Map can be use as a free all unless you party up. Fun while your waiting for matches to pop up
I’m still not sure.. you should try it from ranged & melee see if it stacks or not. Cuz me, sometimes it does, sometimes it dont.
I mean when it launches & you can see both Vul on enemy & Might icons on the bottom. When it tics. you know, like a clock.
Mirror Blade on GS should give 3 stacks of Might for 10 sec & 3 stacks of vul for 3 sec.
I’ve noticed that it does not tick when you do your opening attack. Leaving your opening flat dry on dps. Note: sometimes it tics, sometimes it does not. It ticks more when your like an inch from your openent. But not all the time. From ranged it does not most of the time. Try it on dummies or npc’s in the mist. Plz confirm if i’m wrong or if link thread if there’s already a post on it. thq
(edited by Vieux P.1238)
why are we still talking about Stronghold? i mean really?
Would you rather it be another wasted game mode and resources?
I would rather that dev actually waste resources on idk? .. like making new maps that are actually fun & not broken or boring.
why are we still talking about Stronghold? i mean really?
Yeah you got the basics for a good mesmer in your build. Different variations in amulets & rune can be played with the same line of traits with positive outcome. To bad power shatter build is still to weak or frail compare to the condi build. Nice vid. i like it.
ahh Josh XT.6053, are you still peeved cuz you got served spoonfull of uncredibility by everyone on this thread..? Do you feel like a big boy now that you can spell the word whole on your own? Good boy!
back to the HOLE point.. despite mesmers still efficient under the hands of a skill player, the HOLE nerfs thing…., is just stupid. Can’t wait till we get the next best mmo. Or it’s back to WoW.
Well since there’s no merc.. other classes having a hard time as well to survive or damage depending what build they have.
Yes it needs a fix. I tried to Dns Flush but to no avail. It’s bugged.
Playing scepter with torment stacking is just ok..(I like it) It works, but you’l never hit over 300k condi damage during a match. Not like from other classes that hits over the 500k damage.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how much of a flop fail e-sport season 3 you all think it will be?
Josh XT.6053, 5k damage per clones on a mesmer zerker build? First off, it’s not 5k but more like 3.5k to 4.5 max if your lucky. Second of all, this relates to your other questions, What build are we playing? Well it’s sure aint full zerker. That’s for noobs. & nobody that descent anoth plays full zerker anymore. Witch brings up the next point. Even if the mesmer zerker build was still viable & does it’s 15k damage after set up & F1. Now what? Well, It’s over unless nobody smart anoth to target the mesmer. A good quick cleave or AoE or condi bomb & it’s over. You know what’s funny, does build exist all across. There’s one ranger zerker build still working that one shots every one for 30k damage with that Bear attack. funny as hell. But once he’s done that, Ranger is good as dead. He get cleaved so fast by the other players makes it in the end not viable build. I don’t know who you trying to convince that power build mesmers still viable, but it’s not. & ther is no other builds that works except the condi build that’s in the meta. It’s obvious you havent played mesmer in a while.
Except no ranger has ever one shot me, so I am not really sure what you’re on about there. I haven’t played my mesmer in about a month, Elementalist is too fun recently, but I will gladly log it, brush off my rust and 1v1 you with it to prove my point.
You never died from a one shot ranger cuz No ranger ever plays that build.. It’s a stupid build in witch you do not survive. You need me to spell it out, really? Fine! When it comes to cheezy zerker builds, mesmers is not top dog as your trying to make it out with your 15k damage. I just pointed one class that can do 30k in a cheap zerker build. & he’s not the only one. So your argument that power shatter mesmer is Op & that i should stop crying sniff sniff cry cry. Well i’m sorry, does not hold up.
Josh XT.6053 Your missing the point & i’m not surprised coming from a Necro player. I’m voicing up my opinion on this continuances nerfing of the mesmer to the point that we only have one playable build. In the past nerfs, we had at least 3 to 4 viable builds to work with. So……..Why dont you wait till your main gets nerfed to the ground before posting idiocies on this thread.
