(edited by Unspec.9017)
Showing Posts For Unspec.9017:
i doubt anet will respond but, from what i have seen from anet, dont expect them to care, im betting the response would be “just run the dungeon again”
im saying this because they close threads about problems all the time to avoid people taking about them, rather then fixing the problems, or even admitting there are problems.
sorry to sound pesimistic, but, if you spend some time watching and participating in this section of the forums, you will find that anet dont come in on any of the hard or long standing problems…..but they do lock threads talking about htem all the time.
If they close threads pointing out problems about the game, I’m surprised you’re not banned lol. Every single one of your posts is you complaining about the game.
Dude, if you hate it so much just stop playing lol.
Pretty sure this is just a troll
It could be a bad chip.
Sounds like throttling. What is your PSU brand and what is it rated for?
Start core temp when you start the game, and go to a dragon event. Leave after a bit and tell us the max temp of all the cores.
As Unspec said, unless it’s a k series, it pretty much is a waste to overclock the Intel processor.
One thing my friend has told me about – he’s used two AMD cores before switching to Intel; he’s used one and currently uses two Intel cores in his computers (he has two computers) – is that AMD CPU’s life tends to be much less than that of Intel’s.
your buddy is either full of something brown and smelly, a fanboi or you missunderstood him……
I have been at this computer building game for over 20 years now, neither intel or amd have chips that in themselves dont last, there have been some pretty bad boards, and some bad chipsets(never seen a bad amd chipset, but intel had a few that where horrible, and SiS intel chipsets where suq….dont get me started on via….)
and unspec, no, to me intel isnt as fun or challanging to push, all you really can do with intel is change the multi and volts…with amd you can change the buss without breaking anything, you can tweak the HT, and teh cpu/nb clocks….
FSB – 280
DRAM – 1866Mhz
CPU/NB – 2520Mhz
HTT – 2520Mhz
thats my current settings……quite fun reallyI hope the HT doesn’t stand for Hyper Threading.
clearly you know kitten all about AMD, AMD dont do hyper threading, HT stands for HyperTransport, the communication between the chipsets and cpu are all hypertransport based http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HyperTransport
BTW if u go AMD get 2133 memory AMD performance scales very well with memory speed and latencies beacuse of the memory controller, it performs poorly in some games using slow memory F1, GW2 are pretty good examples of this. Also get a good mobo since u will probaly be using it for the next gen chips aswell get a 990fx Asus sabertooth, great overclocker, good performance, very good components quality and manufacture, don’t cheap out on the mobo.
your better off with the Asrock 990fx Extreme4 then the sabertooth, I own 2 sabertooths, and though they are great boards, they and their flaws, for one the verg section of the board gets hot, and aisuit will nag you alot about it(Even though its within safty range of all the parts used in that area of the board)
another is, the extreme4 has a for its cpu verg/fet area, kitten, it also comes with a front breakout for usb3 incase youre case dosnt have one.
its cheaper as well.
Honestly if i could go back i would have an extreme4 now…..another fun note, it has an ide/pata connector, so if you got a decent optical drive you want to re-use thats pata you can….(no need for sata on optical, they cant saturate the pata buss let alone sata.)
as to ram, it also really depends on the board and latancy vs clocks of the ram, 1600 cas8 is better then 2133 cas11 or 12 in many cases, 1866 cas8 is kinda hard to get and not really wort the extra cost….
from my exp the best point is to get a 32gb kit thats decent 1600mhz or better, use fancycache to cache your games drive, then, in a year or 2 when faster lower latancy ram is cheaper, upgrade.
i got my 32gb 1866 kit for 109.99 shipped form newegg…..honestly 9-9-9 at 1600 is just as fast as 1866 10-11-10 for gw2, (i have ran it both ways, it even does 2133 just fine at 11-11-11)
honestly, at this point in time this kit http://pcpartpicker.com/part/mushkin-memory-994069 is the best value on the market, alot of reports of getting 1866 or better with looser timings……though honestly, cas9 for a 32gb kit at 1600 is very fast!!!
thats a build i speced up for somebody a while back.
psu is overkill for 1 card, but, leaves you open for a quick easy upgrade to dual 7870xt’s and as many hdd’s as you can cram in that case….;)
No, I know what Hyper Transport is. I was just making sure you weren’t confusing AMD having Hyper threading, since it is also abbreviated HT.
