Showing Posts For Vidiea.4867:
Hi there! I sent you a PM about Remnants of Hope. Hopefully we’re able to provide what you’re looking for. (:
Hi there, I sent you a PM about Remnants of Hope. Hopefully we’re a good fit for you, but if not, good luck in the guild search! (:
Today we did some exploration in the Blazeridge Steppes and EM CM path 1. Up for tomorrow is some WvW and EM TA path 1! (:
Hello -
I sent you a PM about Remnants of Hope. Hopefully we can provide you with what you’re looking for, but if not, good luck with finding one!
Hello -
I sent you a PM about Remnants of Hope. Feel free to ask if you have any questions! Regardless if we’re the guild for you or not, I hope you find what you’re looking for!
Hi there Yeti,
I sent you a PM about our PvX guild Remnants of Hope. Hopefully we fit what you’re looking for, but if not good luck and happy travels!
Hi Charlie,
I sent you a PM about Remnants of Hope. Hopefully we’re a good fit for you, but if not, good luck in your guild search!
Yesterday we had some fun in sPvP with an Arah path 3 run afterwards! Earlier that day we also ran CM path 3!
Up for tonight we have some zone exploration in Gendarran Fields, EM Twilight Arbor path 3 and the EB jumping puzzle! (:
This afternoon we did EM SE path 2 and later tonight some WvW is on the table!
I see you on our forums, looks like you’ve got it figured out and working. (:
Tonight we’re doing a dungeon story mode marathon! As many as we can until we drop. (:
Next for Monday: EM TA Path 2 and some sPvP!
We’ll be doing fractals tonight! Bit of a slower day than normal. (:
Next for Saturday: EM AC Path 2 and RP night! We will start our next big story arc and progress our guild ICly. (: We’re hoping to be able to visit the Raven’s Landing and the Garnished Toast soon!
This afternoon we did EM Honor of the Waves Path 1 and later this evening grouped up for WvW and ran two consecutive groups through Fractals!
(edited by Moderator)
This morning we did lowbie leveling and later tonight we’re doing EM CM!
Started a new forum RP on the forums that will eventually be tied back into in-game RP, decided our IC guild leaders and if players would like, will be doing IC acceptances into the guild. Tonight we’ve planned an EM Honor of the Waves and sPvP!
Successfully completed EM TA path 2 today and having a bit of a break before our optional RP event tonight!
Many of our players have real lives outside the game, school, work, family, etc, so we generally don’t have a lot of players online during off peak hours unless they’re working night shifts. Currently we have around 20 active players and WvW about 1-3 times per week. Our WvW department is still building, so we’re not actively doing it as much as I hope we will be in the future.
Hopefully, you’re able to find a good guild to refer them to. If we hear anything, we’ll let you know.
Tonight we’ll be exploring Diessa Plateau and EM Arah ^^
Congratulations to Hieraphant, Ellengrad and Rellenor for becoming trial members!
Successful Fractals and Blue Borderlands tonight – EM CM, sPvP & lowbie leveling tomorrow! ^^
We’ll be doing WvW and Fractals tonight! ^^
Sent you a PM! ^^
Sent you a PM! ^^
Sent you a PM. (:
Sent you a PM. ^^
Sent you a PM. (:
Sent you a PM. (:
We had a fruitful day of SM CM, RP Night & attended the TC Guild Summit earlier today! (:
We had our GW2 division meeting and have a bunch of fun changes coming up! Finished up some fractals right afterwards and starting a SM AC run in about an hour!
We’ll just be running the Toymaker dungeons for the next few days to make sure all guildies who want their frames can get them. (:
We’ve been a little slower due to the holidays but we’re still active while we come out of our holiday food comas! (:
I feel like we’re quite a bit late on the response for you Kario, unfortunately due to the holidays. =( But, I will reply to the best of my ability in the hopes that if it doesn’t help you than perhaps it can help others later on.
Yes our history is a bit massive. The short of it is this:
Many years ago, a small bastion in Elona barely escaped, hidden under the oppressive rule of Palawa Joko. It was harsh living in this strict land; a dervish, valiantly protecting his people, a fallen paragon with nothing to her name, and a thief who only cared for himself. Not one of them ever thought they would have to do more than try to get by, until Fate intervened in the form of an unlikely duo- An asura merchant with his Norn protector. Now on the run they must figure out who can be trusted, and how to survive.
You? You are their descendants…or are you? Perhaps you know one of them; a mentor, a friend, perhaps just a passing traveler. The land of Tyria is an incredible one, full of mystery and intrigue (And monsters! Lots of monsters. And gold farmers), just begging to be explored.
No restrictions, if you can create it or roleplay it (and it stays within the confines of acceptable Guild Wars 2 Lore), you’re more than welcome at Remnants of Hope. We have an emphasis on letting members RP as they wish, and you are not obligated or required to conform to the guild lore!
We are composed of good guys, bad guys, neutral guys and those who have no idea or no moral compass at all! As for why the guild exists, this is something our characters don’t know yet. We’re a motley group of all sizes, races, ethics and professions who have come together for a bigger purpose that even we are not yet aware of. The guild will be following its own sandbox plots as well as the overall arc of GW2. Everyone has their own agendas, the leaders push for the guild’s interests, but not everyone’s interests align with the guild. We try not to limit anyone in any way, we want to be able to do anything and everything rp-wise.
Right now we have a small group who enjoy WvWing more than once a week, but generally do so out-of-character. As of yet, we have not done any IC-WvW, but that’s something we’re looking into doing in the coming year as well as IC-dungeons, IC-puzzles and more.
Hopefully everyone had a good Thanksgiving – we did! =D
Daily events and daily EMs, whoot! (:
We had a great time trying out the new sPvP map and running a group through EM AC path 2! (:
Having great success with our new daily EMs! ^^
We got some pretty neat sPvP screens from last night’s event and looking forwards to doing some dungeons tonight! (:
We had a blast in WvW last night and are excited for sPvP (: !
Excited for our WvW event tonight! (:
Had a blast in our sPvP tonight!
Welcome trial members Volcanus Forgeblast & Rougan Creed!
Scavenger hunt last night was a success and a lot of fun!
Our scavenger hunt tonight starts in 15 minutes! (:
The sPvP last night was a success!
Another night of sPvP at 9pm EST!
Had tons of fun doing the jumping puzzles tonight!
We’re doing the jumping puzzle in Lion’s Arch tonight at 9 EST! (: