Showing Posts For Unseenstrike.2971:
Add me in game and if you see me on, shoot me a whisper and I’ll queue with ya and we can try to get the map.
Thank you very much indeed, anyone else is welcome to join in as well.
Just a note since making this post, I have played 13 Unranked matches, and 0 times has been Spirit Watch
Note, the title for this topic was intended to say “almost impossible”, but the title was too long to post.
For the past week I have wanted to work on Spirit Watch achievements, I play Unranked for several hours daily, I have been on the Spirit Watch map only twice.
There needs to be a better solution for trying for the achievements on this pvp map.
There is only a 1 in 3 chance this map will be available for selection in any game. When it is available, most people do not choose it. When it is chosen, random luck for some reason usually makes it that it is never selected. I had one option where 9 had chosen Spirit Watch and 1 had chosen Skyhammer, and Skyhammer was selected. These factors combine together to make playing on the Spirit Watch map almost impossible.
I did try joining with someone who would choose Spirit Watch with me, but that was still unsuccessful. I did at one point ask some of my friend’s guildies to join me, but I was trolled, and they purposefully refused to choose Spirit Watch (I played 5 games with them and they had various excuses from “mistake” to “I don’t care”). I did try asking in matches where I saw a few had voted for Spirit Watch if they would like to join me so we could choose that option, I was never answered by anyone, despite asking several times. One particularly horrible person pulled me down a lot for attempting to work on achievements in pvp, he said I was “spoiling the fun” for that, said he would never vote for that map, and told other players to never vote for that map, sadly he was very verbal about that both in and out of matches, and players may have been influenced by him (NA server). I have had adverts in LFG, both in the Unranked section, and at other times in the Achievements section, asking for players who would like to join in trying for Spirit Watch achievements, not at any time did anyone ever message or join. I have tried almost everything I can think of to try for the Spirit Watch achievements, but it has been almost impossible (I wonder if there could be a solution?).
Thank you for the reply.
As Anet know about this problem, will they actually fix it though?
The pvp Legend titles from seasons 1, 2 ,3 and 4 have some bugged achievement points (ap) right now, that need to be fixed. Those players that did not reach Legendary division, but did cross some divisions, were awarded some ap, but these were not awarded equally across the seasons.
For example, some people that got ruby in each season were awarded inconsistent achievement points, these being 0 in season 1, 3 in season 2, 4 in season 3, and 0 in season 4.
There is obviously something wrong that for reaching ruby each season, differing amounts of ap have been awarded.
I beg you, make an RP channel, just for rp, that rp players can use, and spam to their hearts content,
Using /say chat is not spam. Roleplayers have just as much right to use the /say channel for friendly, in-character chat as those players who like to use it for out of character chat. If it bothers you that much, just use a different channel and make new chat tabs that don’t have /say or /emotes ticked.
RP is NOT spam.
I looked at google for a definition of spam, I found this, quote, “irrelevant or unsolicited messages” – and that is exactly what most of that rp is to me, so I do define a lot of it as spam (particularly when it is repeated over and over again, for example, when someone is grinding on the lap of another).
You say “friendly, in-character chat”, I’m not talking about that, I’m talking about the spamming, the swearing, the abuse and the erp.
Everyone has a right to use the /me command and that is fine, what is not fine is spamming, and abuse.
I beg you, make an RP channel, just for rp, that rp players can use, and spam to their hearts content, about their bunched panties that need adjusting, the sand that got in there that’s making them wiggle, about how they feel hot about it, and all the other inane gunf they spam about. I’m at my wits end of seeing this sort of thing. In Divinity’s Reach today my eyeballs were assaulted not only by rp spam, but by swear words.
I cannot easily block all the people that rp, as they use the /me command, I cannot click on them to block them. Many have special characters in their name, and some disguise their names, and there can be dozens of people that rp at once. There can be a literal wall of gray text on your screen.
I do not want to block emotes and I shouldn’t have to, I want to know when guildies wave at me etc, so I can wave back and not be rude.
Some rp people justify themselves, saying Anet made a LFG for Role Play, therefore it’s allowed. I don’t have any problem at all with rp – what I have a problem with is that it is unwanted text on my screen, and contains things that I do not want to read, especially the erp.
Please, make an island that rpers can go to, or a channel of chat just for them.
WHY they HAVE to do it in public I do not know – but I do NOT want it!
I was just in a match with a troll. He had a troll name and started trolling before the match even started. He knew what he was doing, he afk and spammed abuse during the whole match. Why does ArenaNet let these trolls continue?