Just for ur consideration Crysis 3 benches, as u can see the FX 8350 beats the i7 3770k and destroys the i5 3570k, the FX 6300 (130$) beats the i5 2500k (220$), so as u can see ur money is well invested in AMD tech for future gaming, in any multithread scenario, and future games will all be like this, AMD will beat current intell generation CPUs, just look at that chart. The FX 6300 beats the i3 3220 at stock speeds (AMD can be OCed i3s cannot) by arround 70% at the same price point, no wonder what ppl who said the i3 were better than 8 core AMDs would say about that.
It looks like turbo boost was turned off. I’d like to see the results when it is turned on.
You can just save up some gold and transfer that to jems to buy a world transfer
As Unspec said, unless it’s a k series, it pretty much is a waste to overclock the Intel processor.
One thing my friend has told me about – he’s used two AMD cores before switching to Intel; he’s used one and currently uses two Intel cores in his computers (he has two computers) – is that AMD CPU’s life tends to be much less than that of Intel’s.
your buddy is either full of something brown and smelly, a fanboi or you missunderstood him……
I have been at this computer building game for over 20 years now, neither intel or amd have chips that in themselves dont last, there have been some pretty bad boards, and some bad chipsets(never seen a bad amd chipset, but intel had a few that where horrible, and SiS intel chipsets where suq….dont get me started on via….)
and unspec, no, to me intel isnt as fun or challanging to push, all you really can do with intel is change the multi and volts…with amd you can change the buss without breaking anything, you can tweak the HT, and teh cpu/nb clocks….
FSB – 280
DRAM – 1866Mhz
CPU/NB – 2520Mhz
HTT – 2520Mhz
thats my current settings……quite fun really
I hope the HT doesn’t stand for Hyper Threading.
its using an dedicated AMD video chip, I didnt say integrated….
Intel video is a joke, nVidia video……well nV always want more for their chips, not to mention the whole 8600gt(and related chipset) debacale(huge fail rates, google it, apple and many other laptop vendors where hit very hard..nvidia didnt make things right…)
by going amd/amd they also get a platform they only have to go to 1 place to get assistance making the most of the hardware or working around any bugs that are found.
if you went by the intel fanboi line, sony should have used a quad core intel chip, any quad core intel chip, as it would have benched faster then any amd chip(not kidding) but, the fact is , amd totaly kicks kitten for multi threading, and everybody knows thats the way of the future…..even intel….but, intel being intel they want to milk each upgrade by requireing a new motherboard…..cant blame them, its worked so far……i mean idiots year after year upgrade their board to get a new chip thats not really much better then last years…..
it also forces oem’s to buy more boards, selling more chipsets for intel…..
blah, basickly, yes going intel could give better per core perf but wouldnt get them as many cores(ht dosnt count).
You really can’t compare AMD dedicated graphics to Intel integrated graphics, you’re comparing apples to oranges. Also, most people don’t upgrade their CPU each year. People who upgrade every year are usually bleeding edge enthusiasts. Majority of people follow the 3 year cycle. And again, one AMD core isn’t equal to one Intel core. So while AMD may have more cores, Intel’s cores actually get more work done per cycle compared to AMD’s.
That one beats the i5, but not on Guild wars 2….
The game is not really optimized for multi-threading. But I guess you will not use your computer only for playing 1 game :p
Besides, the new playstation 4 will have a amd cpu… So that means they are still better than intel i think :pNo, the PS4 uses an AMD CPU because it needs to hit a price point.
oh, its not all about price, AMD offers the better overall package, AMD is better at multi threading, amd also have FAR FAR better video then intel, and im sure that amd are supplying some sort of chipset for it since that would make things alot easier on sony in design and in software design.
intel is faster per core, but intel dont even have an 8core chip yet, and no, quads with HT dont count…HT is great when it works, but can have HORRIBLE effects when it dosnt.
a simple example is using x64 ogg vorbis encoder with dbpoweramp on all cores, my 8core amd flys, my buddies 900x(its a 970/980/990…cant remember) at 4.8 takes a 47% perf hit with HT enabled doing the same task, making it ALOT slower then mine, with it disabled, its slower but, not quite so big a gap…..(this was done encoding a large batch of flac files to ogg using the lancer mod enhanced oggenc from hydrogen audio forums using dbpoweramp, foobar2000 also could be used for testing i hear….but dbp is easy and fast)
They use AMD cause it has a great price to performance ratio. Also, while the AMD CPU does have 8 cores, one AMD core =/= one Intel core. As for AMD having better integrated video, that doesn’t really matter. The PS4 is using a dedicated graphics card anyhow.
