Showing Posts For Veon.4679:

paid tournament patch, timing?

in PvP

Posted by: Veon.4679


Patch notes? Where?

They said on Twitter update won’t come before midnight GMT, so…

Post Your Stats!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Veon.4679


Here’s me.

Basic stats (using S/D):
Power: 2035
Precision: 1995
Toughness: 1016
Vitality: 916

Attack: 3030
Condition Damage: 100
Critical Chance: 55%
Critical Damage: 104%
Armor: 1936
Health: 10,805
Healing Power: 0

Air (30): III, VI, IX
Earth (10): III
Arcana: (20): IV, VIII

Glyph of Elemental Harmony
Mist Form
Lightning Flash
Arcane Wave
Glyph of Elementals / Avatar of Melandru (solely for 20s Stability)

Exotic Berserker’s armor with Ruby Orbs
Mystic Wand Of Fire (Scepter)
Mystic Spike of Bloodlust (Dagger)
Peacemaker’s Staff of Fire (Staff)
Peasant’s Solution (Trident)

Well, this build is obviously as glass cannon as it gets, but it’s quite entertaining IMO in WvW zergs (Staff) and solo ganking (S/D) if you’re careful. Not at all suitable for real (s/t)PvP. :P

(edited by Veon.4679)

Kill/Death ratio

in PvP

Posted by: Veon.4679


I’d be surprised if we actually get a paid tournament / new PvP screen like that since it seems like just a mock-up (has incorrect ranks etc.). Hoping we do though.

I’d definitely love more stats just to keep things more interesting. And that includes K/D and even additional ones, per class or even build preferably, etc.

But they should be kept private since they ultimately not a good indicator of (just) skill. And if someone demands them from you, then at least you know who to avoid.

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Veon.4679



What do you mean by that?

The target that you have selected will get hit by the Surge’s effect even if it’s out of range of Arcane Wave. You can hit with it from as far as you can go while still keeping your target.

In my example video I chill the thief NPC from a pretty long distance, where he is not hit by the actual Wave.

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Veon.4679


Here’s what I know that isn’t on the list:
- Grounded trait (+20% damage vs knocked down and stunned) does not work (EDIT: possibly only with Updraft)
- Elemental Surge + Arcane Wave has infinite range to your target
- Ride the Lightning + Aeromancer’s Alacrity (-20% air recharge) only doesn’t work out of combat



Elemental SurgeFunction bug
Applies only 2 seconds of chill instead of 3 when using Arcane Wave.

Looks like 3 seconds to me. It counts down 2s, 1s, 0s.

Here’s a short video for Surge:

(edited by Veon.4679)

Can we bypass downed state with a suicide button?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Veon.4679


Well if the enemy has won and don’t need to finish you fast for a rally or something then it’s beneficial to them to waste your time and even force a 20s respawn timer.
They should just balance the downed states obviously.

Elementalist balance - a great example of evolving meta-game

in PvP

Posted by: Veon.4679


Absurd comparison. Dominating in WvW is much much easier than in competitive tPvP matches due to often underskilled, underleveled and undergeared opponents. And I can tell this from a bunch of experience. On top of all that the meta is completely different. :-/

I’m still far from a very competent Elementalist but what bothers me is the required expertise of the class for a decent performance in a match and a very limited amount of viable builds (a super boring bunker ele and a mediocre-dps-roamer). I’ll leave the details to the experts.

(edited by Veon.4679)

Post a picture of your Elementalist [Merged]

in Elementalist

Posted by: Veon.4679


Well here’s my favourite character! Probably not all that special. :-/

Wearing exclusively exotic Berserker’s gear (because I’m not all that into PvE and it’s amusing for WvW).
Armor is transmuted into the oh so common Winged Set with hidden helm and mantle.
Scepter is a transmuted Mystic Wand (of Fire).
Dagger is a transmuted Mystic Spike (of Bloodlust).
Staff is a transmuted Peacemaker’s Staff (of Fire).