PS: Chrono is top meta. Your point is irrelevant.
Let me be clear with you here – I play every class, but main Dagger/Warhorn Elementalist. I don’t know where you would be coming from thinking I only play necro and its the only reason I would think mesmer is strong still. Maybe you just aren’t very good at mesmer? I’m pretty decent at mesmer and I’ve won plenty of PvP fights, WvW fights and duels on my mesmer.
Mesmer has been way too strong for way too long, it can almost infinitely be in stealth and apply a lot of conditions or burst VERY hard with shatters. Now with chrono, it has a long block, access to aegis and still invuln from sword 2 lol.
And if what you’re trying to say is that mesmer isn’t strong without Chrono, that is also wrong because the old shatter meta is very strong to this day. It really sounds like a L2P issue that you’re having.
I call this a liar, at least show some hard fact not some thing you feel like it and make it into a fact.
here is one:
Was mesmer the worst and no one pick the class? No, but compare to the rest of them you might call it the second worst, not counting that no one pick thief and warrior
And this was before the nerf so there is no excuse for that mesmer was “always strong”.
Our “long” block is 1.5 sec and if we get to block we get another 1.5 sec block which add up to 3 sec block, same as every other shield blocking skill except we require a block to make it to full duration
Finally, Mind Wrack, are you one of those people that said Mind Wrack hit you for 5k per clone? Because that is bullkitten.No, but I have played my shatter mesmer quite a bit and have seen my mind wrack shatter on people for 5k per clone before. Granted, it is on things like full zerk thieves or rangers when I ran full zerk on my mesmer.
I really wonder what kind of builds you people are playing making you think like this lol.. A lot of L2Play and L2Build issues.
Edit: Let me help you out here:
Josh XT.6053, 5k damage per clones on a mesmer zerker build? First off, it’s not 5k but more like 3.5k to 4.5 max if your lucky. Second of all, this relates to your other questions, What build are we playing? Well it’s sure aint full zerker. That’s for noobs. & nobody that descent anoth plays full zerker anymore. Witch brings up the next point. Even if the mesmer zerker build was still viable & does it’s 15k damage after set up & F1. Now what? Well, It’s over unless nobody smart anoth to target the mesmer. A good quick cleave or AoE or condi bomb & it’s over. You know what’s funny, does build exist all across. There’s one ranger zerker build still working that one shots every one for 30k damage with that Bear attack. funny as hell. But once he’s done that, Ranger is good as dead. He get cleaved so fast by the other players makes it in the end not viable build. I don’t know who you trying to convince that power build mesmers still viable, but it’s not. & ther is no other builds that works except the condi build that’s in the meta. It’s obvious you havent played mesmer in a while.
Ps: That Link for the roamer, It’s good as much as any other power shatter build, but you still get cleaved even with the scrapper runes. If you miss your set up, you better run. But this kind of build does not work on Spvp.
(edited by Vieux P.1238)
Josh XT.6053 Your missing the point & i’m not surprised coming from a Necro player. I’m voicing up my opinion on this continuances nerfing of the mesmer to the point that we only have one playable build. In the past nerfs, we had at least 3 to 4 viable builds to work with. So……..Why dont you wait till your main gets nerfed to the ground before posting idiocies on this thread.
PS: Chrono is top meta. Your point is irrelevant.
Let me be clear with you here – I play every class, but main Dagger/Warhorn Elementalist. I don’t know where you would be coming from thinking I only play necro and its the only reason I would think mesmer is strong still. Maybe you just aren’t very good at mesmer? I’m pretty decent at mesmer and I’ve won plenty of PvP fights, WvW fights and duels on my mesmer.
Mesmer has been way too strong for way too long, it can almost infinitely be in stealth and apply a lot of conditions or burst VERY hard with shatters. Now with chrono, it has a long block, access to aegis and still invuln from sword 2 lol.
And if what you’re trying to say is that mesmer isn’t strong without Chrono, that is also wrong because the old shatter meta is very strong to this day. It really sounds like a L2P issue that you’re having.
Can remain almost infinitely in stealth, access to aegis from chrono and invuln from blurred frenzy? I’m not sure what game you’re playing, but it’s not guild wars 2.
Additionally, if the old meta shatter build was so strong, one might think that you’d see it more often. That’s not to say that you can’t succeed with it, but simply that it’s not nearly as good as the other options around. I’ll make an analogy since simple logic usually misses the mark here on the forums.
Let’s say you’re trying to build a cabinet. Unfortunately, you’ve misplaced your hammer and you only have a wrench and a bunch of nails. You could probably hammer the nails in with the wrench, but the amount of effort you’d spend trying to do such a silly thing would be massively larger, and you’d still do a worse job than if you just asked your neighbor to borrow a hammer. This is the relationship between the meta condie shatter and other workable Mesmer builds.
Fay, Let Josh XT.6053 rant. He really have no clue what he’s talking about. I think he just like to read himself thinking he’s smart. Absolute no constructive criticism or argument. sigh…
The point of Fay is simply that power shatter has 1 burst. That’s all. If you miss mind wrack you have no damage left.
On the other hand condi shatter can use every shatter for damage and recharge them all with the signet for another round, while always keeping max illusion count thanks to traits.
As always, the problem with power mesmer is the lack of sustained damage. We have one of the highest burst in the game. But this burst is highly telegraphed and with all passive procs, blocks/evades/invuln and innate tankiness, it does not suffice to pressure the enemy. Sadly our follow-up damage is ridiculously low.
Simply said & totally agree Silverkey. Can not ad to that.
Josh XT.6053 Your missing the point & i’m not surprised coming from a Necro player. I’m voicing up my opinion on this continuances nerfing of the mesmer to the point that we only have one playable build. In the past nerfs, we had at least 3 to 4 viable builds to work with. So……..Why dont you wait till your main gets nerfed to the ground before posting idiocies on this thread.
PS: Chrono is top meta. Your point is irrelevant.
(edited by Vieux P.1238)
What bugs me the most is the “double” nerfing that seems to be happening.
Nerf Moa… and remove Mercenary amulets
Nerf Alacrity.. then make quickness/slow no longer affect rez/stomping.
Meanwhile, other Elite’s are barely touched.
The POWERCREEP in this game has got be put in check! And it needs to happen fast and it needs to happen on EVERY PROFESSION. Not just one at a time.
That’s just recent. Been like this since the last 4 years now. Nerf this, nerf that.. no other class can claim this much nerf in it’s life span. & ur right, Nerf should go all across the board.. not only mesmers.
Right- gap between meta & not hits hard. But, What do you mean the problem is not from Anet running the mesmer down? It’s exactly that! & you just pointed it out. -Your saying exactly what i’m saying but in more details. Since HoT came out, almost one by one, Anet nerfed or killed every mesmer viable build to the ground. Build diversity but one is gone by Anet hand except for Condi build …we all know this. I’m not saying builds such as the bunker mesmer should not have bin deleted. Sure, i agree it was to much. But, what about all does other viable build that got destroyed? ( PU, mantra, power shatter, chrono Alacrity?..& ect…, all nerfed & destroyed.)
So let’s assume we have somehow 3 great archetypes, meaning 3 types of builds that were meta at some point:
- power shatter (the most viable build for most of mesmer history, meta after june patch up to HoT)
- bunker chrono (season 1 meta)
- condi chrono (season 2 and 3 meta)
Bunker chrono is the only one I can agree with you. It was demolished by nerfs. Essentially, removing quickness rez + alacrity nerf would have been enough to put the build in a bad spot, but they had to reduce protection, resistance, blind etc… as well. So we ended up with a build with decent but not amazing survivability, and bad support (the main problem of bunker mesmer currently is the lack of support).
But when people complain about the lack of build diversity for mesmers, they seem to mostly mean power shatter.
Power shatter was made very strong with the june patch. From then, they got many nerfs, but those nerfs, while often misdirected, did not put mesmer out of the meta. What killed power shatter is power creep of HoT. The build died when all broken elite specs arrived. Some people try to stick to it after the expansion, since power shatter was actually buffed by chronomancer. But despite CS, despite strong alacrity, despite blur on precog, etc… power shatter could not rival the super broken elite specs of other classes.
So I won’t blame a-net for nerfing chronomancer. I will however blame a-net (and many in the community who support this) for not nerfing elite specs back to core levels, for letting those builds with insane sustained damage (which power shatter does not have) and absolutely insane survivability despite that (which power shatter definitely does not have) ruling gw2 PvP. Power shatter is high risk, high reward. How can we compare to all the very low risk, very high reward specs around?
Silverkey.2078, I dont agree at all with most of your points. Your point on lack of diversity is completely off field. Ppl knows when we say build diversity, we are talking about builds that actually works. META & NONE META. Cuz anyone can pull about 50 different build out of the hat. Problems is none of them works efficiently. & saying that ArenaNet is not at fault for the mesmer nerfs is kinda of an ignorant statement when patch after patch Anet has hachet mesmers.
-Power shatter has no humpff to it’s dps & lacks actual damage.
-No one plays Mantra no more cuz it has bin chopped to the point of unviability.
-PU in pvp has bin one of the first that got decapitated reducing it’s invi duration in half & removing it’s aegis advantage.
& i can keep on listing all the others nerfs we had such as Chrono & point out Anet hatchet hands on the mesmer.
We have only 1 condi build that’s viable. & that’s only if you can kite well. So plzz.. pretty plzz. Besides condi, list me all the Viable build mesmer has that actually works in spvp?
Right- gap between meta & not hits hard. But, What do you mean the problem is not from Anet running the mesmer down? It’s exactly that! & you just pointed it out. -Your saying exactly what i’m saying but in more details. Since HoT came out, almost one by one, Anet nerfed or killed every mesmer viable build to the ground. Build diversity but one is gone by Anet hand except for Condi build …we all know this. I’m not saying builds such as the bunker mesmer should not have bin deleted. Sure, i agree it was to much. But, what about all does other viable build that got destroyed? ( PU, mantra, power shatter, chrono Alacrity?..& ect…, all nerfed & destroyed.)
I’ll say this again, What do you play? Solo q? Unranked?
If yes, you can play anything you want, power shatter, CI Lockdown, PU, Whatever you want.
I play rank in season & unrank when not. In both i take time to test out new build compositions which all of them are playable to an extent. But no matter how good, you are, you are dead countered by other classes due to the awful multi nerfs mesmer suffered. Condi build with a descent amulet is the only build left. Like said before, no build diversity. & like i said, Anet kill them all.
Right- gap between meta & not hits hard. But, What do you mean the problem is not from Anet running the mesmer down? It’s exactly that! & you just pointed it out. -Your saying exactly what i’m saying but in more details. Since HoT came out, almost one by one, Anet nerfed or killed every mesmer viable build to the ground. Build diversity but one is gone by Anet hand except for Condi build …we all know this. I’m not saying builds such as the bunker mesmer should not have bin deleted. Sure, i agree it was to much. But, what about all does other viable build that got destroyed? ( PU, mantra, power shatter, chrono Alacrity?..& ect…, all nerfed & destroyed.)
Not even gonna describe & say why, but this has become ridiculous. None mesmer crying all over & getting what they want is pitiful. Balance needs to be balance all across, not just mesmers. Second of all, this game needs 3 mod balance. NOT just 1 size fits all balance. It don’t work.
