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Prev itms from Dungeon Vendors not working

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Uskon.2519


I think only the exotic versions have dungeon-specific skins, not the rares.

Class Specific Gear Boxes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Uskon.2519


In the end the gear turns out to be random pieces with runes of <insert profession name> :P

What minion is best for tanking?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Uskon.2519


Indeed, whenever my minions got wiped the “floating meatbag” was indeed the last one standing over 90% of the time, but I guess that’s partially because he doesn’t get enough aggro and tends to stay farther away

Necromancers are Garbage underwater

in Necromancer

Posted by: Uskon.2519


Even though the golem can’t be used underwater, other things more than make up for it. The weapon skills are superb, not to mention DS AoE fear. I feel far weaker when I play other profs underwater (except for engi :P).

What minion is best for tanking?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Uskon.2519


I recall Flesh Wurm being pretty tough (for a minion), but Shadow Fiend and Flesh Golem are probably the best, and even they can easily get 1-hit KO’d >.<

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Uskon.2519


This compilation hasn’t been updated for quite a while, so that’s why it’s not on the list.
It has been mentioned a couple of times here though.

ANet -- Should we compile bug list?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Uskon.2519


Whats wrong with the sticky one ?

The actual compilation part of it hasn’t been updated for a rather long while.

Worst damage, survival and team support.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Uskon.2519


You use spectral walk befor you hit the ground two times in a row( about 3sec befor if you never done it). That way you will get ported to the place you have been a second ago resseting you fall hight counter

Well I can confirm it currently also works with Death Shroud, I just jumped to the bottom of Rata Sum with 10% LF and ended up surviving with full health and 0 LF simply by entering DS just before reaching the ground.

Interesting. I wonder if entering death shroud has the same effect of resetting fall damage? I’ll have to test that after work.

I don’t believe that’s the case, since if you fall from high enough to kill someone with 50% fall damage reduction and activate DS at the last moment, it simply drains your life force to zero and leaves you without a scratch.
By the way, if you take a single hit that exceeds your remaining life force, does the excess reduce your health, or simply disappear? If any damage beyond what your life force can take is simply negated, then this would be the case with surviving high falls. Otherwise it could be a result of how falling damage scales.

Let's debug minion AI

in Necromancer

Posted by: Uskon.2519


It’s not like the charge works in a surefire way either. It’s not all that rare for the golem to get stuck on something on the ground, resulting in a stationary charge, or go in the wrong direction altogether :P

Let's debug minion AI

in Necromancer

Posted by: Uskon.2519


I don’t know if this has been said yet, but minions will not attack anything with a yellow name, this applies to objects, passive mobs, and large event bosses such as dragons or the shadow behemoth. A way around this, but only for a short period of time, is to force the minion to use an ability, but they will only continue to attack for a few seconds after commanded, then they stop, sometimes activating their abilities does not even trigger them to strike against yellow named enemies. This makes it very frustrating as a minion master to do any large scale even when the majority of our damage output sits around looking at the pretty scenery.

For me they work perfectly fine at large event bosses, they have always been very obedient when it comes to attacking a dragon (and subsequently getting 1-hit by AoE). They seem to attack objects as well as or better than mobs too, without needing any special manoeuvres. I dare say that Flesh Golem charge must be necro’s most effective method of dealing with objects, since it gets stuck and keeps hitting repeatedly

[Bug] Trait, Flesh of the Master, not working

in Necromancer

Posted by: Uskon.2519


Thank goodness, I was starting to think JHs were even worse than I thought :P

[Bug] Trait, Flesh of the Master, not working

in Necromancer

Posted by: Uskon.2519


At least they siphon health with the Vampiric Master trait, too bad their attack speed is such that they die after getting 1 lucky hit in >.<

[Bug] Trait, Flesh of the Master, not working

in Necromancer

Posted by: Uskon.2519


All minions summoned through utility skills, even Blood Fiend and Flesh Golem took around 50% more damage before going down.

Now, I’m not sure if Jagged Horrors count as minions at all, I didn’t even see them giving the toughness bonus from Death Magic 15 minor :/

So I guess this would lead to Reanimator being an all-around minor, being equally useful to all builds :P

[Bug] Trait, Flesh of the Master, not working

in Necromancer

Posted by: Uskon.2519


You could test it using blood is power and the “Fetid Consumption” Grandmaster trait Blood Magic and check how much % health is lost pr tick.

Would work if the minions actually got the conditions they remove from the necro. (Which fortunately doesn’t happen, they die fast enough anyways :P)

[Bug] Trait, Flesh of the Master, not working

in Necromancer

Posted by: Uskon.2519


Seemed to work with all minion skills. If it indeed doesn’t work with Jagged Horrors, it’s probably because it’s fundamentally different from the others, since it’s created by the trait and not by a skill.