Just letting everyone know that you can get class Daily winner in hotjoin – no need to go and repeatedly fail in Ranked arenas!
Please can we have a general merchant in, or just outside of, dungeons.
Please can we have 2 new emotes – a ‘thank you’, and a ‘sorry’.
Please don’t tell me how to play
Don’t tell me what skills to use or what traits to have
Don’t troll me because I don’t play the way you want me to
Don’t insult me because I may be a slower player than you
Don’t laugh at me because I don’t have the best gaming pc
I play hotjoin. I’m allowed to learn. I’m allowed to play the game in my own way.
Please stop the trolling, the hating, the insulting, the swearing, the negativity and the intolerance. Not everyone plays in the same way. So let us play the way we want and have the time we need to learn and have fun.
Thank you.
I’ve never heard of this ‘exploit’. Never seen it mentioned on the forums. If there is, or was, such an exploit, then maybe the OP should bring it to the Devs’ attention.
Good luck.
I did, in August last year. Apparently the exploit was unable to be fixed – so instead, the whole system was changed. Now we have a new system. I’m extremely grateful that ArenaNet tried so hard and put in so much effort, I really respect that. It just irks me that exploited points are still there, while honest players have to wait months for the rewards. Cheaters should not prosper imo.
All ap tracks in the game are capped, any ap earned in excess of this was taken away from players.
When I refer to a Monthly exploit, I’m not referring to resets. I’m talking about a specific exploit that allowed players to get hundreds more Monthlies than they should have. This is a significant number, considering all ap are capped and limited.
Many players have more Monthlies than wiki says is the maximum legitimately earned, because of 2 factors: resets and an exploit.
Players that have more ap in a track than they are supposed to can have that ap taken away – that’s what I’m asking for in the case of Monthlies and the 2 factors I specified there.
They are not extra achievement points. They are just points that they got ‘early’ as they are still counted towards the cap.
They were got through cheating (exploit), which is unfair, and should therefore be removed.
achievement points matter, there is even a Leaderboard for them
The amount of extra Monthly ap some players have is hundreds
Why should players that cheated be allowed to keep those extra achievement points?
Daily ap are capped – but to reach that cap will take many many months. Why should those that cheated be allowed to be ahead of everyone else?
The extra ap could very easily be taken away, and they should be, so that the ap can be earned honestly over time, as intended. That is fair to everyone.
A few days ago, achievement points that were got through an error, were taken away from players.
I’m talking about the Black Lion Collection, where some skins were erroneously credited to the collection when they shouldn’t have been, and the ap got from that were taken away from players.
There is another situation where players were awarded ap when they shouldn’t have, but they can still earn it back, the same as the Black Lion Collection case. This is Monthly achievement points. Players earned these but got extra ap when ‘resets’ happened. The players had no choice about it. So as there is a precedence for taking away ap that should not have been given, extra Monthly achievement points should be taken away, and let the players re-earn them. It would also take away the extra Monthly ap got by those players abusing a Monthlies exploit – they should never have been able to get these extra ap in the first place, but now some players have hundreds more Monthly ap than they should have.
It’s only fair to everyone that the extra Monthlies got through resets and an exploit are taken away, and are allowed to re-earn by taking the intended amount of time.
I added up the maximum amount of Monthlies a player could legitimately earn on
and the amount is: 2535
Any Monthlies above this amount should be removed – this is the fair thing to do, just like in the Black Lion Collection case.
There are hotjoin private arenas that are open to everyone, allowing and encouraging “co-operative” play, where players get Dailies quickly (for example, letting another player kill them 3 times for Daily).
Is this co-operative play in PvP allowed?
Yesterday someone went into such a match, and told everyone that he had recorded them, and was going to report them and get them banned, and he harassed them with accusations and threats. Did the person doing the harassing break any rules?
Will ArenaNet actually do anything about the co-operative play anywhere in PvP, or about the people that harass those that do?
just coast to stay in the lead.
I think some people keep trying, and for people in the lead it must be very hard for them, as they like to collect ap, but once they have virtually all of it, there’s nothing more for them to get until new tracks are released, it must be very frustrating for them. I respect and admire people who actually try hard, and the Leaderboard is a way to see who did that (or it would be, if it wasn’t a sham).
