R9 380 4GB max out the settings (AA can be set at 2x, I dont mind) and play with a solid 60 FPS (except in boss fights of course) ?

Or should I get the AMD R9 390 8GB and kind of future proof and “overkill” the specs a bit just to be on the safe side ?

Also, an Nvidia 970 is a possibility, but that whole 3.5GB scandal left me with sour grapes :P

Thanks for your replies!

Black Lion Ticket Drop Rates

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Uhkapian.7068


Whenever a game relies on its cash shop to finance it, expect all gold sources in game and all items you get through gameplay, to be “adjusted” in order for you to use the cash shop.

This is a fact.

Individual game mode balance possible?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Uhkapian.7068


I made a thread asking almost the same thing. But people are dumb and just dismissed the idea.

I hate the PVP always ruining the fun for us PVE folks.

PVP slowly takes the fun away from PVE...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Uhkapian.7068


As per my first post, I am not saying they should remove PVP.
PVP is part of the game, we know that.

But what if certain spells and traits, would only affect players.

For example, a skill from Ranger:

Long Range Shot.: Shoot your foe from long range. The farther the arrow flies, the more damage it does.

What if this skill had reduced effectiveness for human players?

For example the range could be 1500 (pve) and for PVP would be 1200. Etc.

This is just a silly example that things could be changed, very easily as it happened in World of Warcraft, where certain skill have reduced efficiency whilst in PVP battlegrounds, 75% damage, less healing, etc…

This would make things easier to balance as they would not need to syphon away all the fun for PVE and World Bosses, and focus only on PVP.

But I guess GW2 wants a slice of the eSports market and pretend its a PVP game worth being competitive about.

Silly Anet

PVP slowly takes the fun away from PVE...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Uhkapian.7068


See what is been happening as of lately, in the forums?

The game is being messed up beyond repair, and all because of the PVP people who insist in getting things balanced…

I hate the way this is going, everything that was fun in PVE is now being nerfed and changed to the ground, in order for the PVP people to have a feel of the game being balanced.


Go play a game where everyone is the same class, with the same skills and spells.
That is the only way that SKILL will be a deciding factor on who wins or not.


PVP slowly takes the fun away from PVE...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Uhkapian.7068


I am a bit tired of games that do not have different PVP skill sets, to always pander to the PVP community in detriment of us PVE folks…

Why the game has to nerf nerf nerf and make ridiculous changes to our skills, in order to “balance” PVP ?

PVP will never ever ever be balanced! Unless this was Quake 3 Instagib where everyone has the same gun and it all boils down to who has more skills and less ping.

This is really upsetting as a lot of people had tons of fun builds, which over time were completely ruined due to your incessant pursue of that holy grail that is PVP balance…

You wont achieve it ArenaNet, so stop messing around with it and make specific skills or changes to PVP to affect only players.

For example you can say that skill X or Z has less effectiveness when dealt to players, etc…

Anyone else feeling that PVP always ruins the fun for PVE and it seems to be the thing that always takes precedence in choice over “balance” ?

Not a happy player at the moment.

Aid Worker Sya, Transgender Character?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Uhkapian.7068


Well split my kitty and call me Caitlyn! :O


What time is the patch coming? (GMT)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Uhkapian.7068


Thanks guys!

What time is the patch coming? (GMT)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Uhkapian.7068


Hello. At what time is the new patch coming, in GMT time ?


Best builds for RANGErs are actually melee?

in Ranger

Posted by: Uhkapian.7068


It seems you’re talking about PvE, since in PvP one of the most popular ranger builds is the one with shooting things from 1.9k range.

If anything, I’d wait with passing any judgement over Ranger builds till tuesday update.

Thanks, but I am not into the “meta” currently, so can you quickly explain what will change so drastically on tuesday?

Will my ranger be a ranged profession or just become a boring melee with a pet?

Best builds for RANGErs are actually melee?

in Ranger

Posted by: Uhkapian.7068


What the hell is going on in here?

I come back to the game after 2 years break, and now all the viable builds for Rangers are all melee with sword?

Gee, makes me want to reconsider coming back at all…

I was gonna reroll the Ranger again since I need to learn the game all over again, but it seems I will have to find another profession.

Really Enjoying This Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Uhkapian.7068


Hey have fun

Do world completion and you gonna love it

Please add multiple trait specs in the shop!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Uhkapian.7068


Please add multiple trait specs in the cash shop so we can respec into various specs…

I will pay good money for it.


Wxp bonus chests are now account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: Uhkapian.7068


I hate the fact it is not account wide too.

Playing too much of a “main” will bore us faster… and we all know if we are bored of a game, we stop playing it and go to another one to keep things fresh…

Take note Anet.

Non-damage abilities engaging us in combat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Uhkapian.7068


In the options, Auto Targeting says:

“If you use a skill with no target selected, the game will automatically select a valid target within the skill’s range and in the direction the camera is facing.”

So, when I cast RETREAT it should select NO ENEMY as an enemy is not a valid target for Retreat.

So why is this option not behaving as it should Anet ?

Non-damage abilities engaging us in combat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Uhkapian.7068


Turn off targeting assist. It will make your game experience far more enjoyable, and it’s great in dungeons when you want to skip mobs.

But targetting assist is very useful to me, while casting damaging skills that is… lol

The problem is that the Devs should have made it affect only damaging skills and not buffs, because why would we need to start auto attacking a mob and getting into combat, when all we do is buff ourselves with some speed (or any buff for that matter) ?

I will probably take off auto targeting anyways, but honestly we shouldnt as its very handy when out and about doing some farming.

Non-damage abilities engaging us in combat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Uhkapian.7068


Furesy, thats what auto targeting is for of course. It selects a nearest mob you cast a DAMAGING skill on!

But we are talking about a non damaging self buff. There is no damaging or debuffing component on it whatsoever, which should not trigger the auto attack and auto target.

You know what I mean now ?

The leaps and such, if you see the tooltip they do damage a mob so they should work with auto attack and auto target because even though some people use it to gain some terrain advantage, they do still damage the mob.

Retreat and other buffs with no damage should never be affected by this.

Non-damage abilities engaging us in combat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Uhkapian.7068


yes, casting retreat will make your weapon active, but you can stow it immediately after that to prevent auto attacks, assuming you haven’t shot.

turning off autoattacking might also help.

not having a target selected when casting retreat also helps.

While I apreciate your reply, you are still not getting the point of how annoying this is…

Obviously I know that I should NOT have a target selected when I cast it… which to be honest should not have mattered as it is not a damaging ability but oh well…

Secondly, if you equip a scepter and you cast retreat it IMMEDIATELY shoots the projectile, and there is no point in stowing the weapon anyways as you are immediately drawn to a combat state.

This is clearly an oversight from the developers as buffs that only affect you or your party should not make you go into combat state and even worse, auto attack the nearest mob.

Try yourself with a scepter and position within 600 range from a mob without anything selected and then casting retreat…
You will immediately shoot the mob and slow yourself down, thus rendering the buff useless.

I hope they fix this as it is getting a bit game breaking for me.

PS: I have no problem with auto attack on damaging abilities, thats whats it for and its very very useful as it selects your nearest enemy, but this should NOT affect self buffs like Retreat, etc…

Non-damage abilities engaging us in combat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Uhkapian.7068


you can bypass this problem by setting a “stow weapon” command on a hotkey.

i play a guard and i hotkey that stow weapon command on F4

you can find the “stow weapon” command in the hotkey options.

but oddly, i no longer auto attack when i cast retreat anymore. might be a recent patch or something.

Stow weapon does not affect anything with retreat because casting it will make your weapon active again.

I am using scepter and when I cast retreat I shoot a missile to the nearest mob and it is really annoying because all I want is to cast retreat to run faster between the mobs without aggroing them, it is even more frustrating because casting retreat even agroes non aggressive mobs!


Non-damage abilities engaging us in combat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Uhkapian.7068


Why is it that every time I activate a speed ability it engages me in combat when I have mobs around?

I know the option to auto select a target, but this should only affect abilities that do damage, not speed or buff abilities without damage.

It is so frustrating and annoying casting Retreat on my Guardian, just to be slowed down because I auto-attacked the nearest mob…

Please make it so that abilities with no damage component do not seek targets.

Anyone else frustrated at this too ?

GW 2 was advertised as a fun, casual MMO.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Uhkapian.7068


The casual and hardcore debate can be exemplified by someone who ended high school and those who have a masters degree… which means you can still live and enjoy your life either way, but the ones holding a masters degree (more work put through it) will gain more benefits.

So stop blaming the game, the game offers you many choices and now you are making a problem with the game just because some minority of people choose to play it differently…

Please use a B2P model instead of a F2P model

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Uhkapian.7068


I bought the game around 2 weeks ago.

I know this game does not have a subscription, but I will be spending the equivalent of one, in store purchases. I think its only fair to support a game that is providing you with many hours of fun and entertainment.

Honestly I hate cheapskate people who do not value other people’s work.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Uhkapian.7068


I am also having problems. Gateway error, website login problem and cant use TP or sell.