New with Necro GW1 MM > GW2 MM?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Uskon.2519


To me the Neco pets seem as stupied as the ones in GW1. But unlike in GW1 you have to give up a skill slot for every minion you mack. In GW1 you could pack in 1 maybe 2 summon spells and still get a decent amount of Minions out depending on your death magic. It had that nice personal army feel with it becaus of the pure amount you could bring. One or two of them spasing out or doing stupied kitten did not really effect something as you had more then enough ( even more when the hero limited was raised to 8 and ppl multiple necros in there party for PvE). Now in Gw2 the best you can get is haveing 7 minions out at the time. With the incredbly bad Jagged Horror and Bone Minion. If you count usfull minions the max you can get is 5.

Another factor that and problem besides the AI is that the minions scale with nothing. Meaning if youskill fully into them that you still have to to eiter condition dmg or raw dmg to do something. Nerfing your overall DPS compared to pure and hybrid builds.

Don’t underestimate Bone Minions, at least you can blow them up for some effect (just make sure they are BOTH in range >.<). On the other hand, have you ever seen Bone Fiend’s ability ever root anything? Someone tell me how it works

Petition to disable Reanimator

in Necromancer

Posted by: Uskon.2519


Compromise and make it a major trait with some improvements, death magic could do with some more universal minors :P

Skill description semantics

in Necromancer

Posted by: Uskon.2519


Well, unless you really put some effort to making your fears last longer, it’s more like shouting “look out, there’s a thief behind you!” which might be enough to make the opponent turn their head to the other direction and on the occasion even move that way before reconsidering. Sounds more like something a mesmer would do though.

Staff *should* be melee

in Necromancer

Posted by: Uskon.2519


Although, that would means losing our longest-range attacks. I’m not saying staff #1 can actually hit anything that moves, but that could be fixed.

Since “we’re so slow”, would you rather fancy the idea of someone kiting you with their 1200+ attack range when you could only reach around 900? :P

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Uskon.2519


did you guys check to see if the true area of effect was different, or if it was just a graphical problem?
I.E: Go into plague form with the bigger character, move until some neutral mob is in the their circle, or until it’s getting hit by plague, then move up with the smaller character until it gets hit by their plague.

This was what I suspected at first, and we did test the area by slowly inching towards the target until it started taking hits.
Unless I am blind, the enemy took damage as soon as it reached the white outline, meaning that the visual area matches the actual area.

(edited by Uskon.2519)

Let's debug minion AI

in Necromancer

Posted by: Uskon.2519


Decided to delay going to sleep and performed some tests on the spot instead.

Tested with melee first to see if they could follow my lead.

On optimal level terrain without obstacles, my Shadow Fiend pretty much instantly changed its target to whatever I decided to attack. Very smooth.

As I chose to attack more distant targets, I noticed that after a certain distance, the Shadow Fiend occasionally didn’t respond. It was like the trigger to attack is only present on activation of certain skills or something, since if he got aggro’d by enemy damage my autoattacking wasn’t enough to command him otherwise.

Increasing the number of minions seemed to increase the delay in target swapping (might just have been those Bone Minions deceiving my tired eyes, since they are seemingly the slowest at switching. Their movement is somehow… turn-based, like only taking new orders every 6 seconds :P). However, they still feeled very responsive.

The dumbness only started to show itself as I began to move towards less-than-optimal terrain, and the time each minion took to switch targets began to increase. Even the ranged minions started to fall behind. With different types of minions changing (or not) targets at differing speeds, it’s quite obvious that the battle became a mess after a while.

I’ll have to go to Orr or somewhere for more testing, but it seemed like trees and stuff on the ground didn’t hinder minions as much as uneven ground. At one point I noticed some of my minions just standing in place after I pointed a target, the notable thing was a small hill between the active and inactive parties. The minions on the enemy’s side of the hill were working just fine, the ones on the other side were like the enemy didn’t exist. I hope minions aren’t depending on line of sight :P

Let's debug minion AI

in Necromancer

Posted by: Uskon.2519


I think the problem is the NUMBER of minions. I think it has more to do with having over 3 pets at a time than it does with pathing. When I attack, some minions respond right away and some sit next to me and do nothing.

Can’t be that, nope. I only use the flesh golem and he’s a complete idiot at least 75% of the time. I can have both melee spirit weapons out on my guardian and they work fine.

Even with 7 minions deployed, I was almost struck speechless when they all initiated combat perfectly as soon as I attacked. On level terrain without obstacles that is :P

The fact that the minions seem dumber when you have more of them out may be a result of them obstructing each other, or it just seems like it since the odds of one or all of them not working increase in proportion to their numbers.

I’ve got to remember to test if ranged minions can switch targets effectively unlike the melees, though I recall them persistently shooting their initial targets after I’ve gone after something else.

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Uskon.2519


I notice that the AOE form the Plague Skill is a lot bigger when a lager Character cast it.
In the Description of the Skill the range is set to 240. So the AOE Effect of e Big Norn are way to big.
I am a Asura and my Guild buddy is a Char his AOE is a way bigger than mine.

Tried this out with a guildmate, and my Sylvari necro’s Plague area was indeed larger than an Asura’s, and smaller than a Charr’s.

Seems very strange that no-one has noticed this before, if that in fact is the case.
Edit: read the thread again and saw earlier reports about it >.<

(edited by Uskon.2519)