Nope , the PS4 is using what AMD calls an APU , 8 jaguar core with a graphics chip on the die. And from what “we” “know” MS uses something that is “close” to Sony
AMD beats Intel CPU when it comes to video encoding There some other encoding things which are faster as well. There is a video out on how AMD beats Intel on games when using something like fraps and running the game at the same time.
There is also it upgrade path Intel will go with mainboards + cpu soldered and AMD allows users to upgrade the cpu without needing a new mainboard.
So far AM3+ has one upgrade left somewhere before the end of the year (prolly 2014) And it is called Steamroller .
No, Intel denied the BGA-only rumors.
the 3470 dosnt overclock well, you have to use turbo and bclk and…..thats VERY limiting.
on the other hand amd is FUN and easy to overclock
that guide will work for asrock as well before you ask
3470 doesn’t overclock well because it doesn’t have an unlocked multiplier like the K series does. Unlocked processors from Intel are just as fun and easy to overclock as AMD’s.
(edited by Unspec.9017)
That one beats the i5, but not on Guild wars 2….
The game is not really optimized for multi-threading. But I guess you will not use your computer only for playing 1 game :p
Besides, the new playstation 4 will have a amd cpu… So that means they are still better than intel i think :pNo, the PS4 uses an AMD CPU because it needs to hit a price point.
oh, its not all about price, AMD offers the better overall package, AMD is better at multi threading, amd also have FAR FAR better video then intel, and im sure that amd are supplying some sort of chipset for it since that would make things alot easier on sony in design and in software design.
intel is faster per core, but intel dont even have an 8core chip yet, and no, quads with HT dont count…HT is great when it works, but can have HORRIBLE effects when it dosnt.
a simple example is using x64 ogg vorbis encoder with dbpoweramp on all cores, my 8core amd flys, my buddies 900x(its a 970/980/990…cant remember) at 4.8 takes a 47% perf hit with HT enabled doing the same task, making it ALOT slower then mine, with it disabled, its slower but, not quite so big a gap…..(this was done encoding a large batch of flac files to ogg using the lancer mod enhanced oggenc from hydrogen audio forums using dbpoweramp, foobar2000 also could be used for testing i hear….but dbp is easy and fast)
They use AMD cause it has a great price to performance ratio. Also, while the AMD CPU does have 8 cores, one AMD core =/= one Intel core. As for AMD having better integrated video, that doesn’t really matter. The PS4 is using a dedicated graphics card anyhow.
That one beats the i5, but not on Guild wars 2….
The game is not really optimized for multi-threading. But I guess you will not use your computer only for playing 1 game :p
Besides, the new playstation 4 will have a amd cpu… So that means they are still better than intel i think :p
No, the PS4 uses an AMD CPU because it needs to hit a price point.
Was doing a run of HotW path one, and ran into this bug when I teleported to the Palace of Gathering Waypoint. It spawns you under the actual floor, leaving you stuck down there. You have to go to Honor’s Waypoint to get back.
If you get the toshiba one, install windows 7 on it after you get it. Heard GW2 sometimes has some issues with Windows 8.
Did you mean i5 3570k?
When it BSOD’s, does it give you a error code? Its something like 0×000000000f4e or w/e. Also, make sure your CPU isn’t overheating with a temp monitoring program, like RealTemp.
-instal the game on the second PC (only the launcher), once it starts downloading the client. cancel the download and close the laucher.
-Copy the game folder from original PC, and just paste it replacing the game folder on the new PC.
-Start the launcher again, enjoyThanks Rampage, was hoping it was going to be that simple.
You’ll need to do the annoying authentication thing for anet again
Then the tooltip needs to be updated.
I just noticed that if I earn 25 corruption on one map and I go to a different one (for instance, going from Lion’s Arch to Gendarran Fields), I lose all the corruption. According to the tooltip, it is only lost if I am downed. Could this bug be resolved soon?
Personally, I find 120hz only useful in FPS games. RPG’s and RTS games I don’t find to benefit much because they’re not face-paced enough to warrant 120hz. If you’re purely playing GW2, a 60hz monitor is sufficient. But if you also play FPS games (Like BF3 or god forbid COD) alongside GW2, then getting a 120hz monitor is worth it.
As for the 200hz monitor: No such thing exists. At least, not true 200hz on LCD monitors.