Anet Dev needs to get there poopy together & stop the madness. You have run mesmer down to the ground. Almost time for some Overwatch…
I’ve already mentioned that the Wanderer amulet is the logical replacement for the merc. But it’s still snoopy poopy cuz we only have condi build that’s viable. It’s getting boring. Again!
Paladin is a bad amulet unless you dont like to kill but just hang around all the time. Best merc replacement for the moment is prolly the wonderer. It’s still poopy dho.
(edited by Vieux P.1238)
I was using carrion + scavenging runes before merc anyway so I’ll probably just switch back to that.
Part of me wants to run viper, but everytime I experiment with it I don’t like being extreme glass.
Yeah it still works, but with all the changes since the last few patches, i dare you to survive with that build. I double dare you to survive especially vs a Revenant.
Unfortunately, mesmers has only 1 viable build left & it’s condi base. Power shatter is gone. Any vids out there are saying otherwise are old vids taken in the days when power shatters was still good.
The TRUTH: The merc amulet is what gives atm the mesmer survivability while keeping anoth power & condi damage to actually affect in the long term it’s opponents. Takes time since every one clens or is either resistant to condies. But well timed, a good mesmer player will down an opponent.
SITUATION: Idk if any of you tested other amulets & runes, but I’ve tried this season every combination possible.
Results is as follows:
Any AMULETS with high toughness, vitality or Armor, leaves the mesmer/chrono class lacking in damage to the point becomes useless vs any opponents. Enemies will take a bit longer to kill the mez/chrono but will finish you in the long run.
Running any high damage Condi or Dps amulets opens up mez/chrono for one shots. Plain & simple! Low on stat defense, skills & utilities are just not up to part to evade an onslaught of attacks such as from thieves & warriors for example. & some of the attacks from these classes cant be dodged or blocked.
The Merc amulet is the best in between of both worlds. It’s what gived the Mez/chrono the abilities to survive & actually giving it a fighting chance by doing anoth condi damage.
To bad… Mesmer/chrno is after this knocked off the meta or any viability play.
(edited by Vieux P.1238)
(Enemy transfers a Boon to you for every hits on your chaos armor. )
That would be perfect on does high speed pressure builds.
I’m actually glad that Argi called it out as he did. A slap in the face is prolly what Anet needs at this moment. No pretending! No sugar coating! Just plain truth. & i know lots of players feels the same way. Player base is moving on to other games as Argi stated for himself. Helseth ranted about not streaming Gw2 no more in hopes of sending a msg to Anet. This game & it’s dream for a serious Esport arena is imploding. Not becuz of the players but of Anet it self. Shame! ..ding…….Shame!…..ding!
Mesmers is going back to be food for the high pressure builds. Nice job Anet.
Moa was the only weapon of choice for most mesmers. Only skill that actually put pressure on classes that abuse cheese builds. & most of you do play & abuse cheesy builds. & Your right when you say without the 10sec moamorph, mesmers are nothing! Since all the nerf we incurred following the Robert Gee patch, that’s all we are left with. Mesmers dont have the power, speed or condi pressure to eliminate or to do actual damage to any of the cheese build. Damage vs dease types of players seems to rub or bounce off like it was nothing. Moa nerf hurted mesmers bad…especially with getting nothing in return What are we left with? Portal support.. that’s the remaining mesmer rôle? Sad sad sad!
More mesmer QQ’ing? Every season it’s the same sob story. I get it, Bunker mesmer last season was bad. But we are far from that now. After the way to many nerf that mesmers has incurred in the last year alone, we are left with one viable build. ONE! & the only reason why the class is surviving pvp is not cuz of the merc amulet or the inspiration line or the high skill level that mesmer players are in. It’s cuz none of you keeping the pressure on the mesmer. It’s way to easy to kill it. You complainers are just to use to have to deal with mesmers that does no damage & that you can deal & dispatch with last. With no consequence. I’m sorry, but i feel the game more balanced then ever since this off season we are having more & more close matches then disparities.
Power Shatter took skill and timing to use. The meta condi Mesmer is the very definition of spam and tank playstyle. Its much more like the bunker Mes from season 1 in its play style than the Power Shatter that people were ok with in the past.
Shatter is shatter no matter if it’s power or condi base. Playing mesmer takes skill & espacially timing or you die. Simple as that! If you dont time your shatters, They are bloc, dodged or just plain ignored & resisted. So i’m sorry, but your argument does not hold here. The rest..keep QQ’ing.. seems your high on that skill. sigh..:(
More mesmer QQ’ing? Every season it’s the same sob story. I get it, Bunker mesmer last season was bad. But we are far from that now. After the way to many nerf that mesmers has incurred in the last year alone, we are left with one viable build. ONE! & the only reason why the class is surviving pvp is not cuz of the merc amulet or the inspiration line or the high skill level that mesmer players are in. It’s cuz none of you keeping the pressure on the mesmer. It’s way to easy to kill it. You complainers are just to use to have to deal with mesmers that does no damage & that you can deal & dispatch with last. With no consequence. I’m sorry, but i feel the game more balanced then ever since this off season we are having more & more close matches then disparities.
To OP..i You say un-nerf True shot, then ok. I say then un-nerf Robert Gee original Mesmer. Only fare!
All you complainers dont know how to play.. I suggest you actually practice & get gewd.
The new builds are kinda fun, but the ones before HoT were much more fun imo.
Old builds? No they where not. In fact, i remembered well at the end a few month before HoT launched the betas. People had left cuz builds where in a sad state of bordem. HoT changed that for a little wile. Now you got classes that range from zero to 1 viable build. & playing the same viable build again & again is boring. But i would not want to return to Pre-HoT Builds. No thQ
I dont think he is asking for those to be the only viable builds he just wants to see a larger range of variety to let people play the way they want to play without it hurting their team
I got what he said. & it’s pretty clear what he ment. My point stands & not saying i dont want to see a wide large scales of variant builds. Dha! But i dont want to see the unbalance poopy builds we gotten before. As mentioned, turret Engies. Man that was the most stupidest build ever.
The new builds are kinda fun, but the ones before HoT were much more fun imo.
Old builds? No they where not. In fact, i remembered well at the end a few month before HoT launched the betas. People had left cuz builds where in a sad state of bordem. HoT changed that for a little wile. Now you got classes that range from zero to 1 viable build. & playing the same viable build again & again is boring. But i would not want to return to Pre-HoT Builds. No thQ
This is gonna break the mesmer to the point it will be useless again.
& i agree, mesmer is not the only offender here. All classes has unbalance OP poo poo issues as well. Care for a list?
Mesmers is fragile as it is.. if you add ICD, it will brake it & be back at square one.
You can defend Gw2 as much as you want, But Helseth is right. The game is not growing in population. & i always said that streamers is a reflection of that. Most of all the popular streamers left or have left streaming Gw2. & you think population has not dwindle as well?
Nerfing HoT is ridiculous especially after crying that stuff & events was to easy before Hot release. What this needs is balance & Scaling depending on population during events. Anything else other then that will render event lame & boring.
Timing.. Blocs & distortion.. We bin so much the underdog for so long, especially vs thieves that we actually developed skills & good timing.
just do something about moa, i’ll be happy. i think there is a consensus in the community about that.
ah, no! …….:/
Moa is fine.. in fact it needs a buff.
I said it before & say it again..L2p Moa
Mesmer is fine.. you all need to l2p & get nerfed
Mesmer dont need no nerfing.. it needs even more buffing. I vote Double moa from 10 sec to 20 sec duration 180 CD.
Scepter is actually good & viable with it’s shorter CD & buff damage. Still need to test but not bad.
We had a rage quit & we all lost a pip..??
this is getting BORING!!!!
trolololololo lolo lolo heheheheheeee.. everybody sing