Showing Posts For Varzon.9483:

If you had one million gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Varzon.9483


I would buy EVERY single Legendary and Precursor on the TP and make a youtube video of me salvaging them with crude salvage kits while laughing like a maniac : )

Edit: And buy every Ecto on the TP and place buy orders for 2g each ecto with whatever I have left : )

Strange blue cube in Rata Sum.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Varzon.9483


It’s the “Super Adventure Cube”! It even has it’s own huge achivement tab, although it’s probably an April fools joke from ANet, A few minutes/hours the content page for April was up and it had this 8-bit banner at the top (basically an 8-bit GW2 logo)

There’s also found a few “Super Weapons” in the PvP locker.ยจ

TL:DR It’s most likely the ANet April fools for 2013.

[POSSIBLE SPOILER]New Flame and Frost Character

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Varzon.9483


I find it sad that nobody mentioned Sieran! (I find her as a better character than Tybalt TBH) She’s the only kitten likable plant in the game as well : (

And we won’t ever get to fight our mentors in risen form, Sieran, the Priory mentor is a sylvari, so us priory folks wouldn’t have anyone to fight!

So I fell in FOTM Jade maw boss..

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Varzon.9483


Dredge fractal and Urban Battlegrounds fractal is what you see.
Something similar happened to me, except it happened in Uncategorized Fractal (Asura/kitty-golem one) and I was walking on an invisible floor being able to see the Svanir/Blizzard fractal under me. Clearly the entire dungeon is 1 zone, and you get ported from part to part. (I’ve also heard there’s a bug where you can use /stuck and get ported to a different fractal, don’t quote me on that though)

Profession you want to see in your PUG?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Varzon.9483


Necros, Engis and rangers all the way!

I think this game's population became offending

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Varzon.9483


Most Necros ain’t that good either.

Bottom line, if I get an Engi, a Necro and a Ranger I pick the Engi.
At least I get supply drop/turrets that are worth something better than a dead Ranger or a Necro dealing less DPS than my offhand sigil.

Just keep telling yourself that while I rev the mesmers/warriors/thieves/elementalists with my signet, and still have 15 stacks ticking for 107 dmg on the boss : )

OT: Engis rulez!

Mad king costume brawl bug?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Varzon.9483


It’s a bug with the 1 ability (and using table) that makes you “re-enter” the brawl. That’s why everyone spams 2 and 3 (really annoying bug)

15+ Bots in Fireheart Rise - All Grouped Together

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Varzon.9483


I found some quite odd bots in WvW earlier today. In the lake south of the Quaqqan temple (Gunnar’s Hold Borderlands) there were 5 bots with similar names, all were rangers that looked completely like each other. The odd thing was, they were all stacked spamming underwater ability 1 on the krait going past. Never seen any bots doing something like that. (they were basically grinding kraits in WvW while stacked underwater)

Why can't we craft aquabreather and back items?

in Crafting

Posted by: Varzon.9483


You can buy a Rare Quality backpiece from the “guild armorer” if your guild has unlocked it. It’s kinda expensive though (5 gold) but it’s the best in the game so far!
Hope this helps : )