(sorry, I was trying to quote there and I got it a bit wrong)
Permanent points are NOT capped in any manner whatsoever
All ap in the game are capped. It is only the total amount that you can achieve that is not capped. This means that each individual achievement track is capped, but you can still work on more tracks, and Arenanet can add more tracks in the future. Ap are not infinite in this game. It is possible to complete every ap track, and then you would have no more ap to earn at all, until Arenanet introduces new tracks.
OP – Why on earth do you worry about something so insignificant as the AP Leaderboards..
Achievement points are an important part of the game, and Arenanet have invested a lot of effort into them.
Some players try very hard to get ap. I respect that some players put in so much time and effort, that’s why I wanted the Leaderboard changed, so that we could all see who were actually the legitimate players of this game. The Leaderboard is there for a reason, and that is the reason, it’s to show who tried hardest and who succeeded.
Many times I’ve seen parties requesting that players had over a certain number of ap, so they are used by many in game as a judgement of experience.
Even lots of veterans won’t be able to catch up in theory because they may not have grinded many of the repeatable festival APs.
I thought all ap was capped in this game, and that the people that had more than the cap in the past got the ap taken from them (eg. Agent of Entropy and Hobby Dungeon Explorer). I also thought, as someone mentioned, that Living Story 1 achievements might be available at some point in the future. These things would mean that most if not all past ap may be obtainable by everyone, if Arenanet can do that.
It’s a question of fairness – is it fair that players who were affected by the two Monthly problems are higher on the Leaderboard than players who actually earned their ap?
Why should players affected by the two Monthlies problems be hundreds of ap ahead of everyone else?
Fair comment that eventually everyone will catch up and have the same amount of ap as all ap in this game are capped, but it would take many months for that to happen.
The Achievement Leaderboard point total consists of three figures: Permanent plus Daily plus Monthly Achievement Points.
There are two problems with Monthly ap, which make their inclusion on the Leaderboard unfair.
The first problem is that of resets. Arenanet has at various times ‘reset’ Monthly achievements on both NA and EU. This means that the Monthlies were changed part-way through a month, and the ap already earned was not adjusted. This means that players received differing amounts of Monthly ap that the players had no choice over, and that is unequal and not fair.
The second problem is that of a Monthlies exploit some players took advantage of. The exploit (now closed because Arenanet changed the whole Dailies and Monthlies system) allowed some players to get far more Monthly ap than they should have, so they got more ap rewards in game and higher places on the Leaderboard than they should have.
I propose that to make the Achievement Leaderboard fair to everyone, that the Leaderboard should show ONLY Permanent achievement points.
Players would still have all their ap in game and would continue to gain Daily and Permanent ap as they play, and receive rewards – the only change would be what the Leaderboard shows.
It would be easy for Arenanet to implement this change as they already have all the figures.
Achievements are an important part of the game, and the Leaderboard needs to be accurate for the integrity not only of the players, but for Arenanet too. We should see who actually earned their ap, and this change would allow that.
Please respond to this post, as this issue will be even more important with the release of HoT and the extra Leaderboards Arenanet will implement, and this needs to be resolved.
TL;DR: Make the Achievement Leaderboard fair by only showing Permanent Achievement Points.
I am sick of loading into Southsun south waypoint, to have a wall of gray text hit me by role players.
The role players get ‘naked’ on the beach there, and role play their fantasies or whatever – and I do not want to read that!
They use the /me command, and spam whatever they want.
Why can’t they do it in private? I do not want to read about where the sand gets, or how much they want to kiss, or do many other things, that I think should be done in private.
They have whisper, party, and guild channels, – why do they HAVE to use a public channel for their cyber role play, it’s just rude!
I know I can take off emotes in the game, but then I’d miss my friends waving at me, and I don’t see why I should have to do that.
I know I can block the offending players, but there are so many of them, and I can’t spell some of their names, as I’d have to concentrate and read their role play to read their names, and I don’t want to do that. I could go and stand on the beach to click and block, but not all of them are there (some hide in a hut or on a ship), and why should I have to take time out to block even more players (I have 40 blocked atm, and there were another 7 there today).
I have no problem at all with players wanting to role play – what I’m saying is, can you just do it in private please, as I don’t want my chat window filled with unwanted spam.
There are 2 solutions I can think of, and I’m going to ask that Arenanet consider these:
1. Make a map wide role play chat channel, that players can choose to turn off (not the emotes channel).
2. Make a role play island. Have varied stages/places/habitats there, and have props eg chairs etc that role players can use. Then they can all have fun role playing and doing whatever they want, and regular players don’t have to read their walls of text.