(edited by Unspec.9017)
Its normal, at least for GW2. I have a 3570k and 670 and it happens to me also. But for me, it happens only when I first load the game.
yeah when i first load it always happens, which is probably normal. may i ask what settings you are running in game? i have been messing around with different things, and specifically the shaders and reflections seam to be causing a majority of this slowdown when turning
I just cranked everything on high lol
Its normal, at least for GW2. I have a 3570k and 670 and it happens to me also. But for me, it happens only when I first load the game.
If you have another 600 dollars to burn, you might as well just skip another card and upgrade to a 2011 system. In GW2, CPU is more important than your GPU.
I think that is a bad idea since GW2 makes no use of extra cores, 2011 CPUs are slower clock per clock than the 3770k, which means, in GW2 the 3770k is the fastest CPU u can buy at the moment.
Wouldn’t the higher amounts of L3 cache be beneficial?
If you have another 600 dollars to burn, you might as well just skip another card and upgrade to a 2011 system. In GW2, CPU is more important than your GPU.
I had a generally negative experience with this tech. With it installed and using D-mode for the Heaven DX11 benchmark (HDMI cable plugged into the 670), the benchmark refused to start. I would have to turn several features off to get the benchmark to run, which really defeated the point of the software. Going to try it again when I have the time, but so far Virtu MVP doesn’t cut it with me.
Doom, what graphic settings are you playing at?
“Does this program allow someone to play faster, better, longer, or more accurately than someone who doesn’t use it?”
“Does this program allow someone to ‘play’ when he/she is not at the computer?”
“Does this program allow the user to gain undeserved rewards?”
“If the answer to any of these questions is “yes”—or even “maybe”—then we strongly recommend that you do not use the program because to do so may place your Guild Wars or Guild Wars 2 account in jeopardy.”
So, no, autoclickers aren’t allowed
And seriously, why do you even need an autoclicker for looting? Just turn on auto-loot and spam F
Rick, you tend to discourage people from helping you when every post is a giant block of text. No one really wants to read giant blocks of text
Where is your FPS being measured and what settings?
If its WvW or Large cities that would be normal. GW2 is very cpu bound.See Part 4 of this thread for more info
That is the issue I shouldn’t be having ANY FPS issues with the current rig I have.
False, you will be having FPS issues on your rig. The rig I have which is substantially more powerful than yours (i5 3570k GTX 670) still gets 40 FPS in WvW. And at the Maw event for that matter.
Try reinstalling?
If its running in task manager, just end the process GW2.exe
Try exiting MSI Afterburner
Happens to me sometimes. I just end the process in the task manager, its not too big of a deal
one thing to keep in mind is, intel dosnt expect their chips to last past the 3 year warr period, they effecitvly have said as much to people complaining about the use of cheap white TIM under the IHS.
you can google it, a few people have emailed them and the response was in effect “the TIM will last the 3 years the chips under warranty”
you also can expect high temps on ivybridge, 70c idle on my buddies 3770k with stock cooler, if you can get ahold of a sandybridge based chip those run cooler because intel used fluxless solder rather then cheap white TIM under the IHS so they are likely to last longer due to lower core temps.
makes me mad they cheeped out even on the enthusiast K series chips.
Could always pry up the IHS and replace the TIM
Bad game design. Its a problem with the engine, so I doubt they can do anything about it.
DXTory seems to work fine for GW2 for me
Its not about "trolling ". Your not even using full hd so dont say the game runs fine… not getting steady 60 fps all the time is not fine at all ( well some ppl says 30 is smooth but for me its just slideshow). Sure you dont need to spend tones of cash just to get the game working but buying amd for gw2 is just stupid. Op said he wants to run the game fine so he should consider only intel (im not a fanboy i use amd cpu in my other rig).]
Ps. Dont get 7xxx series from amd for gw2. Cards are good but drivers sux. Alot of ppl are having graphical bugs with thoes. It took them year to fix “flickering” with their 13.2 drivers.
Quit fanboying lol. If the game runs fine for the person who’s playing it, I don’t see why you care so much
if you can manage a 3570k thats a much better choice for cpu, but yeah, thats an ok looking system…
you could get a 7770 rather then 7850 and get a 3570k that would be a better choice, this games very cpu bound….very very very cpu bound….
talk to your friend/friends friend see what they can get you, if you cant play gw2 well, you can give tera a go, it scales FAR better then gw2 with settings and hardware, gw2 is a fun game but…..at this point, the cost of entry if you want to do large DE’s and/or WvWvW is….far higher then it should be…..
I don’t even know what a 3570k and a 7770 IS…
3570k is a processor. Full name is i5 3570k. Its a quad core. K means it unlocked, meaning you can overclock it (provided you have a good cooler)
7770 is a graphics card. Full name is AMD Raedon HD 7770. Can be overclocked depending on the cooling. There are ghz editions, which means it is pre-overclocked and guarantees that clock, but is often a bit pricier.
You will be able to play at high even with reflections. Not sure about super-sampling, as I myself do not use it. I have a comparable system (3570k @ 4.4, GTX 670) and I can play and record at 60 FPS and 30 FPS respectively. Though if you hope to record zerg v zerg, you might want 16GB of RAM and a 3770k. I suggest Dominator Platinum RAM from Corsair, as they just look awesome.
Processor probably can’t handle the game at what you’re playing at. It happens to me when I record at 1080p losslessly.
Unspec: I know, it was more of a commentary on how poorly this games optimized/programmed for modern hardware.
tera would FLY on that, Aion would FLY on that, WoW would fly on that, Rift would FLY ON THAT. swtor woud FLY ON THAT……..gw2 will crawl on it….
they could make a laptop that could take the heat but battery life would suck, and it would really be more of a DTR then a laptop…..
I have a buddy whos lappy is liquid cooled, its a few years old now but, pretty cool really, dual gfx, very fast cpu, lots of ram……battery life on stock battery 15min….LOL
Why is it that every post you make, bashes on GW2? I know it has its flaws, but you really don’t need to bash on it every time you post
depends on the game, I have a few that could fill the cache by themselves if the whole game where cached.
I currently am giving my games drive a 16gb cache, my windows drive a 1gb cache, the cache for the games drive makes for almost instant load times between maps/areas/into the game for games like tera and warframe, gw2 gains from it as well but, I have been playing more of the other games because, honestly, they are currently in better shape then gw2 is. they run better, they look at least as good gfx wise….
oh and you can put a cache on each hdd/volume you have, or you can just put cache on drives you want to cache….
if you have only 1 hdd, fancycache would also cache your browser, and other most used apps, making load times far better then windows superfetch manages to do.
Game’s don’t cache themselves completely on a cache. Most only cache textures and other things that are related to loading maps and such
as BigLamb said the videocards good(for a laptop, probably closer to 650 perf if that) the cpu will hold your gw2 fps down, your not gonna wana try WvWvW, you will likely see the low teens (below 20fps) PVE DE’s will have the same problem saddly…
sadly nobody makes a laptop with an intel chip running in excess of 4.4ghz, so your not gonna be able to hold a min of 30ish fps…..
its a nice laptop though….
No one makes that kind of laptop chip because laptops can’t handle the heat
get 48gb ram, and try fancycache on your games drive
http://thessdreview.com/our-reviews/romex-fancycache-review-ssd-performance-at-13gbs-and-765000-iops-in-60-seconds-flat/with 48 you could give the drive a 32gb cache and still have 16gb for everything else, this would mean load times on apps and games would be drastically faster then what you have now, and at current ram prices, it would be pretty cheap to max out that board(afik true max on those tend to be 48gb, so do go higher tho)
You really don’t need a 32gb cache.
You’re really buying a 400 dollar PC. The price on amazon has labor + profit factored in. If you really want something good at 700 dollars, build it yourself
Sounds to me like 1080P cpu bottleneck for capture/recording.
Try a different program, or get a capture card !
Problem with a capture card is that 99% of the use H.264 encoding, while I prefer lossless recording (Unless h.264 has lossless options?). Also, do capture cards capture only the game, or whatever is on the screen? I alt tab frequently, so would it also record my desktop?
(edited by Unspec.9017)
Been recording some GW2 gameplay with DXTory using Lagarith Lossless Codec. It seems whenever I record at 1920×1080 (native screen resolution) at 29.97 FPS, in-game the game responds really slow. Its not FPS lag or anything. I can attack a monster and kill it and still receive damage, but all the effects and audio would play some 20-30 seconds later. This doesn’t seem to happen when I record at 720p or 900p. Any ideas?
i5 3570k
GTX 670
Harddrive writes of 110 MB/s
SSD for OS drive
I’m also running fancycache for my harddrive (same one GW2 is installed on) with a 512MB cache.
You should try cleaning out the laptop before doing anything. Dust can really hurt ventilation.
I’ll try to get fraps, but i can promise you that the mesmer started on the outside of the wall. Then breached inner wall in the same way. We already did mesmer sweeps after it happened the 1st time
Not sure about that then. How does he even get in then?
Pretty sure it was not a glitch. A mesmer hides inside and lets people in. Its a pretty common tactic.
(edited by Unspec